MARCH 3I, 1976 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 9 ARTS AND CRAFT SHOW The Auxiliary to the McCausland Hospital displayed Arts and Crafts in a show at the Terrace Bay Public School on March I3th as part of the Winter Carnival '76. The show was a success thanks to Terrace Bay and Schreiber residents who brought their hand made crafts including.oil paintings, pottery, basket weaving, string and felt art pictures, as well as wood burning articles, quilts, needleworks, knitting and crocheting. Some hand made articles were also donated and sold, A point of interest was the international display of crafts and costumes from approx- imately twelve countries. Displays of drawings and pottery was put on by Mrs. Mary Middaugh, The Birchwood Terr- ace ladies displayed the craft they do at the Senior Citizen Home. A unique exhibit was put up by Mr. Stan Hodgkiss of his wood lathing. There were films showed throughout the day by Jaschern Sidhu under the direction of Ann Wilkes which attracted the adults as well as the children, especially when a film of the Construction of the K.C. mill was showed. The winning posters of the Carnival Poster Contest were displayed. A bake sale also took place on the same day which was a success. Thanks go to the members of Hospital Auxiliary who donated the baked goods. Two raffles were made at the end of the day. A leather purse made and donated by Mrs. Marion Burns was won by Mrs. Rita Mc- Bride. A Peter Puck cake, baked and donated by Mrs. Faye Figliomeni was won by Mrs. Eleanor DePoala. : LEGION MIXED BOWLING Final games of regular bowling for the Legion Mixed Bowling Teams took place on March 26th. Bombardiers are on the top with 96% points, Corvettes right behind with 95%, Irish Reg- iment 84%, Camerons 6I, Spitfires 59. High bowlers for the night were: Ted Vel- anoff 230; 208; D. Coupal 218, 20° (600), H. Duriez 245, S. Gusul 205; R. Belliveau 235; J. Fisher 2I3. Roll-offs will be on April 2nd, starting at 6:30 p.m. If you can't be there, notify your captain. THE CONFEDERATION COLLEGE OF €3EN APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY offers a : SEMINAR IN MARATHON LABOUR RELATIONS TODAY 1. METHODS OF REGULATING EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP. 2. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING. 3. DISCIPLINE, GRIEVANCES & ARBITRATION. 4. REDUCTION OF INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT THROUGH: : - First Contract Compulsory Arbitration - Duty to Bargain In Good Faith - Mid-Contract Negotiations, Mediation 5. REGULATIONS OF INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT THROUGH : - The Courts - The Labour Relations Board - Arbitration - Final Offer Selection. 6. THE RIGHT TO ORGANIZE & TO STRIKE - Should They Be Expanded or Restricted 7. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE EMPLOYER AND THE UNION UNDER THE LAW. This Seminar is to be held at Pic Motel, Marathon. Panel headed by Dr. A. Aggarwal and includes: Mr. John Keenan, Mr. Gilbert Hay, Mr. Verl Thompson. Seminar to run Friday, April 9th, 1976 - 7:00 p.m. ~ 10:00 p.m. Saturday, April 10th, 1976 - 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (lunch provided) REGISTRATION FEE: $25.00 includes lunch Obtain registration forms from: SCHREIBER ~ Lake Superior Board of Education Office, Schreiber Town Hal | TERRACE BAY - Terrace Bay Recreation Office Kimberly Clark Industrial Office.