PAGE I4 TERRACE BAY NEWS NOVEMBER 6, I974 SCHREIBER TOWN TOPICS family anecdotes or earlier days. Mrs. Shirley Brown who is leaving Schreiber Prom the dinner the party went to Ray Cookw for a new home in London was given a farewell party in the town hall on October 28th, attend -ed by both Schreiber and Terrace Bay friends. 'Shirley, although she in no way resembled the Good Samaritan with flowing beard and long loose garments, filled that role during the five years she spent here, with her husband, D.H. Brown, Civil Eng. for C.P.. Rail, finding the time, either brief or long, always avail- able to do a kindness. She was assisted in welcoming the many friends who came, by Mrs. Karl Kacmierczak and her daughters, Moira and Heather. Mrs. D.Q. Hamilton was the table hostess. The tea was poured by Mrs. Ethel Smitheman and Mrs. Jack Stokes, Mrs. Cyril Sparkes and Mrs. Rex Dye. Servitors were Mesdames Don Beno, Bill Collinson, Gary Lapworth, Wayne Stewart, George Lengyel, Bill Tripp, Alex Krystia, and E. Bourgeois, with Ann Stokes attending the guest book. Replenishing were Mesdames Russell Macadam, Frank McKenna, Gordon Lake and Steve Maronese. The gifts she received were indicative of her wide interests in community affairs. Mrs. Bill Furlonger has returned home after visiting her son Laurie Furlonger and his fam- ily in Ottawa. Mrs. Simonne Webb is in the General Hospital, and Mrs. Louella McColeman in St. Joseph's Hospital, both in Thunder Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Whent of White River spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Fummerton. Mrs. Cosimo (Grandma) 's home for the evening when a painting by Mary Middaugh of Terrace Bay Beach was presen- ted, with many other personal gifts. Attending the celebration was Marilyn Cook of Beardmore (daughter); Mr. and Mrs. Arnie O'Keefe, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Shapiro of Thun -der Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Naldo Stortini and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Almos, Terrace Bay; Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Whent of White River, from out of town as well as their many relations and friends in Schreiber. LAKE SUPERIOR SCHOOL BOARD OFFERS A HOUSE BUILDING COURSE THROUGH THE NIGHT SCHOOL PROGRAM PERSONS INTERESTED SHOULD ATTEND CLASS NOVEMBER 14, 1974 at 7:00 P.M. AT TERRACE BAY CAMPUS REGISTRATION FEE $15.00 HI'NER, FREDDIE! 'OW ARE YER FINDIN' MARRIED LIFE? Bahamas The Commonwealth of the Ba- hamas achieved full independ- ence from Great Britain on July 10, 1973. The Bahamas comprise nearly 700 islands and extend over 700 miles from Florida to Haiti. BE SOFT. I 'OPE YER DONIT ELP = WI' THE YAS Ie up = OH, NOT Too BAS, MR. CAPP Speziale, is recovering after surgery, in the General Hospi- tal, Thunder Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cook, nee Anita Stortini, were entertain- ed on their 25th wedding ann- iversary on October 25th, by their family, relations and intimate friends, at a dinner held in St. John's Church Hall. -=T DO ITALL BY MESELF 7GET OUT OF MY SIGHT! George Scott, was the M.C., saying the Grace, and later, calling other relations for tributes to the happy couple evoking many happy and amusing