MARCH I3, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS FRECE CT ECL \ MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT TH L 0 L IS AN ER n 0 Mr. and Mas. Paul Coupal are pleased to 8 announce the muuiage«of their daughter, ; : Mary Clara to Mn. Joseph Papineau, son of IN YO U R Mri. and Mrs. Marius Papineau of Terrace Bay. The wedding was sofemnized by Judge M. Bake at Pont Arthur Count House on Friday, TE LE DH 0 N E B 0 0 K February 22nd. The bride's sister, Pauletie \ Coupal and MC. Garry Suc attended Zhe: couple. Surprize guests who eos fron watentoc | ON PAGE 113 UNDER STRAND THEATRE were Susan Graham and Paul Theriault. Linda Sabtoinien oa Ludger Comeau also attended TERRY KORZINSKI TELEPHONE CE Te ee Seg NUMBER SHOULD READ 825 3363 ONTARIO'S NEW TAX CREDIT SYSTEM: : 20utof 3 Ontario residents who file income tax returns this year will share $300 million in tax credits. (Even if they don't pay income tax!) Families. pensioners. roomers, boarders. the handicapped and others will benefit. Ontarios new Tax Credit System provides for three separate credits, and heres how they work: 1. People who own or rent (including roomers and boarders) may share in the Property Tax Credit. 2. People who fill out a Federal income tax return may share in the Sales Tax Credit. 3. People over 65 may share in the Pensioner Tax Credit. You must fill out a Federal income tax return. The new purple Ontario Tax Credit Form comes attached inside it. So even if you don't pay income tax. you should still file a Federal income tax return with the Ontario Tax Credit Form this year. We want you to get your fair share of Ontario' tax credits. William G. Davis, Premier Arthur K. Meen, Minister of Revenue TAX CREDIT SYSTEM If you have any questions you may. free of charge. dial "0" and ask the operator for Zenith 8-2000. Residents within the Metro Toronto local calling area should dial 965-847 i