MARCH I3, I974 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE II a. L.A: EVENING GROUP MEETING The Evening Group of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Community Church met on Monday evening. Mrs. Cora Ropchan, presided and opened the meeting with a poem, entitled "A Smile" Mrs. Margaret McKague read the minutes and correspondence, which included a letter of thanks from the Official Board of the Church for a recent donation of $700. which helped to retire the debt, and a letter of thanks from the Mental Health Association for a recent donation. Treasurer Pam Jones gave her report. Sick and Visiting Convener, Stella Brown stated she had sent cards to people who were ill, and had also visited the guests at Birch- wood Terrace. Mrs. Ropchan stated that there had been 79 memberships sold during the last membership drive, and she thanked take-out order if desired. Mrs. Leona Mercure was in charge of the worship period. Bandages were rolled for NeCausland Hos- pital. Lunch was served by Mrs. Peggy Thompson and Mrs. Marg Gander. SCHREIBER LEGION AUXILIARY A donation of $500.00 was made to the Schreiber Medical Centre at the March 5th meeting of the Auxiliary to the Royal Canad- ian Legion, Branch I09. Mrs. Jean Crook pre= sided and twenty-six attended. An order for twelve past presidents' pins was approved. It was decided to check furth- er on the cost of a new plaque for The Fallen continued page I2 ....... . all those who had assisted in the Mem- bership Tea. Mrs. Ropchan ann- " ounced that Mrs. Marge Lundberg and Mrs. Vera Kennedy had agreed to form the Manse commit- tee for the following year. Mrs. McKague ann- ounced she was now taking orders for re- turn address labels. Mrs. Lil Harris said she would like the ladies to save Canada Packer labels toward a new clock for the Church hall. Mrs. McKague, as director of her Junior Choirs, informed the ladies that the Joy Singers need new white choir gowns, as the girls are getting taller, and the old gowns no longer fit. Mrs. McKague was given permission to purchase material for new gowns 'and sewing ladies would be found when necessary. A donut and coffee party is being planned for later in March, with donuts to be a Ministry of Health Ontario Hon. Richard T. Potter, M.D, Minister What a day! You're 21. After you turn 21 your parent's OHIP insurance no longer includes you. You're on your own. So apply for your own OHIP number. Don't delay or you could be walking into. an emergency uncovered! Get an appli- cation form from an OHIP District Office and send it in immediately. Important: Always quote your OHIP number when contacting OHIP. The OHIP District Office in'your area will answer any questions and help you with your application. Mississauga 55 City Centre Dr. 275-2730 Hamilton Kingston 25 Main St. W. 528-3481 1055 Princess St. 546- 3811 London Ottawa 227 Queens Ave. 433-4561 75 Albert St. 237-9100 Sudbury . Thunder Bay 295 Bong. St. 675-9111 200 South Syndicate Ave. 623-5131 Toronto Windsor : 2195 Yonge St. (Eglinton) 482-111 1427 Ouellette Ave. 258-7560