PAGE IO TERRACE BAY NEWS FEBRUARY 27, I974 HOSPITAL BOARD MEETING The McCausland Hospital Board held a regu- lar meeting on February I9, I974 in the Terr- ace Bay Municipal Office. The Development Committee has completed their Report of the Health Services Program for the new facility. A special meeting will be held on Feb. 28th to review this report in depth. If approved by the full Board, Dr. Baldwin, of the Ministry of Health, will be invited to Terrace Bay in order to obtain gov- ernment approval for the next stage. The Finance Committee has met with represen- tatives of both town councils to discuss finan- cial assistance to the hospital. Both councils agreed that there should be a joint meeting of the two councils to discuss the matter and to arrive at a fair sharing of the financial needs] of the hospital which are not covered by norm- al operating grants. The Public Relations committee announced +i» that the I974 Membership Drive has begun and volunteer canvassers have already started thein door-to-door campaign. The committee will attempt to obtain additional radio and news- paper publicity for the Membership Drive and Annual Meeting. Pat Buck and Joe Figliomeni were appointed as the Nominating Committee for elections at the Annual Meeting. Dorothy Rummery has been re-appointed as the Board representative for the Township of Schreiber. The President of the Board asked all Board members to assist the Nominating Committee by proposing names of possible candidates for Board membership. She noted that willingness to serve the community and time to perform the many duties were probably more important than formal education or business experience. The Administrator reported that the new nursing station desk should be ready within I-2 weeks. The new furniture for the hospital lobby has been ordered and additional flores- cent light fixtures have been installed in some areas of the hospital. Occupancy rate for the month of January was one of the highest in recent years. Dr. Adey gave a report on the In-Service Education session attended by the nursing staff on Feb. IIth. Dr. Joannes, of the Port Arthur Clinic, has accepted our invitation to give a paper to a joint meeting of the medical and nursing staff on March I5th. Joan Nugent announced the completion, of the Auxiliary Membership Drive and presented a $766.08 cheque to the Board for the purchase of a wall cabinet, wheelchair, commode, and in April in the Schreiber Campus Auditorium and it is hoped that this may be an annual event. Accounts for January, I974 in the amount of $22,599.90 were passed for payment. Under new business Rena McAdam reported that the hospital has received the proposed heating agreement from Pinewood Court. The Executive Committee will meet with hospital legal counsel before proceeding with negotia~ tion of the agreement. Due to the Treasurer's absence V. Mazzone gave the Year-End Operating Report. The hospital finished the year $8,859 over the 3 approved budget but was under budget on a per diem basis due to a 5.6% increase in patient A days. Frank Anderson, Don Beno and Bill Kirkpa- 'trick notified the Board that they would not stand for re-election at the completion of 3 their two-year term which expires at the : Annual Meeting. The President expressed her thanks for their past service 'and asked for their help in the search for capable replace- ments. 4 The next regular meeting will be held on March I9, I974 in the Schreiber Municipal Office. ; : Foyer lift. The Auxiliary plan to hold a dance TERRACE BAY WINTER CARNIVAL March 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th PLAN TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS YEAR'S © CARNIVAL A finalized list of events will appear in next week's News. Carnival brochures hope=- 4 fully will be available for door-to-door delivery on March 5th. The final "open" Planning meeting will take place TONIGHT, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, at § 7:00 p.m. in the Large Meeting Room of the Recreation Centre. All organizations and individuals sponsoring an activity in the Carnival are urged to attend. Carnival flyers have been posted in all downtown stores as well as the Recreation Centre.