Vol. I7 No. 6 February I3, I974 I5¢ Per Copy CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INSTALLS OFFICERS The Annual Meeting of the Terrace Bay Cham- ber of Commerce was held Thursday, January 24th with I4 members present. Deputy Reeve J. Hale installed the I974 President, R.F.C. Buck- ley and Vice-President, R. Bray. The eight directors are Mrs. E. Connors, M. Moore, J. Mikus, D. Beno, R. Sinotte, W.E. Cavanaugh, J. Hale and J. Whetter. A notice board will be installed in the lar- ger window of the Credit Union and should be available for use by the public very soon. The son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Moore, Adam Gregory Moore, is Terrace Bay's First Baby for I974 and his parents will be honoured with a dinner in the near future. Correspondence included part of a newsletter being put out quarterly by the Lake Superior International Highway Association to encourage "~urists to travel around Lake Superior. : continued page 2 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SEMINAR AT MARATHON ONTARIO EXPANDING YOUR BUSINESS (Series II): A business management seminar primarily for bus- inessmen owning and operating smaller enter- prises will be held in Marathon at the Mara- thon Recreation Centre on Monday, March 4th. Arranged by the Advisory Services Department of the Industrial Development Bank, the semin- ar will be one of a series in the new program of such services to be conducted by the Bank in smaller centres across Canada. Some 25 to 30 businessmen are expected to attend the seminar, which will consider fin- ancial statements of a small business and the effect that an expansion has on them. The IDB, which was established in I944 as a subsidiary of the Bank of Canada, makes loans to businesses of all types for a varie- ty of purposes. Almost half of the Bank's loans are for $25,000 or less and the bank is especially interested in assisting smaller businesses. : The recently-formed Advisory Services Depar -tment of the Bank is issuing a series of free pamphlets on small business management, organ- izing management seminars and in other ways is endeavouring to help owners and operators of smaller businesses to improve their manage- ment skills. MUSIC EXAMINATIONS: At the Royal Conservatory of Music piano- forte examinations held recently in Thunder Bay, Miss Donna Lapenskie, pupil of Mrs. J. Rattray, successfully passed her Grade I with honours.