DECEMBER I9, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 We wish fine fo express customers. sincere thanks it's a pleasure to all our to serve you. Loos Measpuesit WIGS - HAIRDRESSER TERRACE BAY Phone 3367 MR. AND MRS. LOHR GIVEN FAREWELL PARTY Members of the Terrace Bay Community Church had an opportunity to bid farewell at an After Church Christmas Coffee Hour in the Narthex of the Church, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lohr, who leave shortly to make their home in Elmira, Ont. During the morning service, a special men's choir presented a musical numker, under the direction of Mrs. Margaret McKague, with Mrs. Ellen Hodgkiss at the organ. Mr. Lohr, a long-standing member of the choir, sang a solo, the well-beloved "Holy City". Rev. Peter McKague paid tribute to Emily and Bert Lohr, who have been active in the Church for more than twenty-five years. Mr. Lohr, has been on the Official Board of Stew- ards, the Committee of Elders, Superintendant of the Sunday School, and with his great know- ledge of music, has often contributed his tal- ents towards the music during services. Mrs. Lohr often played the organ when the regular organist was absent. Mr. McKague assured the Lohr's that they would be greatly missed in the life and work of the Community Church, and yet he said, they would bring their gifts to enrich their new home Church in Elmira. Mrs. G. Soughton, Mrs. J. Brooks and Mrs. E. Kennedy served Christ- mas cake and coffee. The best of wishes go with the Lohr's as they leave Terrace Bay for their new home. BROWNIE FLY-UP The First Terrace Bay Guide Company held their Fall Fly-Up ceremony in which I3 Brow- nies flew up to Guides. Madam Commissioner, Mrs. A. Cvitkovich pre -sented Brownie Wings to the following Brown- ies: from Ist pack - Michele Luke, Sandra Aylward, Janice Liebrock, Lesley Anderson, Tracy Bulawka, Sylvia Landry, Barbara Churney Joyce Kurylo; from 2nd pack - Judy Caron, Roseanne Cvitkovich, Annette Beaulieu, Carol Anne Osmar, Terry Allenback. The Brownies sang a Farewell Song, then each girl said good-bye to her six pack and guiders and was welcomed to the Guide Company The ceremony was followed by campfire and lunch was served to friends and parents by the Local Association to Guides and Brown- ies. SEASONARI E GREETINGS