JANUARY 3I, I973 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 17 CLASSIFIED ADS - CARDS OF THANKS ANNOUNCEMENTS Minimum Charge - 75¢ (25 words and under) cash in advance. ($I.00 if charged) 3¢ per word after 25. FOR RENT - 3 Bedroom House with basement, Phone 824-2844 from 6-8 Poem, FOR SALE - Babies used clothes, Good condition, some like new, 10¢ - $1.00, Size 3 months - 2 years. Also, 23" Black & White T. V. Like new, Phone 824-2739. WANTED TO BUY - Play pen. Prefer Wood, Phone 825-3667. FOR SALE - 1969 Moto Ski, 30 h.p. 18" track, M S 18 Model. Phone 824-2221, FOR SALE - 1972 Firenza U cyl. 4 speed standard transmission 1 owner only. Still on warranty. Phone 824-2066, CARD OF THANKS - I would like to thank all those who sent cards or visited me in hospital. and staff, also Dr, Pearson and murses on 3rd West in the General Hospital and very special Thanks to Mrs, Yvonne Vieneau for looking after my family. = Bob and Leona Fournier CARD OF THANKS - Special thanks to the staff of McCausland Hospital, Dr, Wykes, friends, neighbours, all who helped in any way during my recent accident. Thanks to those who sent cards, gifts, donations, baking etc. - Lawrence Madge CARD OF THANKS = I would like to thank all my relations and friends for the cards, flowers and phone calls I received in Toronto General Hospital for tests, TI really appreciate them, - Dorothy Kinney CARD OF THANKS - The family of the late W.G.A, Furlonger wish to thank their relations and friends for the many affectionate and concernad expressions of sympathy ext=- ended to them during their recent bereavement - by Rev. A. Chabot, St. Andrew's United Church choir, Dr, Wykes, Ken McNally, for floral tributes, donations to the Anglican Church Organ Fund, and other funds, cards, the use of cars, baking and many other kindnesses. CARD OF THANKS = I would like to thark Dr, Adey, Dr. McCeusland, nurses of the hospitel, Legion Women's Aux=- iliary 223, also the General Hospital, Thunder Bay, Dr. Remus and the Women's Auxiliary Legion 5, Thunder Bay North and the nurses of the 4th floor in the General Hospital East Ward, ~ Michael Strocen CARD OF THANKS - To Dr. McCausland, nurses and staff of McCausland llospitel and to those who sent cards, flowers, and gifts and to my family for their love and kindness while I was ea patient in the hospital, my sincere and grateful thanks. - lily Wilson, CARD OF THANKS = My sincere thanks to those who sent cards and to the Crade 5 Cless of Holy Angels School for poems during my recent loss of my father, - Mrs, M. Dobush, APARTMENT FOR RENT ~- heated upstairs apartment. 824-2030, Phone BUSINESS DIRECTORY . m. dodick ke » 1119 VICTORIA AVENUE thru THUNDER BAY Classified Special thanks to Dr. Adey PHONE 622-7726 GENERAL INSURANCE BRUCE SIMON NOTARY PUBLIC REPRESENTING - Wawanesa Mutural-Royal Group and Canadian Surety Business Phone 824-2562 START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT WITH MAE'S GREAT SPECIALS FROM FEBRUARY I5th - END OF THE MONTH Perms $25.00 for $15.00; $I5.00 for $10.00 $10.00 for $ 7.00 which includes set and cut. Streaks - $15.00 for $I0.00 Cut, wash & set $5.00 for $4.00 Shampoo & set - $2.50 Monday - Thursday. COFFEE SERVED PRENATAL CLASSES will be held in Terrace Bay commencing early in February. It is unlikely that further classes will be held until October. For information call the Thunder Bay District Health Unit 824-2413 Schreiber. EARN MONEY COME & GO TEA IN SPARE TIME In honour of Miss Queenie Men or Women to restock and Spicer's Retirement, collact money from new type, Anglican Church basement high quality coin-operated dis- Saturday evening, February pensers in your area. 3rd, B8-I0 p.m. Everyone NO SELLING welcoma, To qualify must have car, ref- erences, $1,000 to $3,000 cashd SALESMAN OR AGENT WANTED 7-12 hours weekly can net exc-| DEPENDABLE MAN WHO CAN WORK 2llert income, More full timed WITHOUT SUPERVISION. Earn We establish your route, For | $14,000 in a year plus bonus. personal interview, write incldq Contact customers in the uding phone number, to: Terrace Bay area. Limited B.V. DISTRIBUTORS, Limited auto travel, We train, Air Dept. A, 1117 Tecumseh Rd, E.| mail S.0. Dickerson, Pres., Windsor N8W 1B3, Ontario. Southwestern Petroleum, Tox 789, Ft, Worth, Tex.