Ontario Reformer, 29 Aug 1873, p. 2

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1 PEFIar a ty cH (FARRELEE EE is Gi FIREFEELE 4 AHL J ARN Eo Lice ge Peelict - of Paris, M. Renn d, view ty replace him by ene of thir own party. 0 ERE RR EUROPEAN NEWS. wn ae La ost by Atlantic Cable. GR EAT Iv BRITAIN. Loxpox, Aug: 26 "There was a demon stration of trades unionists at Edinburgh, on Seturday, 15,000 men walked in pro cession. The object of the demonstration was to protest against the Criminal Law Amendment Act. Loxpon, August, 26,-- The Right Hon Wm. Monsell, Postmaster. Genern', has tendered his resignation, but at the solic tation 6t Mr. Girdsione, consents to remain temporarily in charge of the department Loxpox, Aug. 26. Tho storm of Sun dayand Sunday night wis one of nupre- cedented severity. Aceontits from Cam- ' rid ze, Peterborough, Wisheach, New ark F and ether towns represent that the wind and | ghtning were appalling Thousands of people refused to ge to bed, lest thei Lonses shoald be overwhelmed while slept. A number of fires were kindled by lightning and many death Loxpous, Aung. 20.1 he } ave closed their case against the Bauk of Pngland forgere, and the defence opened this jnorning In the absence of counsel for the accused, Bidwell, the jiincipal in the frands, himself bogan the cxosg-examination of the witnesses {uUstii Crown, After Geo. Bidwell had concluded CTOSS-EXan on of the witnesecs for t! j rossgution, he delivered an address the cou~t, in which he exonersted Austin Pidwe and Edwin Noybs from ali com 1 licity in the frauds, and declares 'h snd Geo. Macdonnell were the onl A partic. Macdonell also addresse d th Congt, bearing out the sta temgnts o f Bi The case wis then given to the who, after twenty minutes delibera found all the accus guilty. Mr Justice Archibald immediate ly sentenced each of the prisoners to-penal servitude for life, the highest ponisluoent under the laws for the offence. EGYPT prosecution George ALEXANDRIA, Anz. 2 Sir Samuel Baker and party Have reached Cairo on their return from their expedition into the terior of Afric BEIGIV M. ANTWERP, August 26.--A flagration was occasioned hor Ly a stroke of hghtning. ene of + largest wareln This, with the surrounding buildings, was goon wrap ped in flames, and the entire block was destroyed. The fire Lis been extingu shed. lhe damage is est mated ut $400,000. © HEE 1 . whieh set on tir 8 in the city FRANCE Paris, Ang. 27. =The bread ciuces an agitati 'n In quarters of the « iy, ay prehiended "serious trouble may A special mesting of the Cabinet lias been called fur to-day question. Several mer rembly have proposed as «vil an aininating duties as to ¢ ier of t whic a ont to¢ immediate suppression AMERICAN NEWS. i Futoo} bu Folpnrant Very Latest by Telegraph Vaerpuya, W. Va. cident oc 1 on Ohio Rai Cameron, £rants we execution | ren were killed by any houses Ditsof fi: ery hand destroy vnan blood are seen kt now. transpires it were s ¥ 1 i ities to discover the Goodrich mur- says the appeal » have the Mod Ang owstone exped tion at tor, say the battle which took place with- 1a two miles of the Rig Horn was a fierce one. General Custer and Adjutant Ket- cham had their horses shot under them. Lieutenant Braden was badly shat in the thigh, private Tattle, General Custer's or ly, was Killed, and twenty soldiers slightly wounded. We had four horses killel and three wounded. The Indian Iss is estimated. by. Gengral Custer at forty killed and wounded.' The Indians were well armel with heavy rifles,and had abandant amunition. New Yorg, Anz 25.--A errible acct dent oezeurrad on the 8 with Side Railway Long Island, this morning betwean Frea port and Babylon. The threa last « { the morning express train jumped off the track, and rolled over and over. There were only about twenty passenge in ths cars, mostly women and e all of who. were mora or loss injur New York, Ang. nud eighty-five uncut twelve cot dia mounds, from the South African ficlds, and valasd at £80,000, were scized by the cars Custom House officials on the person of | © N. Lancaster, a €hicazian. who in the-eity of Chester from Europe. A por tion of them wore in a Chamois skin bag wround Mr. Lareaster's, body. Ile denies that he attempted to smagyle them, but merely wore the gems ac souvenirs. - -- GI -- A Graiphis carr r-pigeon, Ariel, sixty-four wiles in halt an hoor last week Two miles a minute is' doing pretty well arrived flew The largest amonut ever paid sotry of the Boston Custon Hone paid last week Ly C. F. Hovey & Co. wis $102,461 in gold. = Al vue A monument is to be ercated over the romaine of Col. Ellsworth, Wis It will be the first part of September. Mra. Walwe Yiile, Walworth has Ietnrned ty th mansion at Saratoga. Nel Walworth, her daogliter, has Luarope with lier uncle. A man at Lewiston, Pa, recently od a letter rive u his ne how whivh 1 been written at Faliouth, Va., iu 18363, and had taken ten years to reach its des tination. An oll lady named Hancock, at Clicko pee Falls, Mass., has lun on vue side for five years. The physicians say that any change of position would eausz her de Her Jiscas: is water arouud the leart, John J.Saider,aged 108 years, vho serv. 31 in the British army in the war of the wvolutinn, and was subsequently under Blacher in the battle of Waterloo, died recently in the poor-house at Statesville, Mr. Daniel M'Aleese, publisher of the Uls'er Examiner, Las been -eluased from gaol, hoving c smpleted hh four moath's imprisonment for c ey of court committed before Judge Lawson ' the assizes in March. Tlere was no i smonstration ot any kind. ¥rom . private ldters reccived here, mys the Gums, News (Berlin) "if ap pears tha! at Paris there is a general faar of a Boaapartist coup ds eat ducing tic aljonramant of the je tional Assew- Tie: Binapartists are eaid to Le removal of the Police with a ing for the "» ty are reported . 26, --Two hundred | tho resistered | i setiles the NTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, ONT., r1uDAY AUGUST 29, 1878. Trunk 1 OSHAWA STATION Time Table. GEITAWA TIME. COING FAS WHITBY 8 ng Kast TATION, leave Whitly r, and those going West fi voen | above, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Organs Povmanville Factory. Fowke, V. Chubb, Sale--Jd. W Grocerigs-- R flotel = N. Rae Assizcs - Sheriff Reynolds, Livery --R. V. Chil, Robbie Burns s. Powell Debentures) Cowan, Britons Atte: Maxwell Directory --John Lovell The Ontario Oshawa, Fri Tay, Anzust 29, 1873 THE GREAT FARCE AT OITAWA eformer but the extra 1 sit feel the wosi svbservi Nothing skip could have Gowan snd Pole [-Tes ne their vanity might have the 1 would icty as to be nentary ampeac totic letter of the which we wed their hiey have found it, on ; and thay will Thay have t tools by which avored to 3 have at have at Opposition wi vid ery of loyalty to the Cr General. ften bron ernor ) ght to nan necessary to mention at rain. world just wever that the Opposition comprise the most intelligent and wealthy ll es most loyal population 1e country, not boast of a G the nexation signer of g Maaifesto ; nor of a Cart prescribed outlaw ; nor yet do they glory as do the quandom worshippers of Joyalty, ut House of Her Maj Fray and to th rmers of Canada are of having burned a Parlizm e and rotten-egred a Vice roy Thise are proofs of \ belong The R that to the Torizs 1 i £ scll their na we Sir John did at Wasl ise the " men who ington ; who compron lives of our best and bravest citizens, for blood-money to keep themselves. in power, as Sir John ue ; wlio greet the murder of a loyal subject, with negative approbation, Lu treated the i Pacitic woneyr, as Sir John did re ' : these Mail calls loyilty, ship, the wasraere of poor , or who se wilway charters ir bribery qualities, wlich the pair statesman Reform party has no part iz. And who ius It was th united the Governor General 1 s Mail which first made positive nt of what his course i to His Exceller Halifax t was the M { that announce was to iey's speech at vl which roi erated general statements made by him re intended to be a weition, and thus placing his Excellency y before the conitry as a po Itis the M es to sncok out | litical partizan. il and its usible Government, and ord Dufferin : which, as the respousi- evesy one but ests vith the . Government the crowr. "Ar Vit ie the J h thas en thie eupl vr, in attoceiny 13 wm "insuiting that he coonr:e of the and ! could [ himself, by Lord I uf felt that he had acted part of a politice? perlizan. it would not be an insult 3 but the just in dignation of traged pe believe that as Lord Dallerin | eecrued to him mest jndicions in Le does take lo tempt fe! ity lessened by it, Parliamentary priviie The fact is feren, ua Iu euch a case A grave crisis, not himself the t for his Ministry, If the Mail was authorized to epeek in his behalf in this scorn and con nor feel his d people really believed that the wiatter, they would consider him too con temptibie, even fur abuse. the statement tle anthority of the Governor. taken by the ia Cypposition, on Eince writing the above, is made cu eneral, that the course mwa jori Parliaiaent, the 13th of August, give to His Excellency. ry clap-trap, was in no way ffn- This «ft #dis accusations, Those charges were' Rev, Put we! acted as | ? to get tik information. -- { THE MAIL AND MR FAREWELL. | OUR MODEL GOVERNMENT. If there is one wan mor than anothar | Perhaps onr readers will be astonished of the to see' the remark that the Dominion Government | oc nment Lave to be thankfu! for the the member for South that blew the | Ontario, and we have noticed that since | Sandal across their path, the H Nicholson beenme ons of the tors of the who sccms to be a thorn in the side the Mil managers --the it is local breese Pacific Railway inasmuch as it (Gibbs Mail, vindictive norable Thomas has divertad public attention from their dire shortcomings ordinary m the conduct of | that slice* has hoen { and ne usuAly The wretched bung! peblic alluirs, ing at sight of i by the people--swallowed up in that larger the sale of the A short time since wo had Mail for Iv forzing statements and attri Mr. Apray Fanewiur, Litter Ottawa, recs to dave been Jost to ery shame npon the 1 . | iniquity, Pacitic Railway well to Keep a watchful eye vpon matters less motnen- ) charter, It 1s neverthielens, in order to find something for which to! man, but it | tons, abuse that gent secs and observe whether or not the Gov vo sense of decency controls 1s ¢ ernment are administering te business of h SABO 2 ith loa Without rhyme or reason and with leas of | country in such a manner as to com A ree attention to the m sense, like a dog baying at the Mail Mr. FareweLL { comm | mand commends tion, vt letter from wnst have its When all else is this under poor, the fling at Litter one cet morsel is kept to roll the tonghe It may be that the Ma#! man's tailor, and the Minister of Tuland Rs Ancestors Europe has drawn « Department of Immigration. The writer ness avd disappointment, a prominent Canadian had been on a visit Vienna, and with land imbued, to the Expositicn at y that pride in Lis native with which venue's Norns : ente's NOPNAN | ost Canadians are made his have given them a common | first journey to the Canedian quarter, in what effort had bee exLibit the products of resources of this . ty " i grievance against Mr. Farewell," who is | order to see on made to mly one of those * blawsted fel'ahs" in 1 digenous to Canadian soil, and can neither | country in jtixiaposition to those of the old dress like a member of the Cockney swell | © Frenne Lis surprise at finding industry amid the nob, nor swear that his Ancestors dwelt X that the sole me in un castle before Adam made his spade. | "That, however, ean but the gvievance, mento of the this vast Dominion, be a portion of and ns Mr the suffering | profusion from Farewery is | stockholders of chattel-morfgage™ of the faithful, we reason for the animo covery othor na- s a bottle of T; of shrivelled leather, effect of the bottle. of the comparable products of our forests, not a tion of the earth, wa Oil, and a little bit set forth th non not one of the Mail. and has ao ** we Mail, and has ne purporting to preps a sample of grain, on the pocket organ wra'ion contained in the nust seek another not a sliver ted against him, and wm is this Mr. Mr. Gibbs, not the wrne and wth Fargwell seit Se not #n evidence ished 'n the land, arlicle natur manufactured, speck of our uinerals, ' omy ep! that any mdustry fl Ontario in the Local and Donunion Par- not asingl ul or liaments, bat they are ihe represen otlier thing to show that Canada or any tatives of two lanl tive systems of t y especially great antagoustic prin- 1 had resources which offer ample Astin to dev The Prussian, Russian, or Austrian--the ciples--the nwks of two all who have the industry lop them ! promi en this ¢ for certs SASOL 3 : : ' nen 1s ( for certain reaso ig crowded old world inh hin Maedonald's ) i Vienna to see what ¢ 1 unty Mr. G bbs represe hed systein of ¢ abitant who visited its Sir Jo louz-cheri ectural cormpp- mita- y which best opportunities to the eu must have found sc bottle of * Con Vienna by grant, tion, by which Parliamentary tion is confined to the repr bi sant encouragement in that ligarchy--! { . sit ' tannin oi unprincipled and brai ed to ¢ ability whi bot honest and 1 ¥ Mr. Gibbs of mo nless wealth is enabl made at bers of the United Sta } 1 inot but wonder at the the folly, Minister of Agrienlture pare the splendid show h has nothing our to support it mrehased 18 seat chr iron A h at by « | short supreme folly under a law y that prompted the NPOSIIDIE. | to forego one of the best chances that ever offered of the advantages offaad by this country to the to the tha inteliige of showing evidence rare the nnogrant, s¢ who are most interest them. It is golden opportunities which so seldom oc ed in ng one of thos Corruptionists, cur thrown irrecoverably away, and is but of the pslicy of a Min termined not only to ri home 3 abroad, p out of the land "he ' that ean make it what it ought be--the nnmicrant. Farew . a part and parce] try thet our credit at actually to ki being 1 laim, comes upon Mail man lik sort of Ghos , ane ts him 1 ces a ports Lim out « tem to say disagre Bat Mr r. Farewell Farewell can WANTED A SITUATION "The Hon Mr. Ed! TRE ACCUSED AN al ACCUSED AN IZ ACCTSER. tim go goment t highest pn If from exposure an Jt is to pposed as it had to The | be ymit to this him or fo of gr Lave disturbed ie had still any ther the Hon. anthonty to exec is a poor relation of the Hon, whether that te himself, know whe Mr. Eckstro man, id to hum! AflLibald McKellar, give a lift to a gentleman, ree Yuppets wh on taken by the ssipated HustiNgnoN right of ropresentatives to try all t their Ministers, face of the desp Government, under the Par- indignity, dy feels bow Hoestisepoy must Lave cveu to a h: Lunow ; with takes his stand and we do thing as to Mr. Eckstr fitness for the hope Mr. M:K-llar will not treat with the Hon. Swede until he has received a full account of his life, from the vindieat2 the to his name, 1.0t mer's character or fous a sions a position, but we and especially in the attempt of thy ter of the Crown, to wrest from liament, withe 'every possible tima he cut his teeth up, to be furnished Ly the Mail's special detectives, spies and liars, ala the Horrocks Cocksaflair. Mr. Eckstromer already labors under the disadvantage the conduct of a grave national trial which Parliament had taken Mr. Hantingdon's reply to the summons of the C explicit. solemnly in hand. mmission is straightforward and of 'a recommendation from He made an impeachnient, as a | a very disreputable quarter, and nothing { wember of the House «f Commons, on the floor of that ment, the and Le expressed, ed, | any ¢ bunal authorized by it, with the proofs of but the severest test will satisfy the public that he is not a frand. We trust Mr. MeKellar has not forgotten the venomous House against the Govern- the has House always | abuse and blackguardism with which Le time, to | was assailed by the ¢' gentlemanly manager tri. | ©f the Mail," {or carrying out the promise of Mr. Carling, (one of the Mail's direc tors) in regard to the appoiptment of the Horrocks Cocks. We trust the Minister of A. into another trap of this kind, scrvants of expresses, as Le his readiness at any { proc re that Hoonse, or taken up by the House, before that body, and are still and Mr. Hun- lingdon would not only be lacking in re- spect to himself, and in justice to self. but would be guilty of contempt of the House of which he is & member, pendis g THE LITTLE GAME OF THEE GOVIRNMENT. kim were The ptent rovernment, throrgh their new Cabinet Organ, M iil have sounded a new fune. Yesterday's issue of that sheet says; -- "Mr. Huntington's protest is 'n-- ressomably factions." Did he desire a full and free investigation instead of the ac- comphshment of some ulterior purpose would, at once and unhe ssitatingly, have accepted the invitation of Judge Day." Does the Mail forget that Mr. Hunting don, last April was prepared to go on with the winder oath, but was pre- of Sir Hugh's wod in absence, and that but for the obstructions : interposed by he to consent to appear before any tribunal, lesser Aside from this, Mr. Huntingdon takes a stand in w he will be supported by the large. The of Parliament have b with this case, the which people at integrity and -indepoudence en assailed Y; agr 88 g ; has been upon it, a despotic violationrof its constitutions, without gle precedent, Government. asin he lias Leen made Ly the As a citizen of this coun that to do whatever try, no less House, it wa was his power to member of 8 daty i evidenee vindicate the vented by cousti- the quibble tutional its of the soverign people, and e quibble having by c¢'renuistanees been pl : : the Governaut in which he has Dut, aliarly grave position, : evidence would long since have been re- corded under the sanctity of oath? The Mail also announces that if Me Hunting- don fails to sefore the Commis- . c the rior General will tion to the wiong, or Nils cor the Bad 'i Parhament wgether dishonor the high and responsible position | ¥ to do. in the outrage on Par. has chosen r 10 acquiesce nt Lor to upjse it, he sLler part, and determined at what- "apoear" t.-that no act of his shonld give a ' sion, Gove not call as he has promised as a member of the Commons, i 6 authority for saying that he will adopt the ils behalf, place of par. at this mowent oe zu, and play lickspittle to his Prewier 1 Or is it cenly endeavoring to THIS CREAT BANQUET. | may be diverted from the convicted A few wees ago it was announced that | scoundrels, who form the Ministry, and a ** srand demonstration," in honor of Mr. | who fear e held in Whitby of August. A banquet at which the Ps to Le Gibbs, would 1 on the | 25h was to ic Scandal C wbinet The w d out, and AT EN-- the West treal clection was fought the Pacilic Railway and resulted in favour 5 th The facts is, half the riding were cast and For the the Government, held, were thing Tur Vindicator says Mown- | cnt ¢ J resent ca masse. on the contest cis to have gniety fizz! meritsSof question, 10 more of it. : Goverament. ie Hon, Mr. what, if any, telegrams were sent to the Hon. J. J. C. A! boit, at St. Annes, immediately after Lis election ; nature of the answers thereto. This would save curious people 1)¢ anxicty of waiting for the This is a pity, as Gibbs might Lave explained not one the votes of | "hare as Goverymont, 1,874, 2,519. The fact of two Opposition Candidates being in the fiel 1alune elected the Conservative. eting varlia: | The election was for the Local Ie gislatore i of Quebee. of thosa dup- | follows : ing and Agaiast also the wealth to! natry offered thel any- | ulta re will not be drawn the whole | Has the Mail His Exeellency's | | drag in His Excellency's name into the | | matter in order that the people's attention | { trned thanks in a fea word | 1, it is stated, to meet a Parliament whose | privileges and dignity they have outraged? | of drunkenness aniong RAILWAY SCANDAL Parlidgmentary Digoity Vindicated. THE PACIFG | Hon. Mz. Huntingdon rafuss to aproar before any tribunal but Parlinment. The following Judge Day, to the ving th is the letter of the Hon, Hon. Mr. Hunt r before the ingdon, summod Governmental Coun m to prosecute Lis indictment against the Mini well as Hon. Mr. Huntingdou's reply thereto MoxTrray, Orrawa, 21st Avngust, 1873, To the Hon, Lucius Seth Hun'inglo the City of Montreal, in the Py Canada ; Sin, 1 h re Ang. 26. CLiee honour py wi the mission app ing the ( enquire into bave the with a printed o Miss d report upon the matters stated in the resolation moved by you in the House of C mers to several nmmons on the April last," relating to the Caunda Pacific Railway, and to inform you that the Commissioners thercin nam ed will meet in the C of Ottawa, in the Parlinment House, on Thursday, the 4th day of September next, at n , for the purpose of making enquiry and taking evidence concerning the allegations eons tained in the resolution and fully set forth in the Commission. Yon are requested to furmish to the Comurissioners with all convenient ligence a list of the wit nesses whom you may wish to in order that they may | ed to appear second day of examine, siininon- mn the day d g¥ thie above specilied ; and y yy thew mv d th place qrested sto pro th your esi dence in the premises 1 have the honon mr obedient ant, , C HARLES D DAY, Chairman. receipt, (Signed), Please acknowledge Montreal, To th: Hon. Chas. D. Oftaw Sin, --1 have the honor to the receipt of your August instant, Roya! Co Eloners to Ang. 28, 1873. Day, Charm acknowle letter the vhiclos nmssion enquire u the several matters stot tion moved by me in the mons on the 20d day of April i requesting me to furnish to the Cou stoners a list of witnesses I mi avuine, in order that summe = 3 ap; Jar, i my ay nes I have to call fact apparent ston, that it as a member House of Commons, and from m mm Parliament, that charges ogninst Ministers and members of that Ho the 8th day of April last termined to investi appointed 'a select rt nj . your attention to on the face of the Conn was t oy Miscll, to guire to and repr to the further fact app of the House, that to handed a | of son evidence ablish my ¢ ? and of the | s wl hu unalt ent with ment, an rivileg should iatraed Sito mpt tor the creation of g a breach of tha principle of the serves to the ( involves lonstitution which pre right and duty of mt utrolling enquiries mto high political offences ; that it involves also a breach of that fundamental prineipl of justice which prevents the acensed from creating the tribunal znd controlling the procedure for their trial ; and that it is a Commission without precedent, unknown to the Common Law, unsanctioned by the statute law-providing by an exercise of the prerogative for an enquiry out of the ordi- nary course of justice nous the atin into wisdemeaiiours nizable to the Courts, and cons «quently illegal and void, Entertaining these views, vou will not expect me to act otherwise than in con formity with them, and yon will be satis- fied that by my non-appearanee before the Commission | intend no disrespect to the Commissioners, but" am moved by the same sense of public duty which will con- strain me at the earliest practicable mo- ment to renew the efforts which I been making since April last, to bring to trial before the Commons of Canada the men whom I have impeached as pubiic criminag als. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, L. 8. HUNTINGTON. have (Signed) Bhi a Hox. Mgr. Mackexzie addressed an inmense meeting of the electors of Picton Connty, N. 8. at New Glasgow, on Wed- nesday night. © One of the members for the the put to was most County was present to support Government, but was eff ctanlly goat by Mr. Mackenzie, who enthusiastically received. The people of Nova Scotia are becoming aroused to the utter worthlessness of the Pacific Seandal Government. ------------r-- An English volunteer rifle ea iptain, de- tirons the other day to cross a tield with *his company, came to an opening in the fence large enough to admit two perso but no more abreast. Unfortunate! ly he could not remember the words of command which would Lave accom wp lished the dif fieolt task of filing through, but his inze nuity did not desert hin. He ordered a halt, aud said--** Gentlemen yuu are dis- wissed for one minute, when yon will fall in on the other side of the fence. M. Thiers, accompanied by M. Casimir- Perier, visited Valenciennes receiifly. lle arrived in the evening and was received at the railway station by an Momeuse crowd. All present took off their hats and shouted '" Long live the Republie, long live M. Thiers." M. Lagrand, Coun illor Ge neral then offered congratulations 'vo the late President of the Republic. MM. Thidrs re ., and succeed- theuch i culty, in escaping from the enthusiasm of the people The report of the Pinglish: Post-office this year mentions the inebri ty of the letter-garriers as one of the evils of service requiring reform. In Mauches- ter, last Christmas, there were m cases ; the carriers than at any previous Chrisrmas, The fault, ac- cording to the P. M. G., in almost every igstance, rests with the public, whe "'can- not be prevailed upon to exercise o¥dinary discretion in their mode of testi fyi sat- isfaction with the letter-earrviers, and will give them driuk----the reverse of real Kind- ness." Dismissal from the: service us- | vally follows the off nce, and * consequent | penury. | lished in t | deans to the English, the | | when a flat called the Cadiz was passing it To the Editor of the Y Gorvespondense, 'We do not hold onrseives as responsible for,or endorsing, the opinlons expressed by our corres. pondent Our columns are open to all, for the discussion of all matters of public interest, EUNDAY HORSE RACING, REFORMFR, Dear Sim, ~ Allow me through your colemns to eall the attention of the antho- rities to the Sabbath breaking going on in this village, In day some young men racing horses in the streets wore a public annoyance, Can not something be to compel these cha- racters to respect the peace of their neigh bors, and the 4th C done mnmwandment, Yours, Sovran Osnawa, Oshawa, Ang. 20. THE ROYAL COMMISSION. {From the London In another column text of the Royal ¢ the three whitewashers are to the work of making inquiry of which no complaint was ever Inid before them, and of which they can have no knowledge except such as has been given them by the accised. The document is as unique in its way as any that has yet been produced in with the Pacitic Scandal, and deserves a place side by, side with Sir John "* Must have of calling. Advertiser.) will be found proce connection anether £10,000 ; Don't fail we. "Joux A. Macnoxain.' "" Drawn on whe for auother ten thousand. (Signed), " ApporT." Properly interpreted and considered in connection with its_antecedents, the his- tory of thé Commission would follows last time South -Oshawa, last Son. | the | mission under which | d to | : | into matters | that other famous contribution of | read as = Aew Advertisements, BRITISH AMERICAN ROTEL, RAYS, LATE : ROBSON | Whitby, Ontario. House newly renoy furnished throu gl ont, and put in frst [ for the receptiya of gassts, An omnibus to and from all traigs'cast and west, First-class ample rooms. ly ny 3-- ROBBIE 'BURNS. AS, 'POWELL OF THE GLOBE Hotel, Brooklin, the owner of Robbie ; the celebfatod Clyde le Siallion, will ¢ following prizes at County Yall "how for Colts of the above Horse First Prize $10 second Prize, $i vir Prise, $l. DBrouvklin, Aug. 27, 153 20-1w. | | | First-Class Investment | {|r NE COR PORATION OF OSHAWA offer for sale Village Debentures to the unt $7,000, with coupons sttached for in- t, payable sewi-annually at the rate of 6 perey nt, per annum, Purchasers may offer for the whole | portion of the above AMGURL, Address COW AN, Rerve, Oshawa, Augvist 14 th 137 210 NOTICE. | | | or any LIVERY STABLE. Corner of King and Ch | | County of Ontarto, ) | & HEREBY GIVEN | i To wit: that the Court of As- | sizes, Nisi Prins, Oyer and Terminer, and Gen- eral Gaol Delive will be 1 in and for the County of Ontario, in the C t House, duthe | Town of Whitby, Ne . |Monday Sept'r 22 1873 at the hour of 12 o'clock, -- of which all Coroners, Justices of the Peace, and all others | cerned will ke notice and govern them- selves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff's Oflee A rherifl, C, 0, Whitby, Aug. 25, 1873. 20-td. "" Must have a Royal Commission ; last | of escaping. Den't fail me. "Jouv A Lacponanp." m me for a Royal Commission. " Duererin." Aud he drew ; and thisdraft is now be fore our reader, with the same Familiar signature at the foot of i*--* JOHN A. MACDONALD." Like Grip's last cartoon, itis all JOHN A. MACDONALD --court, judges, jory, witiesses, proscéutor and prisoner. In lain zlish, the "Governor P and the "Government," are sion A. MACDONALD, so that the sion, stripped off its legal verbiage presents its most ' chance " Draw in Connci y JOHN Commis- and technical ridiculous fea- tures in the strongest possible light, Sub- stituting the namo of the actual promoter for the nominal one in the Commission, we wonld have it in this way :-- * Whereas the Hon, Lucius Seth Hun- tington, a member of the "Hon. the House of Commons of Canada, charged JOHN A. MACDONALD, Knight, ete, ete, and go forth, another member of the Hon. the House of Commons of Canada, on the floor of the House with certain and numerous of 1g hisoffice and his position as a ember of 1e House and adviser of the Crown. "And Whereas. the said JOHN A MACDONALD moved in the Honse that the charges be referred for Committee of the House, 'And Whereas the Hm. J. H. eron the faithful friend and agent of sud JOHN A. MACDONALD, that the said Committe be exa eo wit icsses on oath, And Whereas throngh the intrigues of JOHN A. MACDONALD, the Committee was deprivediof the power to examine wit- under oath. r Know Ye, Judges Day, Polette and Gowan, 'trusty and well beloved' that I, JOHN A. MACDONALD, having no c me: in tl bility of the House I with this subject, lay the matter you, with the understanding that Sod by JOHN A. MACDONALD 'neces unbecom nnbecom the mown ed f ny vlating to the charges against JORN A NM ACDONALD, and that 'ye hall report the result to JOHN A MAC- DONALD and a few particular friends of 1 1 +, aud for the al duty let this and] s are Clean.' g *JOUN A. MACDONALD. | Meow if Oakes Amcs, or Schinyle r Colfax wy of the Credit MobMier inneceuts could only- have worked things so as to have been their own prosecutors, jurors, witnesses and court of appeal in case of ex- tromity, what a happy termination of their | troubles wonld have resulted ' | Unfortunatel y for them their | fellow members insisted cn carrying on the inquiry and exposing the guilt of their | recusant brethren. To propose to elicit the truth in the way our Mobilier ring have resolved "upon. searching for it, | would have been hooted with scorn by the | Press and people ou'the other side of the line Shall Canadians be less jealous of their honor than their not over fastidious neiglibors ? | That was a remarkably happy thonght of the Post-office Department which guards against improper uses of the new postal cards. The carriers are directed not to read what is written on the cards, | unless it is scurrilous ! | A few days azo a woman, charged with | several acts of theft, was apprehended at | Neuchatel, and was being conveyed to Soleure for trial, when betireen the Iatter | plice and Relzach, while the train was | going at full speed, she sprang from the | carriage and escaped without injury. At the present time Lausanne appears | to be the scene of some little excitement | on accomt of strikes. On an evening uot long 'ago several groups of people gathered in the Moutee of St. Francois, which was so blocked up as to become impassib'e. The police did their best to make the people "move on,' but in vain. A tube was therefore aflixed to a water- | pipe in the street, and the erowd treated | | toa cold douche. The other night & curious testimonial to an artist was left at the stage-door of the | Opera Comique in the Strand, London. It | was aa antique blue swallowtail coat 'with | brass buttons and exceedingly tight | sleeves, of the fashion of fifty years ago. a following note accompanied the offer- 1g :--** Will the coat sent be of any use to Mr. George Honey for ene of his old | and much-admirad characters? Forgive the sender (aw old lady), who hopes Mr. Honey will not take offence." The coat, it should be remarked, though eld-fash- | ioned, is in excellent preservation, an | | | | | | was evidently a costly garment in its day. Victor Hugo, says the Atheneum, has | nearly finished a novel, which will be pub: | he mouth of February, 1874, | ® under the title of Qua re- Vingt T'reize, | with the sub-title of "Premier recit : la | Guerre Civile The plot carries the | reader for an instant to Paris, rnd the imposing figures:of Robespierse, Danton, and Marat appear upon the stage ; but the action takes ph ace almost entirely in the Veudee. The relations of ¢he Ven- | and those of the | Channel Islands to the Brete n coast, arb | illustrated by decuments litherto hardly | known. Au engounter between an Eng- lish frigate snd a Frenci squadron is said te be grandly told. A dreadfal accident happened the other night at Broadheath, an the Bridgewater Canal, about cighteen miles from Man- chester. A beat, called the Countess | Grosvenor, waich was acting instead of the packet, was on its journey to Runcorn in another directicn. The towing rope of the last named boat went across the former | | on which there were several passengers, snd eanght a widow lady, ns d Downing about the neel, which it dislocated, and she died shortly after. Her dan hter-in- law, Mrs." James Downiag, also received injuries to her neck, aud is not ¢xpacted to survive. inquiry to a | ' | Cam- instructed to! ct your motto { Te €LASS TENEMENT, WITH | any number of Rooms that may be requir- 1 Britons' Attention! SPECIAL ME ETING and Dufferin 10d; Pd b, held on FRIDAY LEVEN making arrange AD 10 receive the Brethren from Toronto on the lst of September. meeting is requested, J. DANDY, W.M. Oshawa, Avg: or VICTORI A! B's will be A ul W. MAXWELL, D.M. ATT KINDS oF FULL SUPPLIES | COTTON BAGS Opposite Hobbs' H OPS FROM THE ING, Yio inst, for | FURS CLEANED And Made Over, GLOVES CLEANED. Plumes MRS. DYER, Corner of Simeoe and Mill Streels. A. S. WHITING Manufacturing Company. HE ANNUAL 6 GE ERAL MEET- ing of thi: Company be. 's Office, Cedar Dal of September, 1872, at 2 o'dock in the ernoon. Cedar Dale Works, August 1th, 1573. 3y Order, » Warriva, H2w Secretary. THE OSHAWA Malleable Iron Company, HE ANRK iL GENERAL MEET- of this Company will be held at the & Oftiee O« oe va, on Modday the 1st pteinber, at 11 h | ne on, and at stich 3 me Company to Seventy-five oh yusand dollars. By Order. I. J. COWAN, Secretary. fe ae -- NOTICE! NJ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AX immediately alter the expiration of Twenty | | d +y8 from the first publication hereof, applica. Yen wi) be made by SAMUEL DEARBORN, | f the Township of East Whitby, in the County of Ontario, ye man, to the Judze of the ha gate Court of he County of Ontario, to be a pointed Guardian of ELETTA LAVINIA A TL. ANTA DUFFY, of the said Township of East Whitby, infant 'child of Patrick Thomas Duffy, late of the City of Montreal, in the Pro- 02w | vince of Quebec.Commercial Traveller, deceased. l B. McGEE, Solicitor for Applicant. | Dated this 9th day of August, 1878, 18-Jim. TO LET! d. Also rooms suitable for Millinery and Dressmaking establishment. Apply to MR. Gri GG, over McRae's Store, Give lock, shawa. iD OR SALE. | HORSE, EIGHT YEARS OLD, Suitable for General Purpgses, also BUGG | and HARNESS, apply to y v E. FIELDING ' Itt King St. West, Oshawa. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR VILLAGE PROPERTY. OT NO. 4 IX THE STI CON- cession of the Township of Wollaston County of Hastings, containing 100 ACRES, of which 50 acres are under cultivation. Remain- der woud, Apply to Dated I. McGee. gust 1873, 19-11 STRAYED. ME INTO THE PREMISES OF he undersigned, Lot 5, 7th con. of Fast Whitby, last week, a DARK CHESTNUT DRI ING MARE, which the owner can have by proviag property and paying cxpenses. JAMES BURNS, Columbus. August 12th, 1873. FIFTY FIRST-CLASS | Sewing Machine Operators 7 ANTED, TO MANUFACTURE Judies dnder-wear. os sad cmployment | furnished and good wag aes ¥ P oy SARDly at Gibbs' Block, Eire "McRae & Co.'s J. F. KELLOGG str -- Columbns, Oshawa, Jupe 2nd 1873. For Sale! INCE THE SOUTH RIDING OF 1 the County of Ontario is, and has been for sale in Lump, I think the individual properties thercin ought to be suld as well. I thercfore offer for Sale the South Part of | Lot No. 5, Broken Front, East 'Whithy, - about 73 Acres.' The South Part of Lot No. 6, Broken | Front, East Whitby, about 120 Acres ; also North' Lalf Lot of No. 13, 1st con. East \V hitby, 100 acres: Reasonable terms of payment will be given, DANIEL CONANT. Eest Whitby! 8th July, 1 5. v0 : ENEW YOUR P[ANO FCRTES & FURNITURE, VICTOR GOODS | PIANO FORTE POLISH IS THE THING. Cleaned and Curled 1) 18-4 | held at the | ow Tuesday, the | R. WELLINGTON, | Sole agent for Chuva. TO BE HAD AT STEELE BROS. FARM IN GREAT VARIETY Streets, otel. Horses to hire at alf hours of the Day or Night '| Drivers Furnished if Required, RATES MODERATE, Special Sivamags 8 Commercia} oi ---- GRAIN BAGS! BEST MANUFACTURERS BASKETS August 26th, 1873. GROCERIES DEPOT. R.V.CHUBB (SUCCESSOR TO G. HENRY) IS STILL SELLING Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, CHEAP TEAS &e., &e. AT A SACRIFICE | A SPECIALTY. REMEMBER the PLACE Henry's Old Stand, oppusite Black' Hotel, Simcoe Street. . The © BEST, PA Only Profi dSHAWA, TEMPERANCE. of 8.of T. NEW Onrcax. has gor a new ol NEw Caurcn Methodists of P« of worship to eo: NEARLY AN A well hore, hada by a piece of st New Te T :legraph Com at Duffin's Creek FaLL Assizes. 4y of Ontario will in Whithy, on M Coxcrar.--The at Port Perry on was but a sma'l a Good TeubPLain Templar's entertal Friday night las, of it, Brock Fars Brock Township held at Sunder ber. SOCIAL AssEMp ly was held in Hq will be another evening. Business Cia purchased the by now sciling furni cupied by the lat 8S, 8S. ANNIVERS Christian pastor { anfliversary serm; m md's Charel, of TEMPERANCE. fesof Oshawa w ance Demonstrat ronto on Wedne Syasaup.--M-, rmashad up last driver sustained horse becoming fi Sreciar Mex _ Lodges, 0. Y. B, é¢vening, to make tion of their Toro DPraveHTs.-- A K. Gordon, Wm. a match game of other day in Toro bya score of 9 to AGRICULTURAL County Fall Shov and Thursday, 1 prox. All entrie: 17th, EDUCATIONAL. Union School iat Hall, in the plase try. There iss; but we forbear. Coming Hoe. Europe on thé some time during him a large lot of in the best Gorxg Auman. for occupation in and Hiland's bloc] as the masoury is soon complete Pro-Nics.--The School held a on Tuesday aftern Echool also enjoy *. nesday aftergoon Tag First Fav received a large ©: Stee. St, Patri fg a very hand velvets, silks, lice Pusuic Hew aad "able to be removal to Colb recovering, We illness of Mr. Mc( and also of Mr. R WaxrTep 10 K im respecting C promulgated in tl Mr. Gibbs came 1 tising the Lake I the local Pacific ATTEMPTED. made an attempt of Mr. F. W. Gle night, They we and left withou kleptomaniacs w Varvisre Hox ownel by M. Wy in training for thd died in Whitby of heavy loss to his refused a thousa Anrow.Esca Pickering, had Whitby on M The Railway Brid| ing the ladies ou ly they escaped Turoven Tr Perry Railway is fram Whitby to) Bobcaygeon, wh corvenience. TI eredit for his pul BriTisir AMER the Robson Hou vated and rep by. Mr. N. Ray. modelled, pario and everything modern hotel Escare rrou Post, went out fo day. Bysome n and sails, and were luckily Minnies, and b 4 warning to Tue Hat Max pete in the "shi " professional" and vowed etery Frou Exoray reach home th four. M-. W. from the old ¢ land. The emp and other reside sive Mr. Whitin shape of a publid Excursiox.-- an excursion by on Monday next lam A oc the town, and a Anni Geove, w be held. 'Ov One hotel-keepe Der for 620 able- Corneil. Th regular meeting any important b an effort made We don't see 'w tho title of May irates of much eae make a mov: are sure the ci CorroraTION issued for the pi and for the bony in the market. debentures shou 9c in the do exceptionably 4 able, and the & trifling. We bargain with thy ANNIVERSAT Abbs of Newma at 1x3), a.m... an Kenner, at 2:30, young men of t dng" for which Secarcl. Allar is guaranteed.

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