Ontario Reformer, 22 Aug 1873, p. 4

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' 3 SE BBESR BEY" =" ot 4 FEaTREss es TS L wa ba ¢ . as wire a ty edhe Pi THE STAR CHAMBER - REVIVED | Jofamous Action of the Ministry. Arbitrary Prorogation of the House. PARLIAMENTARY GOVERNMENT CRUSHED IN CANADA. : Ottawa, August 13. This day at 8 o'clock, p. m., His Ex- cellency the Governor-General. proceeded in state to the chamber of the Senate in the Parliament buildings and took his seat upon the: throne. His Excellency was d to ec d the attend of the House of Commons, and that House being present, His Excellency the Governor-Gen- eral was pleased to close the first session of the second Parliament of the Dominion with the {ollowing speech : { Hon. gentlemen of the Senate : Gentlemen | of the House of Commons : ' In relieving you from furtherattendance in Parliament, 1 beg leave to convey to you my best thanks for the diligence with avhich you have applied yourselves to the | performance of your public duties. Among | the measures you have adopted are laws | of t importance to the well being of | the Dominion. The interests of trade will be promoted by the Act relating to the inspection of the staple articles of Canadian produce, as well as by the statute regulating weights and meassres. The several Acts respecting our merchant ship- | ping will greatly tend to the success and developemer:t of that great branch of our - national industry, and the protection of the lives of seamen. By the Act relating 10 the twial of controverted elections of wembers of the House of Contmons you have adppted the system which is now in pombe guiness, in the mother country. 1 sincevely congratulate you on the admis- | sion of the colony of Prince Edward's fsland as a Province of the Dominion : Gentlemen of the House of Commons : In her Majesty's name I thank you for 'the supplies you have so cheerfully grabt- wiil ensure the vi us protec- y #0 fmpera- tively called for by the wants of this grow- ing country. : Hoaorable Gentlenen and Gentlemen-- I have thouglit it expedient in the interest of gcod Government to order that a Com- mission should be issued to enquire into certain matters cour e ted with the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, to whieh the public - attention has been directed. and that the "sevidence adduced before such Commission should be taken on oath. The Commis- sioners shall be instructed to proceed with the imguiry with all diligence and to trans- wit their reports as well to the Speakers of the Senate and Houseof Commons as to myself. Immediately on receipt of the report I shall cause Parliament o be sum- moned for the despatch of businesd, to give you an early opportunity of taking such reports into consideration. Mean- while I bid you farewell, THE COMMONS, ; Ottawa, Aug. 13. The speaker took the chairat 3:55 p.m., * and immediately on his doing so Mr. Mackenzie ruse and said : Mr. 8 er, 1 propose to address you and the use Of a very important question. (Hear, .) In the present grave phase of the Bistory of our country, and the . ex ¢ circumstances under which we called together, T think (inter- ion by the Speaker, and loud cries of * Go on," from the members)--I think it incumbent upon me to place the following ' uotion in your hands. Mr. Speaker--Upon what does Hon: gentleman propose to make his motion ? Myr. Mackenzie--I am making it upon a quéslipn of privilege. The following is tae jon : a is House during the present session an enquiry hy a Committee of its own iuto certain grave charges'in connection with the granting of the char- ter and comtract for the comstruction of the Pac'fic Railway, which, if true, seri- ously affect the official honor and integrity of His Excelleucy's constitutional advisers, and the privileges and fujopendence of Parliament ; that the.investigation thus crdered has so far not been proceeded with owing fo circumstances not anticipated when the enquiry was ordered and that it is the imperative duty of this Housp at the eagliest moment to take such steps as will decure a full Parliamentary enquiry ; | nires that | that constitutional usage ¢ of corruption against Ministérs of the Crown should be investigated by Par- linment, and that the resumption of that duty by any tribunal created by the Executive, would be a "flagrant violation of the privi of this oy and that i will regard a5 highly reprehen- person who'may presume to Excellency to prafugue Parlj before it shall have had an op take action in the prem uch as such proregation would render all the steps taken up to the present" time, would inflict an unpreced- ented |indignity on Parliament, and pro- * Sisectisfaction in the country." this House will regard it as | bodies of Mr. Scott and his wife with their' 1 y reprehensible that a Government i which such charges have been made should be allowed to advise His: Excellency to prorogue Parliament before It shall have had the opportunity of taking action in the premises. (Great cheering.) At this point Mr. Spehucr again inter- posed, and neither Mr. kenzie's re- | continued groans and hisses of'thuse wlo | remained. TlLese were over one hundred in number : not one' of those dissenting left the floor of the House. | "Aftef the prorpgation of the House, a | meeting was lield by about one hun, | dred members of the House of Commons, | constituting a majority of the House, Hon. Alex. Mackenzie in the chair. 1 8; e ches were made y deputies from all | the Provinces of the Dominion and some | of them by former auppostess, of the present Government enouncing { in unmeasured terms the arbitary despo- | tism which the Executive had shown, in | wresting the privilege of Parliament from | them, and turning the people's represen. tatives out of doors. The following re- | solutions gate then put and carried una- | nimously.™ Moved by the Hon. Jos. Cauchor, Quebec, seconded by Mr. Mills, Ontario, "That the prorogation of Parliament, without giving the House of Commons the opportunity of prosecuting the enquiry it had already undertaken, was a gross viola- tion of the privileges and independence of 1 Parl'a uent and the rights "of the people." Carried amid loud cheers. : Dr. Forbes, Nova Scotia, moved, second- el by Mr. Cartwright, Ontario and Hon. A. J. Smith, New Brunswick, | ** That, in the opinion of this meeting, tthe House of Commons is the proper body | to institute and prosecute an enquiry into | the vn ling charges against the Ministry ; and the act of the Ministry in removing the enquiry from the House of Commons, and appointing a Commission of their own so try themselves, is a gross violation of the rights and vrivileges «f Parliament, and it will be the imperative duty of the | House of Commons at the first moment at which it is allowed 10 meet, to tuke the | matter into its own hands and prosecute | an enquiry." Carried. After fufther speeches, the meeting ad- Jjourned. It is stated on geod authority, that the | Pacific Railway Contract has been cancell- ed, and Sir Hugh thrown overboard. | The relaticns between bhinself and the { Ministers do nov appear to be coidial. { He did not appear in communication with | any Minister. Several of "the inferior called them, in his correspondence with the Americans, were about at a respectful distance, as the Knight of Raven walked from his quarters at the Mer- chants' Bank to the Russel House to din- | ner ; but there did not seem to be any- | He and | { thing like' mutual attraction. the Duke of Manchester dined together at the Russell. The rumour that he has | been thrown overboard, and his contract | cancelled, confirm's the GLoBE'S Ottawa telegram to thatetiect of twu or three | weeks ago, The Government organ in this city ad- mits to-day that no less than thirty mew: | bers who have hitherto supported the Government signed the remonstrance to | | Lord Dufferin yesterday. Tq-day mem- { bers are rapidly le: ving for their homes, | with the resolution to Jose no opportunity | of effectually agitating public opiiion in heir respective constituencies. Lord | Dufferin's written reply is hourly expect- led. So fearful were the Ministers lest any opportunity for discussion should arise yesterday that they not only had | Black Rod in waiting, but even the new | | mémbers of the Cabinet, Messrs. Gibbs { and Hogh McDonald, took their seats | without the usual introduction to the Sdeaker. Those who were in a positicn to see the face of that functionary, de- scribe it as having been quite a picture ; | he was fairly nonplussed for the moment at the storm he raised when he attempted to interrupt Mr. Mackenzie, and was ob- served gesticulating in dumb show to tha | ONTAR { members of 'he Cabinet," as Sir Hugh | 8CTAE | feed to adapt it to thic POSE CURES Rheumatism, Sealds, Lameness, Neuralgia, Burns, Soreness, Sore Throat, Boils, Wounds, | Hoarseness, Ulcers, Bruises, Headache, Piles, Sprains, Toothache, Colic, Old Sores, All Hemo Hons "The American Button-Hole, Overseaming : AND COMPLETE Sewing Machine. IF. KELLOGG Genearl Agent for the Dominion. The first and only Butten-hele and Sewing Machine Combined that has made its advent n thi: or any other country. | 4%" The following reasons are given why this | Is the best { Best Family Machine to Purchase: | 1. Because it will do everything that any ma- chize can' do, sewing from the finest to the coarsest material, hemming, felling, cording, | braiding, Sutiering and sewing on at the same | time, ruffling, quilting, etc., better than any | other machine. 2. Because the tensions are more easily adjusted than any other Machine. 3. Because it can work a beautiful button-hole making as fine a pearl as by the hand. 4. Because it will embroider 'over the edge, making a neat and beautiful border on any garment. . 5. Because it will work a beautiful eyelet hole. 6. Because jt can do over-handed seaming, by ich sheets, pillow cases and the like are sewed over and over. | _ 7. Because you can ping raise or lower the or thin cloth. 8. Because you have a short deep bobbin by centre ; the te consequently even, and does not break the thread 9. Because the presserfcot turns back ; that the cloth can be easily removed after being | sewed. 10. Because the best mechanic ounce ft the best finished and made on the best principle of any machine manufactured. It has ne springs to break ; nothing to get out of order, {| 11. Because it is two machines in one--A But ton-Nele Working and 'Sewing Machine Combined. &® No other Machine can accomplish the ind of sewing stated in Nos 3, 4, 5 an Parties using a family Sewing Machine want | & Whele ine, one ,with all the improve | ments, It is to last a LIFETIME. and therefore one is wanted that will do the most work and do it the best: and this machine can do several kinds of sewing not done on any ether Machine besides doing every kina that all others can do. | The Ac:erican or Plain sewing Machine (Without the button-hole parts), daes all that is dohe on the Combination, except button-hole and overseaming, The undersigned has been appointed general agent for the Dominion of Canada. | Agents Wanted in Every County! Good Inducements. Apply to J. F. KELLOGG, ! OSHAWA, ONT. Orrice Ap Satesgoom Gises' Brock, Sergeant at Ars to take np the mace! 'and so terminate the difficulty. Some wag had hinted that Black Rod might | perchance comme to grief, and therefore guarded to the door of the cham- ber by a detective officer. Government he was | police, were stationed, contrary to all us- | ual custom, at eyery door. constitue:dy in the four other Pruvinces Nearly every |' apvear to have been represented in the | , galleries. ee + ® A -- ee | DOUBLE MURDER -AT SFAFORTH! | Man and Wife with their throats cut. | Seaforth, Aug. 17. A man named Scott, a school teacher, who has been residing in Detroit for some- time past, returned here on Friday by the | might train, and went to his father's house | about five wiles from Seaforth, ih the | township of Hullett, where he met his wife and their youngest child, nine monthy {old. They deft there about:10 a.m', og Saturday, to go to Mrs. Scott's futher's Mr, John McMillan's across the field, and y Brough a piece cf woods. Not arrivin at McMillau's it was supposed they had | got a chance and gone to Seaforth, * On { Sunday morning a man passing the woods | was attracted by the crying of the child, | which he fond jn the edge of the wooils, {aud on searching a ligtle he found the | throats cut. © Mrs. Scott's body was par- fially hidden by a log, which during the fternoon her father passed close by as he | went to Mr. Scott's house to enquire about | them, having heard that they had left for | his place in the mornirg. Mrs. Scott's |-head wus resting on the folded cost of her marks nor Mr. Speaker's were audible in the - r sometime quiet was restored, and Mr. Speaker procseded to say, that he | must request the hon. gentleman to allow - from His Excellency to be read; which the Sergeant-at-arms had conveyed from the hauds of the Usher of the . Thais annouuce groans and hi on." - Mr. Mackenzie--No mes shall interrupt me in the discharge of my duty. I stand here as the representative of one of the counties of this Province (loud cheers); and I have reason to believe that I also represent the opinions of a majority of the people of this country (tremendous ing; cries of order, aud another at- tempt on the part of the speaker to in- terpose followed by renewed groans and hisses). I propose to call the attention of the House to circumstances that affect the independence of Parliament (cheers), and Sir, I have received a letter informing ment was received with , and loud cries of "go me that it is the intention of the Goves- | nor-G to prorogue this Hr use with- out ithaving had an opportunity of dis- cussing what shall be done under the cir- cumstances. " "Mr. Speaker again interposed amid eries of "'privilege, privilege," and*'or der," 'end BI proceeded to 1ift the mace from the table, which he again, however, returned to its place. { husband, and his body was lying close | beside his wife's, horrible deed can be assigned. An inquest | opens to-morrow morning. , | RAILWAY BUTCHERY. | Reckless and Oriminal Conduct» PARTICULARS OF THE MASSACRE. | New York, Ang. 18.--Additional ac- counts of the railroad massacre on the Chicago .and . Alton Railway show it to have been a horrible butchery, wholly due to 'regkless and criminal carelessness of the railroad officials: in bringing on the | collision. ~ Everything is being done for the wounded, of whom several will die. There was not the slightest warning of the | collision. * The cars were well filled, par- { ticularly the smoking ear. The train | started from Willow station, according to | the best evidence, ten, minutes behind tine, and the rate of speed was accelerated. | The conductor and engineer knew they were to pass the coal train at Lemont. | seven miles distant, but that train did n ¢ | wait as it should have done, but came on | toward the passenger, train, expecting to make Willow Station. "It was a race for life. A curve in tte road hid the | trains from each other, and the engineers { could do nothing to stop their engines. There were three concussions first when the | engines met, and were destroyed ; second, "Mr. Mackenzie, continuing, aid, it is | when the baggage ear struck, and smashed my ay to address, and I shall 'ad- dress, a SEN fuels alighting on the fractured boiler of the its the present circumstances that justify This Parliament being turned out doors, and I therefore: proceed to the iscussi a matter to which oir atten- called om previous occa- (Hear, hear.) Mr. Speaker again interposed,and excitement grew terrible. ; . Mackenzie persisted in his efforts ip a hearing, and was cheered to and amid all this confusion Me. Speaker réad what was sapposed to the message of His Excellency calling the members to the Bar of the Senate, buf he was guite insudible in the gallery, 'and bord rh also been in the House. Di- snd made their way to the Senate Chamber amil the loud and lomy- | into fragments ; and third, when the smok- | ing ear collided and leaped in the air, | freight engine. rewnins of the pas. | Senger train engine were thrown from the | track toward the enst, and so wers the | ruins of the baggage car. Then came the smoking car on; top of the boiler. The fore part of this car was burst open by the force with which it struck the hind wheals remaining on the track. 80 there '} it stood at an angle of 30 degrees. The p gers were impri d in broken iron and wood, while deadly steam eame up with terifie. force from the boiler below, scalding those whom it tonched, instantly peeling off.the skin and causing the most excruciating agony. The work of rescue was superi i B. P. Hawley of Normal, who was the: to mount the smoking car and begin thie rescue. Mayfield, Ky., ¢laims the oldest man in America. eis a colored man known as Old Fortune, and is said to be 142 years old, Lo No motive for this |. If you want to get 'HORSESHOEING nl Rr REPAIRING OF ANY KIND DONE Up to Time | By Time | On Time! And in Time | --GO TO-- BAMBRIDGES, SIMCOE S5T. NORTH. G.EODDER King Street. GENTS' CLOTHING ~----AND-- Outfitting Establishment. em 10) epee 4 SPLENDID STOCK OF HATS caFs, BE SURE 'AND CALL AT . ODDER'S Oshawa, July 20th, 1873. 16-1y which the thread is Soasantly drawn from the | Over McRax & Co's StoEx. 16-2y | ' FREDERICK NEALE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in . INES, LIQUORS! SIMCOE ST, OSHAWA. bd 0 Agent for Davies & Bro's Celebrated XXX Cream Ale and Porter. . | a Choice Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos always in Stock. 15) THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Hats and Caps. 7 / a a re L/ WILLIAM LANG (2 x o Tm -- | 2 / INVITES INSPECTION TO PID | STOCK UF 'NEW SPRING C WHICH 18 COMPLETE IN AX BRANCHES, . | © Clothing Made to Order | | WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. = | Boots and Shoes. ' | | | | Gents' Furnishings. 'Buiyion apew-Ap | .- ATEINSONS' DRUG STORE | REMOVED TO NEW AND LARGER PREMISES { Next Door to COWAN'S. } { ------ Oh Drugs, Patent Medicines, Scented Soaps, French and English Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a General assortment of Dye Stuffs, Everything of the best Quality and Strictly Genuine HATCH & MEARNS, KING STREET, OSHAWA, Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them during the post year, and would solicit a continuance of the same, We have on band the Lafgest, Best and Cheapest Stock of HARDWARE, and &ec., Ever offered in this market. Our Stock comprises part of the following : 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, C0 Boxes Glass, " Star "and " Diamond Star," James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's White L-ads, English and Ameican Colors, Blundel and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Fnrniture and C Varnish. "American, English, and ('anadian Locks, Latches, and Knobs, Butts, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &e., . Spears and Jackson's and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, Gouge's, Plane Irons, &ec. American Socket Firmer Chisels, Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &e., Dawson's and English Planes, Rodgers' and other English English Cutlery, Plated Forks, Spoons ete, B. M Tea atid Coffee Pots, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks ete., Platform and Counter Scales, . Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, : Chandeliers and Brackets, . "EVETROUGHING & JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO Cut Nails 85 per Keg, Cash; other goods at proportionate prices. HATCH & MEARNS, King Street, Oshawa, April 31st, 1873, » Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, Far Everybody. li *. A DISCOUNT OF TEN PER CENT. WILL BE GIVEN FOR. CASH iON ALL ~~ Ready made Work! FOR THE NEXT \ Thirty Days!) To clear out the Summer Stock: LOOK! Ladies' Prunella Gaiters - 70 c.nett Cents' " $150 Girls " " 50 " Calf, " 65 Women's " . *s1 00 TG.HAWTHORN. Hing Street West. shawa, doe 6th, 1873. 14-1y Grateful Thousands proclaim Vix- vigorant' thet ever sustained the sinking system, . | : No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain igng unwell, provided their bones are not de- stroyed ®y mineral poisen or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilions, Remittent and Inter- mittent Fevers, which are so preva- lent ig the valleys of our great rivers those of the Mississippi, Obio, Missouri, sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro- | anoke} James, and many others, with their yast tribytaries, throughout our entire country during the Sam and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea- sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied Ly extensive de- rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdoitinal viscera. In' their treat@pent, a purgative, éxerting a pow- erful pfluence upon tlfese various or-, fans, is cssentially- necessary. There s no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr. J. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS, as t will speedily remove the dark- colo viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimalating the secretions of the. liver, and gencrally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body agaiyst disease by purifying all its fluids with VINEGAR Brrrers. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus Jors-gramed, . yspepsia or Indigestion, Head- ache, n in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita- tation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid- neys,and a hundred other painful symp- 3ms, 410 the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will provo a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise- ment. : Scrofula, or Kipg's Evil, Wiite Swellings, Ia, o es i) Neck, Soke, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent CHEAP GROCERIES! ------ THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR GROCERIES hale AT CHUBB'S! Opposite Black's Hotel, King Street. » CHEAP TEAS, IN 10 LB. CATTIES, CROCKERY, = - GLASSWARE, &C. Call and' Satisfy ourself before you squander your oney elsewhere. : R.V.CHUBB RK Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, ete. In these, as in all other constitutional Dis- eases, WALKER'S VINEGAR BrTTERs have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic umatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit- tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and _ Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical --Persons en- frsed in Paints and Minerals, such as umbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Dowel To guard against this, take a dose of WALKER'S VIN- py ry Sr siomally. or n Diseases, Eruptions, Tet- ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, a. Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin of whatever name St Battles are Negtaly dug up and carried ou system iu a short time by the use of these Bitters, . y Pin, Tape, and other Worm: lurking in he of so many Arn Oy are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of wedicine, no vermifu no an- thelminitics will free the system from worms 0 Bitters. 2 For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo- Manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon ible. oanse the ith Blood when- ever ts impurities bursting through the Xin in Pimpios, Spas, or Sores} cleanse it when you find it obstructed and foul your fooling wil sell pou whet Kacy } ngs ou when. the pure, and the health of the Pore will follow. R. H. MeDOSALD & ©O., L Nothing Like Leather EGAR BITTERS the most wonderful In- | | throughout the United States, especially | Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan- | # Men's Wear of - / 0: WE HAVE NOW IN i UR SHOW ROOMS + 50 SETS OF BEDROOM SUITES, To Select from, Raging in Price : Fram $20 to S0mL i cr : ---- mn PARLOR SUITS, RN DINING ROOM SETTS, Su othe FSi in a ont vatierys all of First-class' Mazutietuns; : LUKE & BROTHER. Oshawa, July 15th, 1873. Siely ~~ W. WIGG & SON, Cabinetmakers and Undertakers SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA. 00 Bookcases, Bugeaus, Cupboards, Bedstead Washstands, Chairs, Mattrasses, Looking Glasses, and" |Of all, kinds and qualities kept constantly on hind. Also Agent in Oshawa for the Dominion Noiseless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom, i | Clean, healthy, comfortable and durable, approved of before 1 Ie all others by those who have had them, and sure to give satisfaction. Also sole Agent fcr A PALLING'S PATENT BALANCE WINDOW BLIND ROLLER: > | A first-rate article, Pictures in great variety. Frames made with nest. | ness and despatch. Children's Carriages and Perambulators always ea | Sideboards, Sofas, : Stands, Lcunges, Desks, Tables, hand. UNDERTAKING. "as Special-attention paid to Undertaking. Funerals attended to of the shortest notice. A splendid Hearse furnishéd when required. | kept on hand and mide to order. Terms roasonfible. ho, 4 ro M "0% 'HINAMIP 'UINVIWHOLY A Pv YELP. J pus Aue 3uipnpuco eojeq spool sty ees puv [vo v wry ead oy, - 'PojuBIIBAA puB padiedey A[[njade) * IddH ONIY '¥001g S,NOSTIA\ 'aoud o '[19% 0} punoq Saw puv sWUwWhq Uvew 94 ! [| sooud puv enpea poof ! deo m1 yw Jug pus S91 N 'MAN 1 P0Ig #1Y se 'aaoquose 'sorovioedsy 20 '3PII-TeATIS 'Ares 'SHOOTD 'SONORA TIVIS 'SHO0TO ANV SIHOLVM NI MHOM u] 01% OuM AV ONAN] A[[UIPIOO PIOM PUW 'SSOUINNQ 10] PONIO MON ST MING LITOMIL M 'VAAVHSQ 'ISVH 133 LS SIH LVHL FONNONNV OL SAVAT 03d ATINLLOEISTA C100 19quouIal oneal yr A CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY. pha certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly authorized Agent, for the sale of Es jie Family Sewing Machines. This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of selling ouf Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized Au appoltt Agents for the sale of our ines, in said Territery. Such agents rights and Priva of the trade, as though i by us. : for the Com y od . ; oy J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Ont. Bn The above Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the matket, snd A 0, EA second Hand Grocer & Tene Tui ing Machine (or sale cheap Wai A wood work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. : A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES CONSISTING OF : all Classes, Ladies', Misses' 2ad Children's, : of all Classes and Sizes, . '3 To be Sold gt a Reduction of 20 Per Cent. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. . A share of public patronage solizited. a 2 i X Er . L. PRUDHOM. . | Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent f oh. pus ¥ ae 8 WH. PREDE UY'S H LAND. asideace. Si.n{ ------ ING § Geo. Rol Tiobson Hu Ruhr TE Dental Roo Atkinson's Dr TCENTI Oifice ove Bivs., King All operation Residence in » ARRIS LICITO! I abiic, Oshaw. Simgoe Strects| i& MONEY old. Kin v Cu NTV Barrister, A and Conveyan 8. H. Cochran Ountario. ~ A ARRIST AT-LAW. He. Gon J. Hauer Gra LY RCHIT ance and Oshawa. . to and from Ne NCE Messrs. Fairbank: \/ HoL LS of HOO erial wu. Th Factory ROOKLI A or & J ahd Savings Soc at low of i ir oe ARRIST Notary Pui Brooks Street, prs eur, and 0 $5 to $2 ew Brick Blo Giibas & Brothe "be allowed on Joints nC The 8 . On alld Oftice Hours m., except on Bad at Vo clon ONTA CAP! OSH orrFiC E81 Oorerier ¥ o'clock p.m. Banking busi Ul Savings Bank I this Branch. In ever $4.0, rep . Offic Office M Nil! April 13th. 187 h. 387

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