Ontario Reformer, 18 Jun 1873, p. 3

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only edsts $1 to Jog ers in-Oswego. We nything else in Oshawy, SHERP d¢ ng fraco: ube, De ty six Pups in o lack and white ne litte" t ct with the eXception bys --y hree legs. " whe » uy soefime now in ford, true bills sithe Arsossbis, _-- wdulently withholds view to pervent umber of - 3 ssessors, The vaght up R.A: Patan Boa" ox ms a-gentleman of Lig ly Potato bug tntomal ing some notes 4 and mailed it tho tei d. On reaching their ding} lem opened Rick 47s, looked 0 meoneed to make fields and Pastures new. wturday evenin, ubers Tor ont tess s of th ie Pty, met at wg St. Fy RAL " anys asly elected Hon H ? he Conservative part zt S eh bec, in Succession pd jeofy E, Castier. aly. = ze he Ie pit o he wilh ry 5 Profithe ot the shee, = ess, t Point St. by a scene of and ge 24 k tp For the > 'cars of cattle cont I~ five cars hogs for P. sin head, and some 47 cars of treal, have all been fied without delay er are aks well for the working 4¢ v. Iaw.--It is conali a British jury does not co of mpropriety for, 3 ss the cook--connditis at the cook does not > 'without notice or r _ Teasonar le Ruse, "dnd over damages in ons of "Tt was alleged in ¢ he canses, ** * just and' * dismissal was that Mr. ssed the cook. The uled having positive ht admitted that he tncl to d itry before th other servan, no secret about it, Bat hig kid '"he did not think a ract er would try toy Tw thereupon he divinissed pe. The jury, ger si of a _gook vidente ofa nd wi bo! British idft & verdict, sa hing to justify his rt dm ney rather. looked wif on the dismissed tutor, . for 'y awarded him his ree v in lien of notice, but also civen td an agent to obtain tion. ¥irtne--and especi- utly disp ayed--general. even with a stern Jy fel} in w the cook must h he? churns are so great po ach a hubbub. PIED. the ih inst, Jessie Air. A. L. rteous, 2 iy Pa 1" so mci op Calbw x an so ile ents of the stomweh cases of the k wor blond and a th. It Jektares vitality to al} EEE} 1 ages and Enon: of pd unt ants itive of tity i mercial. I) n pgs il i Desseo~ooepeen sou. fat Teas TPP cecke~ccossscsnmnil out B3.BRECESUR280SHYS MARKETS, I] LX ee vlpocco® | 35S2ssgy 88%5as22y rtiSeuents. TERRI TSS AN PUNCH! TIP] prday, i cents. ND. R, TAKE THIS Z the public know KET-BO0K that he Jost | ch give proof of bcased of the theft. JL THOMAS. 10-1lw a -- ¥ED AT TONS CK OF IT SIC, ios, ladies efc." LAMINE. MeRAE & CO estival. JTE BABTIST STRAWBERRY YE. CONCERT in nesday next, the: mime will be pre (INATION. EXAMINA- oe Oshawa High mm wget WANTED. A500 GENERAL ALSERVANTGIRL Wanted, adply at the Canadian Ex Oshavra. | Xr NOTICE. LL ACCOUNTS DUE THE ESTATE A x Ay Bl be hes LM, Must be settled at 110MAS Bova, Oubasa; June SEI . . FOR SALE A ONE- HORSE SP SPRING WAGGON, good and cheap, for cash, suf tary AX G. FAREWELL. TAKE NOTICE. INSOLVENT ACT OF 18éb. \ LL PARTIES INDEBTED EITHER by Noteor Book Acountto WM. SHAW. nu lasolvent, orn A She late firm of TRIPP & SHAW, will he same to me on or the 15th JUN I Vi a el: 8-tf T. G. HAWTHORN, Assignee. A quantity of Cricket Boots and Spikes, NOTICE. N TUESDAY, JUNE B 1ifn, 1873, A LECTURE will be ua 1. V.) in the Bible Christian Cl harsil. y the Rev. J. Kenner ; is Dream, his hj Chair taken at hall-past Seven Piva, Admission 35 cents. Proceeds devoted towards the fund for the Shiaryemans of the Church. The Patronage ly ju et 'PI1C-NIC. PIC-NIC WILL BE HELD IN A AXNIS BEAUIFUL GROVE, on Do- mition Day, t Father McCann in erect. ing his Pas fa Tat FER SALE! nH AT DESIR ABLE HOUSE AND Lot onthe corner of Ho and Colborne | Sireets, at present occupied by J. Barnard, is for +als un easy terms. iw Carr. G. EAREW ELL. LADIES ANNUAL SCOIAL In connecjion with the CHRISTIAN CHURCH, OSHAWA, | AY TILL BE HELD IN THE NEW Barn and _Greunds of Mr. L. C. Hall, two | miles west of Oshawa, %2 Thursday TNOOn, th inst. Chair to bo.taken at three p. m. when Jadieans will be delivered by Eiders Hainer, ercy, Vande ung, Garbutt, Jeury, Shoults, G tintin, Rogers, J. E. Farewell, Esq.. L. L. B, J.S. Larke, and others. A Brass and is ex- pected for the open air, also singing by the Choir. An . accompamed by an appropri- ate address, wi be presented to Elder J." on the ic asion. Tea will be served from fiveto | eight v'vock. p. m. ake r of admission 25 cts. Mem ers in con- nection with Ue echurih are expected to pay as -. J. E. GOULD, See, Oshawa, une ttl 91d. 3 i O- tn td g xe © AI OL-HS L 4 | SNUOHLMVE OL OD EEVE HIIM NOIVINVO HHL HONOMHIL v \ A \ 4 attor,, | | NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, ONTAKIO RE. GKMEK, OSHAW, WEDN D wc' iy JUNE 15° h LOD. The Latest Styles of GENTS HATS F. McRAE & Co. FRESH ARRIVALS OF | BOOTS & SHOES! | | 9 F. MeRAE & Ceo. JUST RECEIVED | -- AT WIGHTMAN'S, | In the Dry Goods Departmerit . Hopls s Darke Ground Prints, | Ashton's Darl Ground Prints Prints, Black and White Striped Prints, Dolly Varded Prints, - Two Bales Crosley's Tapestry Carpets, Ate pieces Floor 0il Cloths, | Oxford Shirting, sty Silk Figured Grenadines, | Swisse Book Mislisis, Harrooksss Oottens, 32and 36 inch, : 'White Cotten Yarn. LS In the Grocery Department: Black Oouchong Teas, at 25, 45 and 65, ots. per Ib. Black Congon Teas, at 25, 45 and 65 cts. per Ib. WILLIAM M. WIGHTMAN, LATE COWANS Oshawa, and Prince Albert. New Dry Goods Store! re [, ALEXANDER & BRYCE Announces that they are showing a full assortment of --AND-- MILLINERY. re NOTE A FEW OF THE PRICES. Good Dresses, §1 25,81 50, $2, $2 50, dp. : Beaintifal Black Lustres (a speciality) fram 20 cls. per yard. Good Light Ground Prints, at 8 cts. Table Linens at 30 cts, 40 cts, 139 cts., 13a, si, $1 25. Table Napkins from $1 25 per dozen, to Linc Towels 5 cts, 10 cts, 15 cts, 20 cts, 25 cti. and 30 cts. Heavy Steam Looms at 8 cents. Our Grey Cottons are admitted to be the Cheapest in Tolen: d asséttment of f.acé Cartains at 90 cts, $1 20, $1 50, $1 75 | A plenty €2, 82 25, $3; $3 50, and $4 50. GENTS FURNISHING DEPARTMENT Cotton Socks at 10 ets; Good Oxford Shirts at 75 ¢ts, Splendid Beavy Cots Shirts at 81, a full assortment of Straw apd Felt "Hats. Clothing made to ordes on the Shortést Notice. Call and see the New Styles in Shawls at $2 25. MABMLLINERY! MILLNINERY! Our Millinery department is under the su tendance of Firat last Milliner from Toronto, and will be found replete in all the Paris an: New York styles.- Call and examine goods and for yourselves. All goods marked in plain figures en' one price cnly. ALEXANDER & BRYCE. Wileon's Block, King Streoty Osbava, TAH VD ISHEHLIOYY ATAHIS LV ANHN aQ1aid AONWV r A gS N SH 3 a1 00 puv [v0 v wry omB 0), puv 0GEO0 10J0q. $POO 0 aon Be vag ozoy Med[0 SER YOL eouyd oyy '[19% 0} puUNOq eI pus seeWIINQ Uwe oa! [07 seoud:puv onua pool! deeyo Wm yw) ug Re G81 'VMVHSQ '1SYH JIAAYLS ONIY 'MO0T1g S,NOSTI oq 11 'O3ePm3u1 10 OJRONOP HOY JOU GINS ON PIURIIBAA, PUB padieday] A[[njsard). 'SHOO0TO "ANV. SHHOLVM Nt MNUOM TV TVAN 'MAN 7 300g rq ov ¢ J9quamol ewwol J TIVESNIdIH 'M » "0%: 'WITAMAM 'HINVINHOLYM | Lumber for Salé: | A LARGE QUANTITY oF SESLON lumber for sale at Meads' Mill. Reach. B. CAMPBELL, } dtr. ' Proprietor. | | per day, Agents wanted ! $5 to $20 All classes of working people | of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments.or all the | time,t han at anything else. Particulars' free. Address G. STINSON & CO., 'Portland, Maine. NEW STOCK --or-- ! Pianos, Organs, Violins, Concertinas, Violin Bows and Strings, Sheet Music, de. INSTRUMENTS TO RENT BY THE TERM. Orders for Tuning aftended (0 promptly. R. WELLINGTON, Sign of the Book, Wilson's Block. Only One Dillar. 10, 000 Sold x IS SAFE TO SA SAY THAT OF ALL oye inventions of the present day none have ed more astonishment than the London ting Watch. The idea of making a watch | Renew ne small sum of one dollar seems an utter impossibility, but it has been accomplished and the most perfect time indicator produced which | | | | the world has ever seen, besides that each Watch comprises a_compass and Sun Dial, without ex- | tra costs. The London repeating watch isgot up | the most clegant style; with a handsome case of i gold metal, which is exact imitati of gold, glass Srystal, steel. and metallic works, and a white enamelled di ny and is of the size of an or- dinar wi Fe I hone ib Fanamed to KEEP the same case is a sun dial and a perfectly I rate compass, worth of. itself twice the amount charged for Whe whole watch. Eve ry oRhe wants oh, every bog. San now have a watch for him- Agents make 85a day selling them, mit sample sent on receipt of $1, or 5for 81, Send all sums over $4 registered 0 the manufactory, | Agents for atads, A. D. EDW ARDS & Co Toronto, Ont, FOUR HORSES FOR SALE: ONE YOUNG SPAN MATCHED BAYS, wultable for either Cai laffe or urpose ; i ne n e y will Sl ner Paras y or by 44 ANCRW ANNIS. House and Lot For Sale. Opposite Oakawa Cs Cabinet Factory. HE HOUSE CONTAINS TWELVE rooms, and a good stone cellar. Will ac- Sonoaata four Sal families. Fo icra, ete. a to Capt, George Fare or Py. ob R. McGEE. 24941. FOR SALE. HE VALUABLE PROPERTY lately owned by Mr. Robert Gott, corner of Simcoe and Pine streets, consisting of one quarter scre, on which there are two houses with wopd water hi ihets for sale on the Karr Prop Some goed! on TO! erty, the best in Czhawa. Apply to JAMES WOOD. FOR SAL. HORSE. EIGHT YEARS OLD, Suitable for General also BUGGY and HARNESS, apply to + KE. FIELDING 1-4 King ®t. West, Oshawa. ." PSYCHOMANCY; SOVL OFA MING." How either' sex may fascinaté and gain the love and affection of any person they choose, in . This simple mental acquire.nent all free, by mall, Jo 25 cents, together ! tian cle, A queer, excitin LLTAM & ddre: Co., South Eighth St, Philadelphia, Pa. THE DOMINION Coal - 0il Cooking Stove Burns coal wl at an Ei oT vie sont per Rour. without smoke or smell and does every variety of cooking in a very superior manner. Bakes bread, buscuit, apples cakes pies. genoral Draught, span. 48-tf. Roasts meat, fowls and birds to prefection they ate wot shhject to be dried up as in the ordinary meth, the carclessness of the cook. Owing fo the Sb Ar construction of the oven the¥ may ba<hat up and left. On her return,the cook will find them perfectly cooked. The meat i never shrilied, but the juices are retained. which impart to 'the bird its speci flavor, to tae srtisfaction of the most fastidiotis Boils and Steams vegetables, puddings, and all kinds of meat. Bolls or fries speaks, oysters, tomatoes, & Heats flat irons, glue peta, tailors' and tinsmiths irons, &e., and is admirably adapted tor drying photog: aphs. It is si.ple and neat--ocenpies but a small space upon a kitchen table : is alwa use, requiring only a match for Kindilog---and can be extinguished at preasure. The heat can be regulated to a nicotm-and 4x mot subject to those variations to which al! other fires are liable. This wiil bs SPfreciated | by Iaundress, or the lady who does her own | Jresetving, There is no smoke, unpleasant odor, ust nor ashes. Families of any size may do their entire caok+ ing with this steve. To Students, Clerks. and all who desire to study economy, it is invaluable. The saviag of fue! soon pe] its 'whole cost. ug seames and Jaundtesces will a al oy irene at a snall eXpenas | the perfect re fal and constancy of its heat mal ularly efficient for this purpose. by early Train, or going bone after the usnal hour for family meals will appreciate its value. The Rick Room. the Nursery, the Counting Hovsh, the Workshop, will soofi discover its ness. As a Sumraer Solid Stove it is unequalled, a3 it does not beat the House. ale stove ill be monufactured to nicet the ts of each, RE. LARARD. Agent for Oshawa, and East Whitby su FIFTY FIRST-CLASS wear. Steady employment Wages given, ' Block, : J. I. RELLOCG O.law. Jame 22 0. Sein A Machine Operators ED. TO. MANUFACYURE over McRae & Co.'s If you want to get HORSESHOEING REPAIRING OF ANY KIND DONE 2 Up to Time 1 By Time ! On Time | n And in Time | --GD 10-- ,BAMBRIDGES, SIMCOE ST. NORTIL. STEAM BETWEEN LONDON, QUEBEC, AND MONTREAL: #4; TEMPERLEY'S al Compesed y F She X aljuing First-Class SCOTLAND, at ny DELTA. NIANZA, THAMES, SEV ERS i smeero | The Steamers ef this Line are intended to sail | during the season. of navigation of. 1873, from | London for Quebec and Harel as follows: THAX MES Satu day, A] April 5th. Via Halifax ant St. 1m 3, SEVERN ar 16th Devers © - Saturday "2th Mepway -¥ < ednesday, 7th May > (Direct) Niaxza «+ « Saturday, 17th. do SCOTLAND « Wednesday, 28th do and every -alternate Wednesday and Saturday thereafter. And from .Quehes for London as follows : THAMES SEVERN DELTA .- Mepway -. NIANZA - - y ScoTLAND Tuesday, 2ith do (nd every alternate Tucsday an and "Thw | erenaick. Ee x rsday Sassage from kT Sbee to Tondon, Cal Through Ticked from all Thersday, May pints gy Tye reduced rates. Certificates issued to ing out their friends. Through bills of landin issued on the continent, and in London for troit, Milwaukee, Chicago and other points in the West, Carter an Darke, Bieter Street, London; & Co,, Quebec; David Shaw, Montreal, or to C. W, SMITH. Oshaws. bs ; | AS USUAL! persons desirous of bring- | parts of Canada, and inthe United States to De- { For Or passage, a to Temperley's pply ol | | | | aug fomeig ye Spod§ UIpILY pur PLY poriodumy ysary 1872) (1872, Complete Success ! 10 FIRST PRIZES £7 TWo EXHIBITIONS: | IW. BELL, & Co, | " GUELPH, ONT. Received 4 Bray Fim Prige for | Organs & Mlotocns = At the Préviiitial L Libiviion, Ramiion, and rand fuccess, in addition to last years | a silver Medal, 3 Diplomas, and 12 First Prizes, Prove that our instrument in the opinien or | Competent judges are incomparbly superior to al othery ietars and Manuf 1 of the ORGANEBTTS, Conta: Scribner's Tubes be by al tobe Hy yy te ment yet introd y is con Re pe SE Mh acknowledging thelr inability 16 compete' with warranted for nve ping itty dif. pan ERR t styles fen's. W. BELL & Co. or to JOHN DALF, > Brookli Guelph, Oct. 22nd, 1872. Removal IDR DEANS ESPECTFULLY INFORMS TI THE | Public that the MEDICAL REMOVED to WILSON'S NEW BLOCK: . NEAR THE PoST OFFICE, Where Le has opened out a NEW STOCK of cines, Dye Stuffs, Elegant ented Soaps, Tooth rushes, Hair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Coombs, Trus- ses, &g., &c. Shop as usual. Oshawa, Maach 12th, 1572, MEDICAL HALL, Pure Dregs, Chemicals; Patent Modi | WATCHES, And a large stock of Fancy Artioler. 2% His Surgery is in cornection with the | | | | "|88, 000 Worth of Stock. | Nov 1s YOUR TIME FOR CHEAP | | JEWELRY, «SILVER PLATE, | FANCY GODS, CLOCKS, aC. &C. MALDWELL q SPLPSIA NC IRN be MEDY. 0 CURES ALL FOI NS OY INDIGESTION AT ONCE. TRY iT orem A | a New 2, German tod An Ea "Seay sed ae se a | will sa are money by mining his stock and ee Jewelry Rd bd warranted on Sart nikion, and | After the Fire! JO&RH.HENRY, Have Resumed Business in the Gallery lately oooupiéd by J. E. Hoitt In the Bulltiag on the Corner of and Simooce Streets, ar 4 0 1 Stmees daw Take Photographs, And other Styles of Pictures in all the Latent Entrance on ont King Street Between Oflletts' and ey pe snd Coloring. Photograph tii fof Pletures, and enls Oshawa, December Sith, 1872. LADIES UNDERWEAR ! Haviog obtained Rooms ia GIBBS BLOCK, OVERMCRAEJAND ©0.4 STORE 2 1 have ced the 1 of LADIES UNDERWEAR IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Samries of worl read: Jnepection Ladies Jobo, Fd pr i) them Dromutly fi filled, in a manzer guaradteed to give po Invited to call, where zoads will be i" ov yory, cd ey by the for- J. F. KELLOGG. Oshawa. June 8rd, 1873. WOOL! WOOL. WHEAT, WHEAT. CASH PAID FOR {any quantity of WOOL, WHEAT AND OATS. J. W. FOWXE. Prospectus Ruger 1878. Tri AL DINE, An Hustrstad CT on of Astarican Not for sale in Book or News Stores. ry 8 the he quai of Ane, for ten i» I and th dine an besides! 5 Notwitsaniing. Jue than any other Rowse. Cudaws, 2%3reh 11h, 39ND, Store. enlarging '

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