i » ; Ly : EE i a Te AFSL iEERIRRSERBERT YT vy FLEE EYE i 5 § seen te yy ------ Blk nes oom Ei SLR _ EASLEY IRR ea a _BE CAREFUL. Never in a fool's mouth Trust your careless finger ; If you do, there's danger It may chance to linger, Never to the foolish Tell your dearest thought ; Or youll find your confidesice Like your finger "caught." Never with the silly Banter, sport or jest ; Even for your frolics 'Wise friends are the best. Legend of a Musket. Mark Twain tells the following story, related by a fellow-passenger, who, ban- tered bout his timidity,said he had never been scared since he had loaded an old Queen Anne's musket for his father once, whereupon he gave the following : You see, the old man was trying to learn me to shoot blackbirds and beasts that tore up the young corn and such things; so that I could be of some use about the farm, because I wasn't big enough to do | moch. My gun was a single-barrelled shot- . gun,and the old man carried an old Queen Anne musket that weighed a ton, made a soport like a thunderclap, and kicked like a mule. The old man wanted me to shoot the old musket sometimes, but 1 was afraid. One day, though, I got her down, and so I took her to the hired man, and asked him to load her, because it was out in the field. Hiram said, -- ¢ Do you sée those marks on the stock-- an X and a V on each side of the Queen's crown] Well, that means ten balls and five slugs--that's her load.' ¢ But how much powder I" "Oh," he says, 'it don't matter; put in three or four handfuls.' So I loaded her up that way, and it wag an awful charge -- I had sense enough to see that -- and started out. 1 leveled her on a good many blackbirds; bat évery time I went to pull the trigger, I shut my eyes and winked. 1 was afraid of her kick Toward sundown, I fetched it up to.the house, and there was the old man resting on the poreh. ¢ Been out hunting, have ye 7 "Yes, sir,' says I. «What did you kill? « Didn't kill anything, sir-- didn't shoct her off--was afraid she would kick--I knew | blamed well she would.' « Gimmie that gun I' the old man said, as | mad as sin. And he took sim at a sapling on tte other side of the road.and I began to drop beck out of danger. And the next moment 1 heard the earthquake, and saw the Queen Anne ebigling end over end in the air,and | the old men pinning round on one heel, | with ave leg wp-aiud both hands on his jaw and the bark flying from the old sapling like there was a hail storm. The old man's shoulder was set back three inches, his jaw turned black and blue, and he had to lay up for three days. Cholera, or nothing else, can soaze me the way I was acared Ahat time, Sympathy. Sympathy is a delightful fiimg for one 10 receive wheu sick or in tresble. Some people require mere sympathy than they can expect do veceive.! For every little ache or pam they vequire sympathy ; if they are toe kot they must be sympathized with ; they tell all their griefs and disap- pointments, and if they do not seem as serious to their hearers as they do to them they complain that they can get no sympa thy. yA lady said to her husband the other day,-- v . y Oh, iy dear, 1 have such a fearful pain in my head.' «1 krow it, my love,' answered her hus- band, (a 'brute,' of course,) and you have a pain in your back, and i® your side; and you think you are going to be sick.' "Yon have no sympathy for me,' indig- nantly replied his wife. ¢ My dear,' said her husband, 'I had an immense fand of sympathy, but you have drawn your t. I have used up all the sympathy I could raise on your ter rible aches and pains,and now I have none Jett' Before breakfast was over, the headache had quite gone, and, perhaps, the wife re- flscted that there was a little truth in her husband's remarks. If you ask people for sympathy too often an1 on occasions which are not serious, the supply of the real article is sure to run out and they give you a bogus substitute which is unsatisfyinz. They say, 'I'm sure I'm very sorry,' ' Dear me, and that sort of thing, and think, ' Confound that wowan, she is always complaining.' On the other hand, those who rurely com plain can,in most cases find some one who will give them real sympathy in the troubles and, what is better, put them in a way to remove them. Children are spoiled by being sympathiz- od with, they become querulous and pee- wish. It is better if a child comes to you toshowgon a scratch on its finger, to say ' That's nothing, it will soon be well,'than #» mourn-over it and say ' mamma's baby' and to kiss the finger and say, * it's dread- ful bad.' By this course you bring up your children to be cowards. Call for sympathy when the occasion requires it, but be care ful not to make your calls less frequent, est you overdraw the account. Effect of Imagiration. Many years ago a celebrated French jeian, anthor of a splendid work on the effects of imagination, wished to com- bine theory with practice, in order to con firm the truth of his propositions. To this- end he begged the Minister of Justice in Paris to allow him to try an experiment on a criminal condemned to death. The minister consented, and delivered to him an assassin of distinguished rank. Our savant sought the culprit and thusad dressed him : . ¢ Several persons who are interested in your family have prevelled on the judge not to require of you to mount the scaffold and expose J ito the gaze of the populace. has therefore commuted your and sanctioned your being bled to within the precincts of your prison sour dissolution will be gradual, and free from pain.' ' The criminal . submitted to bis fate, | thought his family would be less disgraced ~~ cusidessd $ a favor not to be com- op «42 cwalit :the place of public ex- i eet'. :, 1. conducted to the appoint. | graduillly became weaker, and the conver- I UNTAKIVU KEFORMEK, JSHAWA, HH NHR FS WEDNESDAY, PR MAY %8, 15/3 ed room where every preparation had been made beforehand ; his eyes were bandaged he was strappedto a table, and at a pro- concerted signal, four of his veins were gently pricked with the point of a pin. At each corner of the table was a smal! foun- tain of water, so contriged as to flow gently into basins placed to receive it" The patient believing that it was his blood flowing, sation of the doctors in an undertone con- firmed him in his opinion. ' What fine blood !" said one. 'What a pity this man should be condemned to die ! he should have lived.a long time.' ' Hush ! said the other ; then approach- ing the first, 'he naked in a low voice, but s0-as to be by the criminal, ' How many pounds there in the human body ¥' 'Twenty-four; you see already about ten pounds exfmacted ; that man is now in a helpless state.' The physicians then receded by de- grees,and continued to lower their voices. The stillness which reigned in the apart- ment, broken only by the dripping foundations, the sound of which was gradually lessened, so affected the brain of the poor patient that, although a man of very strong constitution, he fainted and died without having lost a drop of blued. Facts and Fancies. THINGS A MARRIED MAN CANNOT HELP THINKING. That all the girls used to be in love with him. That ull the widows are now. That if he. were a widower he could marry again whenever he chose. | That he wouldn't introduce any fellow he knows to his sister or daughter. That his wife is a little jealous. That she used to be a pretty girl; o That his mother could make good bread and his wife cannot. That he wouldn't trust most women. That if he should ever speculate he would make his fortune. That he would enjoy country life. . That his girls will never be so silly as to | marry. That his mother-in-law may be a fine old lady, but---- That he is going to make his fortune someday. That he despises old bachélors. THINGS A WIFE CANNOT HELP THINKING. That she was very pretty at sixteen. That all her lady friends are five years | older than they say they ave. | That she has a very fine mind. That if her busband had acted om her advise, he would be a rich man to-day. That people think too much of the looks' of that Miss , who would not be called handsome if she did not make her- self up. That her mother-in-law is a very trying weman. That her sister-in-law takes airs and ought to be put down. That her girls are prettier than Mrs B's girls. That she would like to know where her | husband spends his evenings when he stays | out. | That her eldest son takes after him. 4 Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, , " "Hage and Oaps. J | WILLIAM LANG INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW SPRING GOODS! of WHICH 18 COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. Gents' Eurnishings. 'Buiyioj epew-Apeay Boots and Shoes. HATCH & MEARNS, Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, KING STREET, OSHAWA, Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them during the post year, and would solicit a continuance of the same, We have on hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest * Stock of HARDWARE, and &e., Ever offered in this market. Our Stoek comprises -part of the following : 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, 50 Boxes' Pressed and Horse Nails, 200 Boxes Glass, " Star " and " Diamond Star," James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram"s White L:ads, English and Ameican Colors, : Blundel and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Forniture and Carriage Varnish. American, lish, and Canadian Locks, Latches, and Knobs; Butts, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &c., Spears and Jackson's and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, Gouge's, Plane Irons, &c. | American Socket Firmer Chisels, Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &c., Dawson's and English Planes, , Rodgers' and other English English Cutlery, Plated Forks, Spoons etc., B.-M. Tea and Coffee Pots, Sp dos, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks etc. Platform and Counter Scales, Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Weod Cooking Stoves, Chandeliers and Brackets, EVETROUGHING & JOBBINGPROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO Cut Nails 85 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices. HATCH & MEARNS, King Street, Oshawa, April 81st, 1873. OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON MANUFACTURING COMPANY | FYAVE NOW ON HAND THE FIRST INSTRU Manufacture, which have been pronounced by Good Is RUMENTS ULL We place ourselves before the Public as of Oshawa Men of Practical Experience, Having a thorough knowledge of the Business : and, therefore. parties Purchasi ments can rest assured they cannot be su by any establish Inthe Do Our Instru- That he is going to throw himself away | on Miss Scragps. That Miss Scraggs set her cap for him and did all the courting. . That her servants arg the worst ever wn. That she has taste in dress. That she has a good temper. That she pities old maids. { An old bachelor says that every woman is in the wrong untill she cries--and then she is in the right instantly. x There is a man in Sarnia whose whiskey bill for 1872 amounted to $1,000. An economical Ottawa gentleman wants the people who saved him from drowning to pay for tearing his clothes. The Illinois Legislature is considering a bill providing that all persons convicted of whipping their wives shall be themselves whipped in public. A young man asked a young lady her age, and she replied, '6 times 7, and 7 times three added to my age will exceed 6 tmes 9 and 4 as double my age exceeds 20." The young man said he thought she looked much older. The gentleman who led one of the Miss Rothschild to the alter lately is a victim of dissappointed hopas. She is worth only ten millions, and he was led to be- lieve her wealthy. . 5 A gentleman writes that he has several marriageable bought a house in a' fashionable he desires to be informed sof the of gaining an ent to the h of the best families in the neighborhood. To thus the reply is clear : The easiest and direct was wculd seem to be by <fhe front door, but that if he wanted to hesitate slightly in his proceedings, he might tun. nel under the pavement from the road, and come up the cellar way. uarter, A careful bridegroom in Clevevand kept the wedding-ring in his mouth dur- ing the four part of the cermony, so that arrived. He mumbled along all . right untii the minister gave a wink as a hint to produce the ring, when in his nervousness he swallowed it, and, there being no sto- mach pump on hand, he was stood on his head by three groomsmen, 0 as to re. covér the 'golden pledge.' The journey from London to Bath, Eng. by the 11:45 train, in the quickest in the world. The distance is 187 miles, sud is dofie in, two hours and thirteen minutes, including s stoppage of ten min- utes at Swindon. The acim time in travelling is two hours three minutes-- something over fifty two miles an hour. déughters, and having | he conld find it when the proper moment | ALL OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS, { £04 puriies Vrchsing from us will have a guarantee they cannot have by purchasing those { T Dominion will not be likely to take the responsibility on | We have now opened our Wareroom in Mr, Wilki mmercial Hotel, King Street, Wa. | We invite the publi: to come and inspect our instruments. Parties desiring to purchase will find i their advantage to deal with us, as they can save Ten the same time encourage home LE Wael Money. and 4% DARLEY & HOSKIN. 16-1y. own shoulders, 's Store, near the Oshawa, October Sth, 1872, Ontario Commercial College, Belleville, Ont. A THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS CHARACTERISTIC of the , where young mefi and boys can procure an education uited to the wants of the times. age y The charges are moderate, the risk nothing, the result Snvaciabe, and the opini- ons of the Press, letters from prominent business men, and the united admission of hundreds of our stud are the g of P y and ffered by this College. SUBJECTS TAUGHT. Book-keeping--by single aud double entry, Spencerian Penmanship, Arithmetic, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Phonography, Telegraph- ing, Railroading, Steamboating, Mechanical and rchitectural D rawing, etc., ete. A Staff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers, Those whe can devote a few months to study; ts who have SONS TO EDUCATY ' d of changing their p or something mere lucrative, or to qualify themselves to conduct their own business systematically, will find that the advantageswe offer cannot be obtained elsewhere. 4% Specimens of Pe * ship, and Journal containing all particulars sent free of charge. dress, 8. 6. BEZY & Co., Ballevills VW. WIGG & SON, HAVE TMOV i = D FURNITURE WAREROOMS, » TO THE NEW BUILDING. Opposite Quiley's New Hotel, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. and Finish to any Instruments of the kind that have éver been placed before periar. oth In Tone | acturer only is responzible for them, and Asouts selling for them in the | el FA LL L WINTER CLOTHING.. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be found Somplste. 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Clothing of all kinds made to order on the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. A Serial Story by DPR HOLLAND. New Story by SAXE HOLM. A Long Story From BRET HARTE. BRILLIANT ARRAY of CONTRIBUTERS CLARENCE COOK on Furniture and Decorations, RH. STODDARD on Authors, Extraordinary Induoements to New bscribers ; 500 PAGES FOR $1.00! &e., fe. The publishers of ScriBNER'S MoxTHLY, in their Prospectus just issued, promise for the ensuing year a more brilliant array of contribu. tors, and an increase iy the Yaricty and beauty of its illustration, already conceded by the critics to be finer than any which have hitherto appeared in any American magazine. Dr, HorLAND, the Editor, will write the serial story of the year, which will be autobiographical imform, and will be fllustrited by Miss Hallock. It is entitled Arthur Bonicastie, and will deal with some of the most difficult problems of American Life, It will be commenced in the November Number, There will be a new story by Saxe HoLu, The One Legged Dancer. BrET HARTE, the best writer of short stories now living, will contribute a characteristic story, entitled The Eple of Fiddietown, which will be illustrated by Sheppard. R. H. Stoppard will write a series of ente- taining papers about Amthers, their Personal Characteristics. Bome Life, Families, Friends Whims, and Ways. A series of Portraits of Living American Writers, is 4i%0 promised. Clarence Cook will write about Furniture and the Decoration of American These papers will be ethinently practical as well as artistic, and will be illustrated with de- signs and sketches nu numerous artists in sddi- lit to those which the writer himself will furn. ish. Among those who will contribute are: Hans Higginson. op Muating Bret Harte, John Hay, M. H. Macdonald, itchell, Mise Phelps, Stedman, Stockton, Stoddard, Celia Thaxter, Warner, Wilkinson, Mrs. Whitney, besides a host of others, The editorial control and direction of the Mag. azine wil remain in the handsof Dr. Holland, who will continue to write ' The Toples of the Time," which the N. Y. Independent says * are more widely quoted than any s{milar papers in any American magazine" Walter Gilder will write " The old Cabinet j* as hitherto, Prof. Joha C Draper conducts the Department of "Nature and Science." . departmonts of "Meme aud Society," and "Culture and Progress," will engage the con- jributions of more than a score of pens en both sides of the Atlantic. The Watchman and Re flector says : * Scribner's Monthly for September is better than usual, which indicates a needless waste of editorial brains and Publisher's mon- ey, Jor the Magazine was good enough before I" And Te the bltshers Riomise to make i stil r IRg year." The subscription price is a year, with speci- al rates to clergymen, teachers, and postmasters. The following Extraordinary Inducements are offered to new subscribers: Fer $5.50 th Publishers will send, or any bookseller or news- | dealer will supply, the magazine for one year, | ard the twelve numbers of Vols, IIL and IV. | Sutuihing the beginning of Mrs. Oliphant's Serial, " At His Gates" for $7.50, the magazine for one year, and the 24 back numbers from the begithing for $10.50, the azine for one year and the 24 back numbers bound (4 vols.), ¢ on bound vols, paid. This will give nearly es of the choicest reading, with the finest {1- ustrations for Ju0.50, or nearly 500 pages for a dollars! and will enable every subscriber to eb- tain the series from the first. ' 4% Special term: to Dealers Clergymena and Teachers. &C SCRIBNER 0. [=] Broadway, NY. SONG forthe PIANO Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price, Darling, 1 am Lonely Now, Song -and Chorus, Rewari 3 soma. HY oetent, Aug and chorus, anks, 39. Mattie May, song and chorus, Danks, 30. Lost and Saved, Ballad Donniker. 30. Fare- well, Darling, till we Meet, Rosewig, 30. Think of me, Darling, song and chorus, Miers, 30. Asking a blessing from Mother song and chorus, Stewart, 30. Reco of Childhoed, Bari- tone song, Danks 3 u art no longer Mine, baliad, Danks, 30. me sey my little yer, song and chorus, Pratt. 30. Close the shutter, Willie's Dead, song and chorus, Stewart, 30. Ethel Dreeme, song and chorus, Persley, 35. Quit dat Ticklin Me. Seng and Da H You'll always find me true, song an Hays, 35. * Dead, but not Forgotion, song™a chorus, Hays, 40. * Meet me Maggie, song and chorus, Hays, 40. * Lay me where my Mother's Sleeping, song and ¢horus, Stewart, 40. Father of All, sacred song, Panseron, 50, --te INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Antumn Leaves, Second Pensee Meodique, C. T. Frey, 35. Belisario, Fantasie, Kinkel, 35. * Rustic Beauty March, Kinkel, 35. * Sunbeam March, Skaats, 35. * Johnnie's March, Kinkel, 35. * Bertie's Sehottische, Kinkel, 35. *Jimmie's Schottische, Kinkel, 35. *Hattie's Waltz, Kinkel 35. * Sweet Sixteen Waltz, Kinkel, 35. Evenin, Zephyrs Waltz, Pacher, 30. Bird of beauty Waltz, Yourg, 20. Switch-off Galop, Youn 4 * Kittie's Po! Kinkel, 35. Ray of Sun 4] Polka, Pacher, 35. Glistening Stars Polka de "Harry's Polka Kinkel, 35. Sule of Beauty * Harry's Pol R mile of ut; "Polka, Young, 20. y Pieces marked thus * have picture titles. Atiy piece mailed, post-paid on receipt o marked price. Address, 4 J. L. PETERS, 599. Broadway, New Yerk. RARE CHANCE. Tc -- Splendid Business for Sale BE UNDERSIGNED BEING about to retire from the CABINET and UNDERTAKING Business has decided to dis- pose of his present and profitable business at Prince Albert,e: hed over fourteen years, and w h Silage an Skoellent Spportmn ty to any one wis soe Sak ow of at a stock in hand is P Ri oth g culars, 'or terms er i parti apply on the W. H. PARK. Ite tier for the com Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, FARM FOR SALE. One Hundred Acres. HE EAST HALF OF LOT NO. 20 in the 2nd coms, of the t situate on the m b Toad out ar ny SHINGLES. suas ov 2, kom yn 160, about 4} miles fram Berimaseiin: JONATHAN STEPHENS, Mod Fri Scribner's Monthly. THE CHEAPEST PAPER INTHE PROVINCE, --THE-- Only 1.BO a year, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY THE ONTARIO REFORMER Printing and Publishing Co., SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Andersen, Bryant, Bushnell, Eggleston, Froude, | PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING CONSISTING O¥ Posters, \ Blank Forms, f-5 Show Bills, Business Cards, { Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, ' Circulars, é AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF LETTERPRESS PRINTING FRoM A LADIES VISITING CARD UP TO THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT THE 'REFORMER' OFFICE, Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. wii m-- REMEMBER THE STAND, Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA, Oshawa Cog] AND Ee WOOD DEPQT. HE SUBSCRIBERS BEG 9 hand at the above Yard, large COAL and CORD Wogp Georgetown Lime, : All orders left at the office in A will be promptly to, 'ONTARIO REFORMER' 4:21 % Suey ALLAN LINE OSEAWA AGENOM : LIVERPOOL, LONDO AND CLASGOW, HIS COMPANY'S LINES com of dernoted Pull Pe bie Engined Clyde a Jon 3, tons (baliding, Scandina C3 Scott. vian, 3 3.000 RATES OF Oshawa to Li Cabin from $81 to tion. PASSAGE. and New York, Queenston and Liverpool] | CITY oF RICHMOND, Cnry CITY OF MONTREAL. Grr op Grey or or or Tickets can be here ot Re erm SL ES adn c w, SMITH, Osmawa, VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES! Fomine d a Jichered fam ' For the prevention and pure ef = PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, Also for the cure of ettne General Devin, 4a 4 CERTIFICATE' AS TO PURITY AND Laboratory, University +5 employed Ih the Victoria . the ion of the V phosphles. The several Jos wm any and phosphités will undot HENRY H. CROFT, oa Professor of istry, U0 Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all VICTORIA COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS OF Diseases Bladder and Try at and eminent virtues. x © Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggitt VICTORIA "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS* , Gout, De Lum y Price 50 Cents per Bottle. Sold by all VICTORIA CARBOLIC SALVE -. "«.3WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD." Ey Price 25 Cents per Box. Sold by al) Brag | YICTORIA CARBOLATED. -= CLYCERINE JELLY. "EMINENTLY THE LADIES'F AVORITE" 4 a Tea ak the Freckien, bi i ee napped ants, Price, 25 Cents per Bottle.d hy all Druggistt. VICTORIA FORM the public that they hove J : Agricultural Salt] ¥ remo The Ont; EVERY WED The Ontario RB ; Publigh At their office, T CONTAIN: EIGN and Rye as, Coun LE Kad an instr itive : , TERMS : $15 p f not paidwithin dx ind Jf theyear. INO lishet, and part posh up will be Le scription until they All letters addre -paid, otherwise Poe Post Ofce: "i RATES OH ax Jines and under Each subse iter to ten line i TE Over six lines, Hirst § Each subsequen number of line Lely measured dvestisments wil ppublished till for} II transitory adve hen banded in. A office of public orning precec 487 Merchants and of a very liberal discoy Busines DHYSICIAN ACCOUCHE! RCidence and Of Fn © & va - FRANC HYSICIAN, eur, and Coron WH. FREDERICK . UY'S HOSP LAND. Resid esidence, Simcoe 1 JO! ICENCED / wa. All ord Liv ayyended ( RANRPRREr SO «N EETH INSE latest principle TE Al hak in by producing lc Dental Roorfis --in Atkinson's Drug St JCENTIATE oie Log. over the , King St., Osh All operations pref Residence in the sa | n. ARRISTER LICITOR, «i Public, Oshawa, Sow Simcoe Streets. {34 MONEY to Le Fo -------- . - © A H. COC _JIARRIETER, Solicitor in Cha --in Bigelow's J. KE. FAR ov UNTY. CF 'Barrister, Attorn apf Conveyancer. ( #. Cochrane, dece tario. | ENWOO Bir 'TERS, AT-LAW, Selic Llic, Conveyance n. J. HAMER GREEXW . i 8 A ROCHITECT ance and Gon va. Aj Fairbanks, Esq. "HOLESALE of HOOP SKI ased. e trad -- King Street Bu "Issuer of M WH DOMINI( at OSHAW? - Money _ Wor further partical BUCHU & UVA URSI |. REDUCH "J AM Now PR amount of moni nor Productive T' Lowest Possible Nn sums and manner to can be re-paid by y 'Iuvestments made vd other securities. SILVER AND GREE 84 J Official Ase Office-- McMillan's | 'April 13th. 1871, Butehe GE. W. ETURNS TH! MEROUS Castor to remind the Market LINI MENT Site. meet the same share 0 Oshawa, Dec. 12th, 1¥ "MILK J roiLET ods van AND : Scl¢ by ol Druggies. Ln fF HE UNEERSI "pleasure in anno he has Fr : article, MILK, in its n by a continuance of 1 ity in delivery, to meri age of all who may be Millinery For Style i + - Go id For Cheap Et Go t( 'Ladies' Fu Bimooes St., Nor