Ontario Reformer, 21 May 1873, p. 4

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gsergEairecs- A *. % Eg Fy 213 FARR LEE TRH Be ERRLEFL xi : A i TEL \ is HH k g t 2 - PIERS " J 4 The «. Je was seized UNTAKIO KEFUKMEK, OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 15/3 a ICannot Smile Again. My heart is breaking ! let me weep Sister! you dn vain; Them deuve me to silent grief-- 1 cannot smile again, O. my not Lam wrong to mourn, Ia my lost Edmund's tomb, Can1 forget the long tried love Ot one 80 tree and brave! Tcare not for the false, cold world-- BMY Beart Is In his grave. Yet you tan Bid me wear a smile, ¢ And niingle with the gay: You say that time my grief will heal, Vou know not what you say. Sy heart is breaking ! lot me weep Sister | you plead in vain ; Then leave me tomy silent grief-- Jcungianlie Aguin. The Youss Hors. The young hero is a thin pale faced boy of ten, whom a worthless father in-law had smuggled on board a Liverpool steamer, apd who is discovered theoe fie he stowed sway among the cargs. disbelieves the boy's story,suspecting that ome one of the crew 1a in the secret, and that the lid lies in order to screen him. Hore is the test ¢o which the youngster is @dbjocted, as selited by the second engi- meer of the ship:-- " Now, my lad,' say the mate, in a hard wuare kind of voice, that made every word seem like fitting a stone into s wall, ' you ace that "sre rope! Well, I'll give you ten * whidutes to confess,'(he tock ott his watch "and held it in his hand), and if you don't tall the truth.afore the time's up, I'll liang » r JURORS i amlior sai . {hey couldn't believe their ears, (I didn't Believe mine, I can tell ye), and thena growl went among them, like a wild beast awaking out of a Dap. « Bilesjoo there I':shouted the mate, in a woice like the rear of a nor'easter. ' Stand by to-ren fer'ard an with his own hands round the boy's neck. flinched a bit ; bry there were some among the sailors (dig strong chaps 8s could have felled a ox) as shook like leaves in the wind. As for me, 1 bethought myself of my little curly-hair- od lad at home,and how it would be if any ome was bo go for to hang han ; sn dvi itl over, id Pe es as if they waa a gripping somebody's throat. I clutched hold of a handspike, and held it pehind my back, all ready. "Tom," whispers the chief engineer to me, *d'ye think he really mean to do it? «I don't know,'says 1 through my teeth "But if he does, he shall go finst,if I swings fori? I've been in many an ugly scrape in my time ; but Tnever felt balf as bad 2s I did "then. Every minute secmed as long as a dozen ; sadithe tick of the Nate's welch regular pricked my ears like a pio. Ee oo cious ugly look on 'some of their faces, and iJ noticed that three or four of them kept «edging forward to where the mate was satanding, in a way that mieant mischief. .-Asfer.me,1'd made wp ny mind that if he «did, go fer. to hang that poor little chap, rd "Willhimonsthe spot and take my chance. * Bight sanimutos ' says the mate, his gross voice breaking in vpn the silence Sikedhe'tall of funeral bell, 'If Tou've wget wthi- ; 0 confess, my lad, you'd holt ov; with it, for your- time is nearly *¢Tve told you the truth,' answers the bog, very pale, but as Srm as over. "May - 1 say my prayers, please The mate nodded ; sod down gos the little chap on his knees(with ba uoetiteday vo tis emp of puts up his poor little hends to pray. I couldn't make out what he said (fact, my head was in such & whirl that I'd hardly have known my own pame), but I'll be bound God heard it, every word. Theu he is up on his feet again, and puts his hands behind him, and says to the mate, quietly, ' I'm ready !' ES GR in sae bard, grim face broke up all at once, like I've seen ths ice in the Baltic. He snatched up the boy in his arms and kissed him, and burst out erying like a child ; and I think there was not ove of us that didn't do the same. I know [ did for one. A Sensible Womaa. 4 vaCT. About two weeks ago, a lady in Brook. lyn was on {he eve of moving to s distant country, and enquired of a friend where she could obtain a washerwoman for a few days. She was directed to No.--street. Towards even ng the lady songht the given street and number, and ringing 'he first oor bell, the door was opened by s plain- 'Is Mrs. Beut in 7 enquired the lady. 'lam Mrs. Bent, she replied, in a "1 called around 10 ses if you would come and wash for m. to-morruw I" said the lady, in-s-hslf apologetic tons, for it seemed such a strange thing to ask the woman fo do; but Mrs. Bent answered easily and naturally, 'I am not engaged, and will be there promptly at seven o'clock. | _ 'The conversation turned to the beauty | of the flowers and superior singing of the ~ eamary, when the lady, who is an 'ingnisi- tive little body, said " pardun my seeming sudevess of impertinence, but you have seen better days * Yes,' she replied, with a momentary sadness, 'but my history is not unlike thousands of others, save in the termina- mation--all do not become washerwomen.' 'Some years ago my husband was an affluent meschaat in an eastern city, but s mania to come to Now York, he might do even better ; saat down to think what I should Qo. I never for a moment thought.of becoming dependent upon my relatives or charity to strangers--but what conld 1d0 § I was not competent to teach, still less was 1 willing to try to keep up a shally gen- tility by doing slop work at starvation prices. I beleive I am a good housekeop- er, but I would not seek such a situation for 1 would be obliged to telinquish all my pleasant home associations, which I had determined to maintain. Being strong and healthy I concluded I could wash with more credit to myeelf and ny em- ployers than anything else. So I dispos ed of all my furniture, except enough for two rooms, in the style you now see; then went to wy daily work, which 1 have never looked upon as being degrading.' 'But is itnot a hard way to earn your living I" 'Not half as tiresome as one would suppose, for the modern laundry does away with all the hard part, such as pumping Water and filling tubs, and it is really renumerative. I work less hours | than your cook, get more than donble pay, and have ne fastidious tastes to tend wit'. I receive from my Suployer asubstantial breakfast and linser--two dollars for my work-- then go home, (you don't know how much this word emeans to me,) cook my light tea over a small gas stove, and evenings reading or sewing-- oftentimes in going to a lecture or concert So, 'you see, 1 get many of the real "com- forts of life oven though a washerwoman.' ' Would that hundreds of others would follow your noble example, there would bo less crime and destitution to record, was: the impulsive exclamation of "the Listener. " A Short Love Story. Here is a short love story told by one Morgan, a sea captain, concerning the choice of a husband at sea, which, (may af- ford a profitable hint tg, young ladies en voyage : Single ladies often cross the water under the special care of the captain cf the ship, and if a love affair occurs among the passengers, he is made confident of one or both parties. A very fascinating young lady had been placed under Morgan's care ly in love with her. They were equally agreeable,and the lady did not know which to encourage. She asked the captain's advice. 'Come on deck," he sid, 'the first day it is perfectly cclm the geatlemen of course will be near you. I will have a boat quietly lowered down, and do you jump overboard and see which of the gen- tlemen will jump after you. 1 will take care of you." A calm day soon came, the captain's suggestion was followed, and two of the lovers jumped after the lady at the instant. But between those tw she could not decide,s0 exactly had been their devo- tion. She again consulted the captain, who he | said take the man that didn't jump--he's the more sensible fellow,and will make the best husband. The motto of our temperance girls is, ' the lips that touch wire, shall not touch mine.' It is unlawful to give a fellow chews o chew of tobacco. The revenug laws forbid any ©Ze to sell, or dispose of tobacco in any form without paying a license. What kind of cattle do they have outat Zavesville, 01 A man advertises that he wants a woman ' to wash, irun, and milk one or two cows, ' There's one thing," said a lows at a race, that nobody can beat, and that is 'time.' 'Fudge !" exclaimed a bystand- er, every drummer in the land beats time. They had a typographical hop at La Crosse the other night. A drunken priater hopped out of a four story window. Lady Dufferin has been teaching her household a lesson in economy by getting her umbrella mended at s tinswith's shop. Nexr day the tinsmith hadthe royal coat of arms hoisted over his door. Jones wagered Brown that he had seen a horse galloping at a great speed and a dog sitting on his tail. It seems an im- possible feat for a dog to accomplish, bit Jones was right, and wou the money. The An uufortunate editor of one of our couptry exchanges thus addressed his de- linguent subscribers : ° Friends, we are penpiless. Job's turkey was a millionare compared with our present depressed treasury. To-day, if salt »as two cents a barre', we could omly buy enough to pickle a jay-bird.' An artist, who had painted a portrait of a gentleman, noted for his freguent liba tion, invited the gentlemen's friends to see it. One of them who was rather near sighted, approaching is rather too closely, "he artist in alarm exclaimed, ' Don't touch it, it isn't dry." No use looking at it-then replied the gentleman, it can't be my friend. Young man with a cigar you age smck- ing away your capital. You sir, at the dram shop are drinking yours, Dimes make dollars. Time is money. Don't | wait for time to begin on. Our men of . | power apd influence did mot start with forvuné. = You, too, can make your mark if you will. But you must stop squander- ing your money and spending your time in idleness. A short time since a luckless whale got jammed in the ice in Bonavista Bay, and at length was fairly Ffted out of Liis native element, and lay high and dry like a stranded ship, but, though helpless, quite alive. Some fishermen discovered the ter, and took p of the prize by carving their names on its sides and hoisting a flag on its tail, aftet which they went off in pursuit of seals. Another party arrived soon after, and, seeing how matters stood, came to the conclusion that they had a right at all events to a few slices off the whale. Accordingly they set to work with their knives, having no means-of despatching the whale, and cut off as much fat as they were able to carry off, and took their departure, intending to return for more, Merntime, the ice be- gan toslaken, and the whale, not relishing the aspect of affuirs, took his departure, cerrying with higs the flag firmly fixed in cavity cut in Risfail. Tis to be feared r some discomfort be has sustained ; and, and three young gentlemen fell desperate- | S Hats and Oaps- WILLIAM LANG INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID BTOCK uF NEW SPRING GOODS! WHICH 18 COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, 1 Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. Gents' Furnishings. 'Buigio|p spew-Apeay Boots and Shoes. HATCH & MEARNS, 'Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, KING STREET, OSHAWA. Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed om them during the post year, and would solicit a continuance of the same, We have on hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock of HARDWARE, and &c, Ever offered in this market. Our Stock comprises part of the following : 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, 50 Boxes and Horse Nails, 200 Boxes Glass, "Star" and " Diamond Star, James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's nite LL ads, English and Ameican Colors, Blundel and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Fnrniture and Carriage Varnish. American, lish, and ('anadian Locks, Loti, and Knobs, Butts, T: and Strap Hi , Screws &ec., : Spears and Tate and "Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon. Sawa Chisels, . Gouge's, Plane Irons, &c American Socket Firmer Chisels, Star Wp Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &c., Dawson's English Planes, rs' and other English Cu Plated Forks, ete, B. M. Tea and es, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks ete, Platform and Counter Scales, Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, Chandeliers po. Brackets, EVETROUGHING & JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO Cut Nails $5 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices. HATCH & MEARNS, King Street, Oshawa, April 31st, 1873, oo Pte, OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON MANUFACTURING COMPANY TIAVE NOW ON HAND THB FIRST INSTRUMENTS OF THEIR TE OP TT Men of Practical Experience, of the Business; i. Haviag & iyaroush know the oe Ay parties ohasl Our Instru- az on r= DTA ARE VARIANTSS FOR FIVE TEARS, parc! from ue wil have » they cannot have by purchasing those nd parties imped. 3 A erring Th for thom ad oar? mango hen We have now We invite the public to come and inspect our instruments. Parties desiring it 0 their advantage to deal wi Tita nae (bey can dare Fem par come | he the same time encourage home man: 3 DARLEY & HOSKIN. 16-13. Ontario Commercial College, Belleville, Ont. A THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS } CHARA CTERISTIC of the where young mea and boys can procure an education uited to the wants of the times. re y The the risk not! the result unvariable, and the opini- on a nt So i ti iin of hundreds of our P cy SUBJECTS TAUGHT. Book-keeping--by single 2 Jouble double ey. = Phonograph. Arithmetic, Corres ing, Railroading, boating, Morbamion pd rehitectural ete, ete. A Staff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers. morThzse who can devote & few months to study ; j Jarents who have SONS Te EBTCATY melee soning ht © own business systematically, hat the a S% Specimens of Penmanship, and J drees, ining all part sent free of charge. 8. G. BETY & Co. Bslloville W. WIGG & SON, REMOVED; FURNITURE WAREROOMS, NEW BUILDING, Opposite Quiley"s New Hotel, oa Hone Pry Wilkinsou's Stare, near the fs will find Money, and at | of me AND WINTER CLOTHING. LATEST sTvies BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLEY'S AND wave YOUR ORDERS rot FALL AXD WINTER CLOTHING. Ho hag just received his * NEW STOCK, Which #ifl be found complete. 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Clothing of all kinds made to order on the shortest notice. i NEW FALL:& WINTER @G00DS IN GREAT VARIETY, just arrived at TAUNTON! THE CHEAPEST AND BEST-ASSORTMENT EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC. We have an excellent Scetmint 01 English-afid, Canadian Tweéd OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is A 2nd our TEAS are A No.1. REE EA at FORTY CENTS. Dust he are Re aclling att), by Also, an gxcellent assortment of Rub and Oy Ove which will be sold v aud Satchels. And, Shas act gery ihing that belongs uptry Store, prices and satisfy yourselves be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Cash Paid for Hides and Skins WM. WILLARD, Taunton. SONGor the PIANO Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. Darling, 1 am Lonely Now, Song and Chorus, Stewart, of eetest, song and chorus, Lado ng and chorus, Danks, 3%. = ad, Donniker. eo, Fare- well, acta wé Meet, Rosow ig, Think Aoki and sharus, a Sites, 30. ng a Mot! orus, Stewart, 30. Recollections of "Childhood , Bari- tone Shad Thou art no ine, ballad me say my littic ayer, lose the si and chorus, Stewart, 30. and chorus, Persley, 35. Song 54 In Dance, Hays, 35. he 1 true, ea not Forgot. so Song and chorus, Hays, 40. * Meet chorus, ys, 90." ~ me rhere Hafner » Ong an: wi er of All, sacred Panseron, 50. ------ INSTRUMENTAL Musi. Autumn Leavesy'Second Pensee M. T. "Frey, 35. Fan * Rustic' Beauty March, Skaats, i 35. *Bertic's Sehottfache Rinkel 35. "Jimmies Schottische, Binkel, 35. *Hattie's' Wal 35. Sweet xteen altz, Kink: Zephyrs her, * i w altz, Yo ca Kinker 35. of Beauty el, 5. 2. Pieces:marked thus * have picture titles. A ece' mai post-paid recel. ny erendh led, paid on pt © J L, PETERS, Broadway, New York. "RARE..CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale UNDERSIGNED BEING om the CABINET and in tock In-trade will , and on easy terms. well assorted, and particulars, apply on the RE SA W.H. PARK. Prin o Albert, July 17th, 1872, at > FARM FOR SALE. One Hundred Acres. HE an pod TALE OF Cp ER i Pp hi SH iad SHINGLES. SET OF AL ALL D8 FOR alles! at Fd ey Xo. 8, oon. Darling: JON ATHAN, STEPHENS, : a NITROUS OXIDE '--OR-- | Protoxide of Nitrogen | a ron THE PAIN. March Simcoe Street, Oshawa. we. BOOTS & Eon in TT VARIETY. | Call and examine our stock and | [ THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE PROVINGCE, ~THE-- 'ONTARIO REFORMER' Only 1.80 a year, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING BY THE ONTARIO REFORMER Printing and Publishing Co, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA, "EVERY DESCRIPTION OF : PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING Tailoring dope Tale shan shartest notice, x] : CONSISTING OF Posters, Blank Forms, Show Bills, Business Cards, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF <[LETTER-PRESS PRINTING FROM A LADIES VISITING CARD UP TO THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT THE | 'REFORMER' OFFICE. | MA Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to SRE S-- CALL and SEE SPECIMENS: mipiats THE STAND, ~ Next door to the Montreal Telograph Office, "= ISIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. AND WINDSGR. wr | SoM by all Draggise. Circulars, i 1 ---- Osha a Coa AND tome WOOD DEP HE ho BSCRIB Dae pe es, Bes at the above Yard, Tan COAL and CORD. All ordaty left at the office inthe ill be promptly attended to Marshall & Begs WOOD CUT and SPLIT at EXTRA ALLAN N LINE, OSEAVA AsaNem WINTER SER het rn Eu STEAM WEEKLY T90 LIVERPOOL, LORDON AND CLASGOW. / hs COMPANYS LINES i . EE tons fifa - ga Wi. r ge. & A, ALLAN, : to aaa Agents, Mostrggl, Lg (gO ow INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHI #70 AND FROM VIO TORTA ' COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES! ria sy oe incre fugin Dr. Ch from Dr. Sharchil Sly the prevention perp Lv PULMONARY Cm x Also for the cure of HENRY H. CROFT, VICT RIA COMPOUND FLUID y BUCHU & UVA URSI pled ic, Rumedy for all Diseases ih REELED LT RT, Prien 9 per Botte. Sold bf off Drage | BUY IT! TRY IT! Price 0 Oenta per Bottle. Sold by all VICTORIA. - CARBOLIC SAL "WORTH ITS W' sch Soop for Cute as Bol the Sita of every description, : Price 25 Cents per Box. Sold by all Drugx VICTORIA CLYCERINE JELLY. ar Cn mr PL CL ---- VICTORIA TOILET SOAPS. ede heats T4 oo foser soon RIA VICTORIA Price $1 per Bottle, nf Cia TA 8 Bh | Onin BVERY D> Ontario Re he publishi At their office,

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