Ontario Reformer, 23 Apr 1873, p. 4

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fom ot kindred dis a uted to a low Owing = i. i or ph , Sherid would they ¢ | Tur 4s the have ¢ by the factior and th An the Cr sovera two aa: out), a boots, carpet, "Wo! Keroful of Hun ~ per-em edies. ja the 1 and it i remain Ira flat on let him _it is si "fiowing itself tl troublec in the si burns, i bottle of which is 'plaints. Somer | peculart J ent eye? and gra his obed use, all ¢« | look at a H inthe ind | but it is | cared for or unsou exibit tI ithout * | © A cow Hamilto: Times as cle that | time 3gc< champiof of her ¢ writing t a space 1 piece. pen, aud On one ir (unaided * Prayer 4 the ads _ day . E "wp tras tol ell som Hi I thin Lords . - an Ameri, list oily, an ¥ i ------ avr UKMER, OSHA Ww And Yet. y heart with dread is beating all the while /nd yet T'm almost sure he loves me best of all. y 1 soe hi | E UNDERSIGNED BEING Britania Metal Tea Pots. petite from the CABINET and | ERTAKING Business has decided to dis- of his frcuant large and: profitable business | tince Albert,established over fourteen years, [and which affords an excellent opportunity to | Sg | any fine wishing 1 ngage in such a business, i lie Premises and whole Stock-in-trade will be I D | disposed of at a Bargain, and on casy terms, The El t 1 1 d C ec S | stock in hand is large and well assorted, and the eC ro a e ru t ' | run of custom excellent. ! For terms and other particulars, apply on the premises to lance at Milly's fairy feet, a , ae Dh Ce fl thelr MoTemenls with a smile Charm: many maidens sweet, i My heart with dread fast beating all the while : And yet T'm almost sure he loves me best of all. ye For when he takes my hand in both of his, And looks at me with his confiding smile, My every doubt and fear are set at enge, : And--yes ! T'm sure, quite sure; he loves me best of all. | y) W. IL. PARK. Prin ¢ Albert, July 17th, 1872, Her Caught in His Own Trap. Ss H | inaLEs. |And Table Spoons, and Forks. A girl young and pretty, and above all | - a FY id J NGLE ) ALL NDS FOR | g fted with an air of admirable candor, | SHIN LES OF ALL KINDS FOR | | salo at my Mill, Lot No. 6, ith con. Dasling- | lately presented herself before a Parisian | ton. about {} miles rom Bowmanville. | lawyer | JONATHAN STEPHENS. | yer, = | March Lr ' Monsieur, I have come to consult you ee on a gravé affair. I want you to oblige a | man _ love to nifrry me in spite of him- | self. How shall I proceed ¥' The gentletush of the lar, of course, had suflicienfH He reflect- ed a moment, End then, being shure that A oy . . no on overhéard him, replied hesitatingly. | ' Mademoiselle, according to our law, you always posses the means of forcing a man to marry you, Table Knives. : Prospectus for 7 87 3, rob (Table Knives, all First-class. THE ALDINE, JUST RECEIVED AT An Illustrated Monsiiy Journal, ual- | versally admitted to be tho Hand- somost Poricdical in the World. 4A Representative & Champi- : : on of Adorican Taste. You must remain on | asfic conscience. Also another lot of the Celebrated HATCH & MEARNS, 36-tf Fe : Lp Bee ra : | =r 1p. Ra | RARE CRANCE. | : : 'THE HOLIDAYS EAR GSS inte: Splendid Business for Sale Something for Christmas Rlectro Plated Cake Baskets. | HAE USTRECEIVED » BEAUTI. Electro Plated Tea,Baskets, Electro Plated Desert and Ivory Handle Desert and | HATCH & MEARNS Mansard Cook Stoves, Hardware,Stove and Tin Dealers, A, WEDNESDAY, APKIL %3, 15/3. ARE COMING. THE W. WICC & SON CHEAPEST PAPE ful assortment of Pictures, already f~am- ced.snitable for Christmas presents, in part of which are the following: A SCENE IN CALIFORNIA. WINDSOR CASTLE. A SAIL BY MOONLIGHT. BALMORAL CASTLE. BALLYNAHINCH, Ireland. MOTHER'S JOY. STAR OF GLENGARRY, THE HAPPY FAMILY. IN THE PROVINCE, INNOCENCE. --THE-- FIDELITY. | THE FIRST PAIR OF PANTS. THE NOSEGAY. THE BREAD OF HEAVEN. EVENING PRAYER, etc, ete. Also, a lot of First-Rate HAND-SLEIGHS, The best ever beforeoffered in town. Call early * | and get your choice, CHEAP FOR CASI! Wishing our kind friends a "Merry Christ mas and a happy New Year." W. WIGG & SON. ete., Only 1.80 a year, BY THE WINTER ONTARIO REFORMER * Very well, Monsieur, 1 will retain yon a¢ council in the management of this affair. Good day.' A few days afterwards the young lady returned. She was mys'eriously receivel - 4) x 4 ly the lawyer, who scarcely gave her time to seat herself, and questioned her with the most lively curiosity. a Capital, capital J and the plans for the coming ycar, hand, : tar . : folded by monthly issues, will ' Persevere mn your design, Mademoi- | § rad delight even the most sanguine *ell, 'but then next time you come to con- sof THE J4LDINE. a Cin 3 yublishers are authorized to annonnce &¢- iit me give me the name of the 4nan you The pul mics the most eminent artists of going to 3 vi "ite Oo ¢ . In addition, THE ALDINE will 8 § to make so hapy ins ite of him- Shea suiinlD 3 : ¥ | : wry three occasions alone with him ; you can | NOt for sale in Book or News Stores. | regularity, hag none of the femporary or timely | . | in'erest ¢ teristic rgY of dinary periodi- 'And will that suffice, Monsieur 1' el har) salen I cel 'Yes, Mademoiselle, with one further pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill, in | black and white. Although each succeeding " . . | will be most appreci ated after it has been | 'Then you will produce witnesses who bound ap i rane OTIS year. While other ALDINE is a unique and orjginal conception-- | KI NG STREET, OSHAWA. atin . 4 alone and ubappronch Pa ed = absolutely with individual said to have trified with - ~ M '. Yections. | plicate' the quantity "af fine paper and engrav- | ings in any other shépe or number of volumes | . . . Art Department. Highest Price Paid Notwithstanding the increase in the Iie of | subscription last Fall, when THE ALDINE then go before a judg re | . | hen go bef, ea judge and swear that he| rug ALDINE, while {ssued with all the is your liver. | cals. Itisaf elegant miscellany o re, light and graceful literature ; and a AR of condition.' a Hon. : number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, | 'Well ! | the real value and Hn of The Aldine 1 | will 3 3 | publications may claim superior cheapness, as | Wii make an oath to having seen you re. | J canon may Cr icapnom, us main 8 good quarter of an hour with the , your out competition ind price or character.-- | Oshawa, December 19th, 1872. : od { The possessor of a eomplete volume cannot du- | Tor ten times its cost; and there arcthechromos, | besides! med its present noble proportions and re- | taiive character, the edition was more | oubled during {| the pnst yaar | Proving . that the American 4% public appreciate, and | will support, a sincere effort in the cause of Art. | ~--FOR-- The put lishers, anxious to justify the ready con- | flaence thus demonstrated, have exerted them- selves to the utmost to develop and improve the the A fortnight afterward, the young lady nocked zt the door of the counsel's room. "0 sooner was she in than she flung her- <!f] into a chair, saying that the walk had The quarterly uce four of n § Davis' ini ketches, ap- | ropriate to the four seasons. "These plates ap- | u the issues for January, April, July, | ould be alone worth the price of | Oise ALSIKE CLOVER SEED! de her breathless. Her counsel tried N [he papular feature of ai ie} ) « AN ed "Christmas" numb- | reassure her, made her inhale salts, -- 0 . To such a valuable | nd even proposed to unloose her gAr- epitome ¢ world at a cost so trifling, will : command t scriptions of thousands inevery nts. ' : section of the count Hh ut, as the usefulness and | IS (5 : . 3 art "9 ALPINE can be en | It 3» yscisas Mousicur," she said "1am | | Ww srtion Rd 10 4h numerical in- | Auch tier.' crea rorters,'the publishers propose . 4 make "assurance double sure," by the following ~--AND-- Well, now, tell me tho name of the 'uuparalleled offer of | 7 ' { . fortnate mortal." - | Fromium Chromes for 1873. | CW . M : ell, then, the fortunate mortal, be it Every subscriber to The Aldine. whe pays in =; known to you, is yourself,' said tue young advauce for the year 1873, will receive, withott 7 abil ot ® | additional charge, a pair of beautiful oli chromos, peauty, bursting into a laygh. '1 love J, Hill, the eminent English painter.- Oty - : res, entitled "The Village Belle," and you ; I have been here three time fete-a- rossing the Moor," are M4 x # inchey--are ie with v B vf printed from 25 diferent plate«, requiring 25 im- ; fede wi h you, 'and my four witnesses are pressions and tints to cach picture. The below, and willing to accompany me to a n r $30 pair, in the | magistrate,' gravely continued the nar- rator. The lawyer thus' cavgiit had the good tence not to get angry. The most singnlar iact of all isjthat he adores his young wife who makes an excellent housekeeper. g f periodical, ! ¢ will mark an epochin of Art; . considering the vnprecec ne . price for The Aldine itself M shoft of a de, cve withitlie - Has She a Call to be a Wila. est apg 16 mventive Fn hanical appliances, [For {astra + chromos, soo Novewuber issue of 1878. NEW WINTER GOODS = more of her siik dress than | | afd visits her namséry no | once a day ? i Has sha a call to be a wife who speads her tie in' reading the 'latest novels,' cowpelling her "Jusband, ,With depleted purse, to hire a domestic to supply her lack of service 1 . Has that womat a call to be a wife who cries for a cashmegd or camel's hair sha~] when her husband'snotes are protested 1 "Has the wonian a call to-be a wifs who expects her husband to swallow diluted coffee, sogey bread, smoky tea,and watery potatoes six-days out of seven. Tas Literacy Department inue nnder the ca ard Oleeiér than eof Mr. Richard the best wr Il strive to have the | 1 always in keeping | ¢ attractions, | Terms: | $3 per annum, in advanee, with ofl | Chrowmos free | be obtainable only | we no reduced or i wanded to the local a . wlbility to the publishers, exc "ases where the certificate is given, | bearing the fac-similc signature of JAMES SUT- Tux & Co. Agents Wanted. | FYHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS OF joAny person, wicking 10 act permanently as a Oshawa and surrounding country that he has received, and is still receiving Ban or ADITIng I + hud prompt ihform- | Lo) assorted stock of Spring Goods, at the usual Low PRICES. JAMES SUTTON & CO,, | Publishers, | MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. | Has sho call to baa wife who flirts with every man she mee's, anl reserves | the frowns for the hom (iraside ? Lias she a call to be a wife who comas down to breakfast in abominable curl } Dress Goods, Cottons, Coatings, papers, a sailed dressing gown and shoss down at the heel? Scribner's Monthly. | Prints, Poplins, Tweeds, a 1 i» "| 4 Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND. Has she a call to bea wife who bores | <4 > ry Uh LixE HOLM. her husbund when he comes into the honse -with the history of a brokea tea-cup, or the possible whereabouts of a niissing Sut Decorations. A Lang Story From BRET HARTE. BRILLIANT ARRAY of CONTRIFUTERS CLARENCE COOK on Furniture Clothjng Made to Order on Short Notice ! RH. STODDARD on tuthors, | The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery, Horses, broom handle 1 | = | : Extracrdl Inducome Wagons, and Anything else You can Think Of | Has she a call to be a wife who would | Be id ul 0 Wow og ' y g f take advantage of a 'moment of conjugal 500 PAGES FOR $1.00! weakness to extort The publ promise ? their 1% 3 1 ensuing year a mn: Has sho a call to ba a wife whose hus. | tors, and an incr 1 ' its fllustration, band's love weighs naught.in the balance with her next door neighbor's ¢'iitains or velvet carpet | &e., &e. money or exact a +» promise for the | ntarray of contribu. All Kinds of Produce taken in Exchange. v ar ety and beauty of vly ¢ ed by the critics to J. . FOWKI i Ave hitherto 2 0 | { loa agave hitherto sppoured | CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS AN L BARLEY FOR SEED. be duer than any | damask. | '" 8% sk " Dr. HoLraxo, thie Editor, will write the serial *torv of the year, Which will Le autobiographical | n, and will be illustrated by Miss Hallock. | ed Arthur Bonleastie, and will deal uit problems of mmenced in the Has she a eall to bo a wife who takes a a'journey for pleasurs, | aving her hus. band to toil in a close office, and * have an eye," when at home, to her servants | | e¢ will be a new story by Saxe HoLM, The One Legged Dance {i Bnet HARTE, the k Has she a call tobe a wife, to whom a 1 ; ico Oshawa, Jan. 12, 1873. now i x Ww, ine husband's society is not the greatest of entitled The Eple earthly blessings ? ~ CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY. . \ » will write a seriés of ente. to outside slanders against her husband ? ribute a cha cteristic story, ddielown, hich will be it. H. St taining p €haracterh { Whims, an - Living Am c HDA bout _Anthoers, their Personal es. Mom Families, Friends | y ics of Portraits of | , 13 also promised. rite. about Fernitu:e of American Momes. inently practical as , trated with de- signs and sketches by numerous=artists in addi. ion to those which the writer himself will furn. | 1 h. Goverxess to pupil: "Where does the tea come from I" Naughty . "Out of the tea-pot. FIHIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly] : 3 authorized Agent, for the sale of itdle boy: N mg those who will contribute are: Hans | n, Bryant, Bushnell, Eggleston, Froude, | Huntington, | cubes | Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent Mes. Whitney Family | " M hi es. This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive ri Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is also authoriged to appoint | Gilder will write * The old Cabinet = | Agents for the sale of our Machines, in said Territery. Such agents have all the Prof John © Draper conducts the | rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us, of "Natare and seience. The | t 3 a; Ty Tae total meat supply of Grert Britain itis on.' Hiakop Huntingts last year averaged seventy-eight pounds | Phelps, , Stockton, for each person h Thaxter, . Wilkinson, besides a host of others, The editorial control and direction of the Mag. azine I remain im the haods of Dr, Holland, who ntinue to wiriie "The Toples of the T VU which the N.Y. Independent says "are widely quoted than any similar papers in any American mayazine," Tuar Pittsburg girl has sent back those two barges of coal, which her father gave heres a bridal present. She says she guesses sho can make it hot enough for " Hubby" without any outside help. nore ght of selling our | he best foreign mast- | ers, setected with a view to the highest artistie | suc t ral interest'; avoiding 5 y have B liar, through photo- | , or copie kin TIMOTHY SEED! | prices and satisfy yourselves be- CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. CALY, AT GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CONSISTING OF Jeautiful Vest and Pant Patterns, 2lothing of all kinds made to order on | the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. Posters, Blank Forms, FALL & WINTER GO00DS I GREAT VARIETY, Show Bills, Business Cards, | | : just arrived at TAUNTON! | THE CHEAPEST AD BEST ASSORTMENT | | EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC, Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, . AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF We have an excellent assortment of English and Canadian Tweeds. Tailoring done on the shartest notice, and gand fits guaranteed, OUR GROCERY DEPARTMET i 11 assorted, and our TEAS are A No. }, GOOD GREEN TEA at FORTY CENTS. Our Dust Teas we are selling at 37}, by the five pounds, BOOTS & SHOES in GREAT VARIETY. Also, an excellent assortment of Rubbers and Overshoes, which will sold very cheap. Trunks and Satchels. And, in fact, everything that belongs toa Tab | Country Store. FYROM A LADIES VISITING CARD Call and examine our stock and fore purchasing elsewhere. Cash Paid for Hides and Skins WM. WILLARD. Taunton. UP TO THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER EXECUTED WITH Fire, Removal, Damaged Goods, Sel- ling Off, Auction Sales, to the Elect- tors, &o., all played out, but J.P. JOHNSTON, Watch-maker & Jeweller, NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, == t If burned is not played out, but has opened A Now Stoze Thies Doors Hast of AT THE And is mow able to show his la and well assorted stock of Choice ard Fine Gold Jewellery, Watches, &o., &o.! | Which he is offering cheap. All work promptly attended to, and proper) done. Bete y SONG forthe PIANO| Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price, Darling, 1 am Lonely Now, Song and Chorus, Stewart, 30 cents, Sweetest, song and chorus, Danks, 30. Mattie May, song and chorus, Danks, 30. Lost and Saved, ballad, Donniker. 30. Fare- well, Darling, till we Meet, Rosew ig, 30. Think of me, Darling, song and chorus, Miers, 30, Asking a blessing from Mother song and choru Stewart, 30. Recollections of Childhood, Bari. tous song, Danks 30. Thou art no longer Mine, ballad, Danks, 30. Hear me say my littlo prayer, y { . ny ts of "Hodae ANA Soelety." and Signed fur the Company, A charitable lady sent one of 'her last | "Culture and Progress," will engage the con . : butions of more than u seore of be ; year's dresses to a destitude woinan: She trib ao ho! Atl 78 bi - The Wathen Ja bath | wus somewhat surprised to have it return. | lector says: Scribner's Monthly for September | ed with the statement that "it was too fall behind for the present style," and better than usual, which indicates a neédtess | waste of editorial brains and Publisher's mon. | *" would she take a breadth out and change trimming i" J. J, COLLINS, §t. Catharines, Ont. | The absve Machine is one of the best Family Machines in the marke t, and only noeds to be secn to be appreciated. Prices, $93 without stand and $30 with sta wanted, cy. for the Magazine was good enough before | to do good work. Batisfactory reasans given for selling . va And yet the Fublishers promise to make it still better for the coming year." The subscription price is #8 a year, with speci. | al rates to clergymen, teachers, and postmasters. | | The following : . Extraordinary Inducements yoaars dancing with."__* Well, what of | ge, offered la new, subscribers: For 85,50 the | Re " i. ublishers w send, bookseller wee y : H M up said Packensack. © Why Shin: dealer will anol, ihe macasioe wr ome yr, | Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladics', Misses' and Children's, : ' r ie twelve 3 ols ad IV. | yuu dance with her again, and I'll blow ding the beginning. of Shon on : x s the top of your head off." ' pron here," 5 " Loox hers, stranger, that's my wife * Now look | Serial, ** At His Gates ; $7.30, the maxazire | . | for one year, and the 2{ back numbers from th said Rackensack, coolly, 'do | beginniig for $10.50, the Magazine for one yur, 2 F Well, s'pose [do 1" + Well, 'you handle | pages of the choicest reading, with the finest ii | 5 strations, for $10.50, or nearly 500 pages for a | that um!rella, you touch that umberella, | dollar! and will enable every subseriber to ob. N tain the series from the t. | you even lovk at that umberella, and I'll | "gor Sincial 'erms to Dealers Clergymen "i IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. Fun it down your thront--and then ru LE ied hy A share of public patronage solicited. spread #5 Broadway, ¥, Y, L. i; hl PRUDHOM, Cane ew vy | Quit dut Ticklin Me, | You'll Siwars find me true, song and chorus, Hays, 40, n Agents | chorus, Hays, 40. * A# A second-hand Grover & Haker Manufacturing Machine for sale cheap, ott | Sleeping, a and chorus, Stewart, A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES /VSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. | { Awtuma Leaves, Second Pensee Meodique, C. CONSISTING OF [ * Rustic Beauty March, Kinkel, 35, | Murch, Skaats, 35. * Johanie's March, Kinkel . ey lich, Kinkel, 35. *Jiminied . | Schottische, Kinkel, 3. *Hattie's Waltz, Kinkel of all Classes and Sizes, 35. * Sweet Sixteen Waltz, Kinkel, 35. Evening Zephyrs Waltz, Pacher | | 24 Waltz, Young, 20. Switch-off Galop, Youn Adit i | dn : BE Yeu Pe * Kittie's Polka, Kinkel, 35. Ray of Sunshine yon sce that umbrella, setting there?" sad the 5 em, 4 vote.) chutes | To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 r Cent., Salon, marked price. Address, song and chorus, Pratt. 30. Close the s utter, Willie's Dead, song and chorus, Stewart, 30. Ethel Dreeme, song and chorus, Persley, 35. Song and Dance, Hays, 35, chorus, dead, but not Forgotton, song and * Meet me Maggie, song and BTS Hays, 35, * CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. Lay me whore i 3 Mother's of All, sapred song, Panseron, 50. 74 -- X -- Oi rey, 35. Belisario, Fantasie, Kinkel, 35. * Sunbeam REMEMBER THE STAND. 3. Bird of beaut) Polka, Ju her, 35. Glistening Stars Polka de 'eine, 50, * Eddie's Ika, Kinkel, 35. Harry's Polka, Kinkel, 35. Smile of Beauty Po'ka, Young, 20. Pietes marked thus * have picture titles. Any' piece. mailed, post-paid on receipt of + Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, J. L. PETEKS, 500. Broad way, New York, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAW A 'ONTARIO REFORMER' PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING Printing and Publishing Co, PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING Circulars, LETTER-PRESS PRINTING 'REFORMER' OFFICE. 4 R SERY) U or cary a te To STEAM WER §) LIVERPOOL N AND 'oL VOKDg ie HI ) AR T ed COMPANY'S Por able LI Austrian, . Nestorian, . Moravian n. Peruvi RNR ) | Forming a weekly ) donderry, Quebec and ASS bee every Satur Night Expr ween G Forming « weekly . ay of well coop the Stewards Yq First . Oshaway of . : m; mediate, Steerage, ra mn Tickets, 6008 for six meu Luropean Passenger duced Rates to v ; and the ion wd p by the ALLAN Tin passed Or any other line afloat, ® the For thiough passege tickets and every tion, apply to Steamships will be despatched from and Portland as follows: hag FROM LIVERPOOL. FYROM HIBERNIAN, - - 6th Nov. | MORAVIAN,- © 16th = | SAMARIT, ' nt ia nh PRUSSIA) - ot 3 | NESTORIAN, 7th Dee | SCANDINAVIAN -14 Hy | H. & A. ALLAN, Agents, Montag, ea Post Office, Oshawa 5 lor ~* L. SMITH, Agent, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA, TEMPERLEY'S Composed of the following First-Olagg Ircn Steamers: MEDWAY, HECTOR NIGER, ILE, THAMES, SEVER -- ~ | The Steamers of this Linc are intended to from Quebec and Montreal eve: ing the season of navigation /{ Ty; 1872, London every Wednesday, calling at on the way out. Through tickets from Certificates | | SCOTLAND, | TWEED, points west at reduced rates, to ties desirous of bringing ou Uhl ms or full particulars apply to the Company's Agent at Oshawa, 4 C. W, SMITR INMAN. LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, * TO AND FROM New. York, Queenston and Liverpool ! | Crry or RicTIMOND. Cry oF MONTREAL. Cryy or BROOKLYN. | CITY oF Panis. C1TY OF BRUSSELS, CITY or NEw YORK. Cry or O1TY oF LoNpos, Ciry or Crry Or WASHINGTON, Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdags! From Pier 45, North River. RATES ASSAGE, To Queension of Liverpool, - London, -~ Paris, >» - + - Tickets can be bought here at modelae mie | fehing t d for their | Farber Taformation apply to the Companys [ Agent, C Ww. SMITH, Osmawa. July 20. EEL 7 VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOS PH ITES! | | f | City or Crry ov Cy or City ow City oy For the prevention and cure of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, Also for the cure of Dyspepsia, Bronchitiv, dsthma, Loss petite, General Debility; de, hd CERTIFICATE AS TO PURITY AND Laberatury, Unversity Ce hemicn Cop the Victoria Chemical Co., hs ~ 1 have examined the employed in the Victoria Chemical the preparation of the Victoria Syrup of | phosphites. The several Hypophosphies 'y | are cheniically pure, and the Syrui also Sree from any impurity, Your of phosphites will undoubtedly valuable Medicine, HENRY H. CROFT, i essor of Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by VICTORIA. COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS OF BUCHU & UVA URSI A Specific Rémedy for all Dissoss of the Binder he nedy. It Dropsical Complaints incidental to Females: i « of the Urinary Urgans in either Ses. t once for any of the above Disord. PR LA will be fully convinced its pre eminent virtues, _ Price $1 per Bolle. Sold by all Drugsiet VICTORIA | ELECTRIC [ LINIMENT! "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS." For Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lom Sciatia, Wandering Pains Stiffness in the | or Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Num bness, § | Headache. Earache, Toothache, &e. Price 50 Cents per Bottle. Sold by all VICTORTA 'CARBOLIC SALVE " WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD," A Specifi¢ for Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Boils, Piles, Plmples, etc., snd Chronl | Diseases of the Skin of every description, | Price 25 Cents per Box. Sold by all Drugse | a ------ | YICTORIA CARBOLATED. |GLYCERINE JELLY. "EMINENTLY THE LADIES' FAVORED For Beautifying the Cc mplexion, an Fo ing Tan, Sunburn," Freckles, mples, . pr ed Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Frost Bites and Sore Lips. Price, 25 Cents per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. HH VICTORIA TOILET SOAP "Cel d for their Uniform -Purity aad Oeldprate Excellence of Quality." - VICTORIA CARBOLIC SOAP, £5 Sn SUL HUR SOAP. 2 VICTORIA GLYCO LRINE, ~~ HONEYOSE AND WINDSOR, ! Sold by all Drapgiste, The enly ¥yru from Dr. Formula A certifiod a Chemically pure. - * "and ail | BUY IT! TRY IT!! PROVEIT!!! Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to The On At their Thuis ¥ gence, Cot and an ins TERMS if mot paid ead of the ArreAraAgos pablisher, paying up peription ur All Jette post-paid, the Post O - Rr x lines a Bi ve From six Each Over six lin Each » The num eocupied, ul Advestisme be publishe All transit when hand office of pul day mornin] To mercha a very libe Hug HYS AGC Residence Hotel. HYSI eur, an WN. FRED NUYS LANI residence, 5 1CEN( wa. J promptly at EETH latest p! -cheapest, 'au with Gold a pain by pro Dental Ro Atkinson's I ICEN OmMce 0 Bros., King All operati Residence in ARRI LicIT Osha Juba, Stree MONE Ki 4 LN ARRIE Solicitol Office--In B 'Whitby. a. OUNT J Barrister and Gonveyn) 8. H. Cochra Ontario. GR ARRIS AT-LAV *ublic. Col n. J. Hamer G ROHI ance ai Oshawa. A to and from 2 erial used, Factory Kin TPIROOK the Isola of Canada, T tion. . fes, capital Appraiser fo op Savings at low rates ol Issuer Od DOMI 0s Mon R I AM N( any amo rm or Prod "Lowest Pq spies sum. Tavestent: and other sec SILVER AN For further oO Offfer--Mc April 13th. 'But GE( ETUR? th an article, MILK by a conting ity in delivery age of all wh We the wn mending Lo tl }in, in our opi busineus, and good milk to 6G. Henry | A. Fare -316m-pc NITE Protoxi DMINI lass ex! of J. FERG of simson Br Persons ne tending the years in thei cause of dise: health and d shen objects nfortunate Nic Oxide Oshawa, \

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