Ontario Reformer, 21 Mar 1873, p. 3

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trie un 'RKny = 3 - eves ARR RET 8 ussty fF testo M ARNE, - =] 23 = | wlosoce | 88EPE5E Tho Ady eitiscmentg mwa, nd Lot For Sale, hawa Seize Foe ate Tu Fa KR. . . BARBER, . doer , it Act of 1869, NT iS nL E THE RBS LTR fo i Spd in EXGLIsg, ery HORN, Assign 1373 FOR' SALE, 'ndred Acres, HAL E or LOT XO. » dard, a Large, quantity of d CORD Woob! 3 To) wa. Lime, Salt ! t the of in the Yard, nded to. 18 Sescoby. EXTRA fHARGR. Bala culators, on SELL, 141 ral Fry niatier of Fdward GINS, on lash rent, SE EV VENTH PAY Tors ined willap ur for DWAR » ®, HIGGINS, TIL FOR SALE: - D,ACRES OF LAND, 1rd con, of Resch wed wood on the rlars apply to insert four times, our time, e Property for ale. NORTH-EAST x 1 ituated in , apply te s RKLAND. A) 1d-Save Costs. NDEE TE D TO THE y 5 Fale Jc same, pie 7 wi i be handed colfection. 7 Je yDDER. f. in & Cray.on HUE RS! vest, Oshawa, IH. <RECRIVED with PEWS BURK, lob : a yIIDAY, ton,' 1 FER «ola, watel 1d COWE 3. rabies ole Ed Sag POW, vo K Les 1 Hay ¥ poral peng. * 0 Aucti neers ANT and New Adrertiseme nts. FOUR HORSES FOR SALE. SPAN MATCHED |! for either Carriage or NE YOUNG ( RAYS, suitable purpose: and One Span 'of heavy Will sell either separatly or by the ANCRW ANNIS. Hides, gene ra! Draught, span. 48-tf. Cash -SKINS, : TALLOW, BAC ON, it AMS, etc, at G. W. Garth's, BUTCHER. Ten Birre's of Good Corned Beef for Sale Cheap for Cash. for 'VMVHS(Q 'ISVH py 2 DNIY "207g S,NOSTIAL WA AN TE DY xi sire H Business that will Pay from £1 to §8 per day, can be pursued in your own tagdarh be ori ood ; it is 8 rare chance for thuse out of @aploy ment or having leisure time girls and BOYS frequent ly do as well as men. Ph rti- Addie 3 LATHAM & CO. 202 Washington Screet, Boston, Mass. Mmsolvent Act of 1869! ALEXA NDER MCKAY | + Insolven T HAS MADE AN state to me, and the Creditors are uot meet at his place of business in the Villa Oshawa, on TUESDAY, the FI RST day of APRIL. At Two o'clock in the m, to receive statement of his affairs appeint an assignee. culars iree. In the matter of CHISHOLM, a HE INSOLVEN assignment of h nfrernd "and to JAMES HOLDEN, Interim Assignee, Dated, at Whitby, this I2th of March, 1873, 2w ROOM PAPER NEW PATTEN, At R. Wellingtons. 30 poou MA SIH LVHL HONAONNV OL FAVI'T Hdd WNTINILOFISTY A100 ) | Luv Surpnjpuco a1055q spood sty ees puv [eo v wiry 0ald of, 'sororgo0ds 10 '0)RII-TOATIS 'AIToM0L 'SHOOTD 'SOUNCM 'aourd ory '[198 0} punoq oie pue ssaursng uvowr om ! [0 waowxd puw ones pool ! deeyo st yw) Ing 'PoluUBIIBAA pur padredey] A[njade) STILE 993%] Ay Jo pre piv oq [[14 'DJUOLIUT JO PJEOT[OP Mel JOU OJED Bg 'S000 ANV SIHOLVM NI MIOM TV ur Iv oym Aww 0rpAuy L(VIPM0D PINOM PUN 'FROUNTQ Joj PIUIdo mou 9] JONES LIP Mar mou " ¢ IN ST N03 IY SU 'OIOYMOL[D SOSUYIIL Jaq ruomag sual 'A 'LVAN pr MIN TL FOR SALE, N Exceriest CARRIAGE MARE, bay, five years old, ectly sound, and : good "travellei. No better animal ean be found for family driving. Also, a cutter, with robes; and servicable c Apply at the RerorMER office, Ushawa, or at the STATESMAN ve, Bow manville. SHINGLES. HINGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR | ton, about 4} miles from Bowmanville, JONATHAN STEPHENS, 43ar i. PSYCHOMANCY, SOUL OEAR MING. » How either sex may fascinate and gain the love | and affection of any person they choose, in- stantly. This shu nenial hequiremen het Fe can possess, y ma or cents, her | with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian OUricle, | Dreama, ints to Ladies, ete. A queer, exciting fo sold. Address T. WILLIAM & Co we Bn Elenth St. » Philadelphia, Pa. | Mareh | Cash for Wheat, 'Barley, ate, Pease, Rye and Wool ! HE SU BSCRIBER WOULD SAY to all indebted to him, either by Note, Book | account or otherwise, that the same must be paid | on or before the 15th October next. 1 would also add, that afterthe lst October mext, m; busipess will be done wholly for cash, wil sale at my Mill, Lot No. 8, ith con, Darling- * otherwise especially arral "J W. FOWKE. 22.40 Parliamentary Notice. HOUSE OF F COMMONS, THE CLERK'S OFFICE, Ottawa, 30th Jan, 1873, | | Pursuant te the 50th Rule of the House, notice | | is hereby given that the time for RECEIVING PETITIONS FOR PRIVATE | | LLS WILL EXPIRE _Oshawa, September 11th, 1371. ALFRED PATRICK, | Clerk of the louse. All Newspa; rs will please Insert abowe until the the meeting o SCHOOL BOOKS, : At R. Wellingtons, STATIONERY, ASR. Wellingtons, MUSIC, i At R. Wellingtons FANCY GOODS, } At R. Wellingtons BURLIN AND FINGERING WOULS, At R. Wellingtons. PIANOS AND ORGANS FROM. THE BEST MAKERS, At R. Wellingtons. DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS AND PERIODICALS, At R. W ellingtons. | SIGN OF THE BOOK, Wilsen's Block, King St. East, Oshawa, $8,000 Worth of Stock. Nov IS YOUR TIME FOR CHEAP WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATE, FANCY GOODS, ys RO. dx Philip Taylor Has commenced to sell Lis splendid stock at GREATLY REDUCED RATES for Cash only, to his filting up & New Store and larger premises, and visitingg the English, French, German, and American mar ie ets and manufacturers, His present sto the best quality and newest pat chased from the manufactarers | prices before purchas-iog elsewhere. Watches, Clecks and Jewdry repared ait | warrantedmon short notice, and cheaper than any other house, Oshawa, March 11th, 1873. MEDICAL HALL. Removal DR. DEANS - ESPECTFULLY INFORMS: THE Public that the MEDICAL IIALL is REMOVED to WILSON'S NEW BLOCK. | NEAR +d POST OFFICE, Where he has ofighel out a NEW STOCK of -, Sure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi- cines, Supsrior Dye Stuffs, Elegant | Perfumes, Scented Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Coombs, Truse- s3s, &o., &¢ ! And a large ctock of Fancy Articler. | dl His Be ry is in connection with the | Shop as usual. "Os sawa, Maach 12th, 1572, «ry ge J ST RAY E IBY TAME INTO THE_ PR EMISES OF / the subscriber, Lot No. 5, Srd ct Whitby, about three months ago, a Red Heiter -- with a little white on the beliys coming two years old in the spring. The owner is requested to eall, pay, expenscs, aud take her away. ws JOHN WALTER. To Rent or Jor Sale ! OT 32, Sep C ONCE SSION OF DAR. lington, consisting of 19 acres fifteen acres of which are good wood land, There 1s a good | house; bain, orchard, ouses and a never faili tream of wate i Terms liberal. oflice ur to the REFORMER R. BALSAM. Oshawa February, 17th, 1873, 45-1 FOR SALE. A Valustle Busipess Building Site. fPVHE SUBSCRIB ER. WILL OFFER for fale by public anction at Hinde's 1:8 te on Tuesday the 18th of March, that v Lo: business building site ad ring Messrs, P son's grocery, Hug fot is 32 feet fromtage by 117 feet Yeep, ur vl i only first-class centre ness stand now Je n for sale. G.W. GARTH. 460d JOHN MeGILL, Auct omer. LOST. BETWEEN A. and other ar- them at this O3 JANUAR Y 23, Can, ticles, Oice king c finder will please or with the Subscriber C. 8S. TERWILLEGAR. 1 Fast Wifithy, Feb,, 22nd. 0 wit. To Contractors! yEALED TENDE ns WiLL BE RE ntil the 10th March next, for the au add ition to the Bible Christian wan be 'seen on ani 11 ations « store of Mr. Oo. t, at the Te ~nders to be addre The lowest or auy tender not necessarily --eepted. ne 1 R BARDER, / PG 1273. ace ° Arc tag. Oshawa, Feb, Hats 'and Caps. WILLIAM LANG | | INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID! STOCK OF NEW SPRING GOODS! WHICH 1S. COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. "Boots. and Shqes. Gents' Furnishings. 'Buyio|n nil wl Splendid Business for Sale! BE UNDERSIGNED BEING bout to retire from the CABINET and UNDERTAKING Business has decided to dis- pose of his present large and profitable business | at Prince Albert, established over fourteen years, and which affords an excellent opportunity w any one wishing to engage in such a busines IF The Premises and whole Stock-in-trade will be | Up to Time | On Time [ on WEDNESDAY, March 20th, 1873. Parliament. | RARE CHANCE. | ¥ isposed of at a Bargain, and on easy terms. The | stock in hand is c and well assorted, and the | run of custom excellent. [ For terms and other particulars, apply on the | premises to Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, After the Fire! JO&RH.HENRY: | Have Resumed Business in the pusi- | ~amed to Post Office, Nox 98. | Great Clearing Sale! Retiring from the Dry Goode Business! r 0 ein UE SUBSCRIBER HAVING REN of bis stock wibkin a limited space of time. He has, therefore, On THURSDAY the, 16th COMMENCED A To be Continued for 30 Days, The stock is principally composed of First-class Staple Goods, and affords an op scldom met with tr supplying Jreze nt and future houschold requirements. In the stock wil found a large assortment of Carpets, Cloth, Flannels, Silks--black and colored, | TED HIS PRESENT PLACE OF BUSI- 0 Messrs. W, M. Rightman, & Co,, of Prince Albert, is under the necessity of disposing | inst During which every article in the store will be offered for sale at he nett cost to the importer. | rtunlt y French Merinos, Wool satin Cloths, Fancy Dress Goods, Hosiery, &c., &c. Oshawa, March #th, 1873. - Ae W. F. GOWAN. "| Gallery lately ocoupied by J. E. Hoitt | In the Building on the Corner of King and Simcoe Streets, Where they are once more prepared to 'Take Photographs, | And other Styles of Pictures, in all the Latest | Styles. Entrance on King Street | Between Gilletts' and Dickie's Store, . | Svestal attention given to enlarging | and Coloring. | Photographs taken from Pictures, and enlarg ged to any Size. Oshawa, December 2ith, 1872 Damaged Goods, Sel- | Fire, Removal, tors, &o., all played out, but v. P. JOHNSTON, py. : So : Bona Fide Clearing Sale, ' Watch-maker & Jeweller, | | If burned is not played out, but has opened 4" ew Shy They Den Bast of | s Hotel. and i N E w | And is now a to his la assorted stock of Choice and Fine Which he is offering cheap. All work promptly attefilled to, done, | First-class Village Lots | | FOR SALE! | \ TRE SUBSCRIBERS STILL HOLD | FIFTEEN LOTS on the Kafr Property which they offer for Sale, Vo better Black. Liustres ll in the trade, | OR CHEAPER GO TO THE BEE HIVE .For Cheap Dry Goods. | Go TO THE BEE HIVE For Cheap Dresses. GO TO THE BEE HIVE For Cheap Cottons. | GO TO THE BEE HIVE | attention to Customers, J. BARNARD, King Street, Oshawa. Osawa, February 47th, 1873, IHL 1V NVYHL For Cheap Linens. For Cheap Coods, Splendid oY and fest me YI PAIR OF PANTS: W. H. PARK. | "ur | | | If you want to get HORSESHOEING --~--OR~-- REPAIRING OF ANY KIND DONE By Time | And in Time | --GQ TO-- BAMBRIDGES, SIMCOE ST. NORTH. i FA LL AND WINTE R CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. | and Finish to any Instruments of the kind that have ever been placed before the Public of Osha We place ourselves before the Public as Having a thorough knowledge of the Business; and, therefore. parties Putelising r Our jute 4 New Dry Goods Store ! Grey Cottons, Velvets, Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, & Corsets. | Fancy and Plain Dress Goods, Black and Colored Silks, | Every requisite in Gents' Furnishing and Ready | | Remember the place Wilson's Block, King St. East, Oshawa. | - OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON | azz, OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED FoR rive YEARS, And part gs the Manufacturer + We have now o We Invite the publi: to come and inspect ous instrumerits. it to their advantage to deal with us, as they can save Ten | A. M. DARLEY. 11872) or Fin Lag: | AS USUAL! | Complets Success | 0 FIRST PRIZES : i . AT TWO EXHIBITIONS, IN WILSON'S BLOCK. | | . 'W.BELL, & Co; | White & Colored Quilts, | | GUELPH, ONT.|, Tweed, Black Cloth, | Received Every Fit x for Table Linens, Table Napkins, Lace Curtains, Damasks, Flannels, Denims, Winceys,&c 'Organs 8 Molodeons oan { Shirtings.' | Fae the Provincial Exhibition, Hunilton, and 0 Ba Centre Exhibition, Guelph. This grand success, Th addition to lalt ycags 'Call and see the Cheap Goods AT THE Steamlooms, Prints, Ginghams, Towelings, Tickings, ecord of a | Silver Medal, 3 Diplomas, and 12 First Prizes, { Prove that our instrument in the opinic on or | il others, Judges are incomperbly superior to Sole proprietors and Manufueturers of the ORGANETTE, | Containing Seribner's Patent Qua¥frirs Tubes od by all tobe greatest improve . Made Clothing. ; | acknowledged by all Their superiority is ALEXANDER & BRYCE. fit ui tier mon ihe ft thi Guelph they withdrew fran competition, thoy agile; sing iheir inability to compete with thaw | Every instrument fully wars anted for nve | Joass, Send for catalogue containing ffty dil | ferent styles of instruments, Mourning Goods, Black Lustres, Cobourgs, Thibet Cloths, | Paramattas, Crape Cloths, Persian Cords, &c. W. BELL & Co. Or to JOHN DALE, | Brooklin. * Guel ely, Oct. 22ud, 1872, 15 LUXURIES FOR CHRISTMAS SLATS MANUFACTURING COMPANY AVE NOW ON HAND THE FIRST INSTRUMENTS OF THEIR Manufacture, which have been pronounced by Good Judges, to be superior, both in Jone Men of Practical Experience, ments can rest assured they cannot be surpassed by any, es purchasing from us will have a gnarantee they cannot have by purchasing thems | i only is responsible for them, and Agents selling for them in the H. J (9) MN ES injon will not be Hkely to take the "Mr Wi on their own shoulders. ned our Wareroom in Mr. Wilkinson's Store, near the Oyster Ba Y, mmercial Hotel, King Street, Oshawa. Simcoe St., Oshawa. Parties desiring to purchase will find | per bent. on their Money, and - CONSISTING OF* the same time encourage home manufacture, DPDPARLUEY & ROBINSON. PRESERVED RED RASPBERRIES, Wa. ROBINSON. | - BLACK RASPBERRIES, Oshawa, October 9th, 1871. - pine 1517. | GOOSEBERRIES, CALI. AT GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR | FALL AXD WINTER CLOTHING. NEW WINTE R GOODS | He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. santiful Vest and Pant Patterns. | Jlotliing of all kinds made to order on | the shortest notice. | A CALL SOLICITED, | gold Jewellry, Watches, bob! FAT], & WINTER and properly | on fm meds W- GARTH, BU TCHER, PUT ON THE ROAD | another PE DDLING WAGON. The cf gens can now rely on having their Fin | Supplied at their dwellings in good time evert All Orders Jeft at the shop punctually | Yi Srtenden » a OBhawa, Dec. 13th, 1872, Iv GO00DS i IN GREAT VARIETY, | just arrived at TAUNTON! THESE LOTS| ARE THE HIGHEST and DRYEST | 'Within the Corporation. As mo more Lots will he offered for Sale, parties wanting GOOD BUILDING SITES | Should not lct this opportunity pass, Terms Easy. Title Indisputable. Apply to SAMUEL WOOD, or JAMES WOOD. {OviaNa, So. 10th, 1872, ARE COMING. { Yet are the following : | A SCENE IN CALIFORNIA. WINDSOR CASTLE. | A SAIL BY MOONLIGHT. iB ALLYN AHINCH, Ireland. { STAR OF GLENGARY. INNOCENCE, THE NOSEGAY. THE BREAD OF HEAVEN. etc, etc, ole. ATKINSON'S DRUG STORE : pe REMOVED TO. NEW AXD LARGER iil Next Door to COWAN'S, rrr 0 Lee | Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a General assortment of Dyp Stuffs, Everything of the best Quality and Strictly Genuine! - ~ | Scented Soaps, French and English | | | | HAND-SLEIGHS, | The best ever before offered in town. Call ear! arly | | and get your choice, a CHEAP FOR CASH! Wishing our kind friends a mas and a happy New Fonts . WIGG & BON. { FOR T-NSIST UPON IT-BUY Ro OTHER 35. ALDWELL YSPEPSIA EMEDY CURES ALL VO INDICE TON AT ONCE | TRY IT ! SRA AY- 22-1 | THE HOLIDAYS to a Genera Ww. wice & SO N Call and examine our AY VE JUST RECEIVEDa BEAUTI- | ment of Pictures, already f~am- | | ced. Aon for Christmas presenta, in part of | BALMORAL CASTLE. | MOTHER'S JOY. THE HAPPY FAMILY. | FIDELITY. Also, a lot of First-Rate "Merry Christ THE CHEAPEST AND | IBEST ASSORTMENT EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC. { We have an excellent dhsorbiment of | English and ( 'anadian Tweeds. Tailoring donc on the sliortest notice, and good iis Suatamced: OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT | is .well assorted, and our TEAR are A No.1. GOODGREEN TEA at FORE CENTS. Our Dust Teas we arc selling at 371, by the five pounds, BOOTS & SHOES in GREAT VARIETY. Also, an excellent assortment of Rubbers and Overshoes, which will be sold very cheap. Trunks and Satchels. And, in fact, rersthing that belongs Country Store. stock and prices and satisfy yourselves be- fore purchasing "elsewhere. | Cash Paid for Hides and Skins | WAL WILLARD, Taunton. SONG forthe PIANO Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. | Darling, I am Lonely Now, Song and (Chorus, | Stewart, 30 cents, Sweetest, song and chorus, Danks, 30. Mattie May, song and chorus. Danks, | 30. Lostand Saved, battad, Donniker. 30. Fare- well, Darling, till we Mcet, TRosew ig, 3. Think | | of me, Darling, song and chorus, Miers, 30, | Asking a blessing from Mother, Cin, Hat | Stewart, 30,. Recollections of Chil | tone song, Danks. 30. Thou art ne lon * | ballad, Danks, 30. Hear me say my liv rayer, gong and chorus, Pratt. 30. Close the shutter, Willie's Dead, song and chorus, Stewart, 30. EVENING PRAYER. | Ethel Dreeme, song and chorus, Persley, 35. fe dat Tieklin Mer Song and Dance, Hay«,35. 3 yi Always find me true, song and Shots, u, 35. * Dead, but not Firgotton, song and a Hays, 40, * Meet me Maggie, son hand | chorys, Hays, 40. * Lay me where my; | Sleeping, song and chorus, Stewart, | of All, saered song, Panseron, 30. yA [INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Autumn Leaves, €ocond Pensee Meodigue, c. T. Frey, 35. Belisario, Fantasie, Kinkel, 35, * Rustic Beauty March, Kinkel, 35 * Sunheam March, Skaats, 35. * Johnnie's Mareh, [Einkel * Bertie's Sehottische, Kinkel, 35. *Jim Schottische, Kinkel, 35. *Hattie's Waltz, Rinkel Sweet Sixteen Waltz, Kiokel. 35. Evening | Zophyrs Walta, Pacher, of ume. 5. | Waltz, Yonag, 20. 3 Piteh-off Galop, Young. | * Kittie's Pol Kinkel, 35. Ray of Funshin | Poika, Paclier, 35. Glistening Stars Polka | Salon, Feine, 30, * Eddie's Kinkel, FS | * Harry's Polka, onal. 25. Smile of Deauty Polka, Young, 20, Picces marked thus * have picture titles. | Any piece mailed, » post-paid on receipt of hmazked price. Address New fi a he T's Father } J. L PETERS, 399, Broadwar, | season for every farmer that fails to get one. hood, Bari- | per Mine, i { GRAPTS, | BLUE PLUMS, 1878, are A Tl ew., N GAGES, ete.," ete. 5S For sale by: the pound. IA large lot of Black Currant and 2. cholee Tot 'of Ca Apples, Nuts, Raisins, As usual, the best Oye a - can or plate, v Don't forget the stand, directly opposite the | Ruromsi viliee, Sinfcoe street, Oshawa. ! IL JONES. FFYHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE INHABITANTS OL PORK, RORK. Oshawa and surrounding country that he has reccived, and is still receiving | «YASH FOR ARY QUANTITY CF well assorted stock of Spring Goods, at the usual Low rRices. { C good pork, in nthe market, by J. W, TOWKE. | STRAYED. about six weeks | aged cow, Any person giving in {| will Jead to hier revevery wi warded, a low-se ation tha w suitably re Cottons, Coatings, Vy Oshawa, Tweeds, | Dress Goods, W. FOWKE 2.334, $65,000 Nov, 29, Prints, Poplins, Clothjng Made to Order on Short Notice ! |The Usual Supply of Groceries, Crockery, Horses, | REWARD! JW. FOWKI | oe: Wagons, and Anything else You can Think Of | All Kinds of Produce taken in Exchange. | JEG | CLOVER, TIMOTHY, CROWN, MARROWFAT AND COMMON PEAS AN BARLEY FOR SEED. {FPYHE RATEPAYERS OF THE VII. LAGE of Oshinwa, having Jately voted the above reward for the introduction of a new | manufacturing interest in our midst, it has given a great impetus to the building of Houses for our Oshawa, Jan. 12, 1873. - " all they ar rec Smuwnded to do in our | t that our Seeder saves One man and team all throygh seeding, ! prot smote. The tet 8 work better than the usual way, makes it quite a loss in one | Yours, &c., F. W. GLEN. | an The Easterly 'Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator Combined, thos od itto be the best Agricultural Implement for the price Bg Bead a and about ong half the labor, and dows the work better | {lan the usual way. The facts of the above any person can ascertain by asking tic fullowi ing | gentlemen: -- MN HINESON East Whitby, Gwillmsbary, KSLE NTA AY SDDEETON, Clarke, Pickering. GEO. OGLEVIE, Whitby, | R. Eon EY, Darli ton BARGE lg by, Ke West Owillmsbury, JAMES M JZELY,Aurors SEND IN TOUR ORDERS EARLY. Oshawa, January 20th, 1573. 122m BE E GONE JOHN FROST! | En TFRRIBLE BATTLE BETWEEN A FELLOW BY THE NAME OF JACK FROST and a German Gentleman by the uame of M. MA YER, raged all last winter; report said JOIN FROST got the worst of the contest. Not being sufficiently whipped, in his audacity, he isabout to make another attack on this Desc oful citizen. M, MAYER teitg a gaint unoffensivé_person, friends at a distance have > red their assistance in the cmergency. The Czar of Ituskia has forwardéd a Splendid Lot of 'Sable, Austrican & Russia Dog Skins, To proteot his men In the campaign. The Emperor Napoleon bas forwarded a 'FINE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH CONIES. The Queen of Spent Britain has tendered to her loyal subject, BRITISH CRAPE,' MUFFLERS AND SCOTCH CAPS, Add Donald Smith or Reil, from the Hudson Bay Company, bave sent the finest lot of BUFFALO ROBES, MINKS, ERMINE, &c., ' THAT WERE EVER OFFERED IN BOWMANVILLE. Mo MAYER, thankful for the distingdished honor conferred nw him, have arranged these into spitable wearivg apparel, and he bas uo doult of adluigitering such a castigation to this | upstart, that be will long remember the struggle. /10,000 Volunteers, Ladies and Gentlemen, Wanted for 'the Campaign. | _ whale of ) M. MAYER repairs he ars damaged goods, and pays highest. price fev ge 101 bo mold ¢ hap Forgas ne for Raw Furs. Call Early. , 1 M. MAYRE. | &W iS iba .' Oshawa Jan.1%73 MES BOWMAN, K¥ Ae Ax SAT pe Whitby. Jonx ot EN X. resident IL WwW, LM RK Darlington, E. A. BOV VES, Mariposa. | MR.RAY) ORD, Var han ME, ROBT i= 3il, | ludustrial classes, In order to give greatér faci litics for the rapid A WORD oF TIVNILY WARNIN | panniers new buildings, the suboeriber lias LARGER SLOCK FARMERS OF ONTARIO. ! : ' GENTLEMEN, -- As we are onlj | H A R D Ww A R E manuficturing five hundred Broadcast | thein are already gone, all who wish to | than has ever hefore Leen offaréd in Oshawa aml aw fu gma oes th PY, Si i 0 do no & M season. We would like to supplywall | 600 Kegs of Cut Nails. wants near home first. If the people about home neglect coming inearly for hem o 0 aris of the i where they i Juste alied for every | . MENT ( ly, a3 we have no room to store them up and get at ourother work, Please | P L N T S, call as soon as possible and get your | A Machines. We guarantee them to do | Glass, Putty, ul "IN THE COUNTY. A SPLENDID VARIETY OF Forks, Rakes, &c. LARGE STOCK OF A Splendid Assortment of Cacpentsrs Tools. wii All k ats of Paint, Varnish, Scrubbing, and other Brushes. A Largs Stock of Rofgers sud othe Cutlery, Dixon's and ofher superior lated Goods and Crmata. | A first-rate assortment of Aales, Carriage Springs, Iron, Rove and And the best assorbment of Guns, (including Breech Loaders), Revol- vers, Pistols, md Shooter and Fish A i a ina TO THE Reeders this year,and three hundred of | look out in tine cannot be served this | their machines, we will have to send | I'THE L ARGEST AND ea] ASSORT re AR, 1 8 at once, and we must finish Spades, Shovels, Hoes, LATCHES & HINGES, White Wash, Kalsomine, Shoe, melos cf Nickel and Silver . Chains. ing Tackle in the Ci The whole of the above stuck Sowman<(e, October, 182,

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