Ontario Reformer, 14 Feb 1873, p. 3

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'N, STABLE. ASD " rat, Just Ie your ) Oh of o Fe OF Trees, ut Tue Ong rick yard 'of gon of thon : TORN upp 'wa Coal | ; AND ) il J V RIBERs BEG ic hat they bev Ah, 1873 eljver art pricey the unde " al, per 2¢co bg Cord - do~ '. AT EXTRA CHA fe he Yara, or at Mp Hiicoe ; Street, will 3 : attended to. | % Boren y. y: of Lun i feat | Ss on hand Ttmaged Goody, : : Sales, to the Fy [ played out, but WALL she bod his Jarpe oice and Hg va Watch, &o., al | offering cheap. tended to, and : Commons, E = OFFICE, ttawa, 30th J : ho - 'an., 103, FA od Pw Fo. TONS ILL E xo IRE March zomn, 1m, LED PATRICK. & iClerk of the Heute 1 ! please insert abe ent. = veut | " E AWAY 'ORTH, 8 OUR Fines rey ago, Dlincis. The Hy HI per year. oll imated. iS readin matter, in, ? h ty or country, wr iy Fons Soe TI wt CH 16 'times . fom & es. The, subject is life asing. Ny cannot be told be ! ng, an a oh worth but i our agents. 5 ready, and af : nt oily good, active Lg.--as we al it, and furaieh erica. Give isiutve is to work with] froccess, and SYRUP OF PHITES! 4 from Dr. Churchill's be Chemically pure. © and cure of JNSUM PTION, cure of sthma, Loss of Ap~ Debility, doe f Ap ITY AND Frricier. ™ ity Ce Des 3C, ih h. 1572, vd a me. articles XTRACTS OF A URS diseased of tie teal" Swillings; males: and 1% in either Sex. ¢ above Disorders, « vinced of its pre- - by 'ali Druggist. RIA h | Ly 2 N T ' . : + LINIMENTS.? ralgia Lumbage, in the Limbs lings, ness, Swell ec, K¢ PROVETT! 11 ! by all Droagista, ITA SALVE. 1 AN GOLD," =, Bruides, Burns, and Chronio ription, y all Druggists, RTA D, JELLY. © F AWORITE® xion, ANd Jor res +: pom 0 A PS. rm Purity and ty." P, Pig 7 ONE Y, ROSE PRIVATE. "8 Fancy and Plain Dress Goods, g Oshawa, Jan. 27¢h, 1873. 4 "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Timothy: Seed, - Ca Il and see the Cheap Goods AT THE New Dry Goods Store ! IN WW ILSON BLOCK. y i: x WOOD, COAL, Grey Cottons, White & Colored Quilts, i : Steamlooms, [© Tweed, Black Cloth, SALT, LIME, LUMBER,ETC,, Prints, Table Linens, ON THE SITE OF Ginghams, Table Napkins, ; Woon's Old Hotel. - Towelings, Lace Curtains, ALL ORDERS LEFT AT Tickings, Damasks, | Denims, ! | Flannels, MR. NEALES STORE, Simooe St., Will be punctually attended to. Shirtings. Winceys,&c | Marshall & Bescoby. 0 N.B. -- The highest price paid in .cash for Wood, "qr * ish "Foup-feet Cord V Velvets, Ribbons, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, & Corsets. oe ao XM. & B. Black and: Colofed Silks, . sol Mourning Goeds, Black Lustres, Cobourgs, Thibet Cloths, ® Butcher Shop : . _Paramattas, Crape Cloths; Persian Cords, &e. GEO. W. GARTH; ° A ETURNS THANKS TO HIS NU- MEROUS Customers, for all past favors Every requisite' in Gents' Furnishihg and Ready Sid bag 10 remind them that he has opened ou Made Clothing. { ext door to Mr. Gurley's Tailor Shop, ALEXANDER & BRYCE. And hopes by strict attention to business to Remember the place Wilsons Block, King St. East, Oshawa. | NE WwW C OAL +AND: om 'WOOD YARD IN OSHAWA. HE SUBSCRIBERS BEG TO IN- FORM the inhalifants-of Oshawa and | vicinit ;, that they have opened a yard for the Sale p! 1873. meet the same share of patronage as heretofore. Oshawa, Dec. 12th, 1872. 2. | Cash for Wheat, Barley, ats, Pease, Rye and Wool ! HE SUBSCRIBER WOULD SAY to all indebted to him, either by Note, Book account or otherwise, that the same must Le paid | on pr before the 15th October next. 1 would alsa add, that afterthe 1st October next, my business will be done wholly for cash, without otherwise especially arranged. J. W. FOWKE. _Ofhawa, September 11th, 1372. 241 TT W. GARTH, BUTCHER, RH 'AS NOW PUT ON THE ROAD another PEDDL ING WAGON. The citi | H can now rely on having their ' Mea- | supplied at their dwel lings in good time evert | morning. All Orders left at the shop punctually | attended to. Yplawa, Dec. 13th, 1872, NITROUS OXIDE --OR-- | Protoxide of Nitrogen ! A DMINISTERED FOR THE PAIN- less extraction of teeth at t the dental rooms of |J. FERG USON, I Highest Price Paid ALSIKE CLOVER SEED | --AND-- TIMOTHY .. D. 8, over the grocery | g St. West, Os Jehan. , YoRrs iy their 0 a | capse of disease, whic} 1 has not « dt ¢ | health and destro; their hapy Ainess, but made | then objects of rey urifortunate as to be associ | Nitros Oxide is plcasantto take and quite harm- SEED! ated with them, as | | | less. | © Oshawa, May, 24,1872. | +> l RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale | BEING ow-1 BLAMEY & BRIGGS. HE UNDER SIGNED ni f , 2.42.4 rin apd which u wishing to Su { The Promi os an dw h | disposed of at a Bargain, { sfock in hand is lars | run of custom, ex« For terms and other atic suldrs, apply on the ! premises to W.ILP ARE. | Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, business. te will be | erms. The od, and the JUST IN SEASON After the Fire! JO&RH HENRY, Have Nesumcd Business in the | Gallery lately occupied by J. E. Hoitt In the Building on the STEELE BROTHERS, 3 > o - Oo S H A W A y Where they are once more prepared to ---- | Take a | And other Styles of Dicinres, in all the Latest Styles. i | | { | | { | { | | Entrance on King Street . Between Gilleits' and Dickic's Store. Special attention given to enlarging | and Coloring.* Photographs taken from Pictures, and enlarged to apy Size. Oshawa, Tiewembias 24th, 1872. 7 A NEW CAR OF Best Coal Oil! At 26 cents per gallon, retail. ws * ANOTHER LOT OF r-- | First-class Village Lots FOR SALE! rE, SUBSC RIB ERS STILL HOLD | IFTEEN, LOTS on the Karr Property | which they offer for Sale. THESE LOT s| ARE THE | 1 HIGHEST and DRYEST { Within the Corporation. | Bright Yellow Sugars! FRESH AND SALT FISH As no more Lots will be offered for Sale, parties | wanting 'GOOD BUILDING SITES Should not let this opportunity pass. | Terms Easy. Title Indisputable. | Apply to RAMUEL WOOD, or JAMES WOOD. Oshawa, Sept. 10th, 1872. TEAS AND COFFEES, swares SKATES | UST OPENED ov UT THIS WEEK | ¢J a joblot of:Skates, which will be sold very | sheap. AN XN UN LIMITED SUPPLY OF | Skates worth $3 will be sold for 83 £0 Skates worth $4 for $2, Skates Raisins, Prunes, and Canned Fruits, estos com v | And others Proportio mally eheap, Also 'a ful CH EAY: THE CHOICEST 1 - DIRECT FROM THE SEABOARD. | ; ortment of '1200 Kegs of Cut Nails 1 Arrived this week from 2dy. Lath up to6 inch. The highest market price paid for any kind of good | Goopers' Truss Hoops | t and a good assortment of Red Clover Seed, COOPERS TOOLS Alsi ke Cl over Seed, Arrived to-day. Alo 4 ok Sysendia lot of extra C ATTLE TIES, --AT-- And other kinds of produce. | T. W. GIBBS STEELE BROTHERS, | Hadar Brtablhmen, VERY | BENRY MIDDL ETON, Clarke, | R. FOLEY, Darlin 4A WORD OF TIMELY WARNING "TO THE FARMERS OF ONTARIO. ry Baik Bnet Tenet printed \estimoniajs. The fact that our Seeder saves one man and team all through seeding, | Pesides saving seed and doing the work better than the usual war, | season for every farmer that fails to get oae, The Easterly Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator Combined, is allowed by those that hay now in use, inasmuch as it M. WESLEY, East Gwillms! Yury, JOHN DE | iy 1s BROT HE] I S. "Pickering. Quota N WILLIS, Whitby, B.V Oshawa, January 29th, 1873. mmm worked it%o be the best Agricultural dm ves seed and about one half | than the usual way. The facts of the above any person can asc | gentlemen :-- | D. HINKSON, East Whitby, JAMES BOWMAN, Ki ry 7 THOMAS 2 MoBRIEN Whitby, Agricultural Society South VE ST, West Gwillmsbury, SEND IX TOUR ORDERS BARLTY. GENTLEMEN, -- As we are only Panufaciuting five , handred Broadcast this year, and one hundred of them are prod gone, all who wish to FALL AND | Wilson's Block, next Door to Roddic : WINTER r= i one had better do so at once, asthe mand is so great, those who 'do not 1 Ipok out in thmne cannot be served this season. We would like to supply ail wants near home first. If the cople | about home neglect coming in oy of I } their machines, we will have to send them out to other Jars of the country, : Where they are being called for every day, as we have no room to store a uantity at once, and we Bie finish Shem up andgetat our other work. Please call as soon as possible and get your Machines. We guarantee them to do all they are recommended to do in our makes it quite a F. W. GLEN. in one Yours, &e., lement for the price the labor, and doss the work better ertain by asking the following H. ¥ BURK, Darlington, E. A. BOWES, Mariposa. Nie RAYMORD, V atghan ME. ROBINSON, Innisfiil, GEO. OGLEVIE, Whitby. JAMES MJZELY Aurora Presid dent 422m ANNUAL REMNANT SALE CHISHOLM S COMMENCING ~ Saturday,Jan.25. thelr happiness, but made | Remnants of Dress Goods, sdme ends full dress lengths. Remnants _ Shirtings. - Remnants of Towelling and Table Linens. Remnants of Tweeds, nels, &e. Remnants of Cotton, Sheet-. ings, &ec. Together with the remnants of a large lot of other goods will be placed on the tables, and mark- ed down to the lowest prices. A. M. CHISHOLM, Gibbs' Bloek. of Prints and Flan- PORK, PORK. (As FOR ANY QUANTITY OF ved pork. J. W. FOWKE. STRAYED. about six weeks ago, a low-set 1 cow. Any person giving Jrlormation that wii lon lead to her recovery will be suitably re- J W.FOWKE. Oshawa, Nov. 29, 2-32-tf, NOTICE. TM. DICKIE : WOULD KINDLY rie hose accounts ° Yo ante without further notice and pos ettle the same cash or note, to enable him fo 0 go on with his nines as usual. Shop One r East of Gilletts' and opposite J. W.Fowkes. en. Dek. Beh WIE 1878. LUXURIES CHRISTMAS ATi H. JONES' Oyster Bay, Simcoe St., Oshawa. CONSISTING OF ; PRESERVED RED RASPBERRIES, BLACK RASPBERRIES, GOOSEBERRIES, GRAPFS, BLUE PLUMS, GREEN GAGES, ete., etc., ete. For sale by the pcund. | A large lot of Black Currant and other Jellies. A choice lot of Candies, gan Lemons, Apples, Nuts, Raisins, Figs, et As usual, the best Oysters the market, by the can or plate. Don't forget the stand, directly Spyosits the | REFORMER office, Blncoe street, Oshaw: GROCERS AND SEEDSMEN | 3imcoe St., Oshawa,Ont. Oshawa, Jaauary 16th, 1078, QRiaway Nar. Sist, 100% oy 8 JONES. BAMBRIDGE HAS STILL SOME Fine Cutters TO DISPOSE OF Don't Forget the Stand, SIMCOE ST, NORTH. BEST ASSORTMENT .| Call and examine our stock and | STAR OF GLENGARY. corm J BARNARD LATEST STYLES Offers at extremely Low Prices, AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR FALL AXD WINTER CLOTHING. He has just received his + NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. 3eantiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Zlothing of all kinds made to order on the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. MILK MILE] HE 'UNEERSIGNED HAS MUCH leasure in announcing to the inhabitants Jo Oshawa that he has bought from Messrs. Rus- soll & Glass all their right and interest in the Milk business, and that he is now engaged in the sale and delivery of that most indispensible article, MILK, in its natural purity! He hopes, BY a continuance of the business and punctual- ity n delivery, to merit and obtain the patron- age of all who may be in want of the same. H. TAPLIN, We the undersigned take Jlsasure in recom- mending to the. inhabitants of Oshawa Mr. Tap- 3 lin, in our opinion, as Detug reliable in the above Blankets, overcoats, Clothing, Boots & Shoe: G. Henry, &c., will do well to attend the Auction Sale, every night, at W. DICKI] -31-6m-pd. | ; We have an excellent assortment of | He offers his whols siock of Tobe Saved fro: English and Canadian Tweeds. i the late Fire at Auction. Tailoring done on the shortest notice, and good FALL & WINTER IN GREAT VARIETY, OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT is well assorted, and our TEAS are A No. L GOOD GREEN TEA at FORTY CENTS, GurDust Teas we are selling at 3}, by the five pounds. US BOOTS & SHOES in GREAT VARIETY. Alsd, an excellent assortment of Rubbers and Overshoes, which will Le sold very cheap. Trunks and Satchels. And, in fact, everything that belongs to a General Country Store. WHITE CLOUDS FANCY CLOUDS, FANCY WOOLEN GOODS Fahey Dry and Staple Goods A FULL STOCK, VERY CHEAP: Oomiwi, December 26th, 1872. Auction Sale PARTIES WANTING W., Fowke, ; W, McGill. just arrived at TAUNTON! THE CHEAPEST aN ry aD EVER OFFERED THE PUBLIC. & Fire! Fire! Fire | prices and satisfy yourselves be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Cash Paid for Hides and Skins WM. WILLARD. - 'Taunton. THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING. W. WICC & SON AVE JUST RECEIVED a BEAUTI- ful assortment of Pictures, already f~am- ced.suitable for Christmas presents, in part of which are the following : 5. TREWIN, Opens out on Monday, 80th insti. iN WILCOX'S STORE, "3 Doors East of Gilletts' Corner; North Side. A SCENE IN CALIFORNIA. WINDSOR CASTLE. A SAIL BY MOONLIGHT. BALMORAL CASTLE. BALLYNAHINCH, Ireland. MOTHER'S JOY. WILL BE SOLD AT WHATEVER PRICE THEY WILL BRING, AS THE WHOLE OF HIS IMMENSE STOCK OF THE HAPPY FAMILY. vies : INNOCENCE. | Millinery, Mantles, Shawls, Blankets, Woolens, &c¢ ; FIDELITY. THE FIRST PAIR OF PANTS. THE NOSEGAY. THE BREAD OF HEAVEN. EVENING PRAYER. | MUST BE CLEARED OUT FORTHWITH. Osaawa, December 26th, 1872 Th, es ot Something for Christme: Also, a fot of First Rate | ep ew BAe Metal Tea Pots. He memos | Hlectro Plated Cake Baskets Electro Plaled Cruets. | Electro Plated Tea, Baskets, And Table Spoons, and Forks, 2.3741 mas and a happy New Y ont. . WIGG & SON. GET THE BEST. | CALL AT R. WELLINGTON'S| MUSIC ROOM, King Street East, Oshawa, 'Table Knives. : | Ivory Handle Desert anc 'Table Knives, all First-class. JUST RECEIVED AT PIANOS! HATCH & MEARNS. Also another lot of the Celebrated 0 od Melodeons, | rgans and flelodeons, | \fansard Cook Stoves, AND EXAMINE HIS NEW AND LARGE STOCK | i -- SHINGLES. |rINGLES OF "ALL KINDS FOR Orders for Tuning attended to prompily. sale at my Mill; Lot No. 6, ith con, Darling- ton, about 4} miles from Bowmanville, JONATHAN, STEPHENS, Mateh ar HATCH & MEARNS, makers, warranted for five years. Hardware,Stove and Tin Dealers, PRICES LOW azd TERMS EASY. | | Instrumentagsold on monthly paymeénts. Also | KING STREET, OSHAWA, Oshawa, December 19th, 1872. Instruments to rent. R. WELLINGTON. Oshawa, Goober 368, 17S oar Goods Damaged by Fire and Removal - Electro Plated Desert and' £ g

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