AdEEeeRe 0 , FEL AEARABRESR SE ¥ ead lisnasns's: a dn Mes SS + ry i --_ pp BA -------- vr IIT vas Weis, He a uted to Jo sate of the nervous ystems. || yy I Grand Trunk Time Table. OBHAWA STATION. OSHAWA TIME. WHITBY STATION, Tralas going East leave Whitby Station ten Bales earlier, and those going West fifteen utes later than the above, ---- EE -------------- a -- me OSHAWA POST OFFICE. The mailsare closed at thisoffice, by Post Office me as follows: GOING EAST. fomns zal 48 | ng mall, 8.00 The Northern mails GOING WEST. Morping mail, 7.00 Evening mail, 8.00 m., daily, Sundays excepted. The -e'dockon at 7.15 Saturday Evening. The Mail for Enfield, Foley, and Taunton, is olosed at 12.30 o'clock every Tuesday and Friday. ered Letter should be Mailed 15 minutes Regist Defore the hour of closing a mail. ORFICE HOURS. -I'rom 8 o'clock a. m. until yr. mm. NR. JAMES BANKS are closed immediately he She arrival of the Train from the West, at - the nineteenth century. He waa rlwars the friend of the United States, and this bit of spleen now manifested is the ** sour grapes" of the fable. England delights to honor the brave in their adversity as well as prosperity. N : -------------- IRON-MOULDERS' BALL. The Iron-moulders' ball, as was antici- | pated, proved to be the most successful | affair of the kind ever held in Oshawa. | Orie hundred and ten couples were pre- sent, all, seemingly, enjoying themselves to their heart's content. The ball was held in Hobbs' Hall, which was gaily decorated for the vccasion. British and American flags were suspended acrcas the north end of the hall and looped up in the centre, where the orchestra sat. Tm: | mediately over the orchestra stand, in mail, via. Quebec, is closed at 7.30 | front, was the motto ** Ontario Wors- ursday Evening. and via. New York { men," underncath which wus a moulder's | shovel cud sieve, festovhed with artificial flowers. The walls were draped from end to end with red, white and blue flannel, and also adorned with npuervus pictures | and mottos, Overhead were loug strips of red, white anil blue flannel, looped to- gether in the centre and runzing--one of them duwn the ceutre and the others angl- 5 JARVIS STREET. 18 OUR! ing off to the four corners of the rvom. . uthorized agent for the City of Toronto, | he decorutious throughout were uest, Dairsets made Ly bim will be carried outby | evincing great taste ou the part of the ce. Oniario Reformer, Oshawa, Friday, Jan. 24, 1873. i aE SENN ---- An SK RIRN- " ETTER SPEAK NOW." Ferguson, of South' Simcoe, has made his explanations, and s few Tory papers are jubilant. 'Mr. Cameron, the leader of the Opposition, takes upon himself all the responsibility and odour 'of the spittoon note --'* You had Letter speak now !" In| substance it is this: Matt told Tom that Le had the mysterious dodument, and Tow asked Matt to give it to him, and he «ud; and so poor Tom never picked it vut of a spittoon, and his defamers are liars, etc., and Matt says--** Now Tommy, wy dear boy, I'm léader now, don't cry; 1'm a big man, I'll bear the odium ; I'l tell this ; and when the proper time comes I'll make some more statements. So Tommy dries his tears, and the Mail , Viunders -- * New, false aofusers, turn your guns-on a man whose exactness of wssertion and purity of character are above suspicion." Allvery fne--a lad excuse is better than none. The Vindicator speaks this week of a few choice expletives, bar room slang, employed by Mr. Wood and Mr. McKel- lar, and remarks, 'Out-dome in his. committee of managewent. The floor had been properly waxed, an | everything being in readiness, dancing colmenced about 9.30, with ov. r tift couples on the tour, dancing the * Mobdare Circle," to music from Hughes' quadrille band, which, we heard several remark, was the best dance music ever heard in Oshawa. The dane- ing was kept up till arin o'élock in the mofping; t ancers ing as lively and good natured as whiu they first took the floor. Mr. W. Taylor, foreman of the mould: | ing shop at the Joseph Hall Wars, acting as Master of Ceremonies, and Mr. Pete | Ryle, as Promipter, both ge:tlémen dis- | charging their duties in au eficient wan Ler. The supper was got up| by Mr. John Hobbs, of the Oshawa House, and was | really excellent. The hill of fare. eon sisted of ruast beef, turkey, goose and | chieken ; boiled corned beef, ham, mutton, | chicken; cold tong e and potatoes ; celery, { mixed pic'.els, pickeled beets ; apple pie, custard pie, leu on pie, tarts; apples, lemons, 'raisins, nuts ; tea and collec, with [an endless variety of cakes and other dainties, to all of which am le justice was done. Several moulders from Téronto, Bow- manville'and Newcastle wera present, and | éxpressad themselves as highly delighted | with their evening's amnsewent. 1 | This is the tirst ball ever given by the | Oshawa lron-moulders, and jt proved 'to | bo a complete success, bath in' regard to | numbers and respectability. They may | well feel proud of their first grand ball and | | supper. { TE TR S------ | Mz. J. Bar~xakp has removed to his | ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JANU Tax Allan Seamer Acadian reported Friday last, has been raised and sent on her vogage, Srxziz Buos. sold their lots on the corner of King and Simees streets, by auction, yesterday, for the sum of $5,000. The corner lot has a fr mtage of 26 feet 6 inches on King street, and 64 feet 3 inches on Simcoe street; and was bought by W. H. Gibbe, Esq., for the sum of $3,000. The back lot has a frontage of 27 feet on Simcoe street, and 52 feet 7 inches deep, sud was purchased by Mr, 8. Trewin, for the sum of $2,000, : Some busy-body has circulated the re- pert around town thatMr. A. M. Chis- holm had signed the petit on which Mp. Fitzmaurice was going around with, pray. ing for the real of her hushand. Mr, Chisholm wishes us to give the report a fist denial. He never saw the petition but once, when he refused to sign it. At the time it was presented to him for sig- nature there were only two names on it, "and they were both from Whitby. A ixcrums will be delivered by the Rev. B. L Hutton, in the Methodist Episcopal Church, next Sunday evening. Subject :-- * The Millenium," --its tela- tion to the Becund Advent; Adventists views and evangelical fully and corretely stated ; the period described, ete. The public are invited. Lecture to begin at half past Six o'clock. The subject of the lsctare ie desly interesting. Frow the well known ability of Mr. Hutton in handling scriptural themes, a rich intel- lectual feast may be anticipated. Tax Good Templars' Candy Social, on Friday evening last gave, we understand, satisfaction to all interested. Mr. E. Carswell occupied the chair, and by his witty remarks and two readings, ** The Bashful Man," and 'The Irish School: waster," contri uted much to the even- ings' enjoyment. As a mimic and story- teller, Mr. Carswell has few superiors. There were readings, recitations, and one dialogue. A solo by Miss Gallock who, presided at the organ, was very god and encored. The Rev. Mr. Hatton opened the proceedings by off ring prayer, aud near the close made a brief, pertine t speech, Pror. Marniv. --~We had the pleasare of witnessing an entertainment given by this justly celebrated Wizard and Ven- triloquest, in Bowmanville, vn Moaday evening last, and we wut say, he is one of the smartest performers we have ever seen. Among the tricks which surprised the audience must was the * Gol lin . . é . New Store in Wilson's Block, one door | Drum," and M:geclek. His exhibition Lu Tepliod West of Keddie and Rice. The public | of automatical figures is well worth the ero did the Elthy ir rs would-do well by visiting him in Lis new | price of adnission alone. In addition t. wots - sions come from! Ou!~done ti. his oun poeuliar line. There you have it! If filthy words are "peculiar" t8 Mr. Mc. Kelli, vho can" out-do him? By their own confession, the Opposition! Those who live in glass-houses should not throw store. Remen.ber the stand. | Ecper Hayward wiil aldress the tem- perance mceting on Sabbath aiteranou | | Lest, | | Tre Dowiuion Parlia ast will, it is | the excellent exhibition given by the Pr. festur, ho dist. i%ates a nuwber of presents to ticket holders. "Among the presents given away on Monday evening were » complete set of stong chia, a caune-seated rociing chair, a sack of flour, ete. Prof. , IE 0 | Mortic will cohibit 3 y stones. The guilty are always tlie first to POW reported, meet on the 18th of Fel. | Martia will exhibit in Hob' 1 1 ery sccuse others of the mean, filthy accased deeds they themselves have counnitted.; BE ------------------------------S.G----------.=---- TEXPERANCE. Numerous petitions have been presented for a prohibitory liquor law during the present session. That something will be Jone in the matter for the countsy's good is probable--but that anything practicable limiting the manufacture aud sale of in- | texicating liquor will be accomplished admits of serious doubt. The question is 's constitutional ome, its 'advocates are | strong, so are its opposers. Tlie truth of the matter is, more than one-third of the temperance men of the county have no faith in themselves nor their cause. We have plenty of powder, a good deal of flash, but there, is little balls and shot used, and nobody killed. 'People at a distance hearing of the doings of tlie Sons and Good Témplars and the Sunday tem- - perance meetings would naturally think that OsLawa was a temperance town. But je it? How very few members of the ruary next. | Tuey have a lively grain market at | Port Parry. On Tuesday there were 130 | loads of wheat sold in that place. | Tuoere was a good time at the Baptist | Church Social on Wedaos lay evening. | Proceeds, about 84), CursnoLy will commence his remnant sale to-mo:Tow, in another colnun, aa ro- | busi. | ness of great .aporiauce is to bi brouglt ! before the Lodge. 1 { -------- | A reLy atteudauce of wewbers is quested at the Temple to-night, | as { ei Tuere is no truth in the rumnor that a | human skeleton, -- supposed to be that of | Brooks, the botcher who wysteri jusly dis- | appeared from Oshawa a short time ago-- | was found in Fijzmaurice's cellar after the i | | We have received a communication | | from " A Barrister," in reference to the evening next week, commencing ou Mou- day evening. If you cwa enjoy a laugh, 30 and sce him. Correspondence. To the Editor of the Ontario Reformer : Dear Six.--We desire, throngh the | medium of your valuable paper, to ex- press ur heartfelt thanks to the members { aul friends of the Christian Church of Teead his annduuceient | Oshawa for a very pleasant donation | visit made us onthe I4th inst. Proceeds amounted in cash and vuluablesto $139,850, May God bless ths conttibutors sbund. autly in this life and in the world to come with life eternal, J. Tarron. A. Tatton, Oshawa , Jun, 23rd, 1873. Ta R------------r. ONTARIO PARLIAMENT. The active work of the session has now fairly comumenced, and gives promise of a busy time. Petitions are pouring into the House for the abolition of the liquor tzaf- fic, amendinents of the School Act, amend- various churches are members of the | article in cur last issue, Headed "" An Un. | ments to the Mnicipal law, and for Legis Division and the Lodge? Here and else- where too many professing Christians are friends of temperance by profession and by profession pnly. We give a question for our readers to answer,--Can a man be a Christian who habitually uses intoxicat- ing beverage?! Another, --Is that man worthy of the Christian nama who habitu- | just. Sentence." It _came to hand too | late for this is.ue ; but may appear in our | mext. | 1 advertisement, which will bs fouad in an- other column. He will sell by auction, at his Carriage Factory, Brock strest, Whit. lation upon sectional and private matters. Daring the past weuk th: following Bills have bee: introduced: --by Mr. Rr kert, to amend the law of evidence, aud to umend | Wg direct attention to M. O"Doavan's { the Assessment law; by Mr. Bethune, to enable married women to eonvey their ea'ates, and to amend ths law respect tng the partition of real estate; by, Mr. TP Viars to. bore-tied hero the distinguished title of "7 he sunk by coming in contact with ice, on Knight of the spittvon aud paste pet. {| was mde known, by the above pair, that the Hon. (1) M. C. ron fur nished to Mr. Ferguson the mutilated scraps which had been thrown upon the floor of the houss by Mr, Wood, Full ex- planations were entered into by Mr. Wood; and after several members had spokin upon the question, it was closed as fol- lows: -- Mr. CAMERON said he had been ne- cused of ungoutiomanly wad dishonourasle condwet in waking use of the pu per wich had + meuwher for South Braut; but he might us well be accused of duing an ungentleman- ly act if he took any weans in his power of discovering the p lots of two criminals who were ple tting aginst him, Hon Br, MOWAT nid the hon. geu- tleman was entirely wrong and nnjustitied comattted, . Nothing criminal had been proved of ths hoa, weber for Bear and there was one taing that had bon alluded to already that proved that noth ny cond be brought howe to hin. Hishon, friend, the member for East Toronto, gave wn ex- cuse for not going before the Committee; but he was very ingenious and could give an excuse for not doing anythin Would anv gentleman, however, bdliore that the reason was that his resolatid® had been altered! He (Mr. Mowat) had been cowm- paring the two resolutions and fognl that they were substantially thé sane and that anybody who had real viden e 2d show sha. a criminal action had tvken as much ¢" ance to establish that erthe altered resolation as nuder:the oth er. (Hear hear), The hom. gmtlennn bold'y made a charge befor fhe Himne: then why did be vhject to havitig his bau mentioned in the resoluti ul! » Mr. CAMERON said that wis oly one of the alterations. : Hon. Mr. MOWAT Ten pishagd the hon. gentleman ohjected becanse 1d tae resolution, as drown, reference hat heen made to the possibili'y of 8 mie other nlem commniicat'ons 'with the momber fin South Brant: but syrely it was absard to the hon, gentlemen had taker. He bal that he had ary evide ice agunst anv other mmtrer of the Govermnent. He woald have gone before the Committe helheensr. He had ales taken ohjee- tion-to the comp. citi m of th: OC mmittee, bit surely if the obj ct of the hon, gen tis nan wis to ohtain evidence the amie. ai ion of the Committee wonld have made ns diffsrones whitevor. at a partizan renort, surely that wou'd not have defeated the purpoas of the hon, gen. tleman or have vraventell him from bring- ing before the country a'l the evidences in the ease. His hon friend. did not pretend to sav that if he had cone thors and giv. vn anv-evidence that it wonld hava heen having been given and rofuesd, he (Me Mowat) enhmitted that it was niterly io. hronght wp in the Fl mes, Ha knew hie Yon. friend wig 4 man of honwenr, bat in this matter Te hal ghown ano'h vr axam ple of the num rou: «= «ac mietakoe bh hyd made in put dic ifs Meare) The ange tim of the ime in which the h 0 men. bor for South Beant had roni med hic past as Trennorer of the Seandd.1d Mae lnald A lmivistration es aparely fachnien! ane, He wae at that tim: a member of a Gov. errmon® amine "which gavarg! eatsa of ant of ¢omtidence had heen r cold ad he disaz od with his cl) agn a neta hat his cute nader the eiren us anees was 1 WAR A YOTY erave qasction-- what wheithe Auty of the Minister, placed in such pire {| enmstances--hut nothing had hoon | grid azainst the conrae ha had adosted, aud he (Attorney-General) hatievid that thie mai. ority of the reop's of tha country net nly approved of har ft or teful toa the han, (Hear, Year) Ax to the part taken in the affair by Mr. Blake, he een any that the gentleman was just as highwind d A4d as upright and hononralile as the member for East Tornto, and just as incanahle of doing anythirg that was not 'worthy «f ar honourable gent) man (Applanes ) Noth. ing had been advanced peqinet the hon. member for Runth Brant hut the marest onjectre, and if conjeetnre was to ha ro. ccivel as evidence, then any one of thew conld be found gmlty of crimes which) wera the very farthest fron their thansh's RW was difienlt to imacine how are Yoeper like the hon, meh r for Fast Tormta conld really grave'y pamert or att@upt to make anybody belicve that tha wera fret of that slip o' panr sureosting to Mr. Wood, three days after his resignation, that that was the time for him to spon', could show any dishonourallle intere nrse with the Opposition. The idea was simp- ly ~idiculons, Anow that it was his hon friend the mem. ber fur East Torovte who had bronchi, forward this pop r--jnst as sorry as for anything he Fad ever heard «f any one ahom he he'd in esteem. Tt wae trae the esteem he fult fur the hon. gentleman was not thereby decr assed. hint it wont tach ww the fowrful blanders that ha wold maka, (Lighter. The whole Honse was in. terested in denonncirg in 'he strongest manner the iniqrity avd dishonoar that belonged tu the picking nn «f <och naners i between Mr. Blake and the | in assuming that auy criminal se lid boon | de hal [ oe und- | her of the G wvernmet having had thes | say that that change justified the conrse | not pre'ended, and did not pretend now, | if that. If the Committe | hid beefi a partizan one, and had arr ved | refosed. Tho opp rianity of dine an | def neibile that *ha matter ghanld he seain | aentlemsn for the a tion he had 'akan, -- ! He was extremsly sorry to | i SAT oe A gS 8:hool Report. © j [The annual "report "of the Norwal, | Model, High and Pablié Schools of Oun- | tari, for the year 1871, by the Chief 8 1perintendent of Eddention, is ac huad, ad from which we glean the folluwing irformaipn of the ools in the Count of Outario, exclusive of its towns and vil | lags, and of the villige of Oshawa, The report has been a long time in | eoniing ont; and we entirely agree with | the Globe when it says in spesking of | this Report, "1b is Fiuaily to be re | gretted that so wany oflicisl docoments | wre published so long aftor the period to | which they refer that they becuine stale [and comparatively vseless before they | reach the public eye. To the unofficial | mind it se. ms unaccountable that iiphountd | take a whale year to prepare a digest of | the progwedings in any vne public depart | ment, so that the people have to wait | twelve mogths before they' know how their Wt LE » Ld hus Leon expenced, LR * The resort before [ nx would te surv dd a fer more waif! | purpose had it been is<d@b months ag {| when it wonld have been sn lied thor ongh'y, its suggestions canvassed, and the cowrlition of the educational system been gone over; instead of now, when in a very short time the Legislature is to be | calied upon to pass its * épinion - upon various inportant chsages to be proposed in the edueatiomnd systeui, and when there | 1v Little time for such thors th examine | tion as the impartance of the subject calls for. There is no Pease why all report. of dwoartinsats should not be before the | pubic within these or four. months of the close of the peatiod to which they havi reference." | However,old as the report isa few sta | tistics enlled from if will not, we hope prove usiuteresting to our readers. | The receipts of the logs) school authori | ties in ths county wers --for teschers | sninrios (Legislative grant), $4,610; fo ape, apparatus, prizes wd libiaries | (Lgislative grant), 8546 93 ; 'unty wani- | pal schol assessment, 3418 ; trustees ANSCRS Lent, £30.277.62; Clergy R serve faa, hilances and oth. r so aress $845.19; total re apts tor 11 school par poss, £43,443.07. Expenditure of oxi 52h ol authorities, | For tevlize' sidacics, #30 2005; fa | wchonl | wiaps, appacatas, prizas 'asd hocaroes, iu- daliag 1 per cont. 3193.85; for sites and building school bones, $2423 95; fou rents and repairs of school houses, $1445. 1 07 ; for 8 hood hooks, stationery, fuel an. ther exvensas, $741 28; total expendi- tars for all pallic ssho ld parpos:s, $43, 177.73; Lalines, £3285.34. I'lie population of this cianty--acord Tae | 8zhool population, between the ages of © | and 16, is 11.000; of other ages, 670 ; tots' | puber of phyis of all ages attending [ 8choo' 11,704 Of these thers are, 346 Hoy and 3.453. re. The yhinhrer of pup: 8 hs tween the ass Had 10 venrs, is 5,007 ; | 15 to 21 yewrs. 13 5,266 ; 16 6» 21 yenrs, is 810 ; puils whose ages have not bas re ported, OL, O12 of *ha 11.708 puoils re- { ported asl att nding s hool, there were L320 wh were not there 20 days in the | year; 2.373 from 2) ta HO days; 2,94 from 50 to 100 days; 2.473 from 100 t 1 %8 150 to 200 days ; wd only 654 who attended fran 200 days to the fall The nuher of | children, of all ages in thin conaty, not tending 8 hool, 1s 74% : aad the number of children between th ges of 7 and 12 sears, not attending an hold, is 180. Lhe average atte lanes of papils during the past yerr vos 4.510, The total nuaulier of pails in the dif- ferent arch 8 of Justruction are, --i Heading, 1a the 1st, 2d, 3id, 4th, bth a Sigh classes, 2,852, 1.942. 2 310, 1,042, Lid and D0; Spelling, 7,250 ; Writing. 740; Anhuctie. 7,430 ; Grammar, 3,355 ; Object Lossons, 951% Composition, 1.695; Goeueral Ge 4,119; Cana dian Go agmphy, 2,139; Ancient History. "Ai; Mibora ili 1y, 655; Canadian His ory, 832; engiisa History, 1.422; Cnvistrth Moras, 407 ; Cinil Guvernimpent, 1.9; Huan Physiology, 329; Natura His ry, 151; Natural Puiloso hy, 188 ; Agricuitvr | Chemistry, $10; 1} vauy, 2/0; Aigebra, 224; Geo netry, 115 ; Men- ['wurstion, 264; Book ceeping, 265; Do mestic Leopomy. (girls only), 34; Liasar Drawing, 768; Vigai Musi, 2 413 ; Gym nastics or Mlitary Dil; 376, [ing to ths last o3ieas-- 320,073. 150 days; frou S65 days. "The re eips of the lo al sew! anthori tie f Usiiiwn ii 4871 were, for teachers' sours (Legisa ne gr nt), £206; nu aps, Ap Arta prazes ant ibn aries (Logisiaove grant), 325; uty wu cipal a | as- scasent, $4,771 60 ; trustees' schoo! sessingut, cL). 40; tint, $5,220.12 Ex | peidi ug, -- teachers' salaries, $1740 | maps, apparatus, prizes and libraries, in- | einding 100 per ceni., $30 ; for sites and | building selisol houses, $458 94 ; pots {and repairs of school house, $1.01; | school books, stationery, fuel and other expenses, $376.15 ; total, $3,174 10. Bal | shces, $2,04601. The coosus of Oshawa, ~nceordiug to the consus of 1871, is 3,185 ; ti school popil ton, between the ages | Vand 15 years, 1s 810. The number of pupils attending schoo in 1871, between these ales, was 304; pupils of other ages, 10; total, 8i4. U1 these there were 415 boys, and 599 girls, The number of Pupis between thie ages of & and 10 years, 475; 016,329; 16510 21,9. Out ot tr whole nuwaber there ware '1 whos atten nice was less. tinn 20 dvs daring | m the Death of the Jats Mr. and Mrs. On A DE an DEDICATED TO THEIR CHILDREN, BY R. BRANTON, child one gone! were once al your hope d awpy. At times, to your fancy, no doubt it may rem, As a soleinn Yo hoiitg 3 some hidious renin i And scarce cau you the thought Trom your m ARY 24, 1878. Tuz Suns of Temperance of Halif x| have a lody s wver which a lady presides as the Worthy Patriarch, Tury nse mules for pulling the Cleve. New land street care, nid the drivers ate not al- lowed to swenr while on duty, They are | § viven a full uy each week however to g to the woods, lt on earthi are nolonger ¢ jnfincd. h, dearcst children, their race it {4 run, r Sourse [812 finished, thei: work it [i ddone ; hey have a farewell we. rth's toll u, ne'er De tossed vu liie's billows again. | But be font oh, be not dismayed, Though deals, in he nk, your fond ap nts Por is-Hlls word who, has smitten the w, To sustain you while here iu this region below. Oh, yes, he has promised and always will be, A Troms Lo Lhe orohan avd cha ve; 4 great is this trial iv comes Joi above, Through cunnuels oi mercy uli I'l with love. And then, dearest children, they thought, ob, [! rie ved ubes, agala we may ur ' lia Fh Mn never clowueu by suirow es here plossure luimicital (or ever shal Blovus. Could we for a moment that city behold, Whose engui-trod strects, are radient with gold, Or with the redes , In their raptures unite, Who wave the os peda pure w. be . Bata 1 led Be, Whete the sun in full splendor, doth always Wasre Gud from all faces wipes off every tear w sorrow and aves of ne'es ofr Where sin is unknown, the great curse of our race, . O, ¢ uid we but witness the joys of the saint, Which language of earth i+ tow feeble ¢ » paiot ; U, Low we should wig for the dawn of that day. + humour pli ha shoud bid dre well 10 Livele cis, [hen remember, if tedious, or rough be the roa' Ur tate) yew juth to that Kiorous aboue Che final gia. hour will speedily ovine, Ww hen angels aid Joved ores shall welcume you ome. Scribner's Monthly For February. A Moxe readable number of Scribner's 'hau the February has, perhaps. never been issued. There is 4 strange st ry by Mis Phelps, "Since | diel,"in which th suites soci to have been set ajar, idend : ¢ puzsiing account by Noah Brooks of what he calis * The San Refasl Phai- wipstery ;" a curious discussion by Philip uilbert Hamerton, the Euglish art-critic, f ** One Phase of the Married Quertion ;" oh iutpresting deserijtion by Albert Rhobws of "* A Court Ball at the Hague; # new story bv Miss Trafto., eutitled * Little Miss Frere:" some pleseut and d talk by Junins Henri Browne, on '* Borrowing as a Soc'al Scienco ; a tron- chant and most tim ly paper on ** Art at the Capitol ;". a lively description by Lady Blauche Marphy, of that peculiar Dritish lnstiution, *° An Archmologieal Breukfast ;" a very valuable and enter- taining article on ** The Teho utepec Ship-Cacal ; a strikingly illustrated paper nm Siam, ** In and Around Bangkok; aad wn illustrated piccoof populor seicnce How 8 we Mon Larned to Analyze the Sun." hie mowt abriking poews of the nw bes rs A Visit of St. Eligius," by George MacDonald, as quaintly spiritnal as a por or Hegbert's ; * One night," a weird thing by Aug uda Joues ; Covert," vy (LIL jd 4 For Thoughts," by Cech Uhaxter. Dr. Holland's ** Arthur Bonni- sastle" contains the record of a remarkable voyag+. In his Topics of -the Time he 148 ** Thonghts after Christnas," *' The Neglect of the Rich." * Habis of Literary | Labor," * To'the Mewory of George P Putimm " The Old Cabinet has Number | me Hundred and eleven." Home and | Society contsin "The Hospitality we '| shonld like to See," "At the Front Door," * On Skues." and ,, } urniture for the Sick-Room." Culture and Pro. groas discusses ** Artin onr Homes and | Schim's," ** Ae Orach of our Dav," cte. Nature and Science is as in eristing and practical as usual ; and, by way of varity, | there is a pretiy little hild-poem in the | department of Ftchings. The publishers vivgrtise tie Novemler and December | VL sent frev tu all subscribers for | RI The Canadian Dairyman's Ascociaticn i ---- | The Sixth Annuil Convention of the | Canadian Lairymen's Associathn will be H held in the Town of Ingerscil, Ont., on Wednesday & Thursday, Feb, 5th & 6th, 1873. In preparing the progran me for ' this mecting the Executive has ained to introduce such topics for discession as vill be of the grextest iuterest to all ¢n- gazed in Ianrying operations. 'X. Willard, A. M , will deliver the Aunnal address Prof. Caldwell, of Cornell Un- iversity, Ithies. N. Y., will si'driss fle Convention on "Tainted Milk," and {1un. George Brown, un "3uiling." Prof. J.T Bell, of Albert College. Belleville, and Rev. W. F. Clarke, will also address ths Convention on subjects of their own selection. Hon. A.' McKellar, Commiss- inner of Agriculture., and Prof. Buck- land, if their duties will permit, will also he present. The following are some of the topics hat will be introduced for discussion: Market- ing Cheese; Fluating Curds: Best Pasture for Dairy Stock; Proper Curing of Cheese: Milk and Milking. A Question Drawer, under competent management, will be one of the wpst in- teresting features of the meetirg. | ernmittee of architects, builders, and i fies commission: rs, honrd of pibliec works, | tire wiarshal and wardens, the beard of | Wee constructed - of , at which the party ate while the tire was| BROCK STREET, | a half uches thick, and the sides towsrd A Youxa woman in Montreal had been courted for wu long time buck Ly a shoo. waker named Major, who, during the happy period, managed to borrow of | Whea her carvings, and, to add insult to injury, he then married another girl, snd used the money on w wedding trip. The case was brought into co irt, but was comprom.- ised by the son of Crispin refunding the money. AN exchange notices a the accidental falling of & brick upon the hend of 0 man, who was passing under a catle'ding, while a building was being rocted. Anirquest was held and the oroner brought in a verdict as follows : ** Death caused by softening of the brain in consequence of the accidental falling of a brick upon the man's head. Responses to prayers and sermons may be good, if they come in at the right place. Not so, however, camein a res ponse, recently, to a minister in m African church. He had eome down from the pulpit tu invite a stranger in one of the paws to preach fur him, mt was un- 4 ©, Whithy, J. HaMER GREENWOOD, A.G, MeMugy, secessful, * Brethern," said-he, "I ine vited - Brother 8. ke [rman but he de- ES Fv a ey rp vines." "Thank God I" reared out a man ST R AY E Dy rom theniddle of the church. N 8 or ; TYE latest Detroit swindle is this: --A the Subscriber, Lot Ne, 13, Genreel-looking young man, calling him- HRY EN ICOLD Hee self * Professor Willian," aud claiming owner is requested to cal! ' ] 10 Te gh rizht band man of Agassiz in all | PY eXpenses aud take her ann a 'of that nuturalist's expeditions after 4 strange things, arrived in Detruit several Xam Whifhy Jes. Sed, 19 i days since to lovk around for 'a building - suitable for a musewn, - He claimed that he had six thonsand specimens of birds, heasts und reptiles at Princeton, New Jarsy, and he wanted to get up = stoek'companry to be called *¢ The Detroit Mnsemin Association." He was willing that almost anyone should be president and secretary, but he wanted to be trea- surer and manager, He talked with sev- eral business men abont ths enterprise wanting them *o raise 81,000 in advance to pay for getting his speciinens here and fitting up a bnilding. Somehow, every. body waa suspiciongof hind, although he did succeed in borrowing ten dollars of one man, and beating a hotel out of a week's board, Oats, do Clov. T Seed, ¥ bushel, Tunothy Seed, do Butter, ¥n,.. "Shae an death canred hy ARRISTERS AND A Public, Conveyana bm -Chaserry AR E. C. OF PENTALPUA TER G. R. C.. will be held THIS EVENING, at 7 o'clock. Exaltation, 4 full attendance requested. . GEO. W. GARTH, 8.2 Insolvent Act of 18691 Thomas Ratirry Marshall, Plaintiff, w, Robert Fitchett, Defendant, CHAP. A New Usz ror Pristen-or-Paris.-- Plaster-of-Puris has lung been known as a lire- proof material. It iseasily cast in moulds into any desired form. It ischeap. Mixed in proper proportions with other waterials it nay be made into blocks as capable of resisting pressure as good brick. In Eorope it it ns. d extensively in build ing. for partition walls, ete. compan) in Chicags has obtained a patent and be- gan mannfactnring what itealls patent fire prof eastiv gn, for partition walls, These cisting« are simply hollow blocks of plas tor, Bix. J perhaps with scwe hind of ¢ =» meat al, sand. * Recently this company hol a test of there new maternal before a ] WRIT OF ATTACHMENT HAS 4A issued in this cauve. - NELSON GC. REYXOLDS, | * : Serif C0 Sheriff's Office, Wlitby, Jan. 10th, -. GREAT SALE i --OF- 2 ke., &:., by . i PUBLIC AUCTION, ~AT=~ 1 M.ODONOVAN'S CARRIAGE FACTORY, WHITBY, ui lerwri ers, snd others, Several rooms the "ocks, sides, flo ir, and top being of the fire-proof wa- teri :L One room was filled with straw, | wich was set on fire. Three cords of fir wood were set on' fire in another rooms, In the third room a dinner table was set, raging, The waile were only se¥on and --O a EATUERDAY, Javuary 25th, 1676, At 2 o'clock, noun, . | All Work Warranted. No Resesas For particulars fee posters and Catalogues L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Auctionder, Whiiby, Jan. 17th, 18.3 6 w Medical Hall. SR, se ms Oshawa, Jan. ay 6 . "ey PRs. : Blacksmith Wanted. | GOOD COUNTRY HAND--ONE accustomed to Waggon Work prefered. be steady. Apply to 0-2w-pd JONN WeSTOSH, rol Servant Wanted. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. Apvly to A Oy MRS. 8. WOOD, + Oshawa Jan. 16th, 1872, wy the lanes were heated 10 a glowing white heat yet vo heat came through. + Indecd, the t wrmometer hung on the ontside of the wall of the rua in which thy fire WIE Ti Tiated 2 ro. while the themometor | in the room where the party dined indi- cated 42 degrees-above zero, The walls did not erack, ecalcine, or deteriorate ; only the smooth white finish was smoked and the usual *" hard finish" peeled off. By raplacing thie the walls would be as | gro © as new again. These facts, were a very high recommendation of the plaster blocks, ars certified to in the report of the eom- mittee. The report says that with fire- roof doo's and windows, the use of this waterial will, in their opinion, in all cases, coulivie any fire to the room iu which it riginat x, and prevent its injuring the walls of the I i.ding. MARRIED. . In Oshaw, the s Belt, Met. Gro. Ws Gamrn: oy i? AT widow: of the late M:. Peter Gray, all of Ushawa. 1 Must TEE STOMACH AND ITS DE- ANG EN hy thes fost of ithe Chrvnle Wasting Discuss, 2 -- - re ten i ------ Which invalids are coustantly secking specifics, 3 hen the fi is as tmilated od ble bo ris d laa re N o T . C E ! 3 Bild by Skater 'ourishient. Thi neiti| A LL PARTIES INDEBTED 70 THE. Subscriber will please call at the store Sepraviy of The sysiem manifests itself in some » i Lar CHohs by _Giseane of the L oar: | of Mr. W. Dickie and settle their accounts, GEORGE HODDER. Liver or Kidneys, nnd in others by culargements of the glands, eruptions of the skin, u'cers o! bone and flesh, spinal weakness, irregularities exhausting scl arges nerv- ous prostration, meatal anxiety neura'gic and rheun.tic pains, ail of which arise from de. praved nutri ion, Te invigorate the Stomach hd _peboct digestion, ard the formation +f Oshawa, Jan. 1ith, 1873. Mrs. W. H. Bennett, SOLINA STREET, IS NOW PRE. . Buod br, | Cutters, Carriages; €leighs, Buggies, : 4 Wo © WwW I. Cu XCELL Cheap ; 1 . BAMBKII Oshawa, Jan. FO By Pri OUFE m on the sou Apply to Insolve; In the matter Dominion Toronto, Jan, 11th, NO LL PARTI SHAW, Boo uesied to Fast, and settle the suthorized to colle 1, therefore, war with any other J their own cost. Oshawa; Jan. 9th FO OSHAWA, A BUFFALO ¥ and ying Re the Robe. FO ETWEEN OSHAWA, on BUFFALO ROBE. She BPATINAN cy TNO : M.. DICKI uest all cal: at once settle the same by © to go on with his bu door East of Gilletts Ushawa, Dec. 26th, G. W. BU: "AS NOW P another PEDD) supplied at morninz. Hives Orders Os Oshawa, Dec. 13th, PORK ASH FOR A £9 pork. STRAYED. a'wut Cow, Any perso wii lead to her rec warded. Osha wa, Nov. 29, SUGAR SMOKE Spiced R Garth's M Next t2 Gurl SHIN HINGLES OF = dye at rig i : JON March House and L r ; ¥ heekr's Compound Elixir of tlly drinks intoxicating beverage and | bY, on Saturday, 25:h iat. a lot of evr providing for taking the votes uy | PARED to do all kinds of Dress Pho-pha és sfc Calisnra is of great ¢ fiend ¥ and a pies L 1 ik 9 e 1 TH N s 1% 4 7 Sy oustache aud the chin go up under the | BEE esuses his brother tu stumble and fall? riages, cutters, etc, We venture to say if tlie various churches | would but do their duty thers would be | : i | out a splendid stock of new dry go ls, jaf | ro necessity for a single temperance organ- | the t end of Wilson's block ud Manned ization in the world, -- neither would there | ™ west enc o2 Wilson's blue k next week. te a necessity for. a prohibitory liquor 458 Young men appear W 'S endrgeic, 1 1 and will no doubt push things lively, "Ww, y Success to them. Messrs. ALexavver & Bryce wil] open A ---- PEACE TO HIS ASHES! The New York Tribune and a few other | rapers of lke feather in the neighboring | Hepublic are ferribly indignant at Eng- faud's expression of deep sorrow and + spathy over the ex-Emperor Napoleon's | "wath. Thus sveeringly and sarnfally <Junx Lersey, Treasurer of < hn | Sie. the New York Tribune speaks :-- {tion No. 4, West Pickering, "lit ou" ** Why should England weep for him 1! about two wecks BZ, vanieg wish him | England, of all svuutiics in the world, | over 8300 of the schol oney d leaws mp ech fur love of pho or ing behind him several sill] "paid ac- Why should the carriages of Lier aristo. | counts. John isa brewer by trade, and cacy crowd the gates of -Chiselkurst | | he left a few imbrued eyes behind, 'Why should honest Queen Victoria think - :* Lecessary to send condolence to the Tue anuval meeting of the Oshawa Vereaved relatives?. Why. should the | " Tohru london newspapers draw so Trecly on branch of the British aud Foreign Bible taein reserve of crocodile tears! For the | Society will be held in the Bibl: Christian vince of Wales to go into strict retire. | Chureh, this (Friday) Evering, at half "iuent at Sandringham or elsewhere for a | past Seven o'clock. The agent, Mr. J. G. v eck, or for several weeks, is a highly | Manley, will deliver a lecture on the | © gratifying proceeding, no matter for wh : ati ir eS hos it. mo that din | occasion. Subject : *' The Bible aind | the «ieditable young person takes leave of us | past.™ The public are respectfully invited | ve are Teouy to say with Hamlet, ** Your to attend, A collection will be taken up worship cannot take from us any thing | at the close in ai : that we wold more willingly part withal, > | oC © in aid of the above Suciety. Jug surely the people who are not obliged i 1) go dato Jertuactury retirciient, might | Ox Srnday evening la wow a little loss of the fluukey in ther o'clock, the stalle of Mr, eomdact | There isa great dual inore to the | rae effect--as for instance Eiigland js | "i . : | ' ied, * Dost thou lie so low {" a Hy | fire. The wlarm was quickly given, and | # fr the dead man, the Tribune heaps | the fire Brigade was soon at the scene of | wbjurgation on his memory in this style, | the fire ; but owing to defdc's in the en. | «oakuig of the lying in state: "The | gines they w ' Me 4 : vids aSEAturaly and earelessly disposed Slhheny dovey Pedi Sarow any | - their picking and done --2'an- 3 8, which was tie A has been cut off, in 'order | completely destroyed. The residence of iat a mask way be taken of that face | Mr. Drew was savel by tho listls chomi al | which was itself a mask covering leaden | ¢ngine from the foundyy and; with" pails, dalness, No mors i She ose ui Jia | Mr. Drew's horses, aif cow! and a few pial Rigaud go dewn in ost | her things were saved fro the stable, ! 1:08, - As some one has said of him in an | but he lust a considerahie qaantity of hay "nigram. " 'He is dead, and there ace no and straw--abont $140 worth --together = 2 crimes for him to commit.' " | with the building. Loss partly covered The '"man of destiny " was a remarks. | by insurance. The fire is supposed to bls man---one of the most remarkable of Lave been the work of au incendiary. | | | Tne annual tea meeting in cranestion | with the C. P. Church of this ples, will | be held on Thursday evening, Fob, 6th. No pains will be spared to make it eqnal to those of the past, Furtlicr particulers in due time. EY | » ahout seven! Danicl Drew, | William Street, wus uiscoverdd to be on ballot in eicetious for mewbers of the Legislative Assombly of Ontario; ty Mr. | Hodgins, to further swend the Act for scearting tw wives and children the beneiit of assurance cn the lives of their husbands and pwreuts; by Mr. Desc m, to smend the act respecting the conveyance of veu! estate by married women; by Mr. Bethune, for the protection. of persons improving lauds under a unstaks of title; by Hou. Me. McKeliar, to authoriz: thie invest ! went of certain wouivs iu debentures is- | sued by waaicipalities for draiuage works, and to provide for 'an incsme franchise; by Hou. Mr. Pardee, to provide for the establishment of an hospital fur the refor- mation sud care of habitual druukards, sud to provide for the establishment of a training school for idiot's aud imbecile children; by Hon. Mr, Crooks, to estab lish a school for practical science, to estab. lish liens in favor uf mechaniés, machin. ists snd others, and to facilitate the ad- justwent of disputes between masters and work-men; by Mer. Meredith, to amend : the Act respecting the conveyance of rea estate, and to {ucilitate the conveyance of real estate to married wome 1; by Me. H. 8. Macdonald, to amend the Act 31st Vic,, resapeting joint stock companies, and to amend the Tavern and Shop License Act of 1368, In reply to Mr. Grange, Hon. Mr. Sent said the Government had decided to act apart, in cases of necessity, portions of the licenssd ur unlicensed timber domain of this Province, for the benefit of small mill- owners, for the purpose of supplying lum' er to the settlers in rural districts, An Address congratulating His Exoel- leney Lord Dufferin upon his arrival in this country, was adopted and ordered to be transmitted to-His Excellency. Upon motion to go into commitiee of sap ly, on Friday last, they had a general * washing-day" in the House, and the notorious * outrages," clo'hed in the latest | Mail style, were brought forth by the op- position for another rub over, Regarding the *" speak now" bugberr, a new phase is presented, and that pretended soul of hop. or, M. 0, Camervn, now shares with the the o'r n¢ 1varte fesling of the ho. gen. tleman that had Wid? him an this ce. easion=--that had aston ahd him above all ishing, that that greg bp ah of oll pro. wrie'y had lad only to the nahlicatim of an utterly valulisa niece of naner that bron: nothing, that was withont worth, (An. nlanse), Tha hon. member for Routh Brant had been too well abused he hon, gentlemen npponite ahont this matter, Their sense of gretitade ghonld hago tanght them more leniency. for withont the ail of that gentlemar tha late Mae. donald Adminis' ration won d not have stood for a week. Ho did not know a man in the House who had mate sn many noraonal sacrifices fir the sake of hicnarty, Every man entering «'ronelv intn + aljtices mnst expeet to make sacrifose hat the hon, member for Sonthi Brant had made more than anv of them, of that election showed that the voles of the majority of the nenple of tha Provings had peenonnced on him a verdict of Not Gnilty, and nnon hie acensers a decided verdiot of Guilty, (Hear, hear.) A great deal of talk has been exprnded opposition seem partienlarly anxious' to pick flaws in Hoo. Mr.'s administers. tion of departrantal aTairs, Thas far, however, no charge of wrons duing can be fastened upon Mr. Scott, s I ------ Torre are not scaffolds enongh in the whols State of New York to harg at one time tha perso & evr red with murder now in eonfiuement in New York, Statisties of mnrder in New York show a progperaas develonement of that ocenpation, Year before last there were forty mucders : forty-five the next year; and in 1872 there were fiftv.aix. Nc sta tistics of hanging pany these fignres, Taz Grand Division, fora of Temoer. ance, of Eastern New York. held a sn cial ssanion on the ocersion of the desth of Horaca Greeley, who wae a memher of the Order, and attended the funeral in full regalia. | Ix Lima Peru, fashionable Indies are not allowed to 4' p'av ther a'egant clothes at church. Tht sort of thing is "1scount -n-n- ced, and not long ago & tench lade wha appeared at thee i.«iral, was reqnz el to leave on account of her bopne:, wich was altogether to stylish, measure: an 1 this was 2" the nar: aston.' DPuving the tute + slection enmpaion his services to his party, pos RY 52.47. had been ne all price, and the r wits FEEL, BM04.62; total, $1,802.47 upon the qiestion of timher Imits, and the | (Heat, hear); bur he f-1t sora that it waa hune year; 124 froa 20 to 50 duys ; 377 [ from BO to 100 days; 112 fron 10) ww 13) pdays; 110 fiom 150 to 200 days; aud during the whole year there were culy £1 who atten led regnlirly. The average at- | tendunce was 421. The unmber of popils in the difereut benches of fnstriction I. were, in the 1st, 20d, Srd, 4th, 5h and [6th reading classes, 206, 150, 149, 199, 42 gud 18; spolimg, 530; writi og, B66 ; Ari. thmetie, 554 ; nar, 529; object les- sous, 310 ; composition, 248 ; general ge graphy, 490: Capding geography, 490; Ascient story, 42; Mo lei hastury, 49, wLaiadin history, 138; Eugiish hi-tory, Wi; Cristian worals, 190; ustural bas- story, 40 natorsl philosophy, 20; ago [id ftaral.chemistry, 44; book vping, } linear dpawing, 323 ; vocal music, 424, {Fhe eqesipts in the Oshawa High Schou) for the sh we year, were, Luogislative grant | InaAps, prozes, ote; $35.85 ; municipal Expeuditure, -- Teachers' sularies, 81, 395.256; balding and repairs, $254.37 ; | minps, prizes and libraries, $71.70 ; fuel, | logis wnid contingencies, $110.15 ; total, | #1.832.47. Numver of pupils attending, | 09 | Number of pupils in the: varies branches oi instructi m and wmiscellanvons | bpranni ni, Bog ish Grammer and litera. 1 ture, 100 ; Con posi ion, 100; Reading, Digttion and Elocation, 100; Penman. | ship, 100; Linear Drawing, 100; Bk. koeping and Commercial transactions, 21 ; | Arithmetic, 100 ; Algebr:, 63 ; Geometry, 44 : Mensuration, 10; History, 100 ; Geo- | graphy and Astronomy, 100; Shewistry and Acriculture, 24 ; Nutnial History, 56; Phy.ioioge, 55; French, 48; Latin, 57 ; Gr ek, 5. Eu ish course, --1st form, 32; 201 form, 11. C essical con ss, --Iat fora 16; 20d form, 30; 3rd form, 3; 4th | fpr, 2. a | Ter Monreal Herald, in apesking of | Mr. 8. H.i{Blakesoppointment of Vie. | Chancellor. pertivertly reinorkaghat 'tit must be ad itted that a 'politi al party which sees all the calibrition of the Chane cory For among ite ophonants mast feel that a great mass. of the hest intelect in the country is against it." g It is reported that Hom, Peter Mitchell will ' ¢ appointed by the British Govern. ment ona of the pom aissioners fo de ter. mivine the amount payable by the Us ited [gates ty the Government of Canady for the privilege of cur fisheries dnrirg the + sontinuange of the Washington Treaty. -- k : POOR COPY La teachers' salaries, #1002; do, fin |= Prominent Cheese Makers will be present and prepardd to give detailed ac- counts of their systcm of manufacture, Every effort will be veed to make this the most valnable of any of the meetings vet held by the Assuciition, and all in «ny way interested in duay matters wre cordially invited to atte 4, Mewbers of the Association will be pro- vided with tickets by the varions railways st reduced rates, Factory Reports, with results of the op. orations for 1872, shoud be handed the Secretary at the Contention, Tickets of Men: bership, amittirg the holder to all the Sessions of this Con vention, $1 each. Ladies Free Mem. hers are supplied with the Annua! Reporis free. Tuos Barraxrrse, Pres. J. H, Bay, A. M., Szc. A TEAMSTRER was much troubled in Ottawa a few days since with a kickin horse, and took the strangely origi wethod of tying a tin-jan to its tail, which, it is ssid, frightened it into sub. mission. Ix one of the schools ol Elmira the art of printing is made a Lran h of study, and the studer.ts have a mini ture prict. ing-office, in which they print songs, cards, and other things wsed in the schools. the Adecr.iser suysthe work is very crodit. he Many Hav 4 Litriz Lave. ~The fol- lo ving exquisite bueolic is familiar to all, but will bear reprinting: Mary was the proprietor of a diminutive incipient sheep, whose outer covering was as deviid of color #8 congealed atmospheric vapor, and toall localities, to which Mary peraui- bulated, her young Southdown was mor. ally certain to follow. 1t tagged her to the dispensary of learning one dinrmal sactiom of time which was om'ruy to all precedent, and' excited the cacli- | nation of the seminary atteridants when | they perceiv.d the of a young | mutton at the establishment for instruct. ion. Consequently the perceptor expell- | od him Soom Tae interior, but he eontinued | to remain in the i diate vicinity, and , onmtinued in the neighbourhood without fretfulness until! Mary once more became visible, **'What cansed this specimen of the genius avis to bestow so much affeciion on Mary I" the impetuous progeny vuei. Juuso B Mary reciprocated the wool-producer's esteem, you understand," | the Making, Plain Sewing and Macl ine Sulehing Orders promptiy aitended to. For further apply at this office. Oshawa, Jan. 16th, 1873. FOR SALE, OUSE, BARN, STABLE, AND TEX ACRES of LAND, situated outside | ihe eastern limit of the cory ation Bara read Ta Gra vi ir ein § Chore Tw on one' portion being choice " oe there i- « hrick yard of first : © JOHN MAY. Ww pd celiatiu ¥, being Lain ders fe infant or aduit, and | promt and jernaL nt ints ef ects.Sold LV Druggists. ] si . yal od Commercial. NIHILY ARKLTS, Wheat. Fall, ® bushe' Wheat, *prngz, do Bar ey, ¥. bushel... . nts, =~ do a g H 83 Laysuy wit © Terms liberal, ke Oshawa, Jan. 16th, 1873. Poas, Potatoes, do Butter. #8... scose= - csesew=l} - = - WILL OPEN - ABOUT THE FIRST OF FEBRUARY, | A Splendid Stock of 2 NEW DRY GOODS! Mr. Wilson's New Block, | SIMCOE STREET, 'OSHAWA. i 3 - - 1] - Butehe " QEO. W. ETURNS THA) MEROUS Custom Sons Srroind thin -Fext door to Mr. Ol And hapes strict moet the s me share 601 Oshawa, doc. 12th, 187 MILE, ME UNEERSIG] tod & Ww, undersigned ding io the mbabita fot oe g 0 buy from Li pg eo : <$146m-pd. - After th | JO&RH. Have Resumed Bu Gallery lately sly oocup I» the DBuillin Gomer of Xing end . Where they are opce Take Pho