Prospectus for 1873. TEE ALDINE, An i J 1 uw Ntuasrs Os estern Assurance: Company, HEAD OFFICE--TORONTO. ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3,1878. | 1871. Medical Hall. |= 1871. THE DR. DEANS i HAVING PURCHESED THE .DRUG BUSINESS OF JOBINSON & Co., would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment |Drugs, Patent 'Medicines, Perfumery, Bye Stuffs, x 70/LET ARTICLES, &v, WEBICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MC" REASONABLY PRICES. Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store. Remember the stand nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel. Osco Ad il 13th 135. : ad INSURE YOUR PROPERTY IN THR Agricultural insurance Co Save Half Your Money, IN THE PROVINCE, po ia: Eng . well os ompat i insures sothing hut Farm P, 13 and § hut roperty r ratest in | detached Reside ces, and Issues Policies Py Greately Reduced Rates. i y --THE-- : = Lo Ou Ti ie CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY. I | a HIS certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly 'ONT ARIO REFORMER' pis the year Soth June, 1871, .... Hox, J. McMurricn, President. B. Haipax, Managing Director. CHEAPEST PAPER I JL i he ey dr uiy of conceded by the critics t waich have hiher.o Saeed HOLLAND, ihe Editor, will write the serial hich will be aut al fllustrated bv Miss Hello. Bonbeastic. 1 most difficult problems of will be cow meaced in the ne' Sark Hoi wm, : story by The he best writer of short stories contrituts a chargeteristic swory, by of Fiddietown, which will be § R. B. Sroppane: will write a Sing pers about = he Whams ) J § > Fire and Marine INSURANCE A't LOWEST CURRENT RATES. ._ Special Low Tariff of Rates, coverin Ee Arno and Schools, vith tent we in Cit Towns and Country 'Thee rates and terms of to the Farming Community. JIRST.CLASS MAN WANTED for bE em, pr gg eed to the undersi for t to the iv 2 7 4, a» See the following| Certificates :-- favorabl ] gee authorized Agent, for the sale of Plies id having & hg Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent] Family Sewing Machines. | bands of the iver General 5 the sum of Fifty. four Thousand ands : dred Dollars, in United States boads, ag re quired by the Act of Canada, 31 Vie; cha 48, sec. 22, is hereby licensed to carry og This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhom has the exclusive right of se'ling our Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is also authorized tu appoint Agents for the sale of our hines, in said Territery. Such agents have all the rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed 'by us. Signed for the Company, . the business in Canadas of Fire I J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Ont. Clarence Cook wi'l write' about Fermitare |- Homes won of A . will be eminent ractical as Sane Sait shetihan DY oncom ante 1th de 4 ¥ numerons- art sts in - tion to those which toe wnitar hiwacelf will farn- R. & H. O'HAEA. Local A=: ts. Bowmanville, Sept. 14, 1871 7 Only One Dollar a year, re- | Dated at the City of Ottaw 3 jot June, 1870. y . Ye alte oun Laveron, for Mir ister of Finanes, This is to certify that | have ben 2 ed with the Officers and Maoagers of the Agricultural Insurance Company for many. years, and also with the business ; | of the Company, and have no 'esitation 13 recommending it as a perfectly safe and rg. liable Company, and its Officers' ag compe. tent and honorable business men ; andes insures nothing but Farm Property and dp. artistic | tached Dwellings, and bas $530,000 a. 2 1 consider it responsible beyond any contig' dency. D. D. CALVIN, M. , p, plates We have examined into the congi vary. April July, | standing of the Agricultural | dn dud B er, would be one worth the Drice a Company, and do fally concur with Mr, f y tiption, ed "Christmas" pumb- | ®n ia recommending it to the Farmers of thy ph us ifastras op h a valuable | Province, as one perfectly safe sad reliabig epitome of ip art world gt como will | jn which to insure their property, section of © country 0 8, 48 thotteft fulness a J. 0. Cuazx, Banker, 10 the. DUI HON: 1 J. Canzurnsas & Co. crease of its su Geo. A. Kinxratmicx, Mt. 2, assurance B. M. Bhirron. We would refer you to the followi, vemen, in id to the respovsibilicy uo} Company :--D. Fisher, Esq., Cashier of g¢ Ountarig Punk ; Jno. MeéLeod, M. P. P i Fairbaiir, Esq., Postmaster; J. E. F, and | geq. Barnster, Agent for Cobourg and vicinity, WILLIAM T. FISH, hy R. CLIMIE, Local Agent at Bowmag. December 5, 1871, ALLAN LINE 0SEAWA AGENOY. ] LOOK AT THE PREMIUMS! A Cxroxo, "OUR DARLING," 10 VERY Surscriser! GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, THE OLDEST MAGAZL & IN ANMIR.CA. 1873. UNPARALLELED PREMIUM 0.0 never offeied by any mayazine eiber ip this country or in Europe. Since we ace foiced ii - to this Husiness, we a.e determiaed to meke it ¢ifficuli fo: o-.ieis 10 follow us. Lei us see wio will come up to this: 4 Chromo--*" Our Dorling" --te every subscriber, whether single or in a club. l "ERMS. 'One copy, one yea, - - Two copies, ** - . Thiee copies ** agazine Lp nd an extra dopy , thie mv ine for one year, | Five one year, and an extia ard the twelve numbers of Vols. 1°]. RAL ig : to Lae dy ti'ay- I'p the alub, ve ech h of Mrs. Oliphant's | making six-vopiea, - - » - Gates: ror $7.70, the ma~azine | Eight copies, one year, rnd an eis ¢opy tae M bick numbers {rom the to the person getuag vp the dlub, 30, the razine for one year, making nine copies, - - - numbers bound 4 vols.) charees Eleven sobies, one year, and an Ft i wi ve near, copy to the person getting up Feading, wish the finest il, club, making twelve copies, - i030 or nearly 300 a | Twenty-three copies, one year, and I Sabi every Rd r 4 . an extra copy to the person Aetind up SCRIBNER & eh AS 00. N.Y. Miss PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, a. Whitney Cd 7 ; Hi of the most pri ee, rises of at) Sb aac ers, po view to the e such as have become familiar, t! fraghs, or co) of any kind, Th John igen To im able propriate to the four ns. These in the Ion a Jeu The above Machine is oné¢ of the best Family Machines in the Juan rket, and 3 only needs preciated. Prices, $23 without stand and $30 +/ nN ts Br Ly phe A Grover & Baker Manufacturing Machine for sele caeap. Warranted to do good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling. A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES CONSISTING OF Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses" and Children's, of all Classes and Sizes, To be Sold at a Reduction of 20. Per Cent. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. con.rol and direction of the Mux the hands of Dr. Hollaa, ile "The Touic. cf the « Fadzoeadcai says oie Zita pope n 7 BY W. R. CLIMIE, i r : ill we. he 'Tae old Cpdimes 1" 4 + Ppaisicl J er. Resid A000 oH de" and otel. en~a7e the con gis of more than a score of pens on Loin sof che Auantic. The Waletma.s cs! Re Says : " Seridaer's Moai dy for Sine. than wswal, vo ca ind ciies o icedless waste of cdilorial ureias amd Pudlisier's ior - , for the Mosotine wes good cuongh before © al le Pub ishers promise 0 janke it sen ev for ihe coming year." The subscrivtion rice is 8d a year, with sveci- rates to cleigy men, (eachets. and pos.masters, « The following Extraordinary Inducemeats offered to new subscribers: bo: $55) th Publisuers will send, or any bookseller or 3 he dealer will tire Home and ve and Preciesy" will and : : year's su : wn PHS! d our, and SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. ICENTIA " over t| : ing Se ns | d in the the publishers sure," by the /, 0: A share of public patronage solicited. L. PRUDHOM. F YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS PIANO SEWING MACHINE, CALL ON Geo. S. CLIMIE, ARRIST CITORS, ww Simooe troets. §& MONEY to CONSISTING OF udp ------------------ vil the club, mak'ng twenty- Let it be understood that every su the getter up of a club, will have t chromo os Oop oy sent to postage. a ijous The chromo in the stores is th_ee subscriber in a club, or si ay wish to have "Our Dak Cd st'ff bristol board, and ready-for framing, can have it so prepared and sent, hy remiiting twen- 'ois o ty-ilve cents at the time of subscribing. Phili Ta lor 3» the getter up Sta shu of Gord Sopies, ye P y 4 Offeror The Abceptance. tals 13 addition | EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND ng." CHEAPEST Stock of send bol ofthe Chromaos Tne ORGE and-Fae | Wotobes, looks, Jewellery, ilver send both of noe ~"The Offer' and The {= Aaking 4 Bicscing- Lod Our nd - Plated, and Fancy Goods. | Oo the Tu a club of ©0] , We 0 | send * Asking a Bi = The Pes. "The | He Is the sole agent. for Russell's Celebrated | Acceptance." and ling." cles, and Meriden Silver Plate, best Tne. Will the getter up of clubs of 6, 9 and 12 please and ev: \ goods made ery thing in his line made to order. TINS THO HUNDRED FEEDS. be particular and write what premiams they de- t ly It will to examine his Stock before purch: HUGH MILLER & CO. { The premiums are only forwarded when the elaowate, All 'Goods and Jobs warranted Agricultural Chemists, 167 King St. East, Toruats | Femittance is sent to us. cheaper than any other House. . | When the subscribers all reside at one place, PHILIP TAYLOR. dag ie Watchmaker & Jew or J. BISGINBOTHAM, | be | The person Simcoe Street, Os awa. Draggist, Bowina | dollars, cau Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. | "The Acceptance," Ne Plus Ultra ||. TH FEE jd | at club gE % Fa) a Posters, Blank Forms, i g : 1 gs £ HE oli + £ 1 WINTER SERVICE|. the care gt yr. Richard Ce caring we Camm on al OS ] fo baveshs STEAM WEEKLY TO LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY AND CLASGOW. HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE of the Full Powered, Show Bills, we will 2 § § ar Find Tus ALDINE al ractions. its artistic att: ] Business Cards, « E 1 H $ : i | Visiting Cards, = C. ROHITEC ao ~ Pa . B. Fairbanks, ¢ DOMIN BIW Bill Heads, A NEW GLEE BOOK, a SE a month in the year. We can WITH PIANO 'ACCOMPANIMENT. always supply back numbers. num- Price $1.50 each; $15 per dozen. | Circulars, bers will be sent on receipt of 35 cents. a os. How 10 REMIT.--In remitting by mail, a ST ei - el - R THE NE PLUS | peivbia o is prefers Ultra Glee-Book has been introduced, it | Draftora t ice Onder cahtiot be or | superior to all other works | d United States LT Ia the finest, and | * We sdvise an ear largest, t. . all Dracgists, lection' of New Glees and Quartettes, | cur list, with the i , VEEPAX TCHS, and seo that you get of which bave PianoAccompaniments, | reach 200,000 subscri 3 Ey... Sample copies mailed, post paid, fox $1.- | Ad . DEY, ar 3 RIA CARBOERTE +5 gs Philadelphia. | °° 7. 3; 1 PETERS, 00 Broadway, X.Y. | LyceRINEJELLY i > { A Tria ff is highly recommended to Iadiesas a .* | - FOR EVERYBODY BE 3 Baautifyi the C 'mplexi Ac: . WEEKLY! Skis Soft White. Chor, Sad hres from Dryness, it is aa ivalled. It will quickly removes | R "an, and older Im tes aad Sore Lips, it rr we Price 83 cen! vein | RBOLIC QTR CAE SOAP Th's Tozer Soar Dossesses all the well-known satiscp ic a2 divin of Carbolic Acid 1s agreean'y sc ahesitny setier on of ion, od should larly seed famtiiles. Cholera, and Pever BA should bewashed with Soap: and ite use 1iaSle to In wll material} i BRS apread of disease. 180onts per 10RIA CHVE, Tals faLvy 13 a rap'd cure for all Diseases, Acid, JAMES SUTTON & CO, Publishers, 38 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YORK. - | 8o!v Prooristors rnd Mannfactarers of the Cele- brated Victorias Carbolic Preparations. Labory ory an 1, Works, Victoria Hall, Melinda Street Toronte, nt. Tho folowiag Genuine Preparations are sold by es sure and ask forthe VicTomia AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING AT THE "REFORMER" OFFICE. A Spleneid Farm for Sale, DR. C4 2 tion. N THE COUNTY OF DURHAM, heat ihe Town of Bowmanville, Application | Ste to be . J. 8. BATES, Proprietor. Bowmanville, October 4th, 1871. 10-tf AGREAT HELI AL 5uOVERY. a FROM A : LADIES' VISITING CARD CLUES CATTLE FEEDER Fer FATTENING AND BRINGING +5 Eien rm Com, he, Sta urn Tn, THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, It Pattens in one fourth the usual es Price 35 ts A or Ro and $1.00 per box; a dollar box HUGH MILLER & Co, {cultural Chemists, 167, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. Yor Sale by all Druggist everywhere. 34m UP TO , CEA Ana STEAM "Serwsss LONDON, QUEBEC, 2 EVERY DESCRIPTION OF Orto Ab Boils, cicarsing sud b wh'ch has been rr CARBOLIC . -~§ IL] ORIA CARY SMA Esmee Ee VICTORIA WEIS 0 pea DEPEW'S PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING | MEDICAL VICTORY. BD. HOLLIDAY, JPEUOKLIN, ONT., AGENT FOR \sojsted Rak Fire Insurance Company wal 5 800 cach Also. + Buliding Avpralaer for Canada Permanent allow rats of iaters 'oronto, Yor loans of monet , TheGreat Female Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. IS INVALUABLE MEDICINE I8 in the cure of all those and to the op aod re . cure may use, all ¢ | look at a in the in © but it is | * cared for | NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, ge = TEMPERLEYS Line [ma 2s. The Stostaers of thi Line are EEE = _ DISINFEC or unsou ars : Trsrepacraxe iss sure of exibit tI Typhoid Fevers, a aha in- without | WC {hg Tear tn are sable For Disko: fe Hog Wh a package 3 ; From a in life Clysets, Drains, Cesepools, Bab ~ Blanghior and Arak ig for Gestro- Ing nau 'REFORMER' OFFICE. | will follow. : ae ad er or mer of CURES ALL FORMS OF INDIGESTION AT ONCE En ------------------. bo Roy, a pair of Parlor Chromos * fico sweet tor for ab Title X ages. ~Two Elegant Engraved Title Pages will be furnished each year, for our inter- ost is Wrenn advanced by the certainty that our paper preserved and bound, Ode Pricc,--Other publishers sal we could Bot afford a paper like .our present Month) Two Dollars a Year, but our a nig BL that we ha exertion, Palpitation of the heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cu when all other means have failed; and alth: h a power- ful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, anti- mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions In the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefullf observed. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, SOLE I ROPRIETOR. | 4 ' ---- sages warful agent in relieving Congestion, . and ? Inflammation of the Liver all the v 5 isceral Organs ConpuaTy whether Tn young or wa Yemale { , At ng ens of Vlas ur or at theturw of life, the Medical Victory bas mo ual In of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver Com Kho And of the Kidneys ann Bladder, its effects are surprising toad, For Bowels, and curing liousness, bE ei ig SEN 0. W, SMITH. ~~ General Agent for the Bowmanville, Ap ve. done wo, and in spite of prediction that we cannot retain is eXpenve Teron a + furnish more than four times as many numbers Jor only twice the price, we say we will do it. and , Nervous. $1.00 and 12} cents for postage, enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., general | agents Jor the Lominion, will Juss a bottle bl 4 | containing over 50 pills, by retur.. mail. L tan Ai] Shimios in udx ance, is | For sale vu Y, T. Atkinson 'and Dr. Deans | Four Dollars » Year Payable 1 . | Oshawa, fn Whitby by J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne 4 ¥ and Three Cent Stan, Di a i =n Advance, | in Brooklyn yi! John Warren, LL amp ample Copy, | Sold b, ' HIGGINBOTHAM and D. STOTT i HENRY H. SAGE, | Bowmanville Ontario. 0 roadway, New York, | 26 Allen St., Buffalo, N.Y | - eee | Miamhood, How Lost, How vi Sn " "M 1s rca ONSI YOLUM "HNOCE Pl TAOWHH | Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to. | Ba. . ¢ ius and Debility, its curative powers are Le. I N M A N LI N E, m and be; co, ITISTHE GREAT Toon PURIFIER RAND A LIFEGIVING PRIX. OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, Z CIBLE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the J System, carrying off all poisonous matter and Res. torisig the Blood to its healthy condition, Sold by all Druggists & Dealers. SEND FOR A DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET, ACCT. S . YOUNG, MLEAOD Fats and Backs snd peverei : in the Side, ne , and genera Por zszion 1s pnsqual) Rew, Paint in, . + "nnd Polish be gan v T rors, targiea noBityry Ig hase * 1 oer BLO pons' Cy aoe q1 mu-hv. 187 2h € nersl ue ae, A Alowmnyio FIPTE Chronic Diseases, R. JAMES ,ELECTIC PHYSICIAN, Would Yespoctfully state that he is now treating successfully the following diseases : Epllepsy, or falling Fits, in their worst' form ; Consumption, in its various stages, (with Dr. J.'s rei consumption is no longer an incu- | el a a op Mg or ie rave! fy ne F, Ke... tients who bave oon tapped pr Bd 04 Af are ts under Dr. James' treatment ; diseases of the EYE AND EAR, Errors of youth, Nervous Debility. Premature Decay and all the effegts of indiscretions of outh--a cure is guaranteed; Dyspepsia, Liver , and diseases of Women a Children, Cancers cured without cutting; and little Po salt Rheum, and Ke ) hy « Jods happy to say, diseases which have hitherto been thought HB are now rapidly yielding to his treatment, as his grateful patients are willing to testify, No Calomel, no mercury, no Mineral Poisons, will be adminis tered in any form, in any disease. The afflicted, who cannot obtain relief from otude sources, are particularly invited to call and | seo him, | #2 Office in Neilson's Ilall, Belleville, Office | hours, 11 a. m. to 3p. m, | Yours most respectfully, H, JAMES, M.D. -- bb -------------- Cp 7 . CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. Money to' Lend New York, Queenston and aT «+ Liverpool | REDUCED RATES. | comm or picuwonn AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND| ity or Boonies. auy amount of money, on the security of Good | C17 ov 3 Farm or Productive Town Property, at the City oF REMEMBER THE STAND, [Sessa Ge Crry oF LONDON, j Ciry or WasmNerTON, ° n sums and manner to suit borrowers. Principa can be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one can] on Thursdays and Saturdays! 3 From Pier 5, North River. | Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, hy | hd other securities. RATES ox rb ABKAG, 8 | SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND | T° Fieenston 0 | Savin. se cusvency. Foner. { SOLD. | powin 8", For further particulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, porn ani send or nly ends J | Oficial Assignee, Money Broker, kc. . apply to the CW. SMITH, OSEAWA, Agent, Ofce--MeMillan's Block, Frock St, Whitby voril 10h, 171, sels Juri, 10: 'SINVMOO 01 400Q ixaN sASINGAd HIDHVT axy MAN or a Asthma, POIUAIS 'SOUINPAJ Jute] 'sSna(y SPMIS 9A(T JO JUIUILIOSST [RIJUDY) ® pun : a } [ ' pain ; rofula in all its Bailing Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, * dr ] ISIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. 5 Ajolg pueAjend 189G oul jo Buigihe 'sonsnag 100], 'squio)) 'soysnag Mey] pue ypouaay 'sdeog ih . ECH: IFTY Restored . (ONG 0 | JUST PUBLISHED A NEW edition of Br. Culverwell's A NEW SCHOOL DOLLARS Cetchraica ua on The rad cw N ¥ 3! Book, by H. 8, Per- wont oF MUSIC torrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, i Im, tal | i. | and Physical Incapacity, Timpediments Bg dosen. Contains over YTUBRSCRYT ERS | riage. ete; also, Consumption, Eotle y, and Two } dred new and to PETERS MusicaL Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extrav- | beautiful Songs, Ducts pce nn spleen cont, their Music far bas than de: hg ree ng Hndgs "thirty cay fa: | Webster, Thomas, et¢-/y 1,5 have not seen this | of self-sbuse may be radically cured thon y use n ea rp sical Magazine non of the knife : pointing out ph mode or . Re Santen means of which every sufferer, no matter what ! and specimen pages sen music js by Hays | his condition may be, may curo himself cheaply, free. "Bg SCONE Thomas, Kinkel, Pear | Tiyarely. and radic + mailed frep of postage/ey, and othe popular | youth and every man in the land. Ta receipt of six cents ortwo / Two back numbers ' post stamps, Lvaral termy, for Intro-itor 49 conta. . Four bask . Dr. Culverwe V's "\Marriags Ovide nection, - oum bers fof 75 gents. price 25 cents, u i the Publishers, Celebrated EK oh the radical kins, Price, $7 0 per FE O JR 8 3 | voluntary Seminal Losses, MONTHLY are getting hee. ote. by Will 5. Bays, twocentsa piece. Those | oeueful practice, that the alarming uences ithout the ple. Th | DWE at once simple, certain, and effectual, by | Sure | a sam copy. ally. lecture should be in The hands of every J, in a plain envelope, to any ad tb lsacherstor 65 cents|"TIE™ Ee 'e Address, - : . : ; CHAS. J. (. KLINE, §: CO, J. L PETERS,599 BroaNew dwoy, Tork | * tarmow, Now tors Pos ORes Eos 48 ¥ J | v . TY0LS HAYC SNOSNIILV We would all a Degatitul on padi, 3 uUInud yen duy