Ontario Reformer, 1 Dec 1871, p. 4

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ICEMBER 1, 1871. ONTA RIO REFORMER, OHA, FRIDA Y, DE E YOUNG HUSBAND' 8 LEMMA. A had just married and brought homea bride, graceful and buxom and beautiful miss ; when at the alter he stood by her side, Th weemed the last drop in his full cup of bliss, ld the whole st DI-| A glance now | book-keepor hac % in niaking a = fort o perfect the trial-balance own. sed she was one of the fairest creatures] richer or lips were like rubies, her teeth white as | pass pearls ; rose might have borrowed its hues froin the features, ae sunlight was raocked Ly her brigh éurls. s who Phas this lit h feasting and music the swift moments flew il midnight approached, and the bride and tooth her groom, er bidding their friends and companions a ileu etired --togethe r of course --to their roonw to got 1 : Destroy frost biies, sre her beautiful wreath and a gossamer vely n the top of the bure an she carefully laid sh placing her dre: ol with its long g silken trail, 'er the back of the chair by the side ol the d then, onedy one but 1 can't tell the name if the various garments embrojdera white, r the feeling that over the youn came \s he sat and .obaerved her disrol night. 1 many a brilliant illusion, I ween, Che possession of such a position dispels, a man who has heard, but never . [hat wonderful process, the peeling of belles. | John felt, onseeing those beautiful curls, * Those glorious masses of bright golden h ad the teeth he admired they were whiterthan | pearls, All laid in a box that she placed on a chair eantime in that box somnicthing "his eve. Toshow how (he artist Dame Nature z moek ; full andl judiciously ehoscn wily Of cosmetics ad lib., rouge, enamel, . rom her cheeks came her plumpers, whi | & she should lose 'em. ated She placed in her toilet box too, with the res; hen swiftly detached the full, palpitant bosom Pa x Her loter so fondly, so blindly had pressed : 'hen she-placed on te chair the huge ct she wore, a When the hushand was still juore (han cver | noaplussed, '0 soe what he néver had firnessed before A fair woman's bustle feast of her bu "hen touching a Spuing that was hidden some where, Her lower limbs parted precisely in hal she laid on the'aiter I mean on the chair Her last sacrifice, a pair of fat calves. Ter dissection completed she plunged under cover Like a lath that might into a rivnlet drop: Chen tenderly asked of her motionless lover, * My darling, how long do you intend tosit up! ' My dear, I'm quite undecided." hesaid, s " What cotirse Th the case'would be proper and | To follow the fraction that got into bed, Or stay with the part that is piled in the chair!' "as DEED OF DREADFUL NOTE." A funny affair that is too good to keep | | Canadinn is the recent experience of a Bo ston mer-{ A S A FA) chant of a somewhat tiniid turn of who had his imagination worked by course which the conversation i party of three or four friends the evening. Murder was the topic, and the rece | murder in Boston, the failure to discaver & Roe hex the murderer was discussed, then the | sing murder of the Joycs children; and finally | ca » murdor.of Mr. Natham, of New York, | i giving rise to many other terrible illlus- prative stories, till at eleven o'cle company parted. ~ Now our merchant was not only nerv- ous from the effects of the conversation as he stepped into the silent strect, but perv- ous over a trial balance that wouldn't |; come out right, and which had left = laboring over at the storé at a late hourin the afternoon. He was to set cut for New York in the morning,--he sce tl balance sheet befors he went ; of twenty minutes to his ware serve as exercise. The key pocket and off he started. The night was blustery ; mournfully overhead, and as our pedes- wok v olerk ciers nist arood wa would ns cre aked | F trian pictured every one of the few indi- | viduals he chanced to meet in the now de- serted business streets as a robber with a! Concealed slung-shot, he gave them a wide | berth in passing. Now and then he start | J ed aside at the dark figure of a private watchman standing bolt upright in the shelter of a deep doorway, and again fan- cied the echoing sonnd of his own = | steps to be those of some one following | Boni him, doubtless grasping a stove wrench | folded in ar Arkansas newspaper. I His store was reached at last, the key | {%¢ inserted and the merchant stepped in, and | ot! scratching a match he lighted a gas jet in | ; the lower storey preparatory to asteuding | : Ful direct to the eounting-room above. ; The flickering blaze only served to make darkness visible ; it seemed to people great warehouse with a presence, as © : somebody were there ; the merchantcould | Gi almost swear he saw a coat skirt t dodge be- hind a pile of goods, and there seemed a mysterious sort of breathing going on from somewhepe in the room, while the thump- ings of his heart were like blows of a trip- hammer. However with' a loud hem of assurance, a and repressing a sort of cold watery feeling, trickling "down the verte- bral column he bounded up = stairs tp his | eounting-room; where he saw a sight that | gave him new fears j | The gas was light ; the iron safe he | * enuld see from the landing where he stood, through the partitions, the upper part of | which Was glass, was wide open; papers appeared scattered on the desk in con- fusion, and an open account .book. Ah! the book-keeper! Where A few stopsforward and of homor! : there lay his . faithful book-keeper MON UME heap upon the floor. There had evidently orn been murder as well as burglary. ITALI4N 4 pool, not far from the prostrated man's head, caught the 'merchant's cye. -- This | new horror was edenzh! With two bounds he was at the outer door, | " Here, police, 'help! Murder! Help | here!" There was a rush of a couple of [ policemen and two or three others to the place, in answer to whose eager enquiries the terror-stricken merchant pointed the way up-stairs and in hurried accénts bade them ascend. was he! in a T QUAL CA ERTCAN --a dark ELT A. SCOTCH A TO LET. The Panp Shop Drawing a revolver one went up with a companion, the other with drawn 'weapon staying to guard the door, and "the mer chant cautiously following the first. The bold gnardian of the night cantious- tered the . g-room-+no oecu- ; pant/but the prostrate clerk. HE SUBSCRIBE IR We /Is he dead!" asked the merchant from | woh a : the door as the policeman bent over: the | ahd w body | ER re "Dead," said the officer, as he turned" | theireoet, in the 1 over the body--* yes, he is dead--dead | fors ro: w oi hand fo o pris drunk!" ese ol at } PRFESH ai * The merchant took a step into the room | IRON glanced ss the dark pool, and then saw |B U ( what he had not observed before, a black | onstantly Solos Bud soiled a short distancefrom | {AT Al ngs of Nise prostrate mam. - | an. E. SILVER. First Pr C uitivators. )! L D DIREC T e e of the ir and will aith wor plicited. Cabinet Mel « STiTC H, alike on bath sides, I. WESTCOTT, Bowmanville, | a -- a RE 11871. Medical Hall. R. DEANS D] BUSIN ESS OF ROBINSON & Ci oh gs, Patent Medicines Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, | ARTICLES, &c., I' THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. mber the stand, nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel PAPER, it. ROOM PAPER. 4 "R ESPECTFULLY TO INFOR M has direct from Fngland rev LEF WHICH HE WILLS] HIS First Instal 1s received aglish - Paper The brilliine mbine to estal the only vo other 6008, Little Wan ny ot her d a Ww ILLOX | JAMES F, NE & SON Sah v ade Takes &e. ENL ARGE D O uU R w ARER OOMS, AND LIKEWISE cd to all to come NOTA BE WA AT LTER WIGG FAVING GR H d consi wel fo lose 7 wrCh asing al our Fstablishmen ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE E TAK] NG DEPARTMENT. A SPENDIDI NEW HERSE FOR HIRE. Coffins kept constantly on hand or made -to order. A choice lot of ( ast, bul not Least, id 's Pate 6 Bal Vin dow Blind Lifter, the best , at the NEW DOMINION FURNITURE Ww ARERCOM KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. IND UiNLY "arriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash THE GARLEY, PEAS! AN¥D CAPS, W BOOTS & SHOES, to Order on Short Notice ! 'OCFRIES, ORS 3 Be rd Made wp athe that AND HARDWARE, CKER de Clothing A' SUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. J.W. FOWKE. es Fast of Ushawa; 50 acres, 1 mile North of 126. acres, in Letterworth; and sonie village lots jad for other property. "Alsoa quantify of first. JW.F i-t EH. ARR DLE =? New SHUTTLE OR] Enya SEWING MACHIN FAMILY USE AND LIGHT MANUFACTU pi = ed 7A ba FOR URI RGATL G. HODDER, ALNHTIO TI AH dNV did ston and | A Vv oe CRSA IMARKET--ONLY ABOUT ONE | Machines, therefore ouly ONE-FOURTH Land every motion, positive. It has the un- \ : ¢ finest Muslin to the coarsest s the Genuine SHUT'T pu} OCH | Bai iting on 'Thursdays Y Beaty or Durability cod WILL NOT RIP. Rive: t No edle, whichis easily adjusted into place and not near so | a ar It will FRINGE, | " RATES OF PABSAC Ee | | ble to get ont of gre P four motion fe seed d will pas Lange of ei ther TENSION «¢ ITC H. s rapidly and uses a Short 8t1 yi break. Jtish y orn ment ed, equal to any of the Ligh price Machines, SLeeTRge, To 9 npenston:or Cabin. 530, qurreney. HEM, FELL, TUCK, CORD. BIND, FRILL, GATHER, Liverpool, $15. gol. QUILT, BRAID or anything that any other Machine will do. , » : 'IT 18 JUST THE MACHINE FOR Tivkets ean | ht here at moderate ratos FAMILIES S, MILI: INERS, DRESS- MAKERS, | Ssther infor: apply to the Company's TAILORS, Axp FARMERS. i Jars : ow ~ Thera are many points of excellence about the Machine, Superior) _. In h we cannot explain here, butiwill be pleased to forw ard Circulars and ape ofl SON a ECH(] | fi IFTY on application. DISCOUNT TO CLERGYMEN NEW SCHOOL Book, by:H. E. Pe WORT! OF MUSIC sa MACHINES FULLY WA4RRAN TED. "& T AGENT wanted in Bowmanville, and in every other Town where | kins. Price, 37 0 per E' O IR 8 3, we 0 not got one already eetabliebed. - Larger inducements than any other company. i doven. J. 0. TODD, General Agent. | Two hundred new and 16-41 | PRIVATE 1 SMITH, Osawa. 153m | to others, w work every i Faia i AL | | beautiful Songs, Duets _| ete. by Will:S. Hays, | Wenner, Thomas, etc Money to Lend | very tines ay J REDUCED RATES. . AM: NOW PREPARED TO LEND any Smount of money, on the seourify of Good | Mailed free gf postag Farm or Produetive Town Property, ati the { to teachers for 65 cents R Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, | piveral terms for intro for serie a sum¥ and manner to suit borrowers, 1 Srincipa eo | can be re-pald by Yosciigine stalments, or in ome sum.' Investments made N Jrebentures, Mortages, J. L. PETE RS; Sis ) B | and other securities. a f SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND { SOLD. | No.7 Rossin House Bloek, Toronto, Onk. two gents a piece. Those who have nc N ATIONAL Pi HLS. he Best Cathartic of } Any Age or toRatry | 3 | | | | | gazine 1 send. 30 cents for pe ___|a sample copy. The} and specimen pages sen mus Hays free. Sample « copies Th omas, Kinkel, Peer id other popular | and sparkling: NEW DISCOVERY [OF ME. DICINE, are composed of PURELY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, jug free from mercuty or other poi- ; they can be taken at all times and der all wmstances, without. regard ct or bu 8. they ack on the and Digesti ve Organs, giving hem tone and healthy action, They are a genuine BLleod and Sto- mach Purifier, are nud, secrching and a Thorough Purgotive, and are pro- nounced by all who h used them to be a first-class far jy pill, and weil warthy of a trial. . 7 47 THEY ARE SUGAR COATED. us i JAMES HOLDEN, Hold by all druggists and medicine |. | Oficial Assignee, Money Broker, &e. | deal | Offtes Mc Millay as Block, Broek Sty WLit Ww oopRurE BENTLEY & CO. Api. 13th, TIA ' on Tq wrietors, Brougham, Ont. : 3 numbers Four bask duction. im "bers for 75 cents, aNew dveay; York Tor further partienlars apply to Wild TVNOLLYS HHLANUL T Lhe Joseph Hall Manuia cturing Company, | and Baturdays ! DOLLARS | Contains ove: Sor. BSCRIBERS it seen this | LOOK OUT FOR OSHAWA, ONTARIO. SHED 1871. PUBLIC NOTICE THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE oss, @oed Pictographs! TO BE MADE AT | Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, BROC ILI. PROPRIE ORS. BY Ha R RY TAIT, ESTABL 1861 Wi DESIRE TO OUR ONE AND |. Phihp Taylor To BUC KEYE COMBINED | | J BEES THY, LARGEST, BEST AND RUNsLR CHEAPEST. Stock of PER A N BMOWER, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, ilyer Jidisga ly Plated, and Fancy Goode, Rake, Improved for 1871. vor ird Mower ey AJ 1 cana Roll With Johnson's Sell He is the sole agent for Russell's Celebrated Watches, Lagarus & Morris' Perfected Specta- cles, and Me eri ver Plate, made and every thing in his line made to order. ine his Stock before e Jt-wili pay toanusmine by and Jobs BER ing elseware and cheaper than any other House, PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jow ler, Simcoe Street, Ov aws., Oshawa, Apel 13th, 1871. © Mov ving and Two for Reaping, one of which has a ~ - clean grain, the other a smooth edge for | - te 9. there ig' grass. or seed clover. rv thE searing théreby renderin 1 3 p [Mower Dar and Reaper Table, mith best castatec | | Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain. ny combined Tecper and Mower. unable Tilting Table offered on Family Drug Store, Whith y can he very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat without stopping his Team. ted. in any Machine during the past two years, A great varioty of patterns, and solling JAMES H. GERRIE, This is one of the 10:1 important improvements eff " OXE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL ed by his foot. r Mowing, the Table is 'bine, and the Driver H PAPER HANGIN( LARGEST STOCK OF lev the eye of while gu « his team. This at the lowest possible pricos. N 4 5 IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, THE Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it : in a more compact form than any other Reel Rake. S 1, which en- The Grain corners readily. ry to the s itto turnt tead of Chains: and therefore have m motion, » Whitby, April 13, 1971 ground, a The Boxes j Jum received direct from the manufacturers. 'ENGLI "4 ar in re moving th ed with N Bn Ww DRESSMAKING A ordered by | ESTABLISHMENT he part wanted. | IN OSHAWA! so pe¥fectly balanced | - £ malisable | DR Se wok oping of miosing., Ai Lauf | MISS ROOME, t inl either re sping of oN wing, and the c on the ho a endering them both tough and strong, ATE OF THE ESTABLISHMENT - i of S. TREWIN, begs to inform the be - ly a Chew 20d sutroundisg Sounty mui TRE n - opened S OUR JOHNSON RAKE j King STREET EAST! ° S SO constrnieied {Ss to raise the cam se far ab6ve the Grain Table | does not interfere with the machinery of the! Pe Rukes or Recs | Lately Occupied by Mr. J.J. Hall, b where she will carry on the business of DRESSMAKING, MANTLE-MAKING | and the making of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, &e, &e, Two, medium size, for Farmers having more use for a Mower =a than a reaper. Having bad a long experience in Aho, businee ¢ simjlar in every respect. Our she is confident of suiting all i between the Jun. Mower and entrusted to herwill be n= Da ull. ¢ stribute out sampic machines in are and taste. A share of patronge have an ratly gppormunity of examining solicited. Vacancies for Apprestices x TEA VRS nn chines shipped this, season shall be exhibitedvby our Agents. that all M ind finish to the samples And we guar equal inqu ality HIGGINS' 'e had an opportunity of her Machines ever yet GG JoHnson's Self~-Raking Reaper, improved forl871, with two knives, smobth and sickle edge, and malleable guards We also oiler amopg our other Machines : STORE! Woop's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. BuckEeYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. South Oshawa. BuckEYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self=-Rake. Oo Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. CAYUGA Cae, Jr., Mower. JUST TO HAND BuckEYE Mower No. 1. ' Buckeye Mower No. 2. ) BaLL's Ohio Mower No, 1. Ohio, Jr., Mower. / Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder NEW TEAS, NEW SUGARS, AND OUR CELEBRATED NEW. COFEES, HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR NEW COCOAS, | Greally improved for: 1871, with either Pitt's, Pelton, Planet, Woodbury, or Hall's 8 or 10 Hors | Power. We shall also offer for the Fall trade a NEW CURRAN NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, : NEW RAISINS, - : Vv ery much superior to any other heretofore introduced. A new and complete Fllustrated Catalogue of all our Machines is being published, and will be ready for early distribution, free to all applicants. HBverything New! PRICES THE LOWEST. Goods delivered to all pants A? Lik Machines are warranted to give satisfaction, and Purchasers will have an op- | poriunidy- of testing thei both ia Mowing and -Reayring before they will be requiredetd gay gone i de pyre hage: For further information wiliions . > "2 F. W. GLEN, L104 Jd OeTLA THY Shh THOT oo dll OCERY 4 Latest Styles & Fashions Choice Selection of eunnd (4 -- 1 6 RAYA | All operation Residencs in th Vetertnar, ENRY'S § Tg alt; ity mY FA ARRIST)| LICITOE blic, Oshawa, | mcoe Streets. && MONEY J. E. FArREwE Ss. W. ARRISTH Solicitor in 1 TJCENCE p wa. 'Al promptly attend Issuer of B. A from fe EXCE-- Messrs. ( 8, B, Fairbanks, DOMI w HOLES 4 of HOOP Th terial used. Factory King S ROOKLI) the Isolated Canada, T Latest Style Latest Style: - Latest Style: AL Men's - A large » Men's B CL UMBRELLAS C LRICKET and 1 LAC

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