of] ih OTARTO REFORMER; 0 OSHAWA, FRIDAY, Nov. § 10, hi A -------- » mg ama 4 st ---- ! FLAT A Ga: M2 TE and a Fronds © girl 11871. § MN er 08 -} ey ; % f rT IC NN. Cl ine he were umrricd in Hau tford, last week alter 1 OnGiNaL PogTRY. i : i -- forty-eight hours nc uaintance, Neither | : 1) RR A 1; R . | Vion tug =~ fd By Riv'n M. Lowry, Bowyasvinne | of them undirs'ends the language of the - Re M ~ <3 MA EAL ESTABLISL Lv 1861. TheJoseph Hall Mo . .. PRO 'u.ETugs, | " . 0 b) C Twas Autumn, and Summer Was benatedus he © her, #0 it will Lo sone listle time before ! AVING PURCHESE D THE DR! G BUSINFSS OF R ROBINS N4& J 5 ld he an ** fight in peace." A would inform the public that he has just received a full ascot tment of roe Tne in his Right great ehanEss Bat mats, : ig Drugs, Patent Medicin>~ P I L / ory, Dye C Stuffe, "TOILET ARTICLES, &e, | Like waves, that pecede fiom the sea-beater Isaeseiry Nos Leon ot oik stuce the i ; shore, WHICH HE WILL ELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. 3 { aloption of the post al eands in Engla:d to! '3 Or noon-mar} 1-1 hade. ea ! 1 Oc Fare os ching ot 19 The s a make them vnreadable to the Post Oflice {| | The leaves wero all faded, withered and gone, 1 " RH Yrhete buds and bright flowers had burst into ink are alvertised, and new languages in. Do Dead Ie in the Drag Swre. KE member the stand, nearly op posite Hindes' Hite! * And the sweet singing birds had migrated and ly uted, and the dead ones revived. He. | *'V ' j by © INTE : a 1 F Ant deer-sichine winds had come ko the room ROOM PA PE R, PER. ROOM PAPER. ; FT The trees of the forest, so full of green leaves, FTHE SUBSCRIBER - BEGS MOST RESPECTFULLY TO INFORM HIS | Stood twigless and leafless, all withered and bare, : . And fields richly laden with golden-grained A BURNED cnt girl, of Chicago, avrote to l ) Of M ¢ Pp shoaves A ing after the fire, ** with a pair of Jiw's Patrons and the Pabiic generally, that he fias received, direct from England, the Firet Instal- | Made the country so fragrant, charming and | old pants on, on slipper, one th ve, and gu cht of his clerks. Systems of eypher and invisible Li. to ue sre brew, Arabic, and Russian are employed, SIMC( I pad so that the inquisitive poste are com- pletely defied. "*And ripe mellow fruit faintly scented the air. The uplands and nesdows with newly mown Jj tu uuie Ww BIS; S31 WIM Spojauy AWAIT) her lover at Washington, that he would have been surprised to see her thr morn- i cr al inet dei Aud, she series | SPI NG Stock of Paper Hanging,| ~jJfd - | WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTRESION ¥ | Fort ga 1} Wa ware opie inka skthe dawnt 247; "that woald. make u 3 Tondid welding | To which he woulll call special attention. ~The great superiofity of English Paper So : AioLh ONE AND TWO ED $id i 3 3 IA And were glad when the darkness gave place t i : ; "the light. Cisuit, wouldnt it! The young man, if he over that of Canadian manufacture is univérsally acknowledged. 'The brilliancy i s worthy of the girl, should roply that he and tirmness of the colors and the extra width of he polls sunbine to evtabe : § FIHIS © ELEBRATED MACHINE Siz nes wd : " ' lish their preminence dver all others. 'The subscriber being the only ay i now been k sted beyond all atjestion and the pean Luporter of this class-of Goods in Oshawa, is confident that no other R E A P E R A nN D 1 edict of the public is that to-day : a r a ix ph 1 wise can offer Greater liduceménts, either as regards SH UTTLE OR LOCKSTITCH , { { = A v ¥ Sewing Machine. | With Johnson's Self Rake, I T HAVING COME TO OUR KNOW- ra at . . a2 rae that unprincipled parties are peddling We believe th's Machine, ar we now build it, to be the QUALITY OR PRICE. ledge he nubl > | Sewing Machines Spe the the country and pod yet offered to the public of Canada. | hes meine them to be "ARMS SEWING 3 ( The rose with her mates in the garden had fled, 3 OL 1 And the bloom of the flowers were faded and. sucks the bird and not the feathers. Hf po cins oF Horses, --It is a well at- And the leaves of -the shrubs and trees were To owxigs or | shed, t sted fact contimed by the experience of | Bat the'evergreen in the sunshine: still sparkled | thousands that ** Darley's Condition Pow- S88 whang. < | dors and Arabian - Héave Remedy? for! The fading leaves and the changing flowers horses is superior to Xnythiug of the kind | , Remind us of the death of old King Time, now of ever knowns We know 'that it When Saints no more shall dwell in ecarthlr ; h bowers, « { has been used in many cases where the But, like birds in Autumn, move to a sunnier | horse has been confidered almost worth- me. | jess, with the most satisfactory result, the All hail ' sweet Autamn of gospel glory. | horse having, bren restored to perfect When the pipe fruiss of the produce shall be gath- | goundness or fo much benefitted that the Oshawa. il A wondrous stary-- | complaint could scarcely be observed. -- | Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. p ) been pn Saved from the power of death, hell und sin§ Many such hurses have afterwards . sold for from $50 to £100 more than they ! R ET 1 R IN G ha F ROM BUSI N ESS { would have previously brought, and were | 208 THE LADIES. well worth the liTerence; let all interest- | A Texas paper publishes marriage To- | od consider this. Rew? Ql, tices under the heading of ** Lost." ree th HE HAS ALSO ON HAND A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF : nd Mower ever | 11 Stands witheut a Rival Books, Stationery, : FANCY GOODS, and Toys! ame Having been appointed sole agent for the Little Wanzer Sewing Machine, he can | deceived in Pi chasis he sapie; All Genuiie | Among ite many advantages we call attention to the fello | supply them on better terms than any other dealer in the county. . , ' &- | It is the most substantially built, Has the fewes | Manufacturer,' stamped on the Face Plate of | cach machine. beautiful in d aad finish. -- Remember the stand, dircctly SApgsite Hindes' Hetel ! Ma bave considered it to our interest to estal- It has no Gears on the D els, He eae Bb Jape by far the , | Taf stors, and have therefore made | LARGEST'ROBBINS. | It is capable of perform- an agency 'in Osahwa to look after these { JAMES F. WILLOYX | meats with Enabling it to pass over marshy or sandy ground without clogging wp ing a range of work hitherto thought impossible b ring thereb: rents | n E. S. & GC. HIGGINS, aon th Ai ida fens Tye Sawing Machine k H YS | | ! ACUuL it asidence J | Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reaping, one of which bas a |- 3 Be. ol 'SOUTH OSHAWA, | sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge for | is sold at about oncihalf the Ln Pr ' > rre'ne hy 0 f r [I if P ap ! } qYSIC ir in t 1 av | ie Te ow ortho pro half. J { cutting grain in which there i is grass or seed clover. | price of thier M ae hines 3 bbs tM8 MACHINE makes the & or | : : ' gi 1 {1 Sitch both sides, and whi 1 ' The story of an unhappy warriage | ' | 1 h oh Side. Hii Senin { It has the malleable guards both on the. Mower Bar and Reaper Table, with best cast stee | often a narrative of many words. dir : 1 | Ledger Plates. It is also furnished with our | | } | Corner of Mill and Simcos Streets, i To. dt {RADU oid by Ix Germdny a couple has just been ma. - | = . ried after a {orty years courtship. i& will sew from the finest | 4 ; donors: h. o& Tae man who popped the question by ERETOFORE PARTIES TROUG ed with Dyspepsiaor Liver Complaint have i NE néver ay "fits," and is always ready to sew, and nev. r skips a ktitch or | ke a thread, New Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodged Grain, THE PRICE OF OTHER MACHINES DOING 3 Dsuawa. THE LIKE WORK. Is equally at home on | leather as on fine goods. Has can fed- off prises | \ icst Beav r cloth without ( X of Lor | 7 | ween unable to fina a medicine to reach their | D G - B 9 { © 3 i " Ln sar light go his amewer inn inking. | Sr fron inn hep | DFY GOO, 8 Bouts and' ©. i0es 1b iii eps sou monn v abl - ap ted for t 0 abov rh oe almts. 1 merits are "1 ht: It can therefofe be only one-fourth | Wax does a man feel girlish ! When imply proven by testi uials irom those "who 20~ AT COST PRICE AND, UNDER. -®n jas liable to get out of ord id he makes his maiden speech. ave been beneiitted by its use.. Itis called the | The ARMS MACHINE Wil reka * Give the advertisement, which is to 8 be bound 'in another column, a perusa', | The whole must be sold without reserve within the next fow weeks, to make yogm for | FRINGE, FEMALE orchestras are to be emploved an i EE -lz 3 ' ; : I c TIE GUELPH HAND in someof the- New Fark theatres this Fainding Pain Destroyer TUCK, Sod i } A SA FAMILY -MILICIMNE, IT ) NOW IS THE TIM. ! f CORD: sin | ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL AN ATREADLE MACHINES iclieving tha + ? , i 4 i { well and avaably brewer, | I Tworcalicon and an alpaca will he the | £7 ™ eH TE } \ FRILL, | ac . N Rp < : 7 . | y Can be made to act as Rakes at the opti f the Dr b Lever readi esated : i in wi 4 ' . 3 = Sal ts, to 1 sour Spring and Summer Goods, in QUILT, i . option-of the Driver, by a Lever ly of by his foot. style for Chicago ladies this winter. ly Bock ad dead, ¢ ugha olds, Sore While this Sale lasts, to buy y pringian mer Goods, ui | GATHER (and sew on al he same time), be- | The Cutting apparatus is'in front of the Machine, and therefore whether Reaping or Mowing, the | Tre incendiary mania in Chicago is not i ot, Sa ty Caer hr in | CLOTHING, TROWSERINGS sides all that any other machine will do. | | entire work of the Machine is under the eye of the Driv: or while guiding his team. This Thble is | ! lis i aramid . D ress Good S | nT | The Arms MacHINE ruus [light and rapid, and | so constructed as to | | : \RRI shated. Twonty niarriage licences were Dysenteru, Bowel Compla nts, Blrns, TWEEDS, : HAPS CAPS, | is just the machine for i | are the best insds, wigpiest, mops: duzeble and J RRIS issued there last week. | Scalds, Frost Bites, de. OF EVERY VARIETY. | (GS | MILLINERS, tii} | reliable than any other single-thread machine; -- ! Paso, Yian faite No | TI Enetota one Demetris due ny | PATE, SHIRTINGS! | iArLons. ---- Gather the Grain into a Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it | Larger and work with great cass, Wil do au . Shing x Sti oe Tre latest agony among fashionable New | een before the public for a .ength of time, and | Yor CTD CY ID IAS - y | - KMERS : nact than th Reel ! kinds of domestic sewing in a petfectly satisfue- + 4@ MONE ', " . ' -- SLU 1S FRE 2 VE | ARMERS, in & more compact form any other Rake. oho MON York youth is to wear a small theriuome- Te > dd ed Taling he PRIN 7s, L ¢ S 7 R £ S, 7 A L \ ¢ a M1 REN C 2% SY {ast will do all kinds of rol See ra machine ¥ | : tory manner. Has ting. ge first prize wherever 3 LE Famed tor on the side of the hat. itiely used, and we have he i Known 3 SHE Le wim . ; - = ay aii oi before prrehasing and you will save money, and This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driving Wheel, which en- | | 3 & Ed pn ha A gt F rench Delaines, Gi JES, Hose, Tapestry, A 1dde rn nsle A. and | [Pia great deat of trouble and AINOYURO y ables it to pass over rough ground with tuuch greater case and less injury to the Table. The Grain | + A PHILADELPUIA paper says that onc- | sre delighted with ita operations, and speak in [emp Carpets, Hollands, Tickings, Sheetings, Towelings, &'. Send for circulars and samples of werk, _ Wheel Axis is on a line with (he axle of the Drive Wheel, which enables it to turn the corners readily. | ) the servant girls jin that city an he iily? hest "terms of its virtues ancl nagica) and see the machines working. 2 ynkards. ; Ww . ak TO » per i hi tt av- lo . Machines Fully jes i WO ' The Rakes are driven by Gear» g instead of Chaiue, and *herofore 'have | AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Crxci®xatiax failed to obtain a mar : Rey lain . TODD, Gen, Agt., No.TR sin House Block, Toronto. a steady unitorm mot ion, > SPLENDID INDL EMENTS. e licanse because he couldn't recall hi : E. 8. & G. HIGGINS, ! | ended's name, 2 Agents for cshawa. | kis is the only really valuable Tilling Table offered cn any combined Reaper and Mower, | Over the Howe, Singer, Lockmap, Wh od TS ICENT | Wilson, Wanzer, Raymbnd, &c. | s& A Perfect : s UB wor | Machine Guaranteed or no sele. v B.us., King S ! i All uperati | | 3 Residence in | 1 1 Ri Fadl 3a1 be very easily raised or'lowered by the Driver in his Seat without stopping his Team. This is one of the most important improvements effected in any Machine during the ;.ast two years. careful Dispe ~ i Cred ---W, | | 1 A0sty s Tun ery. Waitoy, " Produce taken in Exc ~hange for Goods. OSHAWA; APRIL 14, 1571 "of the Canadian Pain seases for which it is i1 1 etfects in sub- ir otf. Making them mu ch less liable to breakage on uneven ground, and more regular in removing 11 ™ | 5 ARRIS wv: Yori " f. grain. The Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. The Boxes ace allfined with Ax Indiana groom kissed the bride s : or terms, samples of sewing, d&e., spply loudly as tp extort a round of applause from the tion Two lov fought at Iouisville until | 'the object of their adoration had been ar- rested and sent to jail. WHY is a husband like .a Mississipp steamboat 7 because he never knows wher | he may get a blowing up. Tre police of Vienna have notified the newspapers tbat the publication of _matri- | monial advertisements mnst be stoppad. RrcENT brides have taken to preserv- | ing their marriage bells and" boquets nr- | der glass casce as parlor ornaments. A sEREWD old lady compares her hus- band to a tallow candle ; he always spu'- | 11 ters.and smokes when he's put out. Xkortter poor girl in Virginia has died | from the use of tobacco, at the age of 100. be Orders are conung er a "Medicine "Dea II patts of the ) Y, fur further Pavpp id each [testily ing \* to the upiyers{! sat potion it gives. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to | zive immediate relief. All Medicine Iggalers | keep. it ; Physicians order. and use it; and no amily Will be without it after trying it. Price, only Twenty-five Cents ver | bottle. For sale by W. T. Atkinson anid Dr. Deans | t] LB Cerne ered. byrve | veil } Malas Trced yp dy edi Vanen. old in Bowmanville by J. Higsginb: tham and D. Stott, and all medici ine de alers. fFaricy's Arabian Oil. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. NEVER-FAILING REMEDY. " THIS valuable prep. an eorabin ne medicinal virtue of those articios winch fp pOTICDCE NAS PROVED to Pussess Lhe most ae erties. for the cure of Flesh and etlicient vounds, Sprac Bruises, Gals of all Kinds, 'racked Heels, Ring Bone, Spavin, Callous, Fis- | nla, >weene, External Pulsons, Scratches or | srease, Strains, Laneness, Mange, Whitiows, orns, Sand Cracks, Fonndered Feet, Horn Di emper, swellings id many other diseases hich horses and cattle are suliject to. This celebrated Liniment has been usefl for any years, and, fts curative Prujdrties roughly tested, and is conceded to weapest and wost reliable reqedy for ali exter "NOTA BENE! Cabinet Malkers, Undertakers, '80. and see them. Great inducements held out to those purchasing at our Establishmen | for carrying the Canadicn and U. i kage ff | OUR JOHNSON RAKE LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, | Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far above the Grain Table AND CLASGOW. that the Grin does not intcifere with {HIS COMPANY'S LINES ARE Rakes or SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. + 1 ENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE.. J ALLAN LINE. OSTAWA 4 AGI NOY. | There is no sids Dranght in either reaping or mowing, and the Machine i® so perfectly valanced | | that there is no pressure on the horves' necks either when reaping or mowing. | j amin, where they ars subject to much etrain, have been AVING GREATLY ENLARGED OUR WAREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE | added 'considerable NEW STOCK thereto, a cordial invitation is extended to all 10 come | 1871. SUMMER SERVICE. 1871) | | Under Contract with the Canadian Government composed of 1} sled Full Powered, Coffins yh constant! - on handrormade to order. | Duhic Engined Clyde Buit bron Steamiips: A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just 1eeeived Cheap fon Cash | ! : Last, but not Least, is Pa'ing's Patent Ba'ance Windcw Blind Lifter, the best | tyne. Prussian, 3.00 tons, Liew. Daon, | Ng. Oue, large size, for Firmers who hao thing of the kind in use, at.ihe ; Sarmatian, We ake the above machines in {wo sizes: 3,400 toms (bu idl; i, Caspian, 3,250 tons, Chpt. Sat, Be sani av iam EX ns, Capt, Ballan- Palyhesinn, 4,200 tons (bu BABBIT METAL. Thy Parts are all numbered, to thdt the REPAIRS can be ondersd by W ALTER WI G G & S ON "4 | telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of the part wanted. All or miioable | Twice anrealed, thereby rendering them both tough and strong, ry of the rE he unt q rey, |] = GUELPH BEWING MACHINE CO'Y, GUELPH, CANADA "gr R. & H. OHARA, Wholesale agent for the Counties of Durbam, Ontario and Victoria. } && Special inducements to Livie ie spent. January 15th, 1871. General Sewing Mache goney MARKET RUILDINGS, t BOWMANVILLE ICENC wa. y, proaiptly atid Issuer N Tr H ® Firs! ou Land ; ais L Beaverton ay A ZcH! J si 'B. Fuirba DOM She was an orphan. nal' complaints ever otlered- to the public it THE AT a recent fair in Portland some fine | {aver tadis when timely used and faith/ully ap . L needle-work was exhibited done by a 1:dy | To be had of all Druggists and Country Mer Kl NG ST. EAST, OSH AWA. hs : y nants throughoiit the Dopiinion. Price 2 cents . 4 OC years ~.age without the aid of glasses | 0) tie. . : N & L N tle, Ontario, Pro Tre Boston Post says many young ladies ri or Canada." evo pars, ro accused ear: i For sale Atkinson and Dr, Dae) { ate of w ng their engagement Oshawa: Me A i by J. i. Gerrieand J. Byrn 7. 4 riage in 'heir p On, except when ""he' | » Brookiin by John Warren. .) A Rn NX = > Aird. | Moravian NEW DOMINION FURNITURE W ARELQOM Brown, Pe) Smith, R. N. R. - Tons, Captain J. Graham, Forming Jebel line batwhen Liverpool. Lon. donderry, Quebec and Montreal, leaving Que- | | | ; bee 8 ry Saturday, on arrival of Ph i | | : WW HOLE Night Express from Montreal. With the exception of difference in sive, these Machines are similer in every respect, Our | ' Ee wl ALS0, THE | No, 2 Machine su ulpiied a want hereto (ore unfilled, viz :--A medium between the Jun, Re a | |» seo Chorin | gu ms 2.018 1039, Captain Bau chette. liber | Inrge combined Machine, both in size and price. We shall distribute our sample machines in i i Faelony ~iny { Py tons, Caplin R. 8. waits. Nova March Among our Agents, that intending purchasers may have an early opportunity of examining | Ptatinn 2.00 on Be rr its. Nuys | their merit | ) American, 1,734 tons, Cepth Trocsy, Ooiin- | 1. 0 C K M A - * ' - RO KL heir Te BY i Fe | And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this season shall be | we {ska | equal in quality and finish fo the samples exhibited by our Agents. iid : una, 4 | No. Two, medium size, for FFirmers havt.g more use jo than a reaper. Jiuest, 1374, Bt. David, 1650 tons, Captain Ritchie, Sn tion. Ale, 0 = round. © aay gpecmornan minetor | N pyr SgurtLe oR Lock-Stmen | Bt. Andrew, 1222 tons, Captain H. ies, ca hal A ing the death of hi if Sin for iy oat Shalt rh The Great I «male Remelly, SEWING MACHINES} fy Andrew, 1032 tong) Captain I JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. | FOR FAMILY USE AND 11 HT MANUFACTERING Cait. Serene "Nogway. ca pt. { Tenn., has married his mother-in-law, 3 5 Su a a i Captain McKenzie, | We invite the public to withhold giving their orders until they have had an opportimity of HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS | n « ty of | { | and savings 5 Blow isles 8"R in JoHNnson's Self-Raking Reaper, improved forl871, | 1 : i : 5 i with two hives, smooth and s'ckle edge, and malleable guards | o | Woobn's Patent Self-Raking Reaper. . 4 Toann Havre girl thinks it about { langero Hert: Teo which the female consti time some young fellow proposed, as sh 1 on or hee Tt modrac has Been bridesmaid eight times, and hoe | "fein. - been tantalised enough. ring on Ir is reported that Madame Talioni, th These | 87: Inter- i 1 tor | Imring the FES eo, $i . once world-renowned danseuse, is about to | [WBS TIEN Le | ro sewn good for six months, is- retarn to London and give dancing lessons | ut at any other time (icy are wate. - ba ak ye ee Certificates ase hewn In all Cases of Nervous and Spinal Atfec: ions, i N lc | t a Pains in the Back why frnibs, Fatigue on slight \ issue od at Reduced Rates to parties wishing : . -xertion, Palpitation of the heart, Hysterics, and Taz latest style of bridal head-dress ie A hites, ee uifect a eure, when all i : ther means have failed; and although a power s wreath composed of small white ostrict ul remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, anti tips. The bridal veil is trimmed wit! NONY, oF anything hurtful to the constitution. h sad : Full directions in'the pamphlet around each vines of lilies of the valley and Jessamine. ' .ackage, which should be carefully preserved. JOB MUSES, NEW YORK, SULE PROPRIETOR. aged silly. He is forty years old. Forming a weekly line bot Glas bee | a wee © Ween w, : unial he IF the cure of all those painful and | 4 And Mont "ow, Que | nspecting our Machines, as we helleve they are unsurpassed by any othe: Machirss ever ye. RATES OF I PASSAGE. offered on this continent. h | Oshawa to Liverpool and Londonderry, Firat Cabin r on £351 4. 9, according Tn accommoda- It is peen lelons, served out by the AT ou. nel luding a pientifal supply We also offer among our other Machines : | | | ('¢ | bring out their friends from Fogland, Irela | Soutia = to aby par: of Ca nada, ' L: ¢ sicamships of the Montreal! Ocean Steam- 4 ; it) | ship Company land their sengers al the Kream. gues iti | Leuk Railway Whart, South Quebec, passen- | BUCKEYE Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self- Rake. | AND Latest Sty ~ ] Listast Sty SIMPLE F TIVINAd ANY { | | BuckkeYE Mower No. 1. Men's BuckEYE Mower No. 2. rd } BakrL's Ohio Mower No.1. Ohio, Jr., Mower. A : is, Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. "ewing Machine Farmer's Favorite Grain Cri. | : {11 &] "hampion Hay Tedder | : < && There are many points of excellence; about the Machine, Superior | New York, Queenston andl : TOOK THE VIRST PRIZE i AND OUR CELEBRATED > { to oineray which we cannot explain here, but will be pleased to forward Circulars and S ! | | i { ! work every w here on application. DISCOUNT TO CLERGYMEN Syiples of { Liverpool H ; { | } zor MACHINES FULLY WARRANTED. 8x Chr le Hae Times, HALL THR ES HE ~ 2, ~ EPARPATO = W THE. | && AGENT wanted in Bowmanyille, and in every other Town where Cry or MONTRIAL, 6 we have not got one already established. Larger inducements than any other company. & ony or BROOK LYN. : Ty OR OF BiasTor. J. C. TODD, General Agent. | Crrx or Breas a Cir or Fenn » ly nd i svi RSE Piles. Peéiton.] X i Tol I. mT ; . CITY OF NEw YORK. CrrY or HALIFAX. | reatly iniproved for 1871, wiih either Pitt's, Pelton, Plonet, Wo dbwry, or lia. No. 7 Liossin House Block, Toronto, ond. : -16- 41 CIty OF LONDON, 1 Pogver. We shall also offer ior the Fall trade a A vouxclady at the Ohio camp meetirg | GAINST EXPENDITURES 2 4X in hovor of the dead, H has asked the prayer of the sssernbly because tiered ne prob on. amt i arth 1s x ured, th ¥ them she could not wt eyes upm a tain yourg | eg beantifal priya which adorn man in the neighborhoo! without feeling | _ ihe many tombs around which we | ve Mg) o li we are in a world of as though she mast hug him to. death. ! and levine ho arta; the adorning ing and handling of baggage TRE of catt, . real ante, 3nd al} 1 Lapies' parasols with watches in the $1.00 and 131 cents for - " . od ta | i ( post. e, enclosed to | pas by the N i 1 ee ASH HAAR." | Oro Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. fashion. We have - lately seen severn' .utaining over 3 pills, turn tail. 1 Bree!ym by John Warren, iN SMI, A late railroad disasters in his mind, h:¢ FOURTH the partsin its that is in other Mi thereforeonly ONE-FOURTH | ------ | feed -- use, ind will pass from the Muslin to the t N / A N N about her switch. | --_---- | In Yew oriam. witheut ntsc ENSION or STITCH. Pie makes the Genuine SHUTT, PILE ¢ at of work | I N M A L I E ble 'to break. It is highiy orcamenied, equal to any of the Ligh price Machines. It will FRINGE IT 18 JUST THE MACHINE FOR | i reaved (0 know that an additional em- | ry | his maternal parent. _" Why not, pray ! tion of the stranger, and causes him to Pope bec on arrival of the | | BUCKEYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Salf-Rake: "handles, aro cited as singular freaks of rop & Lyn . \ tie, Ont, genera | yrcedt by any KX or ug! Passage tickets and every informa- belles with clocks in their stockings, For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. -Deans CAYUGA CH IEF, J ) Mower. Sold by J. ITIGGINCOTHAM and D. STOTT. | ; Post ilo, Outare. broken his engagement with 3 young Inds { as liable to get out of order. It is Durable in all its parts, and fon positive, It has the un- STITCH, alike on both sides, so igo or a Streagth, Hea ility and witi, Sot I hb OF MAIL STE TIPS HEM, FELL, TUCK, CORD, BIND, FRILL, GATHER, -- | § of th » PRIVATE FAMILIES, MILLINERS, DRESS-M. AKERS, "T axx'r going to live long, mother, | eviate, srief wthes the | bejishment of the grave presents * Beeands iy pantaloohs is all tored: on! pause 4nd learn the name of one who western points ; and insure a bottle, tio ly to ; Th APPR BIA. ALLAN, i yshawa : In Whithy by J. H. Gérrie and J. Byrne | ts, Montreal A vouxs man in Connecticut having the ! | Gowmadviile, Untario. HE MOST SIMPLE MACHINE IN THE MARKET--ONLY ABOUT ONE | ™ y because she wears a 'train and 1s negligen n* ; der or four TNS IY Apidly and uses a Short Straight Needle, which {s easily adjusted into place and TO AND FROM QUI LT, BRAID or anything that any other Machine will do. of and soothes "the | | TAILORS, Ax» FARMERS. maid a wocbegone youngster, one day, to, ' sronger attgactions to arrest the atten- behind," was the conclusion. f hae shared so largely in the love of . Le + We take $his_method to inform you Tae test by which a young man® canno that We can fill orders for decorating the fail to find a good wifeis to select one who « | §7avé8 of deparied friends, at iow , : . . figures, cxecuwd in the best siyle of wears her own hair only. This receipe weorkipanahip. was furnished by a venerable Boston i ike vincial Exhibition! . Cry oF Dunnam. Crry or WasniNarey, H - - | Sailing on Thursdays and Saturn? | Just held at Toronto, over tha: moss renamed : ! v at T > the : Money to Lend From Pier &. Nori, River NEW CLOYER THRESHER AND HU LLER,] Sovioe Machines if 08 voile, ition. whied 3076 -AT-- RATES 0 OF PASSAGE P ge " 3 . To Queenston or Cabin. * Steerage. "ite tha celebrated Howe, Whedler .& Wi::n, ? RE D Uc ED RATES. vero - on 3 aula. $30 onrrency. Very much superior to wy other heretofsrs introduced. dc. This is only a cORfirmatibh' of the verdict ; # A NEW § AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND Paris, -. +5 - 000, EE | : | « previously rendered by (he Great Canadian, 5 Book, bi Public, and proves conclusively the SUPERIORITY § 5 kins. Piice, i any amount of money, on the security of Gbod i bi be bought here at moderate rates | A mew and m 4 Ca of all eur Machines LL being published, | Farm or Productive Town Property, at the 1 Rielier ace wishin A send for their friends. For and will be ready fer early distribution, free to ait applicants, OF THE " WMA ~ EE di C Loc. "OVER ALL OTHERS, | ; oz¢n. m + Two haadred Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, | fem POLY: o° the 'Company's » sums and manner to suit borrowers. Principal e. W. SMITH, Osuawa. | Wholessle san be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in. one : 153m | AR our Machines ave warranted to give sbiafaction, ond Purchasers will have an op- SR, 4H, onan, - a) f° "beauiral in ry * " P| Agents. Also, agents tor Guelph SowinguMa BW Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, | portunity of testing them both in Mowing and PReapiog fore they unil be required to | ehine Co., Grover & Bak Howe and / i : wid ther securities. : : nally conclude the purchase. i B er; Singer, Howe Webstef, Th SILVER AND GREEN BAC KS BOUGHT AND S on - | Williams' Machines. We have also on -hand s : : MD. L13 TEA 0 - - r full sock of the LITTLE WANZER Machine. For further partienlars apply to "er ¢ For further [aformation address-- Ls is WOODR FF, BENTLEY & 0O.. JAMES HOLDEN, ' - | Persons riot satisfied with one Machine can er- and +] ecm Proprietors, ited Omeiat Asuguce, Moyes Boks, de, F. WwW. Sled | (Shane for anyother insidsof shite days. Re E & frec. ie crn JURE Gy "0 Vena + | a, Tee I. 4 B. ONare's tthe Sewme Jar a * 4% One door Store, April 20, 137 id aa Universally acknowledged to be one of the most powerful Liniments for the oure of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, MONUMENTS, TABLETS ETC, clergyman. P. 8. --To ascertain the fack, OF TH FINEST QUALITY or take hor by the hesthand jerk. x) ITALIAN & SMERICAN MARBLE. | | pr Foviies Ix his recent charge to the Grand J iry] | SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, ' | . otice. GALVANIC FLUID, Judge Barnard, of New York, stated, "If | Se Thur tice: YoY hing ALTA is safe to say, and my observation justitisp | | dors Shp 7b Mien ion. by ieaving or. me in saying, thatnedrly all the fast horses | C. BOUNRALL, and fagt women in the city of New York | Bowmanville. are supported out of the city treasury." | TO LET. INK stains may he removed from wa- | hogany by touching them with a feather | dipped in a mixture composed of a fo IT he Pu mp Shop . drops of-nitre and a tonspoonfith.of 'water. WITH HORSE-POWER & LATHE, vent aig loft, the A t worked by the subscriber, Possession To pre; o/white mark ot A 38 ven immediate. pe Oniy el Ws of hon spot must be. rubbed with acl th wot in n town plen'y of custom--rare chance for * old water the momant the i: has dina . A good Pumpmaker. B SILVER. Bewamanville, Ma; 2 17, And for all cases w here an external ap plication is require, an extensive use| of it has proved that it has no equal for the comple ints enumerated. ec, by Will > Every thing is and sparklin.- pS by all Druggists and Medicine ale DR. BOYERS GALVANIC FLUID. and als ob KYA Rod HA Sap mailed fren « to teachers fo Libara. toriog ducti n. J. L FET.