yt { wants at present. x hundred bric og i from £4 to 5 a day. ousand pater for e as many next March. v_of plambers and gas. in iron; tih, brass and -- EELES "HATES TKINSON: CEIVED A SUPPLY *. und Elxir of his clegant unded only UJ ation of the * wl Nutritive or building nd Vasting Chronie raved nutrition tive character. t e Heets LU! of 'Rr + Hea thy i b whe rie con- meveial, © MARKETS, November 9, AL MARWRETS. November 8 - fivanae 06 04 057 LE J 08 om 017 018 |} MARKETS. / vd November » 11am VILLE M ARKETS. 135~ (RJ NSO OOOO OS0 | ggg n8s3%ER November 9. SLL @ f.-060 $0 52 059 0.3 000 , 000, 016 BY MARKETS. ns 06 0-00 000 LI 000 00 017 November 9. $1 Ne 113 05 [J 0 68 035 017 $1.32 120. Test 03 ove LL 19 dv ertisements. HALL. GRE EAT "REAT COMING! e. prior te their departure Al LEG ANIANS (organ: ars ago Ducts: New Quartettes ! on the Swiss Bells ! fli A 1A rs i 'HANIANS, WHOSE he * hoasehold'word " cf vor: Nov ote of all nations, and w hose have exte nded to ALL PARTS oBE, will appear in thelr rable Programme ! A BY OVE "Reserved Seats 50c, Nn. 1871 rayed. PREMISES OF THE 3. 3rd con. East Whitby, October last, a LEICES- Any person giving guch 0 its recovery will be gefson keepi ing © will be prose uted acc F RANK SLASPELL 78 raged. 31 te PREMISES OF THE ¥ t, Lot 10, Broken ¥ Liv v7 a East » ear, and a slit in such information ry will "be suitably {UEL PHILLIPS, CEDAR DALE. nL ICE WANTED * RESPECTABLE LADS Ho} TTS age, one as an Ek ced ah Fivke ih t Maker. oud wages ae preferred. MITCHELL, 3 7 rock street 0 ET , East End. 1340 ATTE, JR., g OPPORTUN ITY itants of Oshaw, pared to exeeute , Glazefng, \ ron the she rest Orders left at Mr. or at Street Kost, ot NO~ iersigned, opposite te "Mesers. ur) Hair « Block, will receive ¥.PATTE, Jr. 1271 0 DEBTORS. NS INDEBTED TO W. 1. Esq; or to the dso. : bidity igh MCGEE. ; nf. A are re ured sto the-wng ANTED. YR AW LU MBER FROM unk to Bowm an caquire at HIL .. 8. CAMPBELL. Fad of HIGGINS' GROCERY STO RE South Oshawa. JUST TO HAND, Ghoice Selection of NEW TEAS,» NEW SUGARS, NEW COFEES, NEW COCOAS, NEW. CURRANTS, NEW RAISINS, Everything New! PRICES THE - LOWEST. Goods delivered to all parts. | CASE PAID FOR PRODUCE. Bourn Osmawa, Sept. 8, 1871. NEW DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT IN OSHAWA MISS ROOME, ATE OF THE ESTABLISHMENT of S. TREWIN, begs to inform the inhabi- wots of Oshawa and surrounding country that she has opened a New Store on King STREET EAST! IN THE STAND Lately Occupied by Mr. J.J. Hall, where she will carry on th ¢ business of / DRESSMAKING, MANTLE-MA KING, and the making of | CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, .&c., &c., --IN THE-- Latest Styles & Fashions Having ad experience ea the business L confident of sulling all. , All orders entrusted to her wi be executed with care and body A share of patronge solicited. Vacancies for Apjrentites 'and selling » patterns, an Family Drug Stere, Whitby | JAMES H GERRIE, _ ' THE LARGEST STOCK OF i ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS | } IN. THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, | Just received direct from the manufacturers. A great varioty of 'Whitby, April13, 1872 . Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST; BEST AND | CHEAPEST Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, itver | » Plated, and Fancy Goods. /atches,. Lazarus & pecta- )! Meriden Silver Plate, best oad, | poor y Lt thing Ib. his line made to order. examine his Stock before purchas- | %. re Jobs warranted, | und cheaper than any or PHILIP TAYLOR, Watchmaker & Jew ler, Simcoe Street, Os awa. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. tf. LOOK OUT FOR Good Photographs! TO BE MADE AT 'Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY, BROOKLIN, HARRY TAIT, DIVIDEND - Mo. 29. 1 | ONTARIO BANK, 4 ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1871. B Y MWotica 1m : lw! New Goods! New Groods!! er Execntors. or their Solicitors, . Messrs, | Frew 1& McGee, by the First da; ay of Decem- r next. All claims nst the jn 4 estate m be presented within iguirest He s ay A. FAREWE LL, i ARSHALL 8. HAL LUTHER C. HALL, L} Executions: k Oshawa, Nov. 2, 1871. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. VALUABLE PROPERTY for SALE, | J uU S T L A I D HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS N | sale his dain on Wiliam stréet, For | A C AR LO: AD of N EW COAL OIL | ing of a block of four houses-and over an acre of | land. It ig high, well drained, and in} a state of | | good cultivation, Also, that fine afeny in Prince Albert, now | At STEELE BROTH : occupied by Mr. cox; Bailiff, | HUGH CARMICHAEL. mar 50 BOXES NEW SOAPS, the best to be had in the Province. INI Oshawa, June 22nd. . \ INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. | In the matter of ir I> SAMUEL ALVEN HAIGHT, An Insolvent. 2 Ci ADDIES of NEW YOUNG HYSON , very choice. , THE UNDERSIGNED, JAMES At STEELE BROTHERS. , HOLDEN, of the Town of Whitby. in the | IC ni a of Ontario, have been appointed Assignee | is this matter. Creditors are requested to file | thelr claims before me within ag month. FEW new padkagts IMPERIAL GUN PO I ER TEA, | Whitby, Oct. 18, 4571. porns Lig | A selling for only $1.00 per tb. Sydenham Farm - | ASES of Ki Jupeved SALMON, FINNAN HADDIES, E FOR SALE. ( At STEELE BROTHERS. GREEN COD, and half barrels of WHITE FISH and OE OF THE BEST FARMS IN THE | TROUT, with new varieties of Canned Fish. = County of Ontario, pleasantly situated in | RS | Edt Whitby, on the margin of rd ontario, and | At STEELE BROTHE : | #ommanding a fine view of the lake and surround- ing country, only half a mi e from the wharf and | | warehouses at Port oshawa, two miles from the | | G.T. R. Station. It contains | 200 ACRES OF LAND, { of the best guality; 140 under plo 44 and in a good state of cultivation, and suitable for grain | or RO k raising, being well watered, the Oshawa | creek crossing the farm, along which are some | 30 ACRES OF RIVER PLATS, unsurpassed for pasture. The buildings consist of a comfortable frame house with verandah, { having a lawn in front with shrubbery, and an excellent garden, well stocked with the choicest | fruit, such as Pear, Plums, Ch¥rries, ete. Two { large barms with stone basement fitted up for housing. and feeding stock. with reot houses | complete, diving house and stables, shed und sheep houses. There is also an orchard éontaining over 200 of | the best grafted trees just coming into full bear- | ing. LARGE collection of the newest COAL OIL LAMPS, with a There is a mill site on the above property, . . . which will be gold sith the farm or separately. great lot of Chimneys and Fixtures of the newest approved kinds, ah uo place js Seldom fe red Jor sale, and \ fi N . should com maa the attention o! any person ( Pi p ANC fi ¥ Ww, anting a first-class farm in a good locality. { on the w ay ron ew Y ork. Terms easy. For particulars apply to the pro- prietor on the ¢ premises. A HOw ARGU oi wl EXPECTED HOURLY! O=x complete importations of CHINA and CROCKERY, per "Sar- matian," and "Ardmillar," from Liverpool and Glasgow. STEELE BROTHERS. STEELE BROTHERS. A NEW and beautiful lot of BIRD CAGES, the finest styles of the LX great Metropolis. Oshawa, Nov st, 1871. Ontario Bank. | STEELE BROTHERS. N™ CURRANTS and Valencia RAISINS of this season's crop x J OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH AT A a dividend of FOUR FER CENT. upon the paid up Capital Stock of this Institution for the | | current half"year has this day been declared, an that the same will be pay able at the Bank an its Branches, on and after Friday, the 1st day of Decombor Nozt. | Theitransfer Books will be closed from the 15th to the 30th of November, both days inclusive. By order of the Board. STEELE BROTHERS, JACKAGES of PURE VIRGINIA LEAF Smoking TOBACCOS, bought in New York from the manufacturers, all of the finest brands. -- ' STEELE BROTHERS. lay lot of 50 boxes of the people's favorite CHEESE. GREAT RUSH , | - . | A i AT STEELE BROTHERS. HENRY'S! WHY? D. FISHER, Cashier. _.Bowmanyille, 21st Oct., 1871. CASH FOR PORK. Oshawa, October 25, 1871. _ IMMENSE STOCK NEW-- TEAS, SUGARS, RAISINS, CURRANTS, SOAP, --OF W. F. COWAN "AS MUCH PLEASURE IN REPORTING THE ARRIVAL OF HIS IMPOR- tations for the present season. In extent, variety and value they su those of any for. mer year, and he can therefore invite inspection with confidence inhi his ani lug to lease the taste and benefit the pockets of his customers. Comprised of purci in Man- Paid 4 Tor yg cash, he is enabled to | | cbester, Bradford, Glasgow and London, selected with care and Offer Fresh, ound and Attractive Goods! at prices which must meet the approval of prudent buyers. Particular attention is invited which embraces | | | to the assoftment of Dress Goods, TOB ACCOR, rumen seman an oom 400 7a. 22 5: Egan Es Spm ' And a Great Variety of Rich Goods, suitable for Second Mournings, at Low Rates. : SHAWLS. In all the leading Fashionable Styles of Clan Tartans and A patyes, Square and Long, at prions Certain to RIBBONS. We advise the reeeipt of the very wide Sash Ribbons, in Black and Colors. These Goods are FLANNELS. | Splendid All-wool Checked and Plain, at 25 cents a yard, the heavier goods in the ps FL proportion. | { Houses. { AND Elegance, at prices much lower than demanded for the same goods by jonable City Every Jacket Jeing dissimilar in Trimming, every lady can suit her own herself. - _-- ection It aig weak: ANROUSh the pot hat t wear. y Land ae ifven thorough our gp ne - prs them at One Dollar per | Cheapest in Town. | | 1 We show the largest stock in the country, invite comparison and defy competition. | Farmers' Produce. BLANKETS. | Taste, and confine the style to pair, as before. A case of them is now overdue, and dally expected. | English "and Canadian, ordered from the Mills in July, before the advance in Wool. LADIES' WINTER JACKETS. c RO CK ERY, to command a Ra very fashionable, in constant demand, and diflicuit to obtain. Those requiring --~-Noted for Hair 60cts. Tea. Customers will please bear in mrind that they 'are reaping the full benefits Agua Dl etc oS fe Tier Wf thse os Sonbining Cm dou, " GLASSWARE, &C. | FRENCH KID GLOVES. t Yq Our Foussie Gloves, which take the first st place in England, have for 16 them are invited to call before the assortment is broken. D | Cash paid for all kinds of STAPLE GOO S. 'King St. West, Crop ee Ch Up ats { | | TAPLE COTTONS. oO S H A Ww A y White and Grey a Denims, Sheetings, Prints, &ec., &c., at prices to sustain the reputation of the house for Quality and HOUSE FURNISHINGS. ks and Moreens, Table Linens, Towelings, a Full Assortment. | OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. | = | Plain and Striped Wool Ss fot Curtains, | P.8.--Horse and Wagon always on and White; hand to deliver Goods at a minute's CARPETS. ing. : " ard. _C 's Bost ditto at Ote Dollar, Imperial 3ply warnmg, Good Tapestry ai Se Soventy five Canis Der y Pip 0A 's it lar, Tm MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. The business in this branch Bas steadily increased under the able superintendence of our Ma. luge fu To meet its mest its soquiemonts we have imported full of £he ne west and Most Fashionable principally in Sait ordering [Yh fl, will not Sad Khethag ves eating a general livery. We call particular attention to our Oshawa, Sept. 6th, 1872 22-4. ASX FOR IT-IRSIST UPON IT-BUY NO OT: ER Ts ESR AARN co. YSPEPSIA ihe EMEDY. FAtERE SE A New Double-Breasted oxford Coat. New Double-Breasted Lounge Costs. New Stylish Pea Juckets. Amrtouse and Soke Punctuality, Despatch, Style and Fit Characterize this Branch as Usual | At STEELE BROTHERS, | Fall and Winter Goods! 26-41. AWA, October 8, 1871. TRY TRY T [SRR | (OSHAWA, Octo = he HAOLS XUIAH OL AEHOVILV HE TINOHS = -" s. av 1Tadd H {1 gt TA BEY, SH +| Toronto, 8th Sept., 1871. CASH FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS! . RYE AND OATS! J. W. FOWKE, 1s in town yet, also a splendid assortment of NEW FALL GOODS! At unusually low prices and in great variety. FLANNELS, NEW PRINTS; NEW LUSTRES, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW COATINGS; Clothing Made to Order on Short Notice | GROCERIES, CROCRERY AND HARDWARE, A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. J. W. FOWKE: 2 One Farm of 70 sres, 3 miles East of Oshawa; 30 'acres, 1 mile North of Harmony ; 108 acres, si Snowdon ; 126 wi in Letterworth B; aad some vi Joty in Oshawa, which w be exchanged for other property. a quantity rat- class Brick. J. W.F. Oshawa, Sep. 21, 1871. 1.1 "PLS "IG 19Q0PQ 'VAVESQ' S pue Sur$] Joud0)) 'LL3TNO 'MN ¥® 'H 'Spo0S Moys 03 o[qnox) oN '§OO0IS OUIWIELXA PUR [BD 0) [[OM Op [|1M SIISBYD -ind Surpuojuy +4 s%0 J0j dwoyd pos oq [A \ Find $)00018 00WI 'SULI0Y O[qRIOAR) JSOWE OY) HO TBnoq uaaq Suravy "QOIYM 'soJeA [[vTIS puR 'sure) -'spredg] 'suojng "530 $31 opm pal @0130) OMG KARI "$0 GL UI0J) SIV] POWIWLL], 'GE [§ WO SOIURy SIIPe] 'spremdn "$30 ([ wogy skeour gp poor) 'Surgior) -10pu() SUSY) '§0N ATE 'Suoqqiy Jo YIIs [vy ® 'soounopy youd 'sus doo 'seaop) pue Liosoy 'spouueg Louey pue augp 'OI 'op Levan) 's110310)) WOOT] 'SULLY 'sodIsn ov 'spoor) ssau(] Suisiaduod 'spoox) Li] J0juI pp pue ed Joy Buiaoooa ore LIFTTID 'H ® 'M MARKUS MAYER, BOWMANVILLE, Invites the attention of his friends in Oshawa an vichity to his enlarged place of | Business and his Superior Stock of Goods. His long experience as a PRACTICAL HATTER AND FURRIER! And his striet to B has guar 1 him in Enlargi hig Stock. and he is ow offering OR 7 IXDUCEK NTS 3 buyers His fall purchases have vy, and his assortment of Hats, Caps, Furs and Buffalo Robes ! PAPER COLLARS, NECK TIES, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, &c, Are well Worthy of Inspection. Wha Tou Want € Nico Set of Furs for Tour Wifs or Daughters, CALL AT MX. MAYERS. Furs Altered and Repaired. Highest Price Paid for Raw Furs. M. MAYER. Bowmanville, Oct. 5, 1871. (26) New Fall Goods Just arrived at the | 2H $25 REWARD! DOMINION Outfitting Establishment. | A, #25 CHECK on the ONTARIO Bank will be given to any person who HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURN- will petent and Im- ing thanks to his numerous friends for tet prove by Pour Com . 1m st liberal nage begs to inform them thal fost hue! patronage bags to juform thew partial Sadges that ae rm race. HOITY ; Branch of his Business, : To enable him to devote more time to the * did not exhibit the Best Photographs at. the last Oshawa Fair. Now Is your HAT AND CAP ! --AND--' | time. GENTS' FURNISHING, DEPARTMENT In order to do this, h Ul sell & large stock of Ready-i taade Cloning on - Grca'ly educed Prices, consisting of Bante aad ¥ > ad outh's Children a At Prices never befure offered in Oshawa. Mys stock: of oF Felt and Fur Hata Jud Caps, s Furnishings, wi gy te in ¢ ev, di il EA CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. G. HODDER, |: JAS. E. HOITT Note. --Jastice is what is wanted, dof nething More, by Horrr. Oshawa, Oct. 19, 1871. NOTE LOST! N THE REE 26th fi Michael's Block, Simcoe street, October 26, 1871. Dominion Bank ! OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT | Sept. 3, 187% ht per cent. Stock of THOMAS W. BOWMAN, OsHa Boks will be closed from the the 31st October next, both days inclusive, B. H. BETH N - Fresh Oysters RECEIVED DAILY! JONES. SIMCOE STREET. OSHAWA, DR. CARSONIS MEDICINES, Ap ron men, soma ev Sold by the Plate or Can. {& few of them around each bottle,) with a namerous Rusia, a0 LaMity ig. CHOICE lot of C. of Canned Fruits, Jel-. these . i A lies, etc., on hand and for sale. The choicest Fruita, of all kinds, in their season. Bitters, Liver Compound, Worm S; gs eops, The highest price for all kinds orm 3, Paina Rollever, oe choice Fruits. uid for id Golden Ofntment, &e. The above Medicines can be obtained at all| Z®~ Sign of the Oyster Bay Lamp. | Dyug Sores | Oshawa, Octobes 35, 1571. 2m NEW HATS AND CAPS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, i months a. a yay 4 OYSTER BAY! @® COMPLETE! EMBRACING GIBBS' BLOCK. OSHAWA, September 19, 1571.