/ ie \ ; i IN 'and Provincial News. Local Intelli- : 'ounty Business, Commercial Matters, VOL. 1 LJ LJ publisher, and parties refusing: papers without a saving up wilk-be held responsible for the sub. feription until they comply vith the rule. 1 87 1 All letters addressed 10 the Editor must be . WER'S BOYER d, otherwise they may not be taken from GALVANTC FLUID, Gib v NATIONAL PILLS Bost Cathartic of Age or Country: CW DISCOVERY OF ME. | mains to Le shown - One thing is evident. { --the guard was hopelessly inadequate in | numbers. A large force of soldiers has started from several points in pursuit of i the refugees. The Ontario Reformer EVERY Frio mona Ne, INE are composed. off Y VEGETABLE EXTRA drs, miersury or otheg taken at all times an, 2 rcumstances, without -- >t -- UNDERGROUND LAKES. A corresp ident of the N. Y. Times i describes some singular facts in connee- tion with existing underground lakes in New York and New Jersey. He saysthat | near a point on the line of the New Jer- sey Midland Railroad, known as Port Tut- tle, tho workmen were greatly surprised -- . IEEE a ME -------- ~~ | one morning, a week or two since, to | harmed others who were as strong as Jam. | evening. I can only tell that I was very | ooo oo rods of grading that had WM R. CLIMIE, AT THE OFFICE, SIMCOE STREET. OSHAW), mm-- Y ARE SUGAR COATED. wa y all ERists and medicine 'DRU FF, BENTLEY & CO. Proprietors, Brougham, Ont. ($150 per annum, in advance $2.00 1 within six months 2.50 if not paid till the f the year. Na paper discontinued until all TeATARES are paid, except at the option of the NO. 27. Ee ra PS 1871. | [HERETOFORE PARTIES TROUBL- | r acknowledged to be one powerful Liniments for us of cure of 2 HEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. all cases where an external ap. n is required, an extensive use spioved that it has no equal complaints enumerated. ALOLA DINVA'IVO RUSAOH UA ing wine, and the habit grew on him un- | ture but hers was bright-beaming with glad | jong, all without eyes. They arein shape til he could not live without his brandy. -- | seraphie light. ' | something like ofr common sucker. A | He was of a social disposition, and in time | We went out from the church together. | portion of this swamp was once heavily | it came to pass that he was grossly intoxi- Ere many weeks had passed anotherhand | timbered. It is now cleared, and is mea- { cated. Of course under stich circumstan- d the of the organ, for Mary | dow land, but a team passing. over its sur- | ces, one of two things must happen: the | Granville was not in the choir. She knelt | face will shake it for yards around, which | man must reform, or he must sink. Mr. | before the altar--knelt by my. side--and gives strength to the svrmise that it is | Granville did not reform, and ere many | over us both the aged stretched | foating ground. The earth on both! sides | years he died a drunkard's Jeath, - leaving | his hands with prayer and blessing. is gradually . rising, and it is about four "his family in poverty and suffering. -- | Again we went out from the church to- | fact above its former level. Tha trees are Thomas, the son, who was four years old- | gether--Mary and I--out into the new life slanting outward, and their appearance is er than Mary, became very dissipated, at | --bound heart to heart, and hand to hand, very singular. -The railroad company are the age of eighteen was killed in a stroet | to love, honor and cherish forever. | experiencing great difficulty -in buitding tight in New York. : i Paid er -- | their road over the swamp. Since the Mrs. Granville sarvived her son but | sinking of their grading, as stated, work- NEVADA STATE PRISON. - | a few months, absolutely dying of »_ brok- | | nen with six carts have been ousy in fill- | en heart. Poor Mary thus laf fathorl ss ling it from a gravel bank near by, but | and motherless without brother or sister, | The convicts at the States Prison, situ- | what they accomplish by day invariably [Reuse andiohe, | at the age of fifteen, was forced to earn the aed a mile and a quarter from Carson | disappears during the night. About'tWo te } 5 | bread she ate and nobly has she done it. | City, n.ade » most desperate and | hundred yards will have to be filled - in a <p hy If you know her Charldy, you know one | fu, attempt to escape ever yet known to | in this way. A similar phenomenon was For many men most sadly lack of the grandest women that ever lived. -- | that establishment. On Sunday the | recently witnessed on the Maoriticello and A noble stiffness in the back. | But--what is the matter Why bless me | prisoners have nothing to do, and are per- | Port Jarvis Railway, about three miles { you look as pale as a ghost. | mitted to stand outside their cells in a | this side of the former place. The track I struggled with myself, and told Juck common room allotted to them. In ad- | (the road is in operation) sank suddenly | I had swallowed a lot of cigar smoke. I| dition to this, their design of escaping was | about ten feet below the grade. In baild- | arose and opened one of the casements, | aided fly the wind, which swept. impene- | ing the road over five hundred carloads and stepped out upon the balcony, "where { trable clouds of dust into the vallay.-- | of sand and gravel were used at this point Cracked Hoo Ring Boge: Sparmn, "5 ds the fresh air partially restored me $0 my | Shortly after the captain of the" | before a' foundation could be obtained. i tula, Sweeney. External Poisons, Sc lous. | pd \| former self. t | came Into the e room to scatter thein- | In the town of Bethel, Sullivan county, Store fo Let Possession Given in Foy Dass. if Required, Cm mt Fibs, hiss | Fig hoe wh ey sh | en thee difent cl fo be locked | cn bo witnsod igi plese 4 ahd C . i e--, | Y when reti 0 my cham- | up for the night. ° just ste f the e tion of . ore 0 g | 0ssession i¥en in 0 | as, [ equire § | temper; Swel and many other diseascs 'No Charles, --it 'cannot be. As a | ber I paced to and fro until ne past hy dr the py when he a hoe ed 9 the $ ign me £ Halla -of puter | This celebrated Liniment has been used for | friend I shall respect and esteem you; but midnight. I could no longer misunder- | down by a blow on the head with. & bottle | 2 1 Id hi A " be! J. FE. FAREWELL. a R. MoGEE. - -- . - many years, and, its curative properties | I cannot be your wife. Have. ion | ; iv ; | y : 8 violin apparently sol'd earth.. At Amber Lake, : 1 A » ? 1 / 3 9 | thoroughly fested, and is conceded 1 be the | 8. 9: Compassion | stand the motives which had actuated Mary | by éne of the prisoners, another striking | in that town, a large portion of the shores af. - - J 3 A R M JC 1 H A H I cheapest and most reliable remedy for all exter. | ON ie, but do not press me farther. ! in rejecting my hand. She knew that I | him over the left eye with a slungshot at | of that delightful little body of water is 5. I. COPWRANY, L. LB. J. - . . | nal Complaints over offered to, the Jublie it Mary Granville stood before me as she was in the habit of using wine, and on |g o time. e fell bleeding and al- floating I which gs r the Lo BARRISTER. ATTORNEY -at-LAW, i WILL SELL THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK OF plied. alls WHER lihe'y Nacd and Withfully ap | thus spoke; with her hands clasped, and | that evening when first we met she- must | - senseless to the floor, and was seized | edge, is too thin to, bear the weight of a Of Sopa Lo Cha Beer Nola Public Bose a : To be had of all Druggists and Country Mer: at Youd baved, Secusbling like an aspen; | hay discovered that I had drunk enough ' by Pat Hawley, one of the convicts, and f grown person, but further back scems on, a Bigelow's ding. Dun fas st.. ' shants taweghout the ominion. Price 25 cents il aticied a SLRS lis & four iis hot to bring the false flush to my cheek. thrown into a cell near by and the door nearly as firm as the solid shore. The D ry Good, S Boots a nd Sh OES ! | Miobe, & Lrmion. Kevcantio.. Ontdvios Pro: Eyes, Tefen gig ul girl; an a | 0, my God," I ejaculated as I sank closed. This was done withput alarming | work of bridging over the water's surface - JAMES MUIR, prietors for Canada. a go eri Io iii Bo 3 ure her? 8! he into a chair, I wonder not that she feared ' the guard or any one elseoutside the grate. + is going slow y on, and doubtless contin- " yee a : 3 : For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deans I ad beli SH A er than "128, to trust her life in my keeping. She suf- The prisoners then climbed to the top of { ues, hence this entire lake will be. en- ARRISTER, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, a®~ AT CORT PRICE AND UNDER. "w= Oshawai in! Tithy J. H. Gerrisand J.Bym' | had ieved she loved me. She Was an | fered enough from the accursed cup. The the upper tier of colls, and with an axe | crusted like the ones already mentioned, Sl Lg lg BT Kin ; : . . an : ko & ¢ -------------- non Spa aphaa, and had ees engaged Snring the night of sorrow had been long encugh up- cut a hole in the roof large enough to | and only to bo detected as they have been.. * Oshawa. Money to lend on good Farm The whole must be sold without reserve within"the next few weeks, to make room for . : past pg In teaching one of our vil- on her. She would be worse than mad to crawl through. Eachgprisoner was armed | An interesting field for scientificfinvesti- aad axl ii 4 Lo) er is yuoeester it business: %e The Great Female Remedy : Be heres life I had knownnothing, save eS sbund gw orc Thvay of Frith : sort ot pling shot, Made > i. - , pe nis pubic ta fbe found at Ph RES na 4 - - : * tach Bear, . J , ife o the pit into whic he loved | iron or other mi sewed or surreptitious- | Amber e. Jom Meer, N (0) WwW IS T H E dN X M BE t JOB MOSES PERIODICAL PILLS. that she had Joon oll Sducied; aind had | ones of other days had fallen. | Ig tied up in strips of cloth, pe he a few Last fall one of these phenpmena occur- ICENCED XTCTIONEER. OSHA- : FS HIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS | moved in good society; an had reason "But," 1 asked myself, why did she not | had knives made by themselves or obtain- | rod near Basket Station, on the 'Erie Rail unfailing in the cure of all those painful and NJ nh) [J OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1871. . 5 a » Medical Hall. " iver Complniy | 3 | By / [v, isn't Mary Granvill and that »pects for. th : been bl Td et Complaint their 0 ' ir i ' IBY {hi way: Chasiéx, Jan's Mary nvile | cL or Care bright ang plorions. 4 been left over night had entirely disap- : RATES OF ADVERTISING 3 lines and vinder. first tnserth : pted for the above complaints. , Its merits aro BACKBONE. "Do y her and pleasant---the n gave forth a new | i : hat co on. c._. Each subsequent insertion. AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co., | MUPly proven by testimonials from those who I aot tag ca Tutt aud rotenone a a Bie art | iow depth wis oll that could be pec from six to ten lines, first insertion 5 would inform the public that'he h iv: | fisye been benefitted by its use. It is called the When y: fello 1 turned away my lage ane Jrece i ug An iron rod fifty feet long was put down, Each subsoquent insertion X P ty . 8 Just received & fall vesortment of i ek, Give the ads ertisement, which is to Withoat fixed bo hp that 1 heard something at the window. i | Jonget ma sug and, Thiey had Soe but no bottom was reached, a its real Over tea lines, trst insertion, per lie ' in an r column, a perusal. th vd 4 " her," I lied. when | their 8 down m the willows, and | 2 t vet boen ascertained. Tk ad mboquens Insortiom, © 002 Dr ugs, P atent M. edicines, P erfumer Y, Dye Stuff: S, | ) SR A Walflng thelr acto J ocr. halt 1 have ue our pn He Tn Co plays the ! i chambers of the _new Temple, opts > Ee of the pi PIL sol Ly Jghots 3 Se lL Sy 70 ~ - - a y g Canadian Pain Destroyer With a! --~-- Hoinin vy hg organ in our church." | more resplendent far than ©! old, they sang | country would seam to indicate 'that an Ravertisements without soci directions. wil TOILET ARTICLES, &«.. A SA FAMILY MEDICINE, IT 1 Ready toreirace or waver, * She and I were schoolmates," pursued | the songs that had aforetime made joyous | underground lake existed, but is now cn- Ee Ie: © WHICH HF. WiLL Sk J : well and favorably known, reli ving thou illing to be drove of led ; Stanton, and speaking of wine brings her | the city of their God. = All marked the | tirely overgrown. In the immediate vi- En hd Te he ef A LL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. ands from pain in the Throw your moral shoulders to my mind. » you know anything. of | grandeur of the music that sprang into | cinity of this spot there are boiling springs, qdice of publication by 10 o'clock on the Wednes- D-. Downy' OM2in the Drug Store. Remember the stand. nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel. Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Just the thing whic h his 1 an ek. : To merchants and chet adveRIng BY the pear 110 V1oaTL we 11. Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in Te A sirdager word * Nothing," I answered. _, jiston thatbeautiful Sabbath morning, | grown lake, it is thought to have an outlet 4 by all Druggists and Medicine rade. ey sn SIR oe a . 3 i. Was never heard *' Poor Mary! I never think of her with- | and all seemed moved by the inspiration. | iy these springs. They are never-failing, JRUFF. BENTLEY & CO 2 N = al . t hii Dysenters, Bowel Complaints, Burns, seuss sajtone out my resolution of total abstinence grow | To me it was like the holy odipousing of | and boil up in the meadows in large num- PRR . - ad -- 'y y eC. . Brougham,. On z usmess &5 wee oxy. I 0 O M F AF E R vine Caxabiax Paix Destrovee has school-children together her father was tiie | and folded hands I gave myself up to the | stream is formed by thew. To give ii . < x whe: used is well lik failing in Fearing to reject or question, richest man in Berryville, and she and | sublime influence. . foundation to this theory of a subterran- a i piers ROOM PAPER, ROOM PAPER. Siiiifsrmnasii FEI. RIAN "UE re i ee | SEES tr ae tant te the D Cc? . pu YSICIAN, SURGEON, AND y 48%, - od | gate of dissatisfaction. ite The airacticnt hee Choking down cach manly view, i ACCOUCHEUR, King Street, Oshawa. i Dro) Bo ¢ True, 1 E aed lighted with its operations, and _& in Tah to know the Good ne True agi Patrons and the Public generally, that he has received, diroct from England, the First Instal- offect " - Sow Jon: oral should ra back, ey . ; - i Ve peak from e icnco in the matter, hav- Just the thin, rhich hi t lack. Spring Stock of Paper Hanging, [m&iiSmiiaiianimni, --ilibe hia. FRANCIS RAE, M, D,, HYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCH- : : : 3. A and Coronas. Kt ' To which he would call special attention. The at superiority of English P. being a Sovereign Remedy. ur, and Coronor. King St., Os! aE" pec periority aper RK ian y A SF. 404 Garense. Xue St, Oaws, 12 over that of Canadian manufacture is ol ig acknowledged. The we. Nes | pahe.asto efficacy of the Canadian Pain and firmness of the colors and the extra width of the rolls combine to estab- Ey Ine ae To ich 1 1a | | recommended, and its wonderful effects in sub- | Then you ses a politician lish their preminence over all others. The subscriber being the only duing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in {raving through contracted holes, Importer of this class of Goods in Oshawa, is confident that no other relieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to high | for some fat position, r rank in the list of Remedies. Orders are coming | In the ring, or at the polls, House can offer Greater Inducements, either as regards QUALITY OR PRICE. J eee fm a . ol . INGO here." | PD IN. DEANS ing the bite a. hai DN aricuany | a "1 "Yes," said 1. On the following day,--a Sabbath, calm | prared, and water -and loose mud of an Lach subsequent insertion Walk yourself with firmer Bearing, ulders back, ; : her early life?" | life beneath the fouch of the fairy organ- | and, 'as no stream passes from this over- very liberal discount will be made. the Stomach, Cholera Morbus. A Proprietors, Whenyou 2s + thevlogian ingstronger and stronger. Whenwewere | a redeomed soul, and with bowed head | bers The water is excellent, and quite a . n before the public for a length of time, and =H close some oroed, kdown o bi Mr. Granville was in the habit of drink- | caught hereye. Mine was deep with moist- | 4¢ these springs from cight to ten inches ---- < b y followed, but on the cont: all forms ui # 3 T 4 TBSC oo § + » Ne | A cirsi A res I Stoves 1 ASidense 8d Otloe--Nealy onposite Hobbs HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS MOST RESPECTFULLY TO INFORM HIS | are ite ofcrations, end speak. in ny of are ng | which it is recommended, may depend upon it Hpk RR is Than this, backbone. ' C. S. EASTWOOD, M.D. JFRADUATR OF THE UNIVERSITY of Toronto, at present at Black's Hotel, 4 - nel, in from Medicine Dealers, in all parts of the With no sterling man in him, Oshawa. 1-2 country, for further supplies, and aa testifying | Nothing stable, broad or sound, ) as.to tha universal satisfaction it gives. Destitute of pluck or ballast, The Canadian Pain Destroyer never falls to | Double-minded all around; . | give immediate relief. All Medicine Dealers Walk yourself with firmer Sensing. ? | keep it ; Physicians order and use it; and no Thro ~ your meral shoulders bac | family will be without it after it. Show your spine as nerve and marrow Price. only Twenty-five Cents per bottle, Just the things w' For sale by W. T, Atkinson and Dr. Deans | shajea, in thy by. 3. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne Having been appointed 'sole agent for the Little Wanzer* Sewing Machine, he oan | O wool yn by John Warren. supply them on better terms than any other dealer in the county. BE <4. FERGUSON, ! HE HAS ALSO ON HAND A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF Te Ne Niel ICENTIATEorDENTAL SURGERY. ar arches, ils, and public € T the Groeer f Messrs. S | ae sa Bassas 2m Books). Stationery, FANCY 6000S, And Toys! e is alsgnannfacturing the « in uke in all the pring] " Railway thing build- All operations preformed in a skilful manner. Residence in the same building. HOT AIR DRUM vo atari SIE SPER SAN DUB. Yo Veterinary Surgery and Drug Store, | ENRY'S BEQCK, KING STREET, of A) ! Oshawa. Horse and Cattle Medicines ofa. leCINember the stand, directly opposite Hindes' Hotel supsrigs quality: Al drags warranted pure, A ' Oshawa. careful Dispenser always on t mises. Pro- i NG MACHINES. | nietor--W. G. FITZMAU RICE, late of Her | Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. . ajesty s 7th Dragoon Guards and Horse Artil- ' ery. - y ¥ tn -------------------------- Parley's Arabian Oil. FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. JAMES F. WILLOX |. 4 NEVER FAILING ~ REMEDY. | THIS valuable preparation combines all | he medicinal virtue of those articles which long RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. fir fois ba sort | in Canada. 1 OO Te aa he Wheeler & Wilson, the Hows, the Osborne Sewing Machines. * : = TE -- sii A TRFTR + FAREWELL & McGEE, LEWIS QUICK. : \ CEVS ne. SAugast 9. 1871 18a ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SO- Le, AEA LICITORS, Conveyancers and Notaries : = N i 1 I Ushawa, outh-East Corner of King and cery Notice Suc: hang y ' - && MONEY to Lend. Mortguges bought and sold. Selections, wr ee os to creditors of - - which horses and cattle are subject to. D HOOQEY, DECEASED. 4 Tw amr to a Decree of the Court of Cha: bf HOOEY against FERGUSON. { David Hooey, late of the the County of Durham' ho died in or sors U8 : , or before tosend! post, 3 A a H 3 Hows oo0ey, op lssuer oO Fe ER = I ican vain L0 3» ~~ While this Sale lasts, to buy your Spring and Summer Goods, in | dabgerous diseases to which, the, female consti. Tid ool wealthy wiv het father lid fail- 1 found no diffigulty in answering the egress for them to jump to the ground, | acres of laud. heavily timbered with hem : = : cGs | moves ail obstructions, and & speedy cure may be ! } ) question. She nk from wound- | therefore, calculating the distance correct- | lock,-occupyin, an elovated position, sud- r. B. HOOVER, CLOTHING G d S 1 TROWSERINGS Moves al " ¥ jhe said Fe eine bad killed him. I had ing my feelings. I knew how sensitive | ly they passed along to just over a 'room | denly sank b. ow the 'surface, The tops Marriage Licenses rwgrps ress 0]0) . RATS. CAPS, | 3 1, onuiinrie oor Er SADIS ort time. | o8 un that "lazy was poor --that she was | } 0 0 and I knew that she had been | at the head of the wain staircase, leading | of the highest trees in the tract "could not SE - v r $ larity. upon her daily labor for 'sup- | yfraid of offending me. Perhaps she | from the second story to the ground flogr. | be seen above the banks. |Thé sinkin, HITEVALE. OATING OF EVERY VARIETY. i i 3 . ps | ; . S - I'd c ; a heae Pills should not be alen, by. Females pos a comfortable home, with the . avdan. | thO"ght me pi and headstrong enough | Susting 8 hole Yetough the roof aA haat y was not accompanied by a crash, as in a 2 ENE rnc , - - 7 r uring the "EK MONTHS of Preg- ' 4 0" | to resent such liberties on: her part; and | as possible the scamps immediately | land-slide, but the land appeared to sink OSHAWA LIVIRY STABLE, PRINTS. LUSTRES., FRENCH MERINOES, trou, rng ow dhaeddvriye, tages o icoderate wealth, Bria given in- | pans she imagined that I might look | jumped down tivou , and passing down | gradually and' casily. ne trees stood, WwW H: THOMAS, PROPRIETOR. -- Cases of Nervous and Spigal Affections, | 150 en, 0), Prospective happiness. But | upon for course as tho offering of her | the stairway wore directly in possession of | and are _ still. standing, in 'their natural to Boavert eoting with St at Lind vy als Towels &e. | Whites. ey gl A Bgl gd and hopes to the ground. | the wine-cup, and that I might spurn said | officers of the prison were wy tls 2d Poin 2 Doles had oer. > verton, conn 3 with Steamer ye > . p i t © ac w " » i | - | i + . ny. 12 Hemp Carpets, Hollands, Tickings, Shestings, Toweling S, i ther moans have failed . and althous he power. « Do Jou Beanf ried, vehemently, | offer. : | ly by surprise, but as soon as the alarm | nomenon there is a lake, which no doubt . . oS | mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. "1 cannot be your wife !™ was her re. | On Fridry Jack Stanton left me, and on | W88 given the Bing | Soumencell, x a Shee Bon Sad over hich RCHITECT, PATENT, INSUR- : package, which should be carefully od. | PY on™ anid I. with | boarding place. herself answered | Which the guards and officers stood up to | ot i 4 p, ; Simcoe Street, 3 JOB MOSES, NEW Y¥ SOLE PROPRIETOR. | hy s With more warmth A 4 | it manfully, and the prisoners fought with | road, running from Carbondale, Penn., Oa et oo the atin Line of Steamers Produce taken in Exchange for Good S. : ro 13 cont ry postage, enclosed to | than I might have displayed . under other my Nr, Boog bic pig ih { all the poo So of bd rig I was of | to i Penn,, a lake was discoverv joang fom Gibbs Bros. FW. Glen, Esq. | Nadie Ep, Newcattie. Ont., general | Ci , "" Ileave you to yourself, | © | short duration, however, when the con- | ed in building the road, from which fish 12-1y | IL a "bottle, | and while I strive to shake off the love | her heart. b : 3 pone} ) WB. Fairbank, bee. me | a se i W. T. Atkinson and Dr. Deane | 12¢ has bound me to you, I willoniyhops | Mary." sid I, speaking very ealily, | (th puso tveef tie prem Thore] amet nud iocos of wodd singularly iE Oshawa: In Whitby by J. H. Gerrieahd J. Byrne | hat when you lead another into your net, | for I had a mighty strength of will to sup- | U1o'79 i'll confined thers, but the re- : > T-- NT al : : ; : mths of persistent labor | bed N O A B E N E in Brociyn by John Warren, | { will keep him after you have caught | port me, "I have hot come to Hiatus YOU | mainder were secured before they could ad oT pr ppd 5 tw | . BIL LS ERAN IRI Sn TS ; : | 1 have come asa. friend, and 1 humbly | vq effectual resistance. --- | bear the: trains. These singular Yes | She gazed upon my face with a painful, | ask that you will give me audience" for a - wa. All orders le at this Office will be to believe that at some time her parents | tell me the whole truth." ed. The roof was too high at the point of | road, in Bullivan county. About threo SHIRTINGS, | bring on the monthly period with regularity. rt--and the thought that I could offer & . . In all : ! on hand. also. Daily Line of Stages from Osawa French Delaines, Gloves, Hose, Tapestry, Kidderminster and Pains inthe Back und Limbs, Fatlgue on siighi | this unexpected answer had dashed all my | pon in consideration of my renouncing | the office and armory. t ' Fulll directions in th hlet around each | | Saturday evening I called at Mary's | a8 8 desperate vhich should be careful reserved: ly ¥ y her case. Under the Jefferson Rail. Pu Swede Tat 2 OSHAWA, APRIL I, 1871 . 14f DOMINION BANK! WHITBY GENCY. Yee peel "EUREKA" ie 15 A Y VEGETABLE MEDICINE FOR THE CURE OF F i PS1A, LIVER COMPLAINT or APPETITE, GENERAL DIBILITY | LL DISEASES of THE BLOOD the power of Toni: tomach,of Exciting 1 BE : ma s have their gz in, or ate greet Ind tion, e Orgalis do not perform. igned them, hence racted from the fi hat neuri Liu, Oct. 3rd, 141 . Rowe, Havin used three bottles ot « ally w ' of ve the Eu for #he Liver, Loss of J. HB. 3 CLELLAN Aent B. SHERIN & Co., WW HOLESALE MANUFACTURERS of HOOP SKIRTS. Best New York Ma- terial used. The trade supplied on best terms. Facto King Street, East, Bowmanville. 3 2 * BD. HOLLIDAY, RUOKLIN, ONT.. AGENT' FOR the Teolated Risk Fire Insurance Company . of Canada, Toronto, a purely Canadian Institn- tion. - Also, tor Queen's and Lapeashire Compan- ies, capital £2:600,000 éacl. Also. Agent and Appraiser--for the Canada Permanent Building and favings Society, Toronto, for loans of money at low rates of interest. 18-1y SPRING STYLES is great profusion at the Dominion Outfitting STORE. Latost Styles in Hats and Caps. Latest Styles in Neckties & Collars. Latest Styles in White & Co1'd Shirts A LARGE STOCK OF ; Men's Under-Clothing VERY CHEAP A large and sttraetive stock of , Men'sd Boys' Ready-made CLOTHING. WALTER WIGG & SON, Cabinet Makers, Undertalkers, &e. AVING GREATLY ENLARGED OUR WAREROOMS, AND LIKEWISE | | added considerable NEW. STOCK thereto, a ogrdial invitation is extended to all to come | and see them. Great inducements held ont to those purchasing at our Esta blishmen : SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. A SPLENDID NEW HERSE FOR HIRE. Coffins kept constantly on hand or made to order. A choice lot of Carriages and Perambulators just received Cheap for Cash Leas aling's Patent Balance Window Blind Lifter, the best Last, But nef Least, 2 thing of the kind in use, at the THF. NEW DOMINION' FURNITURE: WAREROOM KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA. Juue st, 1871. a TT y Stork's € prated 1 O N G. B. Stock's Cele A u C T Extra Machine 0il NOW USED IN ALL THE PRIN. | AND Commission Business. | -- HE SUBSCRIBER IN RETT 'RNING the many nia Sars BABLY commenced the Auction Business, bags leave to state that he is i pi pared to attend ta; Sales wherever desi Deal iso state that he has lsaced the longing oll, at Harmones: ging to Ae ing on Rand kinds of MACHINERY, TRY THE NATION AL PlLIS) In Memoriam. GAINST EXPENDITURES in honor of the dead, Heaven has uttered no prohibition, and Earth is not benefitted, by them. All those beautiful emblems which adorn the many tombs around which we love nger, assure us we are in a world of warm and loving hearts; the adorni of the sepulchres of the "loved ones alleviates our grief and soothes the wounded heart. It also cheers the reaved to know that an additional em- bellichment of the grave presents strc nger attractions to arrest the atten- tion of the stranger, and causes him to [ores and learn the name of one who as shared so largely in the love of others, © Wo take this method to inform you that we caa fill orders for decorating the faves of departed friends, at low gures, executed in (he best style of workmanship. . MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE. ~--~AND-- SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE, supplied on short notice. Everythin pertaining 40 Cemetery work will m. with prompt attention, by leaving or- ders with : C. BOUNSALL, Bowmanville. NATIONAL PILLS, The Best Cathartic of Any Age or Country. NEW DISCOVERY 'OF ME- DICINE, are composed of TVNOLLVN J HLAWL TS. Ww RUFF, BENTLEY & CO, gop ors, Brougham, Ont. Propriet | the kegs I fancied d | groaned and wept. frightened look; but I did not stop to hear | { her speak further. While she stood there | 1 Joe and trembling, I turned and left the 0 use. I remarked that under other circum. | stances ] might have been more cool and | | collected in my speech; and what do you suppose, dear reader, the attending cir- cumstances were 1 I will tell, pou candidly. | 1 was a little heated with wine. TF--had | drunk just enough to warm my blood, and | give to the brain an extra impulse: and | my words were not chosen as I would have chosen them had the spirit of wine - been absent. As 1 walked towards my home I | sought to persuade myself 1 hodfortunate- I ped. the snares of a coquette, and that 1 might be better enabled thus to reason, I stopped at the hotel where I found a few of my companions, and helped to dispose of half a dozen bottles of wine. On the following morning 1 awoke with a headache, and when I called to mind | the event of tho preceding evening I was unhappy but happy. T began to realize | I had Prod how much )) Granville. There was an aching void in my heart, ; and I fairly wept as I contemplated my Joss. It was myfirst Jove: and its uence i rmeated every fibre of my being. -- | The wo jo ! tifol girl.had become more | to me than I could tell, and I ed in | | 'bitter anguish when I thought that -she | | was lost to me forever, 1 had resolved | | that I would feel very ! nant; but when the sweet face was called | upto mental view, such feelings melted | away, lea: ime sad and desolate. | On the following Sabbath I attended ! | church, where I saw | She played the organ as she had 'done for | | years past, as ger now swept lover ; : I and indig- could detect a tremulousness whi before. . Was it o was there really a plaintiveness, a sadness | in the expression of her music ! to nie. it seemed as though, at times, the i Dona pe (52 !'T bi you not. It may iced | paths may be different through life; but | head. He bled i ogg or! ahall at least know that he whom | doubtless have been killed | brance. | hencefort| few minutes." J She went into the parlor, and I follow- ed her, closing the door behind me; and when we were alone she set the lamp on the table and motioned me to a seat.-- "No," said I, "I will not sit down yet.-- | Give me your hands, Mary. Mechanically she put forth her hands, and I took them in my own. There was a wondering look upon her face and a slight flush had come to her pale cheeks. '" Mary" I continued, speaking slowly and softly--and I knew that a moisture was gathering in my eyes--"you must | answer me one simple question. Answer it as you please, and take my solemn as- surance that 1 only ask it for my good. -- Tell me--do you love mel No, no--do not take your hands away yet. Answer me if you can. Fear not--O, fear not ; for I would rathér go' forth into endless night than do you a wrong. Tell me, Mary--Do you love me 1" "I cannot speak falsely," she trembling- ly whispered ; '" for my own peace per- haps I 'love you too well." At this time Lieut-Governor Denver, with his family and a few guests, were eat- ing supper in the Warden's room, -while Bode man, a life convict,: sentenced for murder, was Saty} the table. . Sud- denly the clanking of the prisoners' chains was heard on the robf immediately : above their heads. The whole party thought it was an earthquake, and started in dismay. Meantime the convicts had cut through the roof of the next apartment at the head of the stairs. The cause of thé uproar now became evident. Some of the ladies ran screaming down the stairs, just ahead of the prisoners, and into the front yard, not knowing what was about to happen. -- | Two of the prisoners came to the dining- room, when they were met by Lisut-Gov- ernor Denver and . Denver drew his revolver and shot one of them, Cliffard, while Dedman drove the other back with a chair. Both retreated down the staircase, | but Clifford subsequently returned und gave hinself up, desiring to be hidden away from the rest, as be said they Yould, | kill him because he had opposed this * Listen to mo one moment," I added, | beforo it was made. The convicts, now drawing her nearer to mo ; *'and when 1 have told you what I have to tell you, you shall be the judge." She did not strive to free her hands ; but she gazed up eagerly into my face, and her eyes beamed with a hopeful light. "You know John Stanton 7" I said. "Yes," she replied. : "He was my friend while wo were at college, and our friendship has not wn less. He has been to see me, and e told the story of the trials and suffer- ings of gne of the school-mates of his you have loved will so live that he shall (armed, were fighting des] | guard below, and some y with the them tried to come up the staircase, but at the top, were met with a warm tion from | must prove of interest to scientific men, and are worthyof earnest consideration. ADVICE TO OLD MEN BY A BOY. I cannot pick up a newspaper - withov ' Advice to Boys stares me in the face. Old men write it, I s'pose. Nobody else is capable of giving advice to boys; of course not ! They know all aboat us, they do 'cause they've been there. | Advice is a good thing to have, no doubt, and nobody should be without it, but a fellerdon't want to be crammed with it all the time to the exclusion of all other diet. | Now, old men need advice occasional ly, but in looking through the new re I don't see as they get it. So T {(hought I would just write a little advice to old men myself, if I am not presuming too much, (as Annt Chloe says) and I prosume that I am. | In the first Jaen; you old chaps ought to get over telling how much smarter boys were when you were young, than boys are now. You believe it yourselves, of course, 'cause you've told it so many | times, but we boys can't see it. We have. a netion that boys boys pretty much the world over, (e; some that are girls), and one Denver and Dedman. Denver gave them | | what he had in his revolver, while Ded- | man fought with all the chairs he ' could get hold of, knocking them: down stairs one after the other. "One fellow came at Dedman three times with a long knife,and each time he was knocked down. The third time he was knocked or pitched over the balustrade head first. Meanwhile Denver was shot through the hip or fleshy \ | of the thigh, and received one or two | very well why you refused wy. hand, andy part got tes , and would it not been for She bravery of Bob Dedman in defend- not be unworthy of your kindest remem- | Ing of the daughter of Zion by the rivers 0 of ly ow ithe il A was over, |#7are. Under the new light that has :1 know that my feet have | screaming i il- hitherto walked in the path of danger, but | into the Jord, Matt Pixley, of the Warm 13 Was His the wa h I am free from the dread otel ' i When the ladies ran down Spri close to the gate, hearin iron, Sembee 2 couple g of them don't lay aver another generation to an alarming extent. Only let you tell it, and you could put run, out-jump, out-wrestle,' out-any- thing-else the rising gendration' of to-day when you was a boy. Grandfather, who has the gout, and half-a-dozen different kinds of rheumatism, is always saying that. I heard him singing, "I would 1 were a boy again." I would he were too; if I couldn't beat him running, and flop him on his back, side , 1don't wan'ta cent. I would not go #0 far as to say, "Par- ents, obey Louk children," but I would suggest to fathers that they give us a hearing occasionally on matters in ; we are the ones most interested. Don't make us go and slide down hill when * we' want to , and don't try to preachers of us when we much or to {run a saw mill, This is figurative, but I ---- | wow ! dawned upon-me, I hold the wine cup to | pistols, but was shot dead on the po.ch of | guess you know what I mean. | - : om : bv hate Shu 1 bea hep nly and I will shun A as | the prison by Charles Jones, ono of the | After giving us boys sage advico about D* BOYER'S -| though she had beenisick. What could it | I would a shameful life and a clouded | convicts, through a window, 0 ball is | our conduct, and how to behave, you old GALVANTIC FLUID, w | bet? fas she suffering/as I suffered } the | death bed. For my own sake I will do | thought to have been from a Henry rifle; ers ought to be careful how you get to F | thought flashed upon'ine that some one | this so that my sainted mother, if she can [it entered his head just below the t eye, | relating your boyish s rapes to each og Universally acknowledged to be one off _. | had been telling her shmething to my. dis- | look down from heaven upon her boy, | killing him instantly. The prison guard | and laughing over thew before we are out the most powerful Ligiments for the - | advantage. I had enpmies in the village | can smile approvingly upon the course he | generally consists of but five orseven men, | of earshot. The other day grandfather ure | --enemies who envied me because I had | has chosen. And now, Mary, if at some | and at the time the first alarm was given | read me a long lectures about the rights of inherited some wealth; and 1 fancied, | future time a yua should feel What you could. Hey ho a ide Je Jian. - properly, temperance and sabbath-break- . enemi i o ary | trust your happiness in my keeping, you © of , F. M. 1saacs, former ing. | enemies who envied ms the love of Mary will di me Pile token threo 2 | 1 Virginia city, jmumediataly conto d the| That very nicht an old erany of "hia other passed | will come again and ask. you for your motley crow issuing rom the t door, | came to visit, a, and they had a glass of WE sad Eareok puted y ime | hand ; and should it be my blessed lot to with his revolver, doing some very effec | punch togetho-. They thought I was | irksome to me, and my books and papers | receive it, I will devote every energy of tive shooting, as well as being shot down | asleep on the sofa, and the way they run | afforded me no respite. In fact I could | my being to making your life a joyous and | himself in return. His right knee was | on about the fun they had when they were | not read, for my mind was never upon the | 8 happy one." / : broken by a ball, which passed through it, | boys together. They told all about rob. page before me. Another Sabbath at the | Ilet go her hands, and I bowed my |and | in the rear'portion of the left | bing Lyon's melon patch, und it turned church and I saw Mary again. It seemed | head to wipe away a tear. I had turned | knee. Johnny Newhouse, another of the | out it was on a Sunday night, too ! When to me 'that she was paler than before, and | towards the door, really intending to de- | guard, from Gold Hill, rushed into the | I went to bed they were taking their third her eyes looked as though she had been | part and give her time for reflection, when | fray regardless of danger, fig with | glass of punch, and I don't know how 1 she pronounced myname. I looked back, | the utmost cool bravery. Heshot | many they had after that. - I know i. ceseding week I received and her hands were stretched out towards | Parsons, one of the Verdi railroad rob- | father's rheumatism was a greatdeal worse MANGLES THAT TOOK THE FIRST x's Oil machinery, which re. | TO LET. During | | bers, through the body, and directly after- | the next day, and he ; PRIZE AT TORONTO, volves about 4.000 times per minute, and. find 1 | A visit from ny old college chum, Jack | me. was himaelf shot in the back and > ined Shyu: are, to te gepmd in ins 0d . AM NOW PREPAREDR-TO LEND ( i ! ns | Avia 1 co me. ot algal Towed the est dod hes Sho: a u ress Es : IL. a o wo he? The Susurity of Gaod AND FANNING Ls, She Vuly ou ee Conc, Bangor. Ont.' | The Pump Shop Be ony bof fod Jon ogee a fig ask fi poi yet. | Watch me--prove the rear Jortion of his heal 20 that he fell Sul aio t taking oe much j poy ; Ls addition to. install or Productive Town Property, i 5 ¢ , : | t, may be ob > a a host of other things;and last but not least, A fo 3% cozy lor ki Ph 1 | -" Onl me to know that I have werless. ertsich, a vonian, from ve noticed old men 0 " A id ds and Se Wi N ¢ P ible R L of Interest, irs bol been Wppoiated agent for the sale of . oB0. Bi =. Bog. Oshawa, Feb. 7, 1871 | wie A & LATELY. nF a Tt a bottle of EE not bo i i ors ot : a arson, another of the guard was outside that they can't'stand as muck a8 Sve R i A WiLL yorE ans JOHN MDORALD'S TOMB STONES io g ab rioating Oe one than a | At pr y oF Only business of the | amiss. Jack shook his head. { 1 sto speaking for Mary's head had | the gate, but hurried to 'stand in with | to, or as younger men can} They Soleitors, BO AND MARBLE, MADE AT NEW- Jerters 4, 30 far 8s known to me, it will neither | in town--plenty of custom---rare chance for | «No Charley," he said, "we'll ledve | been pillowed on my bosom, and she was | the rest. He did some lively shooting, | mad if a feller like me Tints that" er : CASTLE Fam 10r Grodin, 0d ane A Farzwenr + * 5 : Tr. SILVER. | the wine for those who need it." | wounding several of the convicts. He, | can't. We've all got to play out some day, hy Investments made in Debentirex, Mortages, . ery ' \ a aoe Red it; ¢ (Fives ANDaRE ENBACKE BOUG wr AND jy ik 2 Pion i od Land Sides kept SR - "" Yes; but it nves did me any good." .| my arms about her. '0, Charles, I nev- | ball = $y ER ANDGREEN v HT AD All of w repairs. A share | 1 « And do you think it ever di you any | er doubted your truth. now you oan |# dan 22 of pubilé Famonege = i | Bricks ! Bricks " * | not deceive me. God bless you for your | Another of the guard is JAMES HOLDEN, AGENT FOR y \ FAB DOMINION ¢ | tion ; and let me_ hel to fault it ; i DAVID BISHOP, WINANS, BU & Co., No. 77, Froat se. | R SALE, MACHINE-MADE PRES | I I . | fruble sepobs on ; an me_ help you in Oficial Assignee, Money Broker, &e. ! A 0 ; Bo pit these i Office McMillan's Block, Brock Sv... Whitby. | ptdonse ey sl Harwdugy. vw v. ems, : n White Bricks, a of now and en ped for the above ' ) { 5 bed for thes UMBRELLAS CLIMAX DOUBLE OYLINDER : Yours truly, F. W. GLEN, Prest. | : THRESHING MACHINE, | 1 will run Stook's Oil against any other olin | to Sperm or CARPET-BACSH, | ! reo! 188g0 ¥ Dominion, aad I prefer it SATCHELS | Manufactured b Mad 0 A = | Fit oil, or --y pid used on machinery. Shich ls the A. HexpErsoN, Foreman Joseph Hall Works. a, : "wr Ontario, also the . d . CRICRET | LITTLE GIANT THRESHER AND f 1 find Stock's Oil to be the best ofl I have ever ad in my Flouring Mill for lubricating respectrully, 3 J. Friusox, MM. E. Minister. "Lyn, May Lith, 18% - RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, And for all cases where an_exterhal aj plication is required, an 4 yy efbie that it has no equal for the complaints enumerated. | { \ | | Granville. ail and whilcsale by all druggies NOR ROP & LYMAN, THROP. & Jt weastle, Onb ¢ 1 & Co, Hamilton. B. H. MITCHEl fd Money to Lend, 4 Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers. WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO. 'INIA DINVA'IVO SUNAOH LACROSSE BELTS, SEPARATOR, p {ODDER'S sheen use, made by Joseph Shar- had usdq viive Ricvious to Stock's, and I find | CHEAP st HO | man, Stratford, also the KE REAPER ] hn TR Oui. G. HODDER. JOH CEE CHI ED, J would rather have Stocks OI | than any : \ THE OHIO COMBINED WOOD'S bo experience a DLanA, &¥ One oor North of McLean's Cheap Grocery SELF-RAKE » dor Brows & yi | Store, Slmcoe Street, Oshawa. » reman Paterson, Whit : : Ji J Stock' Ifind it to excel RW 1591. 24 THECAUGACHIEF JUNIOR MOWER, | Ihave used Stock's Oil and THE FA: FAMED PARIS GRAIN |alollIhaveeverused in 4 years manuihcuirins | 4 DRILL, { pracipally previous to ang Soc OIL l | CULTIVATORS, GANG PLOWS, | acon | DR. BOYERS GALVANIC FLUID. Vioney- to Loan. A Soni REDUCED RATES. S.FOR FROM ONE TO ; AND ALL OTHER PLOWS. We prefer Stock's Oil to either 8; Olive, or ALSO CLIFTS PATENT LOOM | 07 other olla cron toe aon. hos it. | } | nce SPAIGAT & SON, Markham, | | 1 | { | { | 1 | 8 sums and manner to sait borrowers. Principal po Sus be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one sind Sg : - Ne now," she uttered, as I wound | however, soon received a settler from a | and when he feels he is bs gr s i i i why not come down 'and "ac- knowledge the corn ? . FE Now, in the above remarks i mean any disrespect. 1 like old in their place, but don't want so much of their advice. Give the hoysn chance", « | 3 in Lia eed 4 » Bricks! Bricks! ALE, MACHINE-MADE PH White 'Briekm, ot ie SOLE PROPRIETOR : GEO. B. STOCK, Brovemax, Oxr. For further particulars apply to i : T cannot tell how long I stopped that and successful break in 1 bpris, raey, 171. 111. -