Ontario Reformer, 16 Jun 1871, p. 4

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"a A WONDERFU "ing of the - No printed description can do full Justice » ------ -- A MADMAN IN CHURCH. TERRIBLE SCENE. MURDEROUS ASSAULT --A "on Sunday morning, about 11 o'clock, John Gibney, a native of Ireland, thirty- five years of age, entergd the Roman Cath- olic Church of St. Vincent Ferrer, N. Y. He walked up the aisle for some distance, and as he had neglected to take off his hat, James MecLarney, the sexton, called his attention to the fact, and asked him to re- move it. ~ Gibney replied to - the request by making a lunge at' McLarney with a Jjack-knife, but his blow took effect upon Michael Curley, who happened to be near; est him, and the point of the knife was buried and broken off in the forehead of the unfortunate man. His deadly assault Haturally created the wildest confusion in the congregition, and whiie the females * shrieked in terror, a number of the males made a rush upon the assailant. |. Gibney, howeyer, drew a large axe from under his coat, stood at bay and threatened to brain the first man who 'should lay hands upon him. The: cry" of "lynch him," then | sprang with terrible earnestness and al- mast simak aneonsly from hundreds of lips. 1 fin wed, and ma moment more the infuriated man woyld have been dragged from the church, and suspended to the first convenient ob- | ject; but at this critical instant Officer Hitchman, of the Nineteenth Precinct, rushed in, "and interposed himself between Gibney and the maddened congregation. . Being thus given a moment for reflection, the outraged multitude became quiet; and . Gibney was taken, without difficulty, from the church by the officer to the Nineteenth Precinct Station House, where : 1 locked up on a charge of felonious assault. he was coon. The Englsh Channel Problem. It is proposed to lay down a cast-iron tube for railway purposes between Eng- land and France: The tube will be com - menced at one side of the Jaid at the bottom of the sea, being built up inside a horizontal cylinder or bell, fo n channel, and be constantly pushed forward as the build- tube proceeds: * The line sc- lected for the tube to be thus submerged is close to Dover on the English side of | the channel, and would extend to Cape Grisneg, on the French coast, the distance between the two points being 22 miles, and the average depth of water 110 feet. According to this plan, the tube would be large enouth for the passages of railway : while carriages of ordinary' construction, y » coulgpbe worked by pneumatic procuring a "constant sup- the trafi pressure, thus ply of pure air, and at the same tine pre- cluding the possibility of a collision. It is estimated that 'a slow train will be able o accomplish the ilistance in ope hour and six minutes, but" an express train in 45° minutes. . Five thousand. passgngers and 10,000 tons of goods could be conveyed | through the tube daily. ets = 0 THERE arc few substances capable of be- ing applied to 3 greater variety of uses than paper ; in fact there are but few uses ta which it cannot now, with solue degree of success, be applied. The have heard of is jie employment Of this material ini making car wheels. The New York '¢ Sun™ describés the manner of using' it for this purpose as "follows: --The paper is cut igto dises the diameter of the wheel, less the thickness of the tire. and subjected to a pressure of one and a half tons to. the sqnare'inch, and then , steurc d - by iron flanges held by bolts passing through them and the paper. The wheel then receives a steel or iron flanged tire. The advantages claimed for the paper for this purpose are, that, itis noise- latest we use' of less, does not swell or shrink with the weather, affords a stay to the tire and la- | * téral support in turning curves, adapts it- self to any triflingZinequality of the inner service of the tire, and is stronger than any other materi f the same weight of wlrich a wheel can possibly be made. surrounding -- ---- : - L INVENTION. Abel's new : exhibition, is one of the most" wonderful and beautiful of recent inventions. It ocenpies but one- tenth the space of, and accomplishes ten times more work, than any other loom. -- A boy cau/furnish enough power for sev- The old needlcis used, are so free from: tension | threads can be knit and wov- The entire op- The yarn | Knots are | sheared, and fresh bobbins are | ied without any interruption. There combination loom on - eval maehines. but the! that dei cate en into a fine eration 18 viewed at a glance, trong cloth, j-asses direct from the bobbin. is no dressing, beaming; spooling or warp- | ing : in fact, the old nicthod is entirely The makes twenty-five yards of cloth per hour. At takes its gwn warp or filling from the same | bobbin as the weft threads. cloth that cannot be ravelled, of jute, flax, revolutionized. machine It weaves a ool, cotton or silk, and can produce fine blankets, strong carpets, wool sacks, gun- ny cloth, bagging, cotton, linen, or silk 'and efficient propertic texture: or knit. --indeed anythmg can be woven The operation is more noiseless and beautiful than that of the sewing ma- chiiie. The introduction. of this invention into general use las already commenced, and-it bids fair to gre atly reduce prices of durable home-made cloth. Many persons | possessing =1uall heretofore water and unavailable, will be en- abled to successfully compete with the larger manufacturers, who by the old pro- cess required much more power and room, stean: power now to this invention, whieh must be seen to be appreciated. . . -- etd NESE A uirree girl at. Akron, Ohio, Jumped the rope four hundred and times, and then stopped long enough to be an angel. Her parents have wot jumping rope to sell 2 seventy-five a nice A New Hampshire young lady Mary Brockway, recently cejebrated her 104th - Tirthday in East Washington, and carrying in the house half 4 cord of | wood. . A WasT Sveruien The public have felt the want of something that could be de- pended upon for the cure of rheumatisio, sprains, bruises, neuralgia, bowel com. plaints, &c., and we are happy to say that want is now supplied in theshape of the | " Canadian Pain Destroyer," It is truly a most wonderful medicine, and one "that effects an innnediate and Permanent cure in all cases for which it is recommended. Sold by all Medicine Dealers every railroad train as it passed. | cough, ** Bryan's Bulmonic Wafers" will be | | adapted fort chants throughout tlie Dominion. Price For fifféon years, daily, almost without exception, a Stamford, Conn., man has sat on a fence near the depot, and watched A rarir collar machine costs from $6,- 000 to 810,000, and to fit up a factory costs at least 15,000, and so on up to £50,000. A good machine will turn out 120 collars | per minute. About 1,300 persons are employed in the collar factaries of New England, y Tue Shaster, or Hindoo bible, forbids a woman to see dancing, hear music, wear jewels, blacken her eyebrows, eat dainty food, sit at a window, or view herself in a mirror during the absence of her husband; and allows him to divorce her if she has no sons, injures his property, scolds him, quarrels with another woman, or presumes to eat before he has finished his meal. Tue last bankrupt in England wearing a title is Lord Courtenay, son of the Earl | of Devon, He owes, it is said, £1,200,000 equal to about £6,000,000-and will not be able to pay ten shillings on the pound. During the last few years he has lived at the rate of over £100,000 per annum, and he owes his tailor over £12,000. IN the execution of a deed by a man and was taken aside before the acknowledgment = was made by a com- his usual form asked, "Do you execute this deed freely, and without fear or compulson of your hus | his wife, the wife missioner, who, in band I" ed thg wife "I've had fivehusbands, and | | Dip you ever think that what is termed a common cold, when systematically neglect- ed, often leads to that most fatal and dis- | tressing discase but when attended to at once is generally easy of | , ' ge cure. If youare troubled with-a cold or '* Fear of my husband 1" exclaim- never was afraid of any of them!" --consumption found most effieacious in removing it. They | give immedigfp relief, and generally ect | a cure when taken in time. Sold by all | Druggists and country dealers. Price 25 | cents per box: RAILWAY TRAVELILNG, -- Railway travell- ing with all its drawbacks and accidents is'| the safest systetn of travelling ever organi- zed --the persons injured while travellingby | this mode of conveyance only amounting to | one in half a miliom. Now while it is very | gratifying to know that: it so much safer | than the old system; it is pleasing to know | that we have in the ** Canadian Pain De- stroyer equally safe and sure for the cure { coughs, colds, rheumatism and summer complaints. ~ For sale by Druggists and Price 25 country dealers bottle cents per 4 know that there isat least one which has stood: the test and proved itself worthy of | the. confi reposed in it; we know of no other article which has proggd so generally successful, or given such universal satisfac- | tion ; we are confident there is more of it 1 : | , used than all others combined, and that i it will ultimately supercede all othersthere | can be no doubt. Ttis Darley's Con- dition Powders and Arabian Heave Rem: edy,'t we advise all who require anything | of the kind to atrial --we know they will be satisfied with the result. Re. | member the name, and see that the signa- | tare of Hurd & Co., is on each package. | Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., pro- prietors for Canada cine dealers give 1t Sold by all medi- ERETOFORE PARTIES TROUBL: ed with Dyspepsiaor Liv er Complaint have been unable to find a medicine to reach their cases; but H E. ROWE, of Lyn, is now resent- ing to the Jublic a preparation pa larly € above complaints. Its merits are amply proven by testimonials from those who Have been benefitted by its use. It is called the * Eureka.' Give the advertisement, which is to | be bound 'in another column, a perusal. * Cirzciir I: Bestaoye A SA FAMILY MEDICINE, IT I$ well and favorably known, reliev ing thous- ands from pain in the Side, Back: and Head. Throat, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus. "Difsentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Seaids, Frost Bites, de. | The CaNaDIAN PAIN DESTROYER has now been before the public for a length of time, and wherever used'is well liked, never failing in a Coughs, Colds, Sore Np a 4 ' EVERY DESCRIPTION ORNAMENTAL PR EXECUTED IN A [STYLE { N | Horsy MeprciNes--It is gratifying fo SECON D 10 A OFFICE "|IN THE r | DOMIN IO,N. single instance to give permanent relief when timely used, and we have never known & single caseof dissatisfaction, where the directions have ieen properly followed, but on' the contrary all | are delighted with its operations, and speak in | the highest terms of its virtues and magical | effect, | We speak from experience in the Inatter, hav- ing tested it thoroughly ; and therefore those who are suffering from any of the complaints for | which it is recommended, may depend upon it being a Sovereign Remedy. | he astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer in curing the diseases for whith it is recommended, and its wonderful effects in sub. duing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in } relieving Nervous Aflections, entitle it to high | ank in the list of Remedies, Orders are coming | from Medicine Dealers, in all parts of the | intry, for further supplies, and each testifying | as to the universal satisfaction it gives. 'he Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to ve immediate relief. All 'Medicine Dealers | keep it ; Physicians order and use it; and no | family will be without it after trying it. | Price, only Twenty-five Cents per bottle. | For sale by 'W. T. Oshawa; in Whitby by J.-H. Gerrieand J. Byrne | in Brooklin by John Warren, : { Atkinson 'and Dr, Deans | fariey's Arabian Oil. FOR: HORSES AND CATTLE. | NEVER--FAILING + REMEDY. | THIS valuable preparation combines-all ! the medicinal virtue of those articles which long experience has proved to possess the most safe ) for the cure of Flesh Wounds, Sprains, Bruis Galls of all kinds, | Cracked Heels, Ring Bone, pavin, Callous, Fis- tula, Sweeney, ternal Poisons, Scratches or | Grease, Strains, neness, Mande © Whitlows, | Corns, Sand Cracks, Foundered Fédbt, Horn Dis. | temper, Swellings and many dther discases | which horses and cattle are subject to, | This celebrated Liniment has been used for | Many years, .and, _its eurative properties thoroughly tested, and is conceded to the cheapest and most reliable remedy for all exter. nal complaints ever- offered to the publie--it never fails when timely used and faithfully ap. | lied. ¢ To be had of all Druggists and Country Mer 5 cents | per bottle, Northop d* Lyman, Newea the, prietorsfor Car For. sale by V Ontario, Pro- Stkinson and Dr. Deans, oT / Oshawa; in Whitbwby J. H. Gerrie and J. Byrne; in Brooklyn by John Warren, ge ' A hing The Great Female Remedy. JOB MOSES' PERIODICAL PILLS. FYHIS INVALUABLE MEDICINE IS unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female consti- tution is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on, i : TO MARRIED LADIES It is peculiarly suited. Tt will, in a short time by splitting "bring on the monthly period with re gularity, These Pills should not be taken by Females during the FIRST T'HREF MONTHS of Wrey- nancy, as the are sure to bring on Miscarriage. but at any other time they are safe, ' Tn all Cases of Nervous and Spinal Affection. | Pains in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of-the heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these, Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and although a power- ful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, anti- mony, or anything hurtful to the constitution, Full directions in the pamphlet around éach | package, which should be carefully preserved. JOB MOSES, NEW YORK, BOLE PROPRIETOR, $1.00 and 12} cents for postage, Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Owg., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mai), For sale by W. T. Atkinson and Dr. De Oshawa ; in Whitby by J. H. Gerrie andJ, Boe <} enclosed to {in Broolyn by John Warren, he PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. NEW TYPE, 'NEW PRESSES. ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, . W. RR OLIMIE, . PROPRIETOR, Ee mm a a VG ST INTING FOR ME R!_ 2 0ne fam of 1871. Medical Hall. DR. DEANS AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co., would inform the public that he has just received a full assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, TOILET ARTICLES, &e., WHICH HE WILL SELL AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Dr. Deans' Office in the Drug Store) Remembexithe stand, nearly opposite Hindes' Hotel. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. X 1-th. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. Store to Leb Possession Given in Foy Days, if Required. J.CARMICHAEKIL., WILL SELL THE WHOLE OF HIS STOCK OF : Dry Good,s Boots and Shoes! z&~ AT COST PRICE AND UNDER. -63 The whole myst be sold without reserve within the next few weeks, to make room for his sugcessor in business. NOW IS THE TIME! 'While this Sale lasts, to buy your Spring and Summer Goods, in Dress Goods! OF EVERY VARIETY. CLOTHING, TWEEDS, | COATINGS, PRINT S, LUSTRES, FRENCH MERINOES, | French Delaines, Gloves, Hose, Tapestry, KiddePminster and Hemp Carpets, Hollands, Tickings, Sheetings, Towelings, &e. HATS, CAPS, SHIRTINGS, | | ae. Produce taken in Exchange for Goods. "OSHAWA, APRIL 14, 1871. WE SU Ta | | 1-tf, GO To HENRY'S 00 FOR THE 'BEST TEA -- Ry pd ied "a | : A AND J Y Good Groceries Generally. 1871. THE JOSEPH HALL MACHINE WORKS, | | | | | TROWSERINGS, | | Ledger Plates. OSHAWA: ONTARIO. ESTABLISHED 1851. ? 'The Joseph Hall Manufacturing Company, PROPRIETORS. WE DESIRE TO CALL ATTENTION BO OUR NUMBER ONE AND TWO BUCKEYE COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, With Johnson's Self Rake. Improved for 1871. We believe this Machine, as we now build it, to be the most perfect Reaper and Mow er evor yet offered to the public of Canada. Among its many advantages we call attention to the following: It 'has no Gears on the Driving Wheels, Enabling it to pass over marshy or sandy ground without clogging up the genring thereby renderin | it less liable to breakage. It is furnished with * ! Four Knives, Two for Mowing and Two for Reapiing, one of which has a sickle edge for cutting ripe, clean grain, the other a smooth edge for cutting grain in which there is grass or seed clover. } | It has the malleable guards both on the Mower Bar and Re aper Table, with best cast stee It is also furnished with our New Patent Tilting Table for Picking up Lodgegelsrain. his is the only really valuable Tilting Table'; offered on any combined Reaper and Mower. | The Table can be very easily raised or lowered by the Driver in his Seat vwithout stopping his Team. | This is oné.of the most important improvements effected in any Machine during the past two years. Making them much less liable to breakage on uneven ground and more regular in removing the The Boxes aré all lined with Jondent, have | The Parts are all numbered, so that the REPAIRS can be ordered hy | telegraph or otherwise, by simply giving the number of "the part wanted. + : | castings, where they are subject to much strain; have been | FLOUR, SMOKED HAM and BACON; CHOICE SEED POTATOES | { | Also, Crockery, Glassware, &e. Opposite the Commercial Hotel, King Street West, Oshawa. Oshawa, April 27, 1871. > # Early Rose, Gooderich and Peach Blows, 3tf 4 J. W. FOWKE, Is in town yet, also a splendid assortment of | | | At unusually low pricesand in great Variety. {| NEW COTTONS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW HATS AND CAPS, 1 | NEW PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW BOOTS & SHOES, | NEW LUSTRES, NEW COATINGS, | NEW FIELD AND GARDEN-SEEDS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, | A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. | The highest price paid foraWheat, Oats, Barley, Peas, &o. ¢ : J. W. FOWKE. Harmony ; 108 acres, in Snowdon; 126 acres, in Letterworth: and some vi in Oshawa, which would be exchanged for other property. class Brick. | Oshawa, April 13, 1871. lots Xlso a quantity of first- . W. F 1-of The Cheapest Weekly IN CANADA. | Guelph Sewing Machine Co. THE OSBORN] | Lock-8titch Sewing Machine ! KING OF CANADIAN | BEWING MACHINES. | KING OF AMERICAN | : SEWING MACHINES. THE HAMILTON WEEKLY TIMES Contains an Immense Amount of Good Family Reading of an Interesting kind, and is one of the. Best and Most J a Reliable Newspapers published in HOUSANDS THROUGHOUT CA- Western Canada. NADA are now using these Machines' They have been tested beyond all uestion, make the favorite lock-stitch alike on In addition to carefully written editorials on the th sides, and are rial eve: pronounced su, or to any other machine offered Jgading holitical and ~ a] his uf the re ected tod tn the public. wide range of work, perfection, 0] , beauty and excellence of mechanism, adaptability, Yiticles from the pt i Fr per ns strength and durability, of the NEWS OF THE WEEK. The Osborn Sewing Machine Particular attention is paid to Politics, British has no rival, and Fore News, Canadian News, American News, Loc AW Improvements have lately been made, en- | Commercial, Facetime, &c. abling the manufacturers to claim it as the ne Plus witra of Sewing Machines. Hundreds of estimonials are being received daily from old as well as new operators attesting its wonderful capabilities, Will do all kinds of omestic sewing, from the finest cambric to the coarsest over-coat or upper leather. « Guaranteed to be as represented, or no 'sale, Warranted for three years. THe OsBORN OUTPIT is complete and readily comprehended. Is sold at one-half the price hitherto charged for machines doi of work, the manufacturers being place it within | country. |The Guelph Reversible | 18 Ero minently best Single Thread Machine > the --hence its marvellous success. Will do all varieties of wing. P GREATLY REDUCED. Hand with full outfit, $12; Tread) do., $17. s& Machine --, 12} . 2% Agents wanted everywhere. lendid in- d ts to make iy An a SEWING MACHINE CO'Y, 3 GUELPH, CANADA. ~ J. & A. SMITH, Agents for Oshawa. R. & H. OHARA, Agents, Bowmanville, ily MARKETS. Perhaps no department of a News- paper is of more importance to the Farmer and Store-keeper than copious Market Reports, which are reliable for their impartial correctness, The Conductors of the TIMES will give special atten- tion to this department of the Journal , and gather the returns from all the principal points of Tele- graph and Mail, up to the hour of publication, for the information of their Subscribers, Commercial Intelligence likewise forms a leading feature in the WEEKLY Times, Subscription - - $1.00 a Year, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. a like range étermined to the 'reach of every family in the Cues may be formed at any period of the year by BIX or more Subscribers associating t and remitting the Cash in' Advance. ug tog€ther TERMS: Six Copies for One Year - '- . . . . . $5 0 domestic sewing. Prices Thus allowin: BE ; n FREE to th t Tusa FIO copy © the getter up of a A little exertion only is necessary to Slyb oF FIV ne The Tose is Dow Phd a nerally aj s i an 2 general i, Afprec and can comidentially £4 Communications to be addressed to the Pro- Brictor as under. ah JeHOm just be Bost paid. ons may remitt. post, and if the lotior be registered, will be at our own risk. 88 C. E. STEWART & Co., Hamilton, May, 1871. Propristom, NEW SPRING GOODS, | | | Is so constructed as to raise the cam so far above the Grain Table | | 70 acres, 3 miles East of Oshawa; 50 acres, 1 mile North of | ANY ONE OR-ALL OF THE ARMS OF THE REEL Can be made to act as Rakes at the eption of the Driver, by a Lever readily operated by his foot. | The Cutting apparatus is in fron of the Machine, and therefore w hetlier Reaping or Mowing, the entire work of the Machine is under the eye of the Driver while guiding his team. This Table is 80 constructed as to Gather the Grain into a 'Bundle before it leaves the Table, and deposit it | in d more compact form than any other Reel Rake. This Table is attached to the Machine both in front and rear of the Driv ing Wheel, which en- ables it to pass over rough ground with much greater ease and leds injury to the Table. The Grain Wheel Axis is on a line with the axle of the pi vé Wheel, which enables it to turn the ¢ orners readily. ed | Humors and' Bilicus The Rakes are driven by Gearing instead of Chains, and therefore have a steady uniform motion, grain. The Gearing is very simple, strong and durable. BABBIT METAL. : | | . | | . | F['BE "EUREKA" | DYSPEPSIA, duty that nature has | Tongue coated, you In Memoriam. A GAINST EXPENDITURES honor of the dead, Heaven has ut no iid i ie d Pd net injured, but Benefitied, by them. All those beautiful .emblems which adorn the many tombs around which we love to linger, assure us we are in a world of warm and loving hearts ; the adérnin, of the sepulchres of the "loved ones alleviates our grief and soothes the wounded heart. It also cheers the be- -reaved to know that an additional en- bellishment of ve presents bo gra stro attraoti 1 tion of the: st k use and learn the nasne of one who as shared so largely in the love of others, Bl take this Hsthod fo. a that we can fill orders eoora the graves of rted Jriends; at low giires, executed fn the style of workmanship. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, ETC., OF THE FINEST QUALITY OF ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE --AND-- SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRANITE; supplied on short notice. Everything, pertaining to Cemetery work will meet with prompt attention, by leaving or- degs with » Fel C. BOUNSALL, Bowmanville, "EUREKA" 71 LI AuL Cc {LI XUL oy LI A¥L [71 LI AUL 2 LI A4¥L 'wradods f(y 'wisdods iq LAMTIQN(] [vIRUaY) 'Yorwmorg dnog "ueidwo)) aaa aPe-proy uonudpsuo,) 'amnaddy Jo ssory {uonsofijpu} uopsa¥ipu A "ISA ; PURELY VEGETABLE MEDICINE ! FOR THE CURE OF LIVER COMPLAINT, LOSS OF ATPETITE, GENERAL DIBILITY, | AND ALL DISEASES of THE BLOGD. It possesses the power of Toning and Strength entng the Stomach, of Exciting the Torpid Liver to Healthy Action, apd of Purking out all Deprav Secretion from the System, 2 Most diseases have their o 1 in; or are great- ly aggravated by Indigestion, mi the sole causé that the Digestive O s do not perform the lesigned them, hence the nutriment is not abstracted fromb the food, and the blood is deprived of that nourishment jt re requires of the Digestive Organs. ' If you Feel Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated and Des uent Headache, Mouth Tastes ning, Irregular, Appetite and a are suffering from Torpid Liver or Billoiuspess, In many cases of Liver 3adly in the morr Af 3 i | Complaint ondy a part of these Symptoms are ex | There is no side Drajyght in either reaping or mowing, and the Machine is so perfectly balanced ! that there is no pressure on the horses' necks either When re aping or mowing. Twite annealed, thereby rendering them both tough and sion, OUR JOHNSON RAKE that the Grain does not interfere with the machinery of the | . - .Rakes or Reels. x We make the above machines in two sizes: No. One, large size, for Farmers who haze aNd¥ge amount lo reap. No. Two, medium size, for Farmers having move use for a Mower than a reaper. ed v With the exception of difference in size, these Machines are similar in every respect. Qur | No. 2 Machine supplied a want hereto fore unfilled, viz :--A medium between the Jun. Mower.and | large combined Machine, both in size and price. We shall distribute our sample machines in Marc among our Agents, that intending purchasers may have an early opportunity of ¢3amining their merits. y - ee And we guarantee that all Machines shipped this 20 shall be equal in quality and finish to the samples exhibited by our Agents. We invite the public to withhold giving their orders until they have had an opportunity of inspecting otir Machines, as we believe they are unsurpassed by any. other Machines ever yet offered on this continent. ¢ We also offer among our other Machines ; JoHNsON's Self+Raking Reaper, imprdved forl871, with two knives, smooth and sickle edge; and malleable gtiards Buckeye Reaper No. 1, with Johnson's Self-Rake. | matters, Markets, Paragraphs, Poétry, | BuckEYE Reaper No. 2, with Johnson's Self-Rake. | Onio Combined Hand Raking Reaper and Mower. | | CAYUGA CHIEF, Jr., Mower. | BuckEYE Mower No. IL. BUCKEYE Mower.No. 2. { BaLL's Ohio Mower No. 1. Ohio, Jr., Mower. Taylor's Sulky Horse Rake. : Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill. Champion Hay Tedder | 4 AND OUR CELEBRATED | HALL THRESHER & SEPARATOR Greatly improved for 1871, with either Pitt's, Pelton, Planet, Woodbury, or Hall's 8 or 10. Hors | Power. We shall also offer for the Fall trade a - } NEW CLOVER THRESHER AND HULLER, | Very much superior to any other heretofore introduced. | A mew and complete IHustrated Catalogue of all our Machines is. being published, | and will be ready for early distribution, ree to all applicants. | ) : \ | All our Machines are warranted. to give satisfaction, and Purchasers will have an ' op- | portunity of testing them both in Mowing and Reaping before they will be required.to | Snally conclude the purchase. 1 1 For further information address 2 F.W. GLEN, t, Presiden 24 OSHAWA, ONTARIO | All our mallogble al De | are restored to perfect he: | of | directions erienced. As a remedy for all such cases t. ureka has no equal, as it effects Perfect (nes caving the Liver Strengthened and Healtdyy. Lyn, Oct. 3rd, 1870 Mg. H! E. Rowe, T DEAR Sik, Havipg used three bottles ot you valuable medicine fa my family with 1 effect, I feel safe in recommending the Eureka for gene. | bility, Inaction of the Lixer, Loss of Ppe tite, &c., it having been used for the above con, dlaings in my family. Yours respectfully, - J. Furuson, M. E. Minister. Lyn, May 11th, 1870, Mg. H. E. Rows, 3 SIR,--I have used Eurcka for Sick "Headache, caused by a disordered stomach, 'and imperfect digestion, with success, when other remedies failed to do me any good, and 1 am satisfied all that is necessary to convince any person of its merits would be to give it a trial, and I'cheerfully recommend it to all whose condition demand anything of this nature. E. Coox, . Prop of Lyn Woolen Factory. For sale retail and wholesale by all druggists NORTHROP & LYMAN, ' Neweastle, Ont. J. WINER & Co. Hamilton. 'B. H. MITCHEL, London. Proclaim the Glad Tidings! HAT THE GREAT SHOSHONEES Remedy and Pills, of the Eminent Indian Medicine Man, Doctor Lewis Josephus, of the Grent Tribe of shoshonoos, British Columbia, is workin, © 1m marvelo d i Cures the World ever heard "ot. Neston shing annals of Canadian Medical History has such success attended the introduction of any medi cine heretofore. WHY? SIMPLY because the numerous ¥aloaki 'tive medicinal vegetable ingredients, Ealaaljie ee we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wila Cherry Bark. Podophyllum, Juniper, Quassia Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compaund Extract of Soiocyuth, ap, Socotripe Alpes x um, &c¢., eo) W enter intothe c . on of the combined medi h and so | Woob's Patent Self- Raking Reaper: . a 'harmoniously classified and compoonach en is made the most searching curative i 8 known world, and cannot help but he system. in a very sat ry and desira ner. No matter what Jour ailment may .be, or of how long standing, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid manner in which you th. and full vigor, "/ _ This Med is pleasant and safato take, and is warranted, and may positively be *telied upon to make a permanent cure of all diseases of the t, 1 Liver Kidneys Digestive Organs &c., &c., as well as Scrofula, the. varions Skip Diseases, Humors, and all diseases arisin imputity of the Blood, exeapting the Thir Stage onsimption; Further information, with ful) i or uking the Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills, and containing testimonials and Certy- ficates of Cures, can be obtained by securing thi Treatise, the Hand-bogk, or the Almanac. and Jiroulars from any respectable Druggist in ihe Dominion free, Price of Remedy in large Pint Bottles )) . 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The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' su cessful practice, that the alarming consequences of selfabuse may be radically curediwithout the dangerous use of internal medicine or the appli- cation of the knife : pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of' which every sufferer, no matter what his con- dition may be," may cure himself cheaply, pri vately, and radical % . #9 This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land, Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad- dress, postpaid on receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Also, Br. Culverwell's price 23 cents. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J."C. KLINE, & CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Oftice Box 1,55 * Marriage : Guide," ) Moncey te Loan. OANS FOR FROM ONE TO TWEN. 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