) id t be 18" rel eng ed 'egg Wean us, ¢ is powdeing held "his 40,000,000 - g in all.the ports 5 nuland is. favorable lly inclined, are y distnct 1 fea r not," is what the rfespondents. . oy th nday' it can't' hold wp 1 Pecause its neck ng four omnces was recent: n for F200, past $62.50 per Cpustmaster is named Goods } , well T Leis inca hurry he signs it known'as the coms irkish" army during the is dead tp in a baloon on January + A egra try: \ Bro He hasn't come down a lom nm A) tote Np, of Montreal, in Knoxville, ents by m. t Chiselhurst lately , olen persomally helped te 5 is said to be dune to T00 wives, whom he all occasions. Tenn., standing bare. for'two minutes. for res census enumerator, 1 dollars, or a month g . Torix has had nine children x Toe mm gral dchildren, of whom thaf one was a grand. the t Cortes the King. an Spanish Orator, on of introducing a demanding the. des rrespondent of the . says the Joint High bably tration. { cow swallowed a ALO, and when she kar leave the San aath- 1 + nail'was found in pi LB i se one. soldiers have ap. loo king for | a are his is the beginning of the A « AT ky ada will share would be re. embered thls faults of otierg = of your faults. nl end w what 1s ropensity in wd ia student of ing i i s th boss the jub. 1 . " : 3 £ t. Catherine. for every " lanted in or neathe i placed in a vasdith : Water sweety rises from the; plants o« ymabing utterly - prohilf im th by law and wyer- Nr itimient ; aug & nd érime s bub n could , me ne®and would be ovital jniaty an hat/ th S » plAVE reailles, prpe f May r 1s fr nd \T, hE t A) tir uid Is eighth, ist other 2 Par det in the list of 1) \ gland, mpe ror gf nm. re nt és as' nue ays iCobuTes have ory) «0 Prussians to :3- at twenty-four ouch a step become e cavalry ccrps sta- received orders f called upon. Lssion in New ork Stier 1. York n the over a distance of * fif- s longer than hich it marched, T¢ (xX) horses, 1200 s that the levia- Ei wstern will be, put state and; Liverpool dur: . to convey exeur- which will The hibition, 1st. steamer xpressly for these ex- that' one might the ¢ will he only $25. css," usually well in- has the fol- reason why Canadian was the fear that the mn on the Fisheries to that body." It 4 the Government n lsatters, wrote that the art nires the nicegt nse of any by Art wereupon a West. "The art of wking it pay, ki ing it please 4 F Righos than a = or the Moritreal Star : nd hourly pit in posses- ing facts relating to 8, and everything tends ¢ day No other nportant, hiv are, dominion has been sigraceful a * job®* he States ; in shorty 18 a fat harvest for. and _their JUSS ole We know of one hold- and for census taking at w, it if very certain of these situations, must be ne-__ good apehority for lie yecty referred to «on _for Bourbon ernment STR VIR han, of course, 'iit situation, 1 | PRICES FROM £400 TO £1,500. Aone the rare field and garden seeds which are to be found at Steele Brothers, | we notice an extraordinary noveélly ina new branching corn.' Its peculiarity con- srodiction of from four to eight enrs on each stalk. - This marvellous achievement has 'been brought sists in the about hy «the process of ingrafting the Canada Yellow and other varieties into the Egyptian Stem, and only resulted, after years of careful cultivation' on the part--of a. prominent agriculturalist'in the State of New York. With beauty and*productiveness, it is said to combine the great advantage of ripening very early! | BIRTHS, In Oshiawa, on the 22nil instant, the wife of Geo. Monk, of a daughter. DEATHS, At the residence of his son, 8. BP. Bradshaw, in Bowmanville, on the 21st instant, of appoplexy; James Bradshaw, aged SJ vears, In Bowmanville, on the & beth Bates, relict of the 73 years, 2th inst., Mrs, Eliza- jate James Bates, aged Commercial, MONTREAL MARKETS, April 27. 8142 je $1 45 0 i 047 065 bi 070 10 103 015 019 Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, Oats, ¥ 32 Ma, Barley. ¥ 48 Bs, Peas, ¥ bushel, Butter, ¥ 0, TORONTO MARKETS, | Lo Apter Wheat, ¥ bushel, $1 30. $1 40 Barley. do «.. 0605 -068 Peas; do Ven ok min OK 093 Oats, do . - 0 50 0 51 Ryo: do z .. 0178 080 Potatoes, do 03 0 GO Hay, ¥ton,... 1200 17 00 Apples, ¥ bbl, .. L300 100 BOWMANVILLE MARKETS, April 27. ¥ bushel, 21 406 : $1 i5 do ¢ 070 07 do oo 0 pe Peas; do 080 08 'Oats, do 05 055 Clover 'Seed, 8 100 iw Timothy Seed, 150 +7 Butter, ¥ 1, 016 018 Whaat, Rye. Barley, bushel, do WHITBY MARKETS, | | April 27, Wheat, Fall, ® bushel, $14) @ $1 45, Wheat; Spring, do 13 13 Barley, ¥ bushel, 060 0 65 'Oats; do - rind 050 055 Peas, a , 075 0 80 Potatoes, do 04 0 15 Butter, ¥ B®, 016 0-18 A = OSIIAWA MARKITS., { April 28. $325 2$3 140 146 Zs 140 145 Oats, ¥ bushel, 050 05 Peas, ¥F bushel, ! . 075 0 80 Potatoes, ¥ bushel, 035 040 Butter, ¥ ™, 013 020 Lard, ¥ D, .. 01 Eggs, ¥ dozen, 01 Dressed Hogs, 8 cwt, \ 6.00 Clover Seed, ¥ bushel... \ 430 Timothy Seed; ¥ bushek X35 Dried Apples, ¥ Hh, bog Beans, ¥ bushel, 0 W@ 012 63 17 10 008 '0° - a Hew 3 Advertisements, > Doolittle Black Caps. HE SU BSC RIBER W IL L SELL A few hundred of the above pl at one cent each. 25, 50 or 100 sent. b; express tr any address on receipt df funds. : * £.N. woo, South (= hawa. 3-1w. . April 28, 1871. IF YOU WANT A PIRST-CLASS PIANO! GET ONE OF BRADBURY'S, They are the best Pianos in the markct. Call and consult with the undersigned, 1 ¥ before purchasing. . = THE BEST of TESTIMONIALS FURNIS SUED. a Agency at the ~"NICKNACKS," a Simcoe Street, Oshawa. GEO. S. CLIMIE. Oshawa, Apri ZTE --" = LOOK OUT FOR Good Photographs | ! TO BE MADE AT . Mr. THOMAS' GALLERY; BROOKILIN, BY J A \ HARRY TAlY, Photograplie I. Late of Bowmanville- Brooklin, April 27, 1871. dur @ Ontario Bank. DIVIDEND No. 28, N A a bin ital Sto Year, has t sane will be idend BE Four per cent upon the Cap- | is Institution, for the current half y been declared, and that the yable at the Bank and its Branches on and aft hursday, the Flist day of June next. The Transfer Books will: be cipsed from the 16th to the 31st day of May, both day inclusive. NOTICE 15 ALSO GIVEN, that the Annual General | Meeting of the Stockholders, for the Electidn of © birectors, will be: held at their Banking House, in Bowmanville, on Menday, the Fifth day of dupe rext, comniencing at a hour ot 12 o'clock, noo, precisely. NOTICE 18 FURTHER GIVEN, that at such General Annual Meeting the propriety of increasing the Capital Stock of the Bank, under the authority of the Act passed at the last Xe Parliament; intituled "An J relating to Banks and Banking," will be taken into consideration. By order of thie Board, D. FISHER, ONTARIO BANK, Cashier. '* Bowmanville, 22nd April, 1571. § 3 TO Let! FPHE RESIDENCE or JOSEPH ASH] South Oshawa; with or without the ad- » ming land. Terms reasonable. Possession im- mediately ¢ WARREN L. ASH, Q@hawa, April 20, 1371, 2-14 Notice to Debtors. LL PERS( NS INDEBTED TO THE firm of TAY LOR & NEALE, are here boo bike "d that payments wust -be made forth- With to the' wi ide nigned. "AREWELL & McGEE. Oshawa, April 20, 1571, af a " % E. sSuLRIN & Coo, W HOLESALE MANUFACTURERS of HOGER SIR Best New York Ma- terial used. The vole supp, lied, on best Lerms. Fastory- King Stree', Cast, Bowmanville, 3 * 015 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT vof the Dominion | » Spring, 1871 Philip Taylor EEPS THE LARGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST Stock of . K Watches, Clocks; Jewellery, Hive Plated, and 'Fancy Goods. STOCK OF He is the :sole agent for Russell's Celebrated Ww atches, Lazarus & Morris Perfected Specta- cles, and Meriden Silver Plete, best" goods made, and every thing in his litie made to order. It will pay to examine his 8t0¢K before purchas- | ing elséware. © All Goods and Jobs warranted, and cheaper than any other House. id PHILIP TAYLOR, 3 Watchmaker & Jeweller, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. Oshawa, April 13th, 1871. 1-tf. For Salel OTS Nos. 6"AND 7, CONTAINING 4. four-fifths : an acre, on Sinicoe Street, South of M. Morris', kd WILLFAM DICKIE. 20 SPRING GOODS NOW COMPLETE Oshawa, April 20, 1871. A ILTON, THE POET, DEPLORED the loss of sight: had he Known the prin- ciple involved in Dr. J. BALL & CO'S New lvory & Lignum-Vite | BYE CUPS, | IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN SAVED. | herself, the Great Physician, Does the | Work, aided by the Eye Cups! Nature, By their use, the shrunken and enfeebled ey either in young or old, is at once supplied with | that best and indispensible animal stimulant- Arterial Blood. The nerves resume their tone; | the vessels recover their power; the-globe as- sumes its properishape, size, and brilliancy ; sll diseased action is arrested and cured; and in tie Aged, Sight is Restored and Spectacles | Rendered Useless. Do notsu'yimit to Painful and Dangerous Strgi cal Operations, in which a portion of the eye is | always lost, and the glorious Light of Vision, if | a not ~ stroyed at the time, in a year or two, at most, goes out forever! TRY THE EYE CUPS FIRST, | Pare ARE PLEASANT! SAFE! Gibbs Block, PAIN LLSS" This is to certify, oe > FAOS HA WA. that we hereby authorize A Bradford Tuttle our sole and exclusive Agent for i the term of (en years, for the sale of our New Patent Improved Ivory and Lignum-Vitae Eye Caps and Myopic Attachments, for the County of Ontariy, in the Province of Ontario. | Dn, J: BALL' & co. The undersigned has now fog saleé an assort- ment of the above invaluable aids to sight, and | is prepared to fill orders for those who, wish help | in that direction. Personal experience has con- vinced him of the benefits of the invention. Address BRADFORD TUTTLE, 1-31. Oshawa, Ont. : Pawtiovlar qo 4 GLUUULGL wee lM | Pen Sh fo the selection of Good | Better! Best! 1 COD JEIX {ES or, i X think that HOITT is tographer in the yunty of Ontario; better 'ICTURES the best Pho- judges are £7 "lie is; the judges arc quite tonfident 10 is; the best CARPET 8, judges are sare he is. Ye doubting ones give Horr aceall,an 1d judge for yourselves if a mist ake was made in giving Horr the rst prizeon P hotographs ard Paintings . ge : £ HOUSE FURNISHINGS, at the County and Township Fairs, the past two years. Notwithstanding adver- tiscinents to the contrary, Horr is the ¥ \ HOSIERY and | GLOVES, only 'Artist in, this County, that finishes Pictures in cither Crayon, Sepia, India Ink, Oil or Water Colors. HoiTT has re- | fitted and refurnishedl *his Gallery ina © | s manner creditable to progressive Oshawa, A anil having sceured the Servic es of a first- { lass a sistant from the city, he will now i be able to send out first-class pictures, and \ as: promptly as 'any other Photographer. } The reason that the good, better and best BLACK and COLORED SILKS, Noda 3 were not invited to give HOTT & | all, is because it is supposed they will | come without an invitation, as only first class work can be got at HOITT'S, over Wood's Store, up one flight of stairs. ENGLISH, SCOTCH A large assottment of Picture Fromes at HOITT'S Gallery. Oshawa, April 20, 20, 1871. CANADIAN TWREDS, SPRING STYLES In great profusion at the 3 Dominion Outdtting SsTORI. Latest Styles in Hats and' Caps. MANTLE CLOTHS, PRINTS, 3 > Latest Styles in Neckties-& Collars. | BRILLIANTS, | : MUSLINS, Men's Under-Clothing!| VERY Latest Styles in White & Col'd Shirts. | A LAIGE STOCK OF "nel. A large and attra, tive stock of Hen sd Boys' Ready-made| { CLOTHING | REAL and IMITATION UMBRELLAS, CARPET-BAGY, SATCHELS. | EMBROIDERIES CRICKET and 1 LACROSSE BELT CHEAP at HODDER'S. | G. HODDER 2% One door North of McLean's Cheap Grocery i Store, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. | 2, 1871. MILLINERY. April 2 20 To Inventor »Y THE LATE CHANGE IN -D Patent Laws of ihe United Siates,al y dian Inventors are now granted the pr.v. taking out Let I THE Cana- e of t atent in (hat Country, for all inventions, 1'sach as have been preyiously patentedihere, upon the same terms and for the same fee as a native born citizem, The subscrib- | er has been employ 'veral years in obtain- | ing Patents for ir ih here andl in the A. M. CHISHOLM. 13. Patenls guar- 1 | L. C. THOMAS, | : . Inspection invited. United States, at 1 antced or no pay. Justicé of the Peace, Commissioner of Bench, Conveyuancer, General lag oe both & 's suragice, Pate : , Breokiin, Qut.. PY ahd | Oshawa, April 13, 187L Ce Witirry, ' Milinery, HENRY'S.; Gl Millinery, Millinery, R R GO TO Millinery, 2 A. M. CHISHOLM. Oshawa, April 13, 1871. 1-tf Ol © FOR THE BEST TEA of Buffs , N.Y, XY * Good Giroceries Generally. Y | UTTER WITH FLOUR, SMOKED HAM and BACON; CHOICE SEED POTATO oS Early Rose, Gooderich and Peach Blows, A. M. C H IS H O LM, y GIBBS BLOCK. Also, Crockery, Glassware, &c. | Opposite the Commercial Hotel, King Street West, Oshawa. FN : : [Dominion Bank. WHITBY AGENCY. NoTicE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Dominion Bank has op.ned an Agency, tis r the transaction of Business, in McMillan's Block, (in the office formerly Soeupied by the Roy al Canadian Bank.) | * Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts issued on all points in Canada, the United States and | Great Britain: J. H. McCLELLAN, i Agent, | Brook St., Whitby, April 13th, 1871. J EDWARD PETIT, AND Oshawa, April 13, 1871. 1a A.M. CHISHOLM, TEMPLE of FASHION. "ag beeh paid | | 'Money to Lend REDUCED RATES. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND 1 any amount of money, on the security of Good "aru or Productive Town Property, at the Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, in sums and manner to suit borrowers. Principal. can be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one sum. Investments made + amd other securities. SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. © GRAND DISPLAY --AT THE-- in Debentures, Mortages, Just the place to buy the most <esirable SPRING GOODS! | NOVELTIES IN For fu rider particulars apply to JAMES HOL DEN, OfMcial Assignee, Money Broker, &e. OMce- McMillan's Block, Brock St., Whitby. April, 13th, 187} 818 A The ony establishment i in town where each of these dopartments i is conducted » H : O 1J S E Ladies of first-class ability. TREMENDOUS BARGAINS! i (MILLINERY, MANTLES AND COSTUMES. YHE SUBSCRIBER BEGS RES. | pectfully to inform the citizens of Oshawa and surrounding country, that he has leased for a term of years the premises heretofore occupied by J. P. WOOD, and | known as the 4 We offer a poftion of a Bankrapt Stock of | Parasols, Sewed Goods, Laces, Gloves and Hosiery; AT ABOUT HALF THEIR USUAL PRICES. OOTS AND SHOES. Another consignment of those splendid Ladies Boots, at 81.00 per pair, just to hand. SITUATED ON THE CORNER OF SIMCOE AND MILL STREETS, SOUTH OSHAWA | = REMEMBER THE STAND, a - | &F Temple of Fashion, Corner of King and Simcoe Streets, Osha¥i_% 2.41 . hand a Geri Ttment of NEW YORK HOUSE! Wher TTI 10 Ki, constancy on | | ! | | | | |= | | Harmony; 108 acres, in Snowdon'; { in Oshawa, which would be exchanged for other property. 4. W. FOW KE, ARR RR (EH Fi : NEW SPRING S000 At pruskally low prices and in great variety. NEW aunt AND Caps, NEW BOOTS & ots, NEW COTTONS, NEW DRESS GOODS, | NEW PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW LUSTRES, NEW COATINGS, NEW FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY AND HARDWARE, A NUMBER OF HORSES AND WAGONS. The highest price paid for Wheat, Oats, Burky Peas, &o. ih "J. W. FOWKE. 3 miles East of Oshawa; 50 acres, 1 mile North of 126 acres, in Tetterworth; and some lots Also a quamity & first- i 29 One Farm of 70 acres, class Brick. . ; * Oshawa, Ary 13, Lid 1-41 WILLIAM DICKIE Begs to announce to Sie mmerons customers that his dak: of Spring &SummerGoods ~@@pre AND F AN C cy, GOODS. Dress Goods, Prints, Muslins, Hollands, &ec. OF THE LATEST STYLES, MILLINERY. | Grey Cottons very cheap 9 Ay ab bhavy family $2.50. i ts, Hats, Trini ! Flowers, Ribbons, Dress and Mourning Caps; Parasols all styles and shades ;. White, Black and Colored Kid Gloves. i TAILILORTYTNG. Special attention to 'this department and Ready made Clothing. A large stockiof thie best ahd most ¥ashidhable Cloths in market. Orders solicited. : HATS AND CAPS. Panama, Straw and Felt, in great variety ; Collars, Ties, Gloves, Shirts, Suspenders, Umbrellss Carpet-bags, Valises, Trunks, &ec. BOOTS AND SHOES, "| This department is receiving more than usual attention, and is complete in every déscription of : | Men's, Women's and C| hildren® 's Boots, Shoes and Slippers. 1,000 pairs Women's Prunella, Congress and Lage Boots, at 9c. worth $1.25. SEWING MACHINES. Sole agent for the Lotkman, for Oshawa, East and West Whitby. 22 v WILLIAM DICKIE. . i 1 Medical Hall. . _Qdawa, April 13, 187} 1871. 1871." m a --g A "DPR. DEANS | 5. "AVING PURCHESED THE DRUG BUSINESS OF ROBINSON & Co, wold inform the public that he has just received a full assortment of Drugs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Dye Sup, TOILET ARTICLES, &e., WHICH HE WILL SELL-AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. Dr. Deans' Office inthe Drug Store. Remember the stand, nearly opposite Elindest 'Hotel. Oshawa, piped 13th, wn 3 Fs 14. ES STAB 1. 1s SH ED 1 S45. & Oshawa, April 20, 1871. | } t FIRST CLASS GROCERIES] { ~--AND-- M. A. McLEANS Provisions! | And frusts by strict attention to business to merit a share of Public Patronage. A TREMENDOUS RUSH | FOR CHEAP GOODS, AT First Glass Grocery Store. | | Best Brands ClGA BS. ate on $5,000 WORTH OF GROCERIES To be sold at an Enotmous Reduction from Usual Rates, as the following Toe Cold Soda. Water Price List will Tanity © | : From one of Matthews' | 1 ' | Japan, Black and Imperial Teas, 25¢ a 1b| Good Valentia Raisins, 6 cents per th. inn F SuRt sins! |-Fine Young Hyson Tea, 40c per 1b. | Good Currants, 5 cents per Ib. | York Iast season, will be | Superior Young Hyson Tea, 50c per 1b. | 12 Bars Best Soap for $1. on draft as soon as the | Extra = do do 80c do Bright Sugar, 9 cents per pound. | weather gets 28 hot ! Good Coffee, 15 cents per pound. Good Brooms, 12} cents exch. . 1 Extra Fine Blue Layer Raisins, 9c per Ih, Four Pounds of Good Plug Tobacco, $1. : EDWARD HIGGINS. { Oshawa, April 14, 1871. 1-1. A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. $1,800 Worth of Boots and. Shoes| AT EXTRAORDINARY PRICES. CHILDREN'S SHOES, 20 CENTS PER PAIR. BOY'S BOOTS FOR ONE DOLLAR. WOMEN'S CALF GAITERS FOR $1.00, rIYHE UNDERSIGNED BEGS LEAVE to announce to his numerous dustom- ers and the public generally, that he has {on hand a large assortment of Gents', Ladies' and Children's | | S | H | LADIES' FIRST-CLASS PRUSELLA BOOTS FOR 85 CENTS. MEN'S GAITERS FOR $1. 7. The Whole of the Stock is New and Fresh, Well Assorted, and Well Bought, and Frash Supplies are Received Weekly, BOOTS E S A PERY LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE! QU / 1 + | All orders promptly attended to, and a AT EQUALLY LOW PRIVES Good Fit GUARANTEED, Repair- ing done' with neatness and des- patch. Call and examine for yourselves, before purchasing elsewhere. Ome door south of the Rerormer office, ! ra SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. ex D. TRIPP. 1 April 14, 1871. ID® BOYER'S GALVANIC FLUID, Fish of Every Description I BEAUTIFUL BIRD CAGE?>.. ----e JUR BLACK AND GREEN TEAS! | Are alloweed by all xh ame tried them to be the Best Value ever offered in this part of the Country, evther by City Toa Companies, or any other : Lu niversally acknowledged to be, one or the most powerful Liniments for the - cure of RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, And for all cases where an external ap- plication is required, an extensive use of it has proved that it has no equal for the complaints enumerated. ' Company, it matters n BOYERS GALVANIC FLUID. £7 Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers. WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & CO. Proprietors, Droaghady On pit A Reduction Figures WILL BE MADE TO ANY ONI From BUY AT A TIME. - CASH FOR PRODU CE. AE. A. McLEAN, Hodder's €., ., Purhishing Siore, Blincee Street OSHAwE A APRIL 14, 15TL A 3" ho TEE ONLY BLEICLAE rn 2® Michael's Block, Mest Door Xk L FO INDIGENT IY AT He y TRY IT ation Wh Fev IsTs ih oy PR AE ULI DINVATVEO SUALOM ud JAMES Tr GERRIE, DUNDAS STREET, WHITBY, DRIUGGIST, And dealer in Foreign Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Herbs, Dye Suh; Paints and Oils, Druggists Sundries, Perfumery, &a. Oshawa, April 43, 187 1-1fn e THE LARGEST STOCK: oF / ENGLISH PAPER HANGINGS IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Wo To Just Yeceived direct from the manufacturers. A great varioty of patterns, 'and weling - at the lowest possible Prices. JAMES A. GERRIE, Family Drag Store, whiny. Whi, AvilE 13, 1871. "im. ---------- Eh _ i t | yg NE | roid BOOK, STATIONERY FANCY GOODS STORE! IN OSH AWA, gy 3 » The subscriber most respectfully announces to the inhabitants of Oshawa and vicinity, that Ne had opened out a Book, Stationery and Fancy Goods Store, | \ | In the Stand Lately Occupied by Mr. RIGGS, as a Tailoring Establishment, Eic., at the Lowest Remunerating Prices. | . SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA, | Where he will kee :p constantly on hand a choice. assortment "of Bose, Note and Letter. Papers, Faney Goods, &e. |" A nice lot of MONOGRAM NOTE PAPER on hand. | A choice assortment of BIBLES, HYMN -and PRAYER BOOKS, cheap | School Books, Slate, Pens, Inks, &e. TY THE NATIONAL PILLS. sist Pon IT-BLY "0 OTEER | as the cheapdit. : Sy A Call and sée my shock of ALBUMS. Nothing'e harged for coving god' A share of public patronage respectfully solicited. GEO. 5, CLIMIE. Oshawa, April 20, 1871. | NATIONAL PILLS. Br h : F i TE The Best Cathartic of] © O11. ferguson, "Any Age or Country. . MERCHANT: 'TAILOR, . NEW DISCOVERY a ME- DICINE, &re composed of BES, Sand ANNOUNCE THAT HE: PURELY VEGETABLE EXTRACTS, , Cloths & Tweeds being free from mercury or other poi suitable for Spring and Summer weas, sons; they can be ion at all times and under all circ astaficgn w without regard e, 5 Garments made. up in the Latest St of Fashion and at the Loivest Fwd 4 to diet or business. y act on the Gents' Fu dishing ing a Langs Liver and Digestive © ns, giving ariety of them tone and healthy ac ey are a genuitie Blood and Sto- | REMEMBER THE wg ¥ + Dundas Street. Whithy. mach Further are mild, searching amd Whitby, Ap 13th, 1871. Bounced by al! whe have weed therm w Eggs for Hatching YROM 'lE FOLLOWING YARIE. be a re case family pill, and well TIES of Fancy Fowels | REF 2% THEY ARE SUGAR COATED. wa |? ae by all druggists and medicine WOODRUFF, BENTLEY & © On Eggs for Hatching. ; worthy of a trial. Birds), i | vincial Fair ; Buff, HOROUGH- BRED GREY DORK- | Dark and light Brahinas, 8, INGS and Buff Cochins, for sale at reason- a a Sliver + able "Port Age. Ang 20d, --