Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Jan 1960, p. 8

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: NE AER an, 5 SS = a oS "oa co 4 he > * ---- Filing Be oa SAT SNE A ee ah = -- [23 pS SARE RN OA RAIS Sea Conia STARRY A 3 ~ pa 8--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14th, 1960 Anglican Notes By Mary Becker A number of church offices are to be filled at the coming annual vestry meeting on January 25th, A nomin- ating committee, consisting of Murs. J. Allen, My, 8. Bruton and Mr. W, Sonley are preparing a slate of will- ing candidates to be presented to the meeting. We have many capable people in the parish and it is to be hoped that no one will refuse to stand for office without good and sufficient reason, So, if you are approached, please give careful thought to the service you could perform for your church before you make a decision. The purposes of democracy are best served when more than one candidate runs for each office and the voters are able to choose the best among = r----- Salada Toilet Liquid 'Tea Bags BEST BUY -- SAVE 3¢ CASH Quaker Oat BEST BUY -- SAVE 4¢ CASH Gg Orange Pekoe 60 Bags Large pkg. 11b. Cadbury's Choco BEST BUY -- SAVE 9¢ CASH White Cross -- White or Coloured 4 rolls Tissue BEST BUY -- SAVE 10¢ CASH Success Heavy Duty Wax to save you money in 1960 Bust BUY -- SAVE bc Cito Instant or Quick Pint tin 73: 39: 53 1) 29- Tendergrown Oriole Swift's Brookfield CHICKENS Lean Beef Plate - Boneless POT ROASTS . PORK HOCKS - - - BOLOGNA - - SAUSAGE - - - Swift's Premium Grade A - Pre-dressed - Oven-ready 2-31b. Ib. avg. piece Skinles By the C 33 -1b. 3Q¢ b. Qc b 25¢ snes 11,3 Ce NUTRITIOUS PARSNIPS FREE with the Cos of 2 doz. ALL THREE DOZ. 79c ECONOMICAL - NEW GREEN CABBAGE doz. California Navel FRESH + TEND Lb. 9c MUSHROOMS - ORANGES ER - SNOW-WHITE ww. 49¢ ATURE -- 15 oz. 2 vo 29c i 2 vor 3c WASHED DELICIOUS - FRESH ben © 19c PINEAPPLE + = 29c Save 2¢ Cash Save 2¢ Cash tin Culverh C C uiverinouse uream LOXn YORK FANCY PEAS 20 oz. tin 11b Brown Bear FEATURE -- SAVE 10c Cash FEATURE -- Save 4c Cash Red & White Kraft Old INSTANT COFFEE Cracker Barrel CHEESE Ek a 99¢ Bu 59¢ FEATURE -- Save 4c Cash FEATURE Buy Giant pkg. HONEY Both cup 25¢ for FAB DETERGENT Get large package for only le at regular price-- 89¢ NON-SKID In Solid Colours ond Tweeads:* Size 20::x 3d 1007 Cotton +swiashdble Suki [YER N RUIN Nai na eh, A! 2 ne V h TH RUBBERIZED BASE RED & WHITE BONUS BUY! THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU PALE IMSHS| ICED BREAD B05 ein TEA SCATTER 6c Off Pack t 1h. bag XN MI oz. loaf 18c | "= 65c Yellow Label -- Early Riser 1 1b. bag 59 A i i Hit Ah ARATE ( CRA "Fresh From the Ovens" Christie's Premium CKERS 1b 3c January Sturdy Et 4-String Broom Sale! Clean Sweep 'BROOMS ~~ *™ 1%¢ Velvet Tip BROOMS $1.29 FROZ with $5.00. purchase 3irds Eye "RENCH FR EN FOODS 'upert Brand Danish. 10 og, !AINBOW TROUT pkg. 30¢ IES 9 oz. vke. 2/39 Dowson's Food Market "vu: hag them. We hope that this will be pos- sible at our coming meeting. thly meeting on Tuesday, January bth. It was decided to hold a Valentine tea and bake sale on Saturday, Feb- ruary 18th from 2 to 6 p.m. Most of the meeting was devoted to making plans for this event. A social hour followed. The Women's Auxilia Tuesday, January 12th, the meeting will be reported next week, The District Yo Council held a young people's service-in Burns Church, Ashburn, last Sunday even- ing, January 10th, when the speaker yas Rev, D. R. Jay of Uxbridge. We have been advised that contri- butions from individual parishes to- wards Church Extension in the Dio- cese of Toronto have been abolished recently by Synod. This was -not known at the time this year's envel- opes were printed, so a section for this purpose is still indicated on them. It is expected that members of the parish will be willing to direct their giving to the other sections of church work, perhaps especially' to our own much-needed new building fund. met on Details of Thursday by the Ladies' Club. There will be another on Thursday evening, January 21st. Admission is G50c. and the ladies have been able to contri- bute a considerable sum to the war- dens as a result of their efforts in holding these euchres, A number of the ladies of the parish have assisted in providing refreshments for these evenings. Sunday School teachers are remind- ed of their meeting tonight (Thurs- day) at 8 p.m, The Evening Guild will meet on Monday next, January 18th, at the home of Mrs. R, Kenny. Mrs. G, Por- "| ter and Miss M. New will be hostesses for the evening, Once again winter has brought with it the danger of an accident on the glide at the John Street side of the Church, Cars cannot .stop quickly on our icy roads and many children are using this slide, both after Sun- day School and during the week, end- ing each downhill run on the road. We fervently hope that it Will not take a death or serious accident to awaken the parents and other adult members of the parish to their res- ponsibilities in this connection. It seems a vital safety precaution to warn the children to stay off this slide and to keep it sanded fully. Jr. Farmers Hold - Annual Banquet The Ontario County Junior Farmers' Association will hold its Annual Meet- ing and Banquet in the Uxbridge High School and Trinity United Church, on Saturday, January 16th, 1960, The Annual Meeting will be held in the Uxbridge High School beginning at 1.30 pm. The election of the 1960 Executive and directors will be con- ducted and the annual reports of the various committees will be made. Mr. George Atkins, well known CBC Farm Radio and TV Commentator, will be the guest speaker at the banquet to be held in Trinity United Church. The presentation of the various Junior Farmer trophies won in 1959, will also be made during this program. Following the banquet an evening Play Party will be held in the Ux- bridge High School. Mr. Carson Whelan, well known 'folk dance in- structor from Maple, Ontario, and his group will provide the music. Ronald Werry, Oshawa, President of the Ontario County Junior Farmers' Association, and the other members of the 1969 Ontario Junior Farmers' As- sociation Executive and Directors are to be be congratulated on the many achievements of the association dur- ing 1959. . The Afternoon Guild held its mon- | A successful euchre was held last |, MEET BETTY TOMLINSON Betty Tomlinson, hostess on Trans- Canada Matinee, has done everything in radio from writing commercials to producing, With her portable tape recorder she has tramped the world, recording interviews, impressions, and local color for a variety of pro. grams, Last year she was one of the CBC's Royal Tour commentators. Trans-Canada Matinee is heard: each weekday over CBC radio's Trans- Canada network. Scugog Well, we are now in the hopeful sixties with fresh plans for the future and a backward look like the Roman two-headed god--Janus -- at the ac- complishments. One small organiza- tion is well pleased with its 1969 en- heavours, financially, physicially and morally. We hereby submit a report. With many hours of free labour by resi- to do. interior decorating, insulation, make repairs and improvements of aluminum storm windows and finished the floors. = Furnishings included a space heater and nesting chairs. Financial report as follows by 22 members: Receipts Balance, January 1, 1959 ........ $317.51 Suppers cine 160.69 Collections .....cccccivrvennrcnsniinnnionas Donations .......c.iweenes Bake Sale, substitute ... Bazaar evinces Wedding Reception ......ccccuuceue : Fashion Parade ........... Travelogues ........ Games Night ...... Membership Fees ... Bank Interest ........oeeiin Total receipts .....coevvivirreriinens Disbursements Hydro Electric .....coovvvinninrevarens $ 24.28 Donations--March of Dimes , Easter Seals, Hosp. Aux. .... M. and M. Fund .......cviiiiinene 30.00 25.00 Special Speaker ......... Supplies cee. - | Church Improvements .............. 280.62 2 Flowers (Funerals) ........ arene Repairs ....ueene Srisieanne man, follows: dents of the community, we were able | LIterture ou... ues susssererereesessss 3.00 | § Presbytery Fees cin © 8.20% $970.37 | At the regular January meeting on | Wednesday evening at the home of |§ Mrs. Alvin Heayn, a 'new slate of | officers was presented by Mrs. C. Red- | § The approved executive is as |§ President ~-- Mrs, J. Manns; Vice- President -- Mrs. B, Healey; See'y-- Mrs. L. Martyn; Treasurer--Mrs, el "| Reader; Pianist -- Mrs. 8. Rodman; Sick Visiting Committee -- Mrs. N. Reader and Mrs, O,-Heayn. Group Leaders -- Mrs. D, Gerrow, Mrs. A, Heayn, Mrs, C, Carter, Mrs. J. Dow- son, Mrs, S. Rodman, The president opened the meeting {with a familiar prayer--*I shall pass through this world but once", Dor- othy Martyn read some very helpful, "Secrets of Happiness." The roll call of our "First childhood memory" pre- sented many amusing anecdotes. It was suggested that we forego a ba- zaaar this year in preference of week- ly bake sales on the church lawn: We also 'considered the presentation of a play. by a well-known theatre group. Mire details will be learned and dis- cussed later, In appreciation of her faithful, two- year service, the president, Mrs. Manns, was presented with a Scotish design cup and saucet. A large quan- | tity of Christmas stamps was received. The Home and School Bowling night during vacation was enjoyed by 26 participants, Mrs. Allan Cawker and Bill Healey earned high scores. Grace and Russell Pogue sequired the low scores, There were many famous birthdays in January among whom were James Wolfe, Louis Braille, Benjamin Frank- lin, James Watt, Robert Burns, Lewis Carrol and to-day, the birthday of Al- bert Schweitzer, 1876, "one of the greatest men of the modern world." It, was Ben Franklin who said 'never leave that till tomorrow which you can do to-day." United Church W.A The first meeting in the New Year of the Women's Association of the United Church, was held on Tuesday, January bth, in the school room of the church, The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs, R, Cornish, with a New Year', 8 prayer, A piano solo by young Master Robert Taylor was enjoyed by all. "Annual reports were given which showed a very worthwhile year of work and a satisfactory Pnancial statement. Mrs, G, McDonald's group conduct- 2 Bec'y--| ed the devotional. = Rev. Mr. Linbtead 'conducted cere- mony of installation for 1960 with the following slate of officers; Past President--Mrs. W, A. Jackson. President--Mrs, R. Cornish 1st Vice-President--Mrs. E. Leask Ys ond Vice-President--Mrs, F. Crawford » <5 + 8rd Vive-President--Mrs, R. Peel Rec. Sec"y--Mrs. M, Williams Treasurer--Mrs. Chas, Reesor Cor. Secretary--Mrs, 8S. Cawker Pianist--Mrs. Wm. Taylor Press Secretary-- Mrs. J. C. Love Mrs. Wm. Taylor rendered an out- standing piano solo, the first' move- ment in A Minor, by Griege, which was appreciated by all. Miss Morwenna Harris gave a very enlightening paper on "My Country", She told of a long list of "First" in which Canadian played the leading role, For example: Alexander Gra- ham Bell and the "First" Telephone; Dr, Banting and Dr. C. H. Best, who discovered Insulin, in Torontg; 5-Pin Bowling was originated in Canada by Tommy Ryan; Ice Hockey originated in Canada; Dr. Nasmith invented Basketball, The submarine cable was invented by Frederick Newton Gis- borne; and Women's Institute was started in Brantford by Mrs. Hoodless. Miss Harris ended her talk with a few well chosen poems by Canadians. Rev. Linstead pronounced the bene- diction, and a tasty lunch was served by the West Group. - v. clothes dryer Saves Work! =) Brazil is the only country in the Western Hemisphere ever to have served as the seat of parliament for a & European empire. The royal family of Portugal lived in, and ruled from, a ---- ' Brazil from 1808 to 1821, according to World Book Encyclopedia. "Banana Layer Cake" Phone YUkon 5-2172 Each Tuesday, Friday and Sat. | WE WILL HAVE CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS & PUFF PASTE Week-End Specials GERROW'S BAKERY : -- on "Lemon Pie and Tarts" G. M. GERROW Nines SR SR SR ER RE BORO ORO SOSOSOIONOPORO i Devon Bacon .... Furnishings .i..ocamnmmmsiviian 129.80 EN 33.05 | 8 S Rib SLAMPS corres ns 20 [8 pare 1 3 ts es Balance on hand ...........c...... $336.26 i FREE TOWN | UNTIL 11 YUkon 5-2221 * CAWKER BROS. fo" Snowflake Shortening. .... 2 for 49: DELIVERY EVERY MORNING "The Family, 3 Butcher" "0 0%, 30 070 0% 00 00 "0 4% 4% 0% 0% te 4 0% os 4% Te Ste a ie ate 5 ON Te et ------ -- ceereen.. 550 Ib. a: O'CLOCK PORT PERRY 0,000" 4% 4 0 /; LN a " ' LST AA) wae he oN SANE N > } . Designers' conception of the new, | the Welland Cutial at: Hobior, near Bt, {is about to begtn, - ,000,000 high-level bridge across | Catharines, Ontario, "work on which | T- bd

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