Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Jun 1957, p. 6

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A » oY ES og, Te SAN ee wt, Licensed Elecirician ¢--THE PORT PERRY STAR, THURSDAY, JUNE 27th, 1967 * BUSINESS DIRECTORY GORDON "Tug" Wilson Radio & TV. Service "CAR RADIOS A SPECIALTY" PHONE 545 Port Perry, Ont. Sept. 27 Wanied to Buy Timber land and logs, Elm, Beech hard and soft Maple, Ash, Oak. H. M. Kyte, Blackstock t.1. INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs maybe, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry Dead Stock Service removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. $2.00 service charge for each call. Telephone Collect. Port Perry 90-r-4, or Tor: onto Km. 3-3636. Gordon Young Lid. Dec. 31, 19567 2 DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs, picked up for sanitary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry 108 r 14, Uxbridge 92-r-14, Lindsay 65282. Head Office, Woodville 82 r 11. } "ED. PECON]I, Argyle Ontario a July 30, 19567, ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Iistimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry Seplic Tanks Cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" 21 Hour Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton Phone 231 R June 16, 1967 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING | AGENT Port Perry - Ontarie Dead Farm Stock ALSO. CRIPPLED ANIMALS Picked up Promptly For fastest service Phone collect | Bowmanville, Market 3-2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone, Ont. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned by PUMP EQUIPMENT Have your tank checked now before trouble starts. 24 hour service REG. ARMSTRONG Port Perry Phone 451 July 11, 19567 Good Gravel, efc. PROMPT and EFFICIENT SERVICE For your sand, gravel, crushed stone, washed sand and stone, also good loam, CALL 322-W Ellsworth Kennedy Port Perry Ontario July 20, 1957 DEAD STOCK and Crippled animals Hogs, Calves, Horses and Cattle picked up promptly. No Charge. - G. R. ELSON Phone ¢ollect, Uxbridge 541 24 hour service, 7 days a week. July 11, 1957 AIR -- LAND -- SEA Information, Reservation, Tickets) Air Lines, Railways, Steamships, Hotels, Tours, Cruises Consult F G. CROSBY, Travel Agency, Uxbridge Ont., P.O. Box 364, Phone. 128 or 290W, Office at Howard Shier's) No service charge. septl12,67 Prince Albert Again it is pleasing to announce the splendid S.S. and Church attend- ance on Sunday. ' A hearty "welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and family who have just moved into our locaity from England. Many of the parents enjoyed the annual Music Festival held in the Port Perry Arena which was a beehive of pupils. Varied program of choruses, vocal solos and trios. Then the country style square dance, ""hands around and corners all." There is a marked improvement in the field of music and song in school life which is a credit to music upervisors. Mrs. A. McPherson has returned to Lindsay dfter visiting her sisters home Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Martyn. Mr. and Mrs. Harper and son Ken, Toronto, with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter and family spent a few days with her sister Mr. and Mrs. L. Glasgow. and sons of Brussels. Hello! Mrs. Group. It is pleasant to learn you arrived in the Village for the summer days. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Les. Beacock and boys included his on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hooey of Blackstock on Sunday. Congradulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. Wagg formely Audrey Bond, Oshawa who have just_ celebrated their 20th. wedding anniversary. The immediate family and other relatives gathered to offer best wishes. The bride and groom were recipents: of numerous lovely gifts, including a beautiful case of flatware from the brides parents Myr, and Mrs, Louis Bond. . 4 - Week-end company with Mr. and Mrs. C. Love and family included Mr. and Mrs. Carins (Helen Anderson) and children of Toronto, We are all happy Miss F. Holman is allowed home from the hospital. Mrs. P. Raymer is kindly taking care of her. r-- L 4 Mr. and Mrs, M, Luke, Paul and Robert of Hamilton were at the home Aug. 380, 19567 Mrs, C. Luke over the week-end. hem A ees BULLDOZING - ---- ee = ~T EXCAVATING / TRENCHING, LOADING, DRAGLINE, CLAM WORK ROOT and ROCK RAKE FOR LAND CLEARING SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM, FILL. FREE ESTIMATES--by Hour or Contract. | TRIPP CONSTRUCTION 1 LIMITED g Phone 392W (Office) Residence--Wm, Tripp 892W and Joe Tripp 892J mother Mrs. W. Beacock, Nestleton Move : RO TR han} a ¥ 22) 15 LSA rh * Yi LE a Ee ee La ld 3 ed Si TA TR Sh pan ai ie Ta CYads Lal ROBERT G. ECKEL Florist BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Phone 190 Grower of cut mums year 'round. tf. FOR SALE: Frigidaire Refrigerator, in good condition, Phone 134 Port Perry, June 27 FOR SALE: McCormick Mower, tract- or hitch, 6 ft. out,-good running con- dition. Phone 495 r 3 Port Perry . July 4 FOR SALE: Hay, mixed, standing. Apply J. J. Dobson, Saturday, Phone Port Perry 126 r 16.- - June 27 PERSONAL "OLD AT 40, 60, 60?" MAN You're Crazy! Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For rundown feeling many men, women call "old". New "get-acquainted" size ONLY 60c, All druggists. aN oD) PONIES FOR SALE---2 Pinto mares; also 2 Holstein cows, due first week in July. J. W. Forster, 92 r 2.' Port Perry. i FOR SALE--New Mildmay Threshers, also used Threshers, Patent straw cutters and shredders, grain throwers. Get our prices and terms. Beare Motors Ltd., Port Perry or Lokinger Bros, Mildmay, Ontario. augl FOR SALE-- I. H. C. Hay Loader. Apply to J. L. Dobson, Phone Port Perry 126-r 16 FOR SALE--Buck Rake on G.M.C. 3 ton truck, in very good condition, Geo, Benetin, Ashburn, Phone Brook- lin, 630 r 21, FOR SALE--Johnson I.LO.H.P. Out- board motor with separate fuel tank. Good working condition. Phone 234. FOR SALE--Clare Jewel, all parce- lain combination range, not an annex, Four Corex elements, cast iron fire box with wood section. Excellent condi- tion. Phone Port Perry 499 r 31 or Uxbridge 92 r 31. julyll Baling Twine International Twine, Plymouth Red Top, Danish Twine, Lincoln and Em- erald. Prices $6.60 - $8.00. Phone Manilla 11 r 14 or contact Heywood Short, Seagrave, Ont, july4 FOR SALE -- Sunshine Rangette, good oven with thermometer, used only short time. Mrs, J. C. Taylor, Phone 13J. FOR SALLE -- Rangette, oven con- trol, good condition: "Phone 605J. HOUSE WORK WANTED -- Day and night. Likes Children. Phone 512, Port Perry. Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM R. LAMB, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of William R. Lamb, late of the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham, Gentleman, de- ceased, who died on or about the 26th day of April, A.D. 1957, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 20th day of July, 1967, full particulars of their claims, Im- mediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 17th day of June, A.D. 1967. GREER and KELLY, Barristers, ete, Box 131, Port Perry, Ont. Solicitors for the above estate. june 20-27 and july 4th, Lo/ BS IT IS BETTER 18 BE A MAY FILLED WITH PORPOSE, THAN A MULE, LOADED WITH MO TS Jack Pargeter Service Station Pine Grove Mrs, Jack Hill, Mrs. D. 'McTavish, Mrs, Duckworth, Mrs. A. Rothwell, Mrs. Jack Johnson, Mrs, Talbert Evang and Mrs. Earl Ballard enjoyed a bus trip with the Quaker: Hill Institute ladies to Hamilton and Stoney Creek on Thursday. Mr, Jack Hill, spent a few days on a lecture tour in the Orillia district last week. Mr. Jack Albright had the misfort- une to fall and break a rib last week. Miss June Hill and Miss Florence Sandy spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hill. : Mr. and Mrs, Harold Palmer of Tor- onto visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill, : There will be no Sunday School next Sunday on account of Decoration at Uxbridge Cemetery. Mr. Malcolm Rothwell left Satur- day for England where he will par- tisipate in the Bisley Rifle Shoot. Mr. and Mrs. A, Handel and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Banks and daughter were in Oshawa Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Banks and daugh- ter spent a couple of days in the North Country visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Redshaw, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Lehman and Alvin Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Gourlie visited Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dowswell of Stouffville, Mr. and Mrs.-Herman Kerry calling on Mr. and Mrs, Talbert Evans Fri- day evening. W.A. will be held at Mrs.Simonds home on Thursday, July 4th. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Clayk and family have moved into their new home in Port Perry after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. E.. Ballard had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Locke and family of Port:-Perry also calling on Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Clark. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tal- | {bert Evans. trout, and pickerel. Teen Town At the Teen Town Dance this Friday night, the elections will be held for the coming year.) We would be happy Seagrave The June W.A. meeting was held in the S.S. room on Wednesday evening, to see as many parents as possible ! June 12th with 22 members and 4 turn out for this event. At this dance you will see how we are trying to or- ganize our club. Once again we remind you that anyone showing up at a Teen Town dance with liquor on their breath will be removed from the dance. Also, the doors are officially closed at 10.30, and anyone wishing entrance to the dance after that hour must have per- mission from the chaperones, Cedar Creels Mr. and Mrs. Atwood MacRae and daughter and son, Linda and Carl, have moved from Prince Edward Is- land to live with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris, Mrs. John Greenwood has been a patient in Oshawa General Hospital since last Monday. She had an oper- ation on Tuesday. ' Mrs. Kilpatrick and George and Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie of Oshawa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare, Tyrone. Miss Flossie Spencer and brothers were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kennedy at Bethany. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smith and girls of Stouffville were Sunday visitors of the Wm. Blain and Greenwood fam- ilies. Mrs. George Spencer and Mrs, Alvin Spencer and danghter Carol of Ken- dren were Monday evening visitors of the Spencer family. : The Cedar Creek pupils held their picnic on Tuesday. The fisherman should bé 'well sat- isfied with his catch if he visits Man- itoba, for the principal species taken are Northern pike, lake and speckled visitors in attendance. The devotional was in charge of south group.. Meet- ing opened with Theme Song and [hymn "O What a Wonderful Love" after which Mrs. G. Wanamaker led in prayer, The Scripture from Pro. 3:1-16 was read by Mrs, Clements, A vocal solo entitled "'God so Loved the World" was rendered by Leona Rey- nolds, The devotional talk was given by Mrs. Grant Hunter of Prince Al- bert, her subject being "Habits of Christian Living". In her talk she spoke on seven habits a Christian should practice and left us with many thoughts we could put in practice for every day living. A reading was given by Mrs. A. Bruce. Hymn, "He Lead- eth Me" closed this part of the meet- ing. Mrs, M. Bruce moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Hunter for her splendid talk and to Leona for her solo. Mrs. Keen then took the chair for the business. Roll call taken and offering of $7.96 received. Minutes were read and approved, Treasurer reported $232 on hand and the south group had turned in $40.60. Their proceeds from the play amounted to $30.26. It was decided that. the groups put flowers in the church on Sundays. The baking sales will start on June 28th with the north group in charge. Mrs. G. Wanamaker reported that the carpet had been cut and finished in church. Meeting closed with hymn and benediction. A contest was con-' ducted: by Mrs, M. Bruce and lunch served by the south. group. A number of Seagrave folk were in Toronto on Saturday to call on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mark who was celebrat- ing their 26th wedding anniversary. Mrs, Alvin Bruce left Saturday afternoon by train for a trip to the West Coast, She was accompanied by sisters Misses Laura and Hazgl Mark of Toronto. Mrs. Ada Bradley, her daughter Mrs. Harry Holden and daughters Diane and Denice of Stouffville visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs, E. Butt on Sunday. y Mr, and Mrs.. B. Wanamaker; Neil and Billie visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb of Silver Beach Lodge in Haliburton, on Sunday. | Nr Vigog Oil Co. Ltd. Fuel 0il173-10 cents per gal, Stove Oil 21 cents per gal. - For Delivery Phone TE Oshawa RA. 5-1109 : 100 STYLESIDES / wy, ~ Modern FS Sy a ---- es om em em ens em Nen GE GY aes GUS SES GED GE GI SND GRD SND SER Gos AN) GND GN OF ORD set a 5 , NEW FORD TRUCKS cost less LESS TO OWN... LESS TO RUN... NO-EXTRA-COST STANDA GD GO ED (IP CED GI GIP CRN GND GID MID CUD COU GIP GUD MINS GED Gu) GEN CIE) GED GND GINS SEND GINS GENO ANS GED SEED GED GENS GND GIN GED GES GRD GED SED ND GED GED SSN GES SED GND GUS SU WD of TRUCK VALUE! . e . = Zz MODERN STYLESIDE BODIES, standard at no-extra-cost, are available in both 6'4- and 8-ft. body lengths. The big - Styleside Pickup bodies extend to the full width of the cabs . + « give up to 70 cu. ft. capacity. This new design makes side load easier, Or you can choose from Ford's traditional Flareside Pickups with 6!4- or 8-ft. bodies, or the ultra~ modern Ranchero, combining passenger car styling with truck-load capacity. MODERN TRUCK POWER! Ford offers 5 Pickups including Ranchero, with advanced short-stroke:engines. Pickups are powered with 139 Hp. Six or the 171 Hp. V-8; Ranchero offers choice of 144 Hp. Six or 190 Hp. V-8. Without a doubt they are the most modern engines in any truck. MODERN COMFORT, STRENGTH AND RIDE, Ford cabs offer modern cowl-top ventilation, easy-entry inboard cab- step and passenger-car comfort, New stronger frames, new sturdier axles and new rear springs increase chassis durability, Ford's new, longer, wider front springs give an improved Enter the big Ford-Monarch "Sales Jamboree" Contest--15 glamorous new cars to be given away! You could be a winnerl See your Ford-Monarch Dealer truck ride. LAST LONGER TOO/ GET MODERN TRUCK VALUES--'standard" in every Ford Truck, ARE SI i tL R= or = MONARCH ® A Ey

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