TN 2 " ae - reading, "That Thing Called Middle "of days this week with her daughter Blackstock The W. A. of the United Church met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Archer with 22 ladies and-5 children present. The meeting opened withthe Theme Song and the Lord's Prayer. The roll called was answered by naming an Easter hymn. The President read an Easter poem. We sang "The Old, Old Story". Mrs. Stanford VanCamp gave a very fine Lenten Devotional paper and offered prayer. The treasurer: had a very satisfactory report from the turkey supper. Considerable business was dealt with before Mrs. Earl Bradburn, presided for the program as follows: Age" by Mrs. Harold McLaughlin; Mrs. Lorne Thompson led in a sing- song; Mrs. W. Archer gave a paper on Hungarian Refugees: ~ The meeting closed with prayer after which a love- ly lunch was served. Twenty-¢ight young married people had a very enjoyable time ,at the Couples Club on Wednesday night. A fine discussion was held on "The Ad- vantages and Disadvantages of T.V. A delicious lunch was served and the mecting closed with devotions. The Tyros Boys are thoroughly én: joying their meetings cach Friday night. At present they are building model air planes. Several of the relatives from here attended the silver weddihyr anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Larmer, of Toronto, which was celebrated in Devitt's Hall on Friday night. Con- gratulations Mr. and Mrs, Larmer. Fire broke out oy/Sathwday after- antation Afe, east of Burketon, some three acres or so is trees which would have for cutting this coming All the men from Burketon ra # of Christ been' 'wintey, frofa Caesarea turned out and fought the blaze. - on't forget the Firemen are hav- another picture show in the Re- crejtion Centre Friday night, main feathire "The Quiet Man" (fad to report Mrs. Percy Collins, » Mr. Roy McLaughlin able to re- turn to their homes from hospital last week and gaining nicely. Mrs. Wilbert Archer spent a couple Mrs. Bert Smith in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer. dnd family" of Whitby spent Saturday and Md. Vin- cent Archer, Sunday with their par- ents, - Mr. and Mrs. David McLean visited her brother Mr. Harry Neals, Ponty- pool, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Read Heaslip, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. w.Mr. Jusaice Jean Martineau of the Quebec Court of Queen's Bench in Montreal and a member of the Royal Commission investigating the diesel issue in the cab of a diesel locomotive in the Canadian Pacific Railway's St. Luc hump retarder frieght yard. We are all pleased to see Mr. Henry Thompson able to get down stairs and sit in the sunshine. We trust it may not be long uritil he is able to resume his -normal routine. Mr. and Mrs. Les Gibson, Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor. } . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright and family, Mr. amd Mrs. Lloyd Wright, spent Sunday with the Garnet Wrights in- Port Perry, celebrating' Keith's birthday. ~~ Mr. and Mrs Bowmanville, Wsi Griffin, Sunday. RX Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother Mrs. J. Henry. } Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wiseman, of Toronto, visited Mrs. Ed. Darcy and Mrs. Iya Argue, on Sunday. "and Mrs. J. J. Flett and Donna 'd Stinson, of Mr. and Mrs. L. of Bowmanville, visited the Ed. Harris family on Sunday. } Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp and Arthur were Sunday suppér guests of 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Dowson, celebrated Mr. and Mrs. Glenn VanCamp's second wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Heaslip, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sugygitt. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Mrs. Jos. Forder, Nestleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, of Oshawa, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Murray and girls, Port Credit. * Mrs. Arnold Taylor of Peterboro Teachers' College, is teaching this week in Ontario Street School in Bowmanville. : Miss Joyce Venning, Oshawa, and Miss Nora Venning, Lindsay, were at their home over the week-end. +