Fi Scugoy News The Dowson family honored Mr, Frank Dowson with a surprise birth- day party last Wednesday evening, ~The gathering was held at the home ~of My. and Mrs. Roy Collins in Port Perry, "All members of the Dowson family were present and enjoyed an evening of euchre. Prize winners were Mr, F. Dowson and Mrs. Joe Dowson while Mr, Jack Manns ana Mrs. Merle Dowson won consolation prizes. Mr, Dowson was presented with a travelling case from his' family. Last Friday evening a double show- & er was held in the Scugog Hall in hon- our of two newly "wed couples--Mr. old Collins, Mr. and Mra. Percy Col- lins, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Collins, M#. Don Collins and Mr. Ivan Collins -of Toronto. and Mrs, Edgar Brown and Mr. and Mrs, Walter Smith (pee Lillian Col- lins): After an enjoyable evening of dancing the young people were show- ered with miscellaneous, beautiful and useful gifts. They all thanked their friends most graciously. : The Family Sunday service at the the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Martyn. Miss Inez Martyn of Toronto spent Mr. and~Mrs. Bill Healey spent a | group. ' Head Church last Sunday was much enjoyed and we were pleased to see such a fine attendance. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Collins * were--Mr, and Mus. Walter Smith of Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, E. Morrell 'of Toronto, Miss Evelyn Collins of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Har- pa [; - mm + LEARN J To Address en I EE FOR A CAREER -- Airlines, Men 19-24 years . FOR PLEASURE--From 16 to 80 years y FOR BUSINESS-- Save time and money--It costs less per mile than your car. OBTAIN YOUR PRIVATE PILOT'S LICENCE Now! $100.00 Government Subsidy You can obtain your licence for as little as $5.00 Oy week or. pay fly -- complete facilities are available to enable you to obtain your COMMER- CIAL PILOT'S LICENCE. MAIL THIS COUPON . | - : Ontario op Club Please send me complete information on learning(_ | to fly and the Free Booklet" Happy Landing", Name ......c....c. I RN Ce ON MDE LS Lr CP BE VO ETL SOP PIP RPC i 1) VU rH RE Ns Rr TO FLY . £ £ & 4 @ i i ------------ Se PRONE .coooivisivniivnrsinirns ONTARIO COUNTY FLYING CLUB Government Approved School for Private and - and Commercial Flying' OSHAWA 'MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ER OO DIAL 3-4111++ TO SERRE REE few days in' Gangnoque last. week, visiting Mr, Healey' parents there. The May meeting of the Head W, A. was held atthe home of Mrs. Don Gerrow on May 4th with 18 members present. We were pleased to have Mrs. Frank Gerrow join us once again. The meeting opened with the hymn, "What a Friend", fpllowed by the Lord's Prayer. The reading from the "Channels of Devotion" was given by Mrs. Ashbridge, and Bonnie Gerrow read the Scripture lesson. The hymn "Lead Kindly Light" was sung. .Fol- lowing the minutes the roll call was answered by a Favourite Flower, The Hospital report was given by Rita Rodman and she informed us that any Ogilvie Flay Money we have should be sent to the Auxiliary." Also that May 12th is open day at the hos- pital. It was moved that we donate { $10 to the Cancer Fund, The pro- gram consisted of a heautiful reading by Mrs. Chas. Reader entitled "For- give Us", and a Flower guessing con- test, won by Dorothy Martyn. Fol- lowing this, our president Mrs. Betty } Reader was given several lovely gifts at a surprise stork shower, for Which she thanked. all the members. The meeting ended with our usual May sale of plants and shrubs, and a de- licious lunch served by Mrs. Collins' Mr, and Mrs, Trew and Miss Dotita Trew of Oshawa were Sunday guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter. Mr: and Mrs. A. Angus and family of 'Toronto and Mr and Mrs. Harold Luke and family spent last Sunday |. with Mr. and Mrs. C. Reader. Mrs. Watson of Taronto spent last week end at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs, N, Reader. - Mrs. A. Ashbridge returned last Sunday from Toronto, where she spent the week-end with her daughter and family Mrs, C. Harrison, Manchester There was a fairly good attendance at Family * Day service on Sunday morning. Supt. Wesley Johnson con- ducted the, service. The Junior choir sang "Mothers Prayers", and much credit is due them and their trainer Mrs. Toombs. - Mrs, Mutton dressed 2 children in native Chinese costumés and also told two very interesting true stories about a little boy and a little girl whom she knew in China. Service on Sunday, May 16th, will be at 11.16 FISH. PORT PERRY - TENDER DELICIOUS MEATS * MEAT * POULTRY CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING ' York Frosted Foods - CAWKER BROS. "THE FAMILY Siro " v "brings Modern 12-Volt ; 1 and provides a big supply of reserve power. Highest SION' Means wigh ronan ed horse- = [Chole 5 "Turbs: Fires -- . ud i h the piston moves only | ALR "Controlled - 4 Power New, shorter three inches -- reducing cyl- LBL per {ston stroke inder wall friction; friction ' " § full-pressure : ond P . heat: and making possible ; 3 lubrication rth F greater efficiency. at In Chevrolet's "Tur! ire" a i " V8, thorough engineering B bh POPPA Controlled full-pressure lu- has eliminated all the dead- Saves 1 mile cain di © piston moves a | ; i brication results in greater weight and unnecessar 8 o 1 apes: i a Hy) ofl economy and in finer en- bulk -- both factors whic of engine Sates Yu 20 ing 1 This I A \ | ine protection. The oil is drgin the, rated horsepowers 2 pad ig Ky i rave [his Wi SO /\ yA S\N i + orced to every working part of engines in 'comparable wear in 1 i) $s lighter loads on the .bear- 1 of the engine, makes. : . y i ed Only Chevrolet CO SS GU" OU OIG WO US WH 0 G0 B00 WT St offers you the choice ofa 1 BR Phone " : electrical system This 12-volt system with its hotter, faster spark, is ex- he To with Chevrolet i the low-priced three. It. gives faster, surer starts on "cold marnings, 8s, Seth Al models and Alice series Chevrolet's YDEN Better all-'round performance "Turbo-Fire" V8 makes use of General Motors' long experience in making unbeatable V8's for high- -priced cars. That's Chevrolet's V8 performance is unrivalled by comparable makes. : _ Che : Bel Air Sport Coupe' A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE SOR GUI VR WR WA ON GAN RNS SUS VEST EO WK 'High compression economy Chevrolet V8 has a compres. sion ratio that is unsurpassed anywhere in its field. In fa puts the "Turbo-Fire" V8 the performance class of hi why priced cars. You can feel the motoramic its compression ratio of 8 to 1 in gh result the instant you puit ygur Nr foot down on the accelerator, - ", And, of course, high compres- evro MOTORS Chevrolet stop sareLy lI] ct, Tf C-2455C let PORT PERRY bytery at Oshawa last Tuesday. lage on Saturday. Junior Farmers Conference in Guelph, ville, and Mr. Robert Taylor, Uxbridge, | i+ o THE PORT PERRY STAR THURSDAY, MAY 12th, 1956-1 a.m, and Sunday School a t 10.15 am. = Mr, Clinton Midgley attended Pres- Mr, and Mrs. R. Steer spent a recent week-end with friends near Belleville. ! Mr, and Mrs. A. Roach and family were at their summer home in Hali- burton over the week-end. : Congratulations to Pat and Reta Donnelly on the birth 'of their little son, "4 - Mis. C. 'Midgley spent last Monday in 'Lindsay. Mr, John Ross Roach, Detroit, with his mother, Mrs. J, Roach, and sister Mys: Bert Wilson, of Windsor, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. Roach for several days last week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hedges, of Brooklin, called on friends in the vil- Misses Muriel Lamb and Joan Cal- berry and Mr. Ted Lamb attended the May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Mr, Ron McKenzie, Toronto, was at' Reduces na, on ' FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL eke ud Vigor 0il Co. Lid. Stove 0il 19,3 cents per gal. Fuel Oil 16% cents per ol. FOR DELIVERY PHONE/ ' Oshawa 5-1109 ------ w------ his home here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Taylor, Stouff- were with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crosier on Sunday. Mrs, C, Midgley visited Folativis in| Brooklin on Tuesday. The Women's "'Asssociation met at the home of Mrs. A. Roach last Thurs- day afternoon. The meeting opéned with hymn and prayer. Mrs. Howsam read the Scripture. lesson and Mrs. Roach the topic "Jesus the Comforter". Eunice and Susan Roach sang: "Open up your Heart and let the Sun Shine In," Mrs, Archer presided for the busi-|§ ness session, Mrs, Bain read minutes of previous mecting which were adopted as read. Sixteen members answered the roll and five visitors were welcomed by President, Mrs. Archer, at the church this week to work on the |} flower bed. It was decided to hold a home baking sale on Friday afternoon, May 20th. All ladies interdsted are asked. to" kindly contribute to this sale, BR . . Mrs. F. Crosier, Mis. A. Fielding, Mrs. I, Johnson and Mrs. H, Toombs |} are committee appointed to look after the sale, The meeting closed with ode and prayer. Mrs. Roach, Mrs. Howsam and Mrs." Miller seived a de- licious lunch. The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Lamb. Mrs, F. Johnson and Mr. Wesley Johnson attended the funeral en Tucs- day of Mr. Laurie Tran, son of Mr. and Mugs. David Tran, of Atha. The ladies planned to meet| EA LO MO LHR sia NII LOOK "A BRAND NEW ESSO DEA One that You Can't Afford to Miss .FOR THE FIRST TIME ESSO OIL FURNACES and 'OIL BURNERS COMPLETELY INSTALLED 10%. DO "FIVE YEARS TO PAY GUARANTEED OIL and SERVICE ON CONTRACT By IMPERIAL OIL * WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS MOSIER SHEET METAL (24 Hour Service) 21 CHURCH ST. } Phones--Office 5-2734 0 THERE JCA INES OSHAWA, ONT. Res. 5-2761 om ol am jeje 8 5 LU} r ? ) wy i ? ) : : ne R ee TE NIN When You Call Your Friends in OSHAWA... -- OSHAWA NUMBERS Will Start with: RAndolph 3 ; RAndolph 5 or RAndolph 8 telephone book. -.copy in regular or pocket size. ~~ Long Distance service. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL With the introduction :of the new 2-letter, b-figure type numbers in OSHAWA, all telephone numbers will be changed as shown in your new After you have looked up the new number of your friends and business associates in OSHAWA be sure to jot them down. need a new Blue Book of Telephone Numbers phone or ask at our Business Office for a This new numbering system is gradually being introduced all over thee continent. It enables long Distance operators to dial numbers in more and more out-of-town places, providing faster, more efficient ( J. W. LOWRY, Manager. If you HANDY EXTENSION A TELEPHONES are now available. Save time and steps -- just It's FREE! © call eur Business Office for a. prompt installation, ' THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA 55-108-FS -- 8 x 188 ® i} 5 yo Mo ma Lh i co aS et TEs To A es a a - x ARS x Rt as Sa " Po a Th i a Pe at a UE A LY