Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Apr 1953, p. 8

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oe 8---THE PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, 1963 FARM _PROPERTY. WANTED-- near Port Perry. Write 2237- Queen St. East, Toronto,- apr.2-9 WORK WANTED -- Custom culti- vating, tilling, etc. « Prompt service, Apply Bob Cawker, Phone 122°r 22, aprd FOR SAL E_ Two. Whotled trailer, heavy; suitable for- 'tractor or car, Good condition and tires. Apply to Roy Goode, Port Perry. ~ WORK. WANTED -- im three mornings a week, 'Apply Mrs. J. Mulder, {Rancheser) RE, 4, Port F. Hogg Nursery Co. Finest Selection ry - EVERGREENS . SHRUBS FRUIT TREES - ROSES a. -- a TAHA ELE AL ROS +3 i Sah G Sf Git AB aE oa aa Faas bps Pap bin ng bis SI ed - pt \Scugog Island Man (continued from front page) Association of Ontario. This Assocla- tion dealt with many problems among which was the problem of cattle rust- ERR SRO. SS SRE Rs x a. Se A La, - =! = -~ tit aan Bm TT iw Pat co Ag ¥ a A FOR SALE -- nT 1951 pick-up, 'model L160, less than 14,000] -Z FOR SALE--Flower TS FOR Perey. 'miles. Will exchange for livestock or trade-in. Phone 93-21, Uxbridge. FQR' SALE -- Purebred Shorthorn bulls, service age. .Power cleaned-red clover seed, oil brooder stove, Albert Wright, Nestleton, FOR RENT--- Available immediately, 8 large self-contained rooms, Private entrance and cellar. Ground floor, Phone 98 r 21, Uxbridge. FOR SALE -- Convertible Baby Carriage; Chest of Drawers; Combi- nation Electric, Coal and wood stove, GE Hotpoint, In good condition, Sell reasonable, Phone 248J, Port Perry, "apr16 LOST--In- vicinity of Sebert House, Port Perry, on Saturday: night, pair of black kid gloves, Mrs. H.W. * Honey, Phone 67r2. FOR SALE -- Registered Scotch bred, Shorthorn bull, two years old, approved sire. Registered Shorthorn bull ealf, ten months old, accredited herd. Carl Wright, Blackstock. - girl's outfit, hat, purse, gloves and dress, light blue, sizé b, brocaded satin top, taf- feta skirt covered with nylon net, worn once, $15, cost $25. Phone 2087. FOR SALE--Red Clover seed, small quantity. Phone 34-r-2, Blackstock. FOR SALE -- USED CARS, 19563 Dodge. Regent, 19562 Dodge Regent, 1952 Chev. Power Glide, 19562 Ford, 1950 Plymouth, 1949 Morris. Ux- Spring Motors Ltd., Junction 12 and PELE Highways. " Port Perry 126 r 4, ~~ YOU ARE INVITED to rns you car or truck to our new Service Shop. The latest in distributor and testing equipment is available for checking your vehicle. We have factory train- ed men to operate these "machines. Ux-Spring Motors Limited, Your lo- | ~ cal Mercury-Lincoln-Meteor Dealer, Junction 12 and 47 highways Phones: Uxbridge 246, Port Perry 125-r-4. SALE--POTATOES. Phone 11 » 11, Blackstock:- Phone Uxbridge 245, FOR SALE--Cash Register; Electric Meat Slicer; Computing Scales, up to 30 pounds. Write Box 313, Port Perry. | : WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM _ ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information. Nov. 27, 1963 The famous Aero Silver Flame Automatic Oil Burner sold, installed .and serviced by ROBERTSON ELECTRIC, Phone 179 or 371W, Day or night. oct28tf DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone Colléct. Port Perry 118r2, or Toronto EM 83-3636. Gordon Young Lid. "FOR BALE -- Mixed seed. rai Erban oats and"2-Row barley. Apply Jack Holtby, phone 107.r-81. : "SPIRELETTE" -- See the new| foundation garment "Spirelette"-- something new for summer. Mrs. H. O'Neill, April 16 HELP WANTED-- Waitress, also woman or man to operate dish wash- ing machine. Del Restaurant, Port Perry. { Opportunity FOR SALE--STORE, RESTAUR- ANT and six-room dwelling, all on ground floor, Large lot suitable for garage and night cabins, Stock and equipment at wholesale price. Phone 6 r 20 or write R, E, Johnston, Wilber- force. ~ FOR A PLEASANT family drive you'll save enough to pay for your gas by. shopping 'at Glecoff 1.G.A, Supermarket. Open every day until 10 p.m., except Sunday, 174 Ritson Road South, Oshawa. : They come from the east * And they come, from the west They come from the lands afar To shop at our store For. values galore In taxis, by bus and by car. "Low Prices Every Day." Apr.30 FOR SALE--Writing desk, Gasoline | Stove and Oven, Set Bedroom Dishes, 2 Tables, Rack for Laudry Tubs, Floor Lamp, Other articles. Suitable for cottage. Phone 86 r 18. WANTED Brick and Block WORK ART BROWN PRINCE ALBERT Phone Port Perry 265 r 22 _apr.16 "Auction Sales SAT. APRIL 11--Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Tractor, Furniture, ete. the property of John Smartz, Lot 20, Con. 4, East Whitby, 21% miles off Himese St., on Albert Road. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms Cash. --TED JACKSON, Auctioneer MONDAY, APRIL 20--Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Hay, Furniture, the property of A. A, Knight, Lot 28, Con. 9, Twp. | of Whitby, 1% mile West of Ashburn. Terms Cash, sale at 1.30 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. MANCHESTER'S QUALITY ~ GROCERY Groceries, Meats, ete. Could be, we have what you want Call 320 r 33, Port Perry PICKED UP PROMPTLY ~° Phone Collect Bowmanville 2679 . We also buy live horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, TYRONE septl0 63 DECORATING request. if possible. Ld PAINTING ~~ We supply all material for 'your job. For exterior painting Please book your job early Latest finishes in Rubbed Plywood, any colour " For Expert Decorating call M. ST. CLAIR 113-x-14 6, > Sample books on and Sons. Phone Port' Perry 3 17W Contact | : Implements, "Select yoyr own. and have "local grown stogek, quality prices and variety second to none. Free catalogue on re- quést, JACK ARMSTRONG Half-mile south of Uxbridge. aprillé Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates given ' WALTER KING * 3 Phone 86 23, Port Perry BULLDOZING Excavating and Loading by Contract or hourly rate BLACKSTOCK Dead Stock Service "Dead or crippled horses, cattle, nogs, picked up for santiary disposal. Phone collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; Uxbridge 92'r 14; Lindsay 4682. Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville. fi ED. PECONI - . Argyle, Ontario. a July 53 Car Insurance FOR BETTER INSURANCE with the LARGEST AUTO INSURANCE COMPANY. Premiums on easy terms --Six months -- P1.-Pd. 10/20/6000-- $8.60. $100 deductable (Coll.) plus fire and theft for $11.50, on 52753 average -car used for business and pleasure--age limit.driver, 21-68, Ap- ply to. DIRK BRINKMAN Insurance, R.R.3, Burketon, Ont. '~ Phone 82 r 2, Blackstock Gravel and Loam CRUSHED STONE L] "Fred Warren -- Port Perry, Phone 54] * EGGS, Strictly Frésh |® Ready-to-Cook CHICKENS Dead Farm Stock | ® Cooked Ready-to-Eat CHICKENS Very Reasonable Prices Open Daily and Saturday Evenings. Brunton Farms On 7A Highway at Scugog Road _ and 6th Con. SEPTIC TANKS. : Cleaned by PUMP "EQUIPMENT "THE SURE WAY" -24 'Hour 'Service IRWIN DeGEER Dalton Road, Sutton - Phone 231 R L, 3 Cn - Bulldezing and Excavating > By Hour or Contract. Free Estimates Given. Willam Tripp R. 2 Port Perry, Phone pp r 42 sn coal ects nd H. VanCamp & Son pH OW. Julydet |; i iad A Jund has Been Saried as re- arerehonsion of at Each Coe Council has been asked for fifty dol- lars to finance this. The Provincial police and the Association are co- operating in this problem and the po- lice were present taking part in the panel discussion suggesting 'how the farmers could help by more positive identification of cattle and prompt reports of any loss, The problem of Veterinarians CArry- ing disease by not disinfecting boots after visiting each stable was report- ed on and the Veterinarian's associa- tion was appealed to that this prob- lem could be dealt with in their As: sociation. Community sales and problems arising from-these sales brought forth the following regulations: All' community sales arenas must have cement floors. 'All must be washed and disinfected after each sale. All stock submitted for sale to be examined by a Veterinarian. All stock must be registered in sales book to show who consigned the animal and who purchased. This chiefly to .deter rustlers. Recommendations regarding the care 'and feeding of rail shipped ani- mals were made to the railways in an effort to stop shipping fever. Speakers of the day spoke of the definitely poor export market. hut they took an optimistic view of Can- ada's ability to absorb her own beef products within her own country due to the rising population. Many de- tails were presented to the Beef Pro- "| ducers to stimulate their interest in their stock with an eye to an optimis- tic future in the Beef Industry. |10DE Delegates Members to Attend Coronation Meeting 'At the monthly meeting, Mrs, Rob- ertson and Mrs, Bentley were appoint- ed-to-représent Scugog Chapter, 1.0.- D.E. at the Provincial Convention in Hamilton, Apidl 22-28-24, A contribution was voted toward the "| purchase of. a T.V. set for the I1.0.D.E. Praeventorium (children's T. B. Hos- pital) in Toronto, as a coronation gift to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Further consideration was given to the Robin Hood Cooking School to be held in May, and the Rose Tag. Day in June, in aid of the Port Perry Hos- pital. Two members were delegated to-at- tend Friday's meeting of other organ- izations regarding municipal corona- tion plans. ~ Empire Study took the form of two films, "Mother of Parlia- | ments," sponsored by the 1.0.D.E.; and "Trooping of the Colours." \ REACH SCHOOLS MAY JOIN Wes Johnson, Manchester; presi- dent of the Ontario and York Coun- ties' Film Council is expected to give an important report at the next meet- ing of the organization at Wixsonia Farm, Markham, Secretary-Treasurer John Ashton of Pickering informs. Mr. Johnson will report on the pos- sible membership of 16 Reach Town- ships schools in the council, The pur- chase of a new projector and the plans for the June meeting in Port Perry will, also be discussed. Births COX-=Mr, and. Mrs. Jim Cox sare happy. to announce. the. arrival of their daughts , Debora Dorothy, a baby sister for 'Mavis, at Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, Sun- day, April 5, 1968, N w' NEW fiND OF HOME. _ HANDYMAN MAE, eg coun or sub- a ] MILLERS CHICK "HATCHERY Phone Suhderland 8 1 31 : Apriléet. ---- -- = $ r Yi a -------- A LAKEVIEW THEATRE | Phone PORT PERRY : : el ee Te Shows Nightly --17 and 9 p.m. - a A HEE yr rata a Ee L : xi $ et Te THURS, FRL, SAT, APRIL S -10.- no Hy Favorite In The Great Technicolor Adventure Story Fi - |» ' "ILVER CITY" +. Recipe . oe i) SHORT PICTURES at : DATE and-NUT LOAF -- pepe 0 Hi 18+ 14 [dup butist, Sager loup-| brown {-4-y - ---- Riehnrd-Widmark.- -and-Joanne-Dru-- ER EAE Lsugar, 1 tsp, ng-powder, 2 cups =r a a a Flv : In the Sparkling 'Comedy Romance 1 : cup boiling water, 1 cup chopped nuts, 'MY PAL GUS" ns i b Put dates in bowl with boiling SHORT PICTURES: = : water and soda, and let stand awhile. : a . Mix or cream butter, sugar, eggs| wn Es SCR ; e p well, Sift flour, salt and baking i Hi ; : ; . : cok powder together. Add nuts and date |) -- -- =. mixture and mix well. 'Pour into a Yer, : greased loaf tin and bake in oven FRESH BAKING DAILY 360° or' 876° or pour into greased 20 | [| ; ; 5 cans % full and steam about one ~ BREAD, BUNS, PIES, CAKES, and TARTS our, : 8 : " --Mrs. F. Oliver, Port Porny. [fl ~~ - Saturday Specials Ee : "CHOCOLATE DATE LAYER CAKE" NAME SONYA CORRESPONDENT "CREAM GOODS" In answer to demands for this pa- 'per in _the Sonya district, the Port ! ' 2 Perry Star announces the appoint- < GERROW S 'BAKERY « tent of a news correspondent in that || area. The first of Te aah column PHONE 32W G. M. GERROW of personal news appears in this is- 3 -- sue, The Star regrets tliht the usual bundle of papers did not reach H, E. ~ Muckle's store at Sonya last week but| = : Sent =r < this week's issue may be purchased | : ge . un there, 2 ¥ COMPLETE SUPPLY OF HIGH QUALITY Sewell BR BUILDING NEEDS THOMAS BARTLEY ; LUMBER MILLWORK CEMENT Thomas Barley, of Port Perry, who y = died at.Oshawa Hospital, on Wednes- 3 2 : . hh Se | Com ae Oven AT Ko Cort || was a son of the William and Mary : Ann Bartley. Deceased was born in Cartwright Township, Durham Coun- Lake Scugog Lumber & Codl Co., Limited ty. In 1900 he married Minnie Wild- man, and moved to Greenbank, where : :P ORT P ERRY : - Phone 240 w he worked for farmers for about 11 ! . years, He then bought the Wildman | b _-- Te. aT homestead in 1918, where he farmed = A r until five years ago, when he came to : Ls Port Perry and built a home on Union rr Avenue "where he resided until his death. - His hobby was his garden PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB 'where:-he grew vegetable and flowers. Left to mourn his loss are his gor- ? rowing wife and family, (Pearl), val WOMEN s. COMMITTEE J, Lambert; (Mary) Mrs. W. Baver- : a stock; (Ethel) Mrs. Grant Willard; 1 of C d (Georgina) oN Chas. McLaughlin; : Evening 0 ar S Ray and Allan, all of Port Perr Lo 3 : 1 : Nelson, Rockford, Ill. Norman, or AT THE CLUB HOUSE ceased him in 1933. He also leaves three sisters, Mrs, William Henry, of FRI I Oshawa; Mrs. Jennis, (Lillie) Lag DAY, APR L 17 3 Alex. Morrison (Annie), Toronto. One brother, Howard, predeceased him |... 8: :00 p.m. : Tee 50c. . two years ago. He had 14 '@rand- -p ; and three great-great grandchildren, REFRESHMENTS PRIZES DRAW 4 4 The funeral was held at the A. L. McDermott funeral home' with inter- : : -- ment at Bethel Cemetery, Greenbank. : : -- : The pallbearers were: Messrs. H. ily Soko > 'Edgerton, Roy Henders; Oliver Read-{§---- : -.- ¢ 2 X er, Chas. Coombe, 8S, Scott, F. Harris, BELLEVILLE LIVESTOCK SALES 4 ¥ © ELIZA M. WARD S ] E T d After a short illness, Eliza M. d es very ues ay Christie, died at the home of Miss Ada commencing. at 2 p.m. Buyers will find a wide variety of Stephenson on Friday, March 27, in Butcher, Feeder and Dairy Cattle (Sprigers); also Feeder her 88th year. = 1 Pigs, (all sizes), Veal and Young Calves, and Horses. The late Eliza Christie was born ~ Sales Arena heated in winter. n Utica and lived here all her life. | Air-conditioned in Summer Saale She 'was the third daughter of the: a late John and Sarah Christie. All PHONE BELLEVILLE 1828 five sisters and two brothers prede- . . . ceased her. She attended school at Utica and was a- member of the Utica ' United Church and sang in the choir g many years ago. : ~ She.married George Ward of Utica i TENDERS FOR COAL Left "to mourn her loss are two > daughters and one son; Mrs. Harold Kerry (Anne), of Port Perry; Miss Lou Marie Ward of Toronto and Mr. SEALED TENDER marked "Penders for Coal" will be - pine 25 seven rent rand. 'received by the undersigned until 5:00 pm. on Tuesday, children. April 21, 1953, for the supplying ra Fairview Lodge, L_ = * » The funeral service was conducted 2 : (/] by-Mr. John 'Hill of Epsom at the|| County Court"House and Gaol. TF Hobe Submitted ¢hapel of A. L, McDermott, Port Perry on County tender form. on Monday, March 30th. ERE | | SS Pallbearers were;. Joel Claughton, t - Gi i Charles 'Lakey, Russel Harper, Bert - Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. McKercher, Bill Ross and Jim Mit. 2 . ; chell. Interment took place at the Dated at Whitby this 30th day of March, A.D., 19563 Kendall cemetery, Utica ' Faye Vie : ; WILLIAM EDWIN REDMAN 'ii LE ' A Pickering Township' farmer for iis WM. G. MANNING, 3 geass, William Rdwin Redman, 75; : : County Clerk-Treasurer, ied at his home in Ferris Township, . pein} ER Court House, Whitby, Ontario. 1, 1063, after a long illness. . The > funeral service took place from the Robinson Funeral Chapel in Brooklin | * : : : Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. | distance west of Whitby on the Town na) "of North Bay; Mrs, Roy Parrott W. Whitmore. 'Burial was in Salem Line road: He was actively connected | (Elva Marie) of Churchill, Ont.; Mrs. cemetery. Jiwith the - Methodist and United Iver Kingdon (Bertha) of North Bay; 3 Mr. Redman was born on Scugog 'Churches. i Mtg, Alice Peister (Alice) "of Brigh- . ; Island, a son of the late Elizabeth | Surviving js hia wife, the former | ton. There is one sister, Mrs, Lydia Rheder, and William Redman. He was Emma Young of Uxbridge Township; | Rogers, of Bloomfield, and one bro- educated in Pickering Township | oné son, Clarence of Hamilton; four | ther, Thomas Redman of Scugog Is- schools and established a farm a short | Havghters, Mrs, Harrison Newell (Ed- ' land. 9 - \

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