Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Jun 1951, p. 5

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é ARR NASI DR SU SC DA A A LS SR SI HE ILL ko AA a AR ch ii sri lin ln de A Sie EE Rs aa 6 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1951 | : . N 1 Holiday Closing 1951 wSAND and GRAVEL d E hi * i (2777 : en and where you want it. © Cal ohi : . ¥ . ROSS E. SANDISON, Phone 121 r 6 avestroughing oo Port Parry, R.R. 4. : & Furnaces OWING TO HOLIDAYS FOR EMPLOYEES, THE i } ; . 2 5 S888 KLECTRIC PRESSURE PUMPS, PORT PERRY STAR WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED FOR Sain. LASTEX "RE. UPHOLSTERY | FURNACES and FURNACE RE- AUGUST 2ND. PLEASE ARRANGE. YOUR ADVER- { and RE-BUILDING : PAIRS TO ANY MAKE: IER drei TH hl Let us re-upholster your old Chester- Free Estiniate on Request, I'SING SCHEDULE With | THIS IN MIND. . -. "ut field Suite, Satisfaction guaranteed. SYDNEY G. BARNES : o Fig and Jere ols consultant call Phone 72 r2" BROOKLIN y. 2 W 'and give yor a free estimate, Freel - : ' : N pick-up and delivery, - . | i The Por t P err y Star Co. Led. : "© Phone 3844 . : e 3844 collect sbmessmni "Phone 50 Port Perry, Ont, OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY C0. CONANT & CONANT il | : 8 Church Street BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS LIRA AR RRER AAA AR AARRARANARRAXARRRNRRRARRRRRR RRR SRR RR , NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAS Tor - o ~ Gordon D. Conant, K.C. : ". Ea Ny 9 DR. H. H, ARMSTRONG * Roger G. Conant, B.A. . ints on ay Lal DENTIST W } H Ottices eek of Canadian Queen Street Oshawa, Ont., 7! Simcoe St. South 4 Phone 237 - 1 10 . w : ; 8 hie Port Perry Phone 3-2227 : Unity : Orage . = Ajax, Ont., Phone 25 Tike ved Canadi i . » The curing process in hay tukes ; - - : ; us year Canadians from coast | ace jn both field and storage and e igeration . to coast are being asked to focus | yituble field curing as well as ; .| their attention for the week of proper methods of 'storage are re- for prompt service on all makes, both R 0 0 F IN G June 24th to July 1st on the state quired tor the preservation of hay household and commercial, SAT : ofthe nation's unity. ints out Wm. Kalbfleise i r Estimates given on Installations. OF ALL KINDS The idea of a week of Canadian . TL pis hia on ASTER Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding | Unity has been conceived and-is Experimental Farm, Ottawa. of $59 Reg. Boundey Estimates given on all kinds of work. | Peing sponsored by the French In harvesting, it is desirable to : S : R Sati " - (oF : : 7 » , Whi 3) 3- Is ; RA » v bh bs § RX anger Satin RTI Lm ~ EARL WALLACE Enns rely Win Rung rake hay into straight, even wind- $79 . I. : mmm | prone 261 Port Perry [|v Newspaper icons ' rows so the hay will dry uniform- Ranger Satin i ¥_ WewshapersAssoeistion, ly, and large bunches, which tend jiriiavies INSURANCE od Canadians Have never been too | to remain green at the centre, will ' : $695 A conscious of their own unity, have | be avoided. These green, damp " na Qe 5 Are. Your policies up-to-date? GERALD : 2 THOMPSON been prone to think of themselves | bunches may cause heating in the WR; (i 7 wi ry be, nsurance needs . D. C. in terms of provinces in which [barn and, moreover, may cause SV \ may consult [ Doctor of Chiropractic they live, of the ethnic groups of |overloading of harvesters or SRG5 Printed 3) A v, E MMEES , N. X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE ich they Li 3 part or of the [balers and subsequent time- logs 0% LASTEX hE - > Phone | ort Perry 185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA | language which they speak. Be-|due to breakdowns. x - s - Office Hours 9 to 5 Phone 2927 |lieving that Canada is more uni- y $ 0 LE a re ) Tipe Ro in dropping long hay into a barn Vi ~ Evenings by Apptiiuen; fied than Canadians realize, the from a hay fork, labour may be "New Radiant Southern : PL DR. J. B. LUNDY |! -- __________|two great newspaper associations | gived by spreading 'the hay ~ CL, ang DENTAL SURGEON ; -- |ire sponsoring this week to bring | (hrough u system of planks or Shades . . . Spicy Tangerine, (Over Telephone Office) - | RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K. C. home to the people of this nation | oles which deflect it toward the Bali Lemon, Rico Mint, Java Red . . . i Ly PORT PERRY ONTARIO the fact of Canadian unity. : . Ph A HT bv, 6 ioetards Naith y sides of the mow. This also re- or softly glowing pastels . =. Bl Office Hours--10 am. to 6 p.m. | Simcoe. Street North, Oshawa, In any land as far flung as Can- | duces packing below the hay fork . yg YPOSIRS «+. Sis oH \ Phones; Office 68 W. Res, 68J 'tend bY gue ail . it ig Huts are bound " be section-|and makes for better curing along . Coral, Bud Blue, Green Fern. Inter- rity i TTY in attendance at my Port Perry Office | al differences but the Canadian] the centre of the mow. iT : Ifa now materials Fit oR . MONTEITH & MONTEITH ~ °" Tuesday and Thursday afternoons democratic way of life; the Cana-| Only long lengths of chopped J Sshing new. meteriols, fittingly mod- + JES Ce 1 . Fei I. a. of each weck, or by appointment. {dian conception of freedom of the | hay should be placed in the m - 3 elled styles for all figures and sizes. : od re CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS | individual, Canadian pride in the|f yo hort op i W : wl oe i o i Se » . Ah: | Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 ] » Canadian pride Hay in short," two-inch lengths LASTEX a. Fl BSE a Dike 7% igo ) y Jqachievements of this youthful | will form a dense mass in the mow Famous Suntops, bra boned for } Resident Partner Ea BIE | nation surpass infinitely any dif-land will spoil unless it is extremly rounded contour and ample -suni- : ~ : i ' W. A. SANGSTER ferences that may exist. dry. Hay cut in four inch lengths N ' g fi! trteetatatateta DENTAL SURGEON Canadians do not know too well [can be stored in the same condi- ning support, removable or tuck- a . oo ar their own story and are better [tion as uncut (loader) hay. Cut away straps. New charm in the cuff- i RE- UPHOLSTERY Office Hours: 9 am. lo 4 pm. acquainted with the historical | hay should not be tramped or & Colton und top tri S b-classice4) oy ns Ottice Upstairs over C. Sleeps figures of Britain, France and the [walked on: : 1AsiEx op iris. omooih-classics; Hlakering «1 Bs Ex erts y Insurance Office. United States than they are with Baled hay can be Stored in mows $495 skirted styles, easy to wear two- ' BY) : the great men of their own past. [or stacks when it is cured in the : ' oe } piece " iy LS, A quiz, for instance, on the Fath-|same manner as long hay gather- ' Whitby. hone 483 ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C.,ers of Confederation would keep|ed by the hay loader method. §O0K-20R-Tib Printed . - -- pA TT -- J ---- ne 209 lin attendance at my Port Perry Office | Most Canadians guessing, [Spacing bales about--two--inches st Cos oon Mackay -- re a prorgseiiie ian im------ ed Tn : i ori : {ow 1b ; apart in the stacks may aid in "No R90 I------ at i ESTATE go hiro pow Sig aay a A ss foci coring. If hurvosicd i) oy LABEL WHEN YOU SHOP ~ } rp WN GEE : : RAH REAL appointment. - presses Canadians with the as- as frequently the case, baled hay mr a AA 3 Consult Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 256 |tounding degree of unity achieved owe. severely when placed in : Phx 7 : storage. J. Bi WIL during the short 84 years since ey t 1 wri a Confederation and convinces Can- > ---- SHH, Hens Sump il . oe ig iy] Jaki of the necessity of knowing five" "8 moronte, tas Yose 5 | Electric Floor Sanders! cach other better it the unity of Ne ew Cherries a Gi Foi Pari ig Hardwood Floors laid, sanded and mth ned Star and Van, two new cherry PHONE x PORT PERRY - k A i ty Lp EY omes. finished. General Carpentry, kitchen | sociations will have attained their | varieties comparable in quality to] - : : - 2 Iie an er aap cupboards, gyprock put on and fin- | objective. Bing, long recognized as tops in Fi a rules. lished for painting. Canadians must work at this 'dessert quality, have recently 3 ---------- -- RE ii " yoo. LEE -- ROBERT PICKARD task of strengthening the unity of been developed at the Experiment. value as a pollénizer, an Sportant an outstandingly good canner. | . i is your Local Representative. PHONE 281W PORT PERRY [the nation. It requires the best |#! Station, Summerland, B.C, and litem from an orchardist's stand- v , i 1o-he oh Phone LO 5229, Toronto. = thought and effort of every citi- [are now on test in different cherry; point. i I an is reporied to be a variety | ie: -- sone Wie H- ven onid-tob growing areas "of Canada. Both ; as large as Bing, earlier and firm- Hh ¥ Jo have shown more resistence to ex- a than Bind fhe new Starioy iy texture, black with an el 2 treme winter temperatures at|Variety 1s described as a black i hing instre and 1 storage ! 3 . Summerland than the Bing variety | cherry, large, firm and of high life. py ig i Ir > the | is Nhakd Id). : oy . . ty HO : 10]V]g id ree 4 ad and officials say that Van haslquality, good for processing and- virus disease. y phi BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE ji & I. D. A HEALTH SALTS MOTH KILLERS and x .. Cooling and Refreshing 59c.. - PREVENTATIVES ENO'S FRUIT SALT, 89c.,98¢. | p00 oo - WAMPOLE'S GRAPE SALT EET TY u . * . LA 650c. and $1.00 Paracide Moth Crystals C Oo M E A N D S E E Ie WwW. E. M G | d S p Kkovah Salts, ...29¢c., 49¢., 79c. 1 1b. 49c., 2% Ibs. Y8c. - 2% acuregor an on 3 } i BROMO-SELTZER, "ley 35% Green Cross Moth Bombs, $1.39 ? ; 7. KEM-GLO--the Miracle Lustre Finish for PHONE' Ww a PORT PERRY . 3 . ; iq Fly Tox Insect Bomb,.... $1.39 TE kitchens, bathrooms, finest dwork: : EE -------- -- a ALKA SELTZER 3dc., 68c. ; $ : . 5 Winest 'woodwork : MN ' LArvex oc... 89¢c., $1.39 - % . } . UNEP : Tr ne 2." emda Rieti ANDZEL SLAYER Sale ge. | LD.A. Moth Killer ............59. JA 2. KEM-TONE--the Modern Flat Wall . A rag A fan Ee an RL = dos - : finish. Can be applied over wood, : a . - p : Lucile Dumont, a queen of the chan- i laster and wallpaper with brush' oO . hy a , Yo | 4 . vi Elected for the Ontario District, sonnette francaise, who alternates De ap of 'one HoWr pd 8 " Deputy Grand as Deputy Grand Master of the| With Muriel Millard as singing star i ) , oo : VE: 1.0.O.F. was Edgar R. Heron of |on the CBC French network program no painty odour. . ER M Myrtle. He has jurisdiction over | which is also heard on Trans-Canada | -- AN aster , lodges at Oshawa, Whitby, Port|--Fridays at 9.00 p.m. Lucille is al- 3. ENAMELOID--the high gloss enamel Ran SD : Perry, Brooklin and Pickering. - = | most entirely self-taught. Born in : of 1001 uses » NA More than 1200 delegates of On- For Oshawa West district. M Montreal, her first break was in 1985, i . 9 - GAR tario's Oddfellows and Rebekahs ' thy. was elect. | When she was 16; she won a prize in | | : Ra : Lena Pellow, of Whitby, was elect- an amateur radio contest, Five years #4. LIN-X CLEAR GLOSS--renews, pro- 6.48 pm. _ - Re, elected district officers at the an-|ed District Deputy President of ago she had a chance to sing in South tects. b tifies all linol d d : RE nual meeting held in the Royal |the Rebekah Assembly. Amel d e otis, equities G1 linoleum ne Woo y York Hotel, Toronto. i merica and France but the offers surfaces. SUTTON : » Mrs. L. A. Burch of St. Cath-]came on the eve of her marriage to ' : Delegates from all sections of |arines, who presided at the Re-|J¢an-Maurice Bailly, French network ~~ Re the Province learned that the I.0.|bekah Assembly, this year cele-|announcer, so she developed her career 5. SHERWINJWILLIAMS : the two-coat EY O.F. Cancer, Poliomyletis and|brating the women's branch's in Canada instead--with Mart Ken- system for exterior house painting. AT : : y Set; Tuberculosis Fund has grown .to|100th anniversary, annouriced that | ney's orchestra and in numerous net- Tm ] or . : NER more than $300,000 since 1947, and | kitchen -equipment had been pre-| work shows. ' An enthusiastic sports TALI ; : . © ' | SOY that the .order's rehabilitation sented to the Oddfellow's Home in| fan, she once caught the puck at a : PENONSTIA Toy TURRAY, SUNY: 25nd ' ti PORT PERRY 3 A < ; centre at the Gravenhurst Sani-|Bayrie. Secretary Miss Violet| hockey game--on her nose. It took x Ty : BY : tarium will be completed soon. | Pearce reported 1538 new Rebek-| plastic surgery to repair the damage CARNEGIE HARDWARE : : <A : Number of hospital beds available |ahs during the year, bringing] but the.accident didn't cool her inter- L : te, IR TAR for use in homes increased by 60| membership in Ontario to 29,346. est in the game--she simply took a PORT PERRY PHONE 61 ADMISSION Adults 25¢ ANS during the year, and now total 400, | Charles Hutcheson of London, |seat a few rows farther back the next e most of them being in use. presided at the 1.0.0.F. sessions. | season. School Children Free ¥ an : 6 {iv

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