Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Jun 1940, p. 4

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/f 1. A I I dl I A NE AN I Sh Te - HES a at Aa ew i a = {i 4 {| RN Sn | Sl EA 1 Can Se eo So Sa Sr 4 { AS Sh FN A TR LENE TMG Fd gl] svat TL. A 0th Bday cc ANGLICAN GARDEN PARTY Friday, June 2lst, is the date set for the Garden Party, under. the au- spices of the Church of the Ascension, The Musical Camcos; who gave such great pleasure last year, will again entertain "The laughter that swept over the audience at the antics of the prankish children 'Haensel and Gretel' showed the delight that was caused by the carefully-timed gestures and pos- tures".--Stratford Beacon Herald "Later a scene from 'Madame But- terfly' was given. . . The aria, 'One Fine Day', and the duet, 'Let Us Scat- ter Flowers', were sung delightfully.' --Stratford Beacon Herald, Mr. and Mrs. Orr C. Browne of Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Gra- ham, on Sunday. Mr. Bryon Davies visited with friends at Fenelon Falls over the week-end. Mr, Harold Hood of Toronto, (48th Highlanders) visited friends in town on Sunday. C. A. Lee of the Royal Canadian Air Force now stationed at Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. O._ Olson over 'the week-end. Mrs, M. Strait has returned from a three weeks' vacation in Toronto. Miss Grace Stone, of Toronto, spent a few days at the home df der parents last week. ¢ Our fire-fighters were called out shortly after eight a.m. on Monday, to a fire at Mr. S. Griffen's home, near Birdseye Center Park, and are to be complimented on their thorough job of extinguishing all traces of fire in short order. Mrs. Eldon White and Miss Cornish motored to Toronto for a few dyas. Some of the boys in the Port Perry Yacht Club helped to make the Chiro- practers' Annual Day at Port Perry on Saturday, a very pleasant one by taking them sailing in their smooth sailing skimmers. Robt: Gibson, (Royal Canadian Or- dinance Corps), Kingston, spent the week end with his parents Mr, "and Mrs. G. D. Bentley. Miss -Jean McDermott, of Toronto, was home over the week-end. Mr. Grant Rundle of Hamilton, was a recent visitor-in-town. Mrs. W. H. Doubt, of Toronto, - was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Allin, Mr. W. T. Harris Pio enlisted i in the Officers' Training Corps, and left on Monday for the Camp at Niagara. Messrs. Stanley Gyton, Dave Kight and Carl Hanosn, of the 48th High- landers, Toronto, spent their week end leave-at-their respective homes here. Regret to report Mrs. W. Harrison, Sr.,- under the doctor's care. We hope she will soon be well again. Mr. Herbert Collacutt, of Toronto, was a recent visitor in town, Mr. Earl Reader of Oshawa, was a visitor in town on Thursday. Mr. W. R. Murray, of Toronto, spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Robt. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Allin returned on Friday after a holiday spent with Mrs. Allin's sister, Mrs. La Rose. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jackson have re- turned from a motor trip to Montreal and Quebec City. From there they visited the famous shrine at Ste Anne "de Beaupré, travelling on the oldest road in Canada. Returning by -Hull and Ottawa they passed the Seignory Club at Montebello where Princess Juliana of the Netherlands is staying. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Gerrow were in Lindsay this week owing to the death Mrs. Gerrow's father, Mr. G. Kent. The community extends a hearty welcome to the number of new resi- dents including Mr. and Mrs, J, Hague formerly of Toronto, who have pur- chased the Mrs. G. Coulton house. Congratulations to Messra, A, Dow- son on winning first prize in the Pony Class at Brooklin Fair. Ross Dowson was the driver. We regret to report the illness of Mrs. Jas. McHoull. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Robt. Ireland, Marion and Eileen of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mis. Gordon Jeffrey. Miss Francis Crooks vist parents in Bowmanville recently. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dunn and fam- ily, of Bowmanville, visited relatives here on Sunday. ! Rev. W. P. Brown and Mrs. Hoppett visited in Owen Sound with Dr, Dan- ard, recently. Mr. Brown attended the Conference while there, It was ~ the occasion of his 93rd birthday. A BAD STORM Two trees were brought down, and the Burnham house was struck by lightning during Tueesday night's storm. The Burnham telephone and radio were put out of commigsion. ------ dt FOR SALE--Single Bed, Springs and Mattress; Good Coal Circulator Heat- er, Must sell. Apply to A, Tonchefl at Orr Browne's house, Port Perry BE ati SE her Glasses complete, or lenses only, Eyes Examined supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- 1. R. BENTLEY'S OrTOMETRIST MARRIED WEBSTER-HOPKINS . she Church of the Ascension, Port Perry, was the scene of a pretty wed- ding on Wednesday afternoon when Marion Josephine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hopkins, became the bride of Mr, Burnsell Matthews Web- ster, son of Mrs. Webster and the late Ganton Webster. Rev. J. C. Clough ofliciated, and Miss M. Cockburn was at the organ. During the signing of the register Miss Dorothy Balfour sang "Because". The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, looked charming in a gown of white satin, a long em- broidered veil and carried a white Ivory Prayer- Book with streamers tied with lily-of-the-valley. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch. Miss Jean Hopkins sister of the bride, was her only attendant. She wore a gown of pink chiffon with pink flower hat, and earried a nose- gay of sweet peas, -- Horace Webster, groom was best man, The ushers were Mr. Chas, Webster and Mr. Wentworth Watson. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, where the bride's mother re- ceived wearing a blue figured sheer gown, white accessories, and a cor- sage of roses. - The groom's mother who also received, was in a blue lace gown with pink hat and a corsage of rose. The couple then left on a motor trip. to Ottawa and other Eastern points, and on their return will reside at Prospect, Ont. For "travelling, the bride wore a blue dress and coat with white accessories and a corsage of roses, brother of the Last week when the flag. was hoisted on the town hall forthe King's Birthday, the. Tope broke and flag blew; down, If ally preson saw the flag whereabout. Please notify W. Cook or the Treasurer's Office. ' PICNIC WITHDRAWN The 1.0.D.E. Picnic, which was to have: been held on Monday, June 24th, has been withdrawn, War Work Notes Contributions, large and small, are coming in for the I 0. D. BE Boling. broke Bomber." ' Armaments arc the greatest rid of the Allies today. Our Empire is calling and needing everything we can give, One of our patriotic daughters who would willing serve her country over- seas, yesterday contributed $100. We can all do something. June 30 is the last date to help with this drive. Please leave your donation with Mr. I. R. Bentley at his store. . Refugee work is well under way. On Tuesday afternoon theres was a splendid turnout of ladies at the work rooms and many contributions of money and materials were brought in. The men are also helping and will donate the proceeds of the Regatta, Refugee work. too CHIROPRACTORS' PICNIC Picnic at the Palmer Memorial Park. Between eighty and one -hundred members were present, and they ex- pressed themselves as well pleased with the improvements made at the Park, and on the waterfront generally. improvements that had been made in lived here. 4d afd ERISA ACER ; ANNOUNCEMENT Perry, announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Edna Mhyrienne to Mr. Harry L. DeShane, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman DeShane of Port Perry, Ont, The marriage to take 'place the last of June. A a UNITED CHURCH W.M.8. The June meeting of the Evenin uxiliary was held in the huss parlor with the presidént, M WANTED -- 4 room apartment or bath room flat with conveniences, awvith private family preferred. Adults i Apply at Star Office, 4 / Colbear, in the chair. After the busi ness and devotional period, a delight- ful vocal solo by Mrs « Bowes, lunch was served, with Mrs, 'Hughes group in charge. | Sunday, June 30th-- or can give an information as to its] | to be staged here on July 3rd, for On Saturday afternoon of last week the Chiropractors of 'Ontario held a Among the visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ford, Mrs, Zeran (nce Alice Ford), and Miss Winnie Ford, who were all much interested in the the Village since the days when they Mr: and Mrs. Alfred Dowson, Port Ld (i fy \ GEN ft] Aa Phoue OSHAWA Jo11 Air Conditioned FREE Parkivg Thursday, Friady, Saturdar, JUNE 20-21-22 NAVY IS HERE! Will Fyffe, in The Screen's Thrilling Tribute to the Glorious Exploits of the British Navy. "FOR FREEDOM" "REVIVAL, Friday, at 11 p.m. "CAFE SOCIETY" starring Fred MacMurray and Madeleine Carroll. Monday, Tuesday, June 24-25 Two Great Features Lana Turner, Joan Blondell and George Murphy, in "TWO GIRLS ON BROADWAY" -- and -- THE Adventure in Diamonds starring George Brent and Isa Mirander. Wed. and Thursday, June 26-27 > DOUBLE B Dr. Kildare Thrills ahd Loves Again "THE SECRET OF DR. KILDARE" with Lew Ayres, Laraine Day, -- Lionel Barrymore. -- and -- = The Jones Family in "ON THEIR OWN" starring Spring Byington, Ken Howell and June Carlson. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rectorz. . Rev. J. C. Clough Sunday, June 23rd. ' 8 a.m.--Holy Communion _ 9.456 a.m.--Sunday School 11 aim.--Morning prayer and sermon, 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 9.46 a.m,--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. ST JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship Service at 11 am, Daylight Saving Time until further notice. The Masonic Lodge will "attend Divine Service ih the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, June 23rd, at 11 a.m. All are welcome. EPSOM There passed away in Toronto, Mr. John Millman, at the home of his daughter Mrs. Art. McEopnel 2 Wednesday, June 12th, in his year,-after a Week of serious illness. Wo express our sympathy to the fam- ily. --The- funeral -was-held - Saturday from the home of his son son Frank, to Epsom United Cemetery. Mr. and. Mrs, Emblem of New To- ronto, at Joe Wilson's on Saturday. A number from here attended the Decoration service at Prince Albert. The Youd speaker was a wonderful im- provement to the service as every one on the grounds could hear if they listened attentively. Miss Marjorie Pogue of the eighth concession was united in marriage on Saturday afternoon to Mr. Lloyd Marquis of Victoria Corners. We wish them every happiness and success in the future, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Howsam and Miss Corbett and Miss Ruby Wilson, in Oshawa on Saturday. Don't forget the Free Will Offering services to be held on Sunday. Sun- day School at 10 a.m. "Church at 11 a.m, taken by Rev. Mr. Bushell; in the evening at 7.30" Mrs. Denny will be the speaker. Music' by Bethesda and Emsom choirs, * After a week of illness following a stroke, Mr. Albert Bailey passed away at his home here on Saturday morn- ing. We extend our sympathies to Mrs. Bailey, Malcolm and Marjorie in their time of sorrow. Mr. and Mrs, Joe Wilson in Oshawa on. Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushell home for the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Snowdon at- tended the decoration at Pinedale. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Ashton visit ing relatives over the weck-end, Congratulations to Miss Jean Mac- Donald, in passing her normal school subjects without writing. Bert Pearl Bob Farnon George Temple THE BLUE BELL CLUB PRESENTS "THE HAPPY GANG" THE ARTISTS Kathleen Stokes Eddie Allen Blaine Mathe .Hugh Bartlett Oshawa Arena, Friday, June 28 AT 8. 15 P.M, Admission: 50¢c. and 75¢. All seats Reserved Proceeds to Oshawa Red Cross Ambulance Fund Tickets and Seat'Plan at Karn's Drug. Store rT MACKAY'S CREAM OF BARLEY Rich in Vitamins, Iron, and Salts. Recommended by Physicians. CREAM OF BARLEY is a body builder. makes bone, flesh, muscle, nerve tissue and blood corpuscles. _Infants and children thrive on Cream of Barley. Adults find it tasty and nourishing. 28e. A BOX. sou at Morrison's Drug Store, i Port Perry THEE 0880008880s esse titttatstsissasssss ttt tsttetstsetesstsssstsststsststssstssIsIIsIsILIsILIILIL », -SHORTENING- 2 |b. -25¢- : SUGAR Corn Flake Chis 2r15€ DOMESTIC - RICHMELLO COFFEE --- 11b.-39¢ - TT a [AWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS "YOU GAN SAVE WITH BAFETY AT YOUR REXALL STORE" | ENGLISH HEALTH SALT A refreshing Summer drink. It cools the blood. ' 1 Ib. Can "39¢ TANGEL for deep sunbirn . NOXZEMA "or SKEETER SKOoOT | To chase Mosquitos FLY TOX ALKA SELTZER ++ .50¢, .15¢., 59¢., 89¢., $1.10 PEFR 25¢., 45¢. and 75¢. NOVA K ELP TABLETS 79¢., $1.39, $2.79 Cider 29¢, and 57c. SEIDLITZ POWDERS. .2 boxes 25¢. PHONE 49 Speaker: "You are cordially invited to these Services." A. M. LAWRENCE ae Rexall swe bE LO A TL A II IA Port Perry United -- Sunday School Anniversary SUNDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1940 Services at 11.00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Rev. F. G. Joblin Special Music by the Primary Department and Sunday School Scholars. PORT PERRY | aaa aert90900000000ssert esses oror tests sss sasttsossssassas FE A tates TENDERS WANTED Tenders are called for the building of. a basement under the Centre Church, Scugog. For specifications and conditions apply to George Sweet- man or James Crozier, Tenders re- ceived until July First any tender not necessarily accepted. FOR RENT House property between Prince Al- bert and Port Perry known as Lapp *{ property. Apply to Harris, Harris & Wallace, Port Perry, Phone 24. -- July 11 Towest or]: W. J. COOK -:: REAL ESTATE Myrtle Station, Ont. P.O. Box 47. Phone 120 r 2 Farm, Village, Town and City pro- perties for sale. ~All sorts of ex- changes will be considered. (The firm of Greer & Humphreys'is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eack ~~ week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 WANTED second-hand bicycle. * Must Apply at Star Girls' be in good condition. Office, Port Perry. FOR SALE SPRINGER JERSEY COW. Apply at Star Office FRESH STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE SOON. : Concession 1, Brock, opposite the chopping mill. P. Mosienko: GIRL WANTED MARMALADE =~ 25¢ FRESH FRUITS 'and VEGETABLES 'Strawberrie 17:9 4 'PANTRY SHELF' CFRB TORONTO THURSDAY 8 P.M, 0 GET GAME CAP! FREE AT YOUR DOMINION dons 19€ HEAD LETTUCE - 2 for 13 CELERY, Green - - 19 BANANAS -- . 3b, 25¢ CABBAGE - - 2 heads 15¢ ORANGES, med. doz. 99¢ NEW POTATOES 6 1b. 19¢ TOMATOES ed Ib. 26¢ SALADA ALYMER 20 oz. Housework and part time in store. TEA with glass, 3 |b. 39c~ Tomato Julce 3 for 25¢c- || Apply at Port Perry Dairy. Small Large FANCY ASSTD. : : FOR SALE CHIPSO - 10c 93c BISCUITS . 2 lb. 29¢- {| Gasoline driven Beatty Washer, ro- ) - conditioned. Apply at Carnegie Hard- IVORY Medium Large SHERRIFF'S ware, Port Perry. SOAP .07¢ 10c Jelly Powders 5 for, 25¢ YOR SALE - One re-conditioned Beatty Washer, 1b. 3Ibs. RITZ $1.00 a week, One demonstrator CRISCO - 24c 65¢c Salad Dressing, 32 oz. 45¢ | |Troner; one used Vacuum Cleaner. Apply to D. J. Healy at Carnegie's RED ROSE 1% 1b. 11b. LIBBY'S Hardware Store, Port Perry, Phone 61 COFFEE - 25¢c 47c Saurekraut - 28oz. 14c PURE : ALYMER 16 0z. LARD . Ib. 10¢c PEACHES - 2-for25¢c ELECTRIC FENCE CONTROLLER writers' Laboratories, Your comple assurance of safety and Savings of timo and money with com: Poe Beckie Fn Fence Con ith 2 b Models to Choose from $14.95 and Up Fence 5c a Rod or Less For Sale By FARMER RADIO] SERVICE | Phone 86 - - Port Perry 1 "|for particulars, |route and supply established DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop. Telephone 237 - - Port Perry W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON - Office Hours: | Office Upstairs, over. C. Sleep's DR. J. B. LUNDY: ; DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. 'Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) ARTHUR W. 8. GREER "in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or br Sppointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Auction Sale . «. Thursday, June 27th-- Registered Holsteins, - Horses, ernie y ete, the property of Mrs. Louellen Sonley, at Blackwater, one mile east of No. 7-12 highway, Sale starts at 11.30. 'Sale of cattle at 2 o'clork. See bills Terms Cash, Ted Jackson and L. E, Franklin, Auctioneers, : ARE YOU THE MAN? yousliable man, between 25 and 60 car, nee mmediatel to hand out FREE Daily Necessities such as Razor Blades in nearby rural Tomar for Byreyday Necessities including Spices, xtradts, Baking Powder, Soars Medicines, Mineralized .Stock and Poultty Tonies and Fly Spray. Farm experience helpful, perience not n must be satisfied 30.00 00 weekly at start. Credit furnished. Write immediately, The J3 R. Watkins Com- pany, Montreal, Que,, Dept O-P-6, Bellin 8% POSITION WANTED English womany 82 wants position as housekeeper. Experienced in all farm work, Has boy 18, girl 11. Low wages for a steady, good home. Hudson, c-0 E. Ploughman, Port Perry, ; WANTED Irish Water Spaniel, thoroughly Bunker, 40 McRoberts St, Toronto, 9 am. to 5 pm. . June 27 ° broke. Send full particulars to R. novl oe june27. »

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