Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 May 1936, p. 4

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PB so FRI hr Ro SR SER ; a AA oP = ERE Rey > ho Fie ly AT Beli a SNe AE § & PAGE FOUR ' LOCAL ITEMS Misses Florence and Marjory Wal- | don, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, 'Malcolm Beare, Mr, and Mrs. Ward Allison motored trom New Orleans and have taken Mr. Groves' cottage at.Lakeéside Beach while Mrs. Groves is visiting her daughter Mrs. Williams, in England, Mr. Tom Harris is home from Os- goode Hall, "and will be in"town in his tather's law office for two" years. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huff, of To- ronto, spent the holiday with Dr. and ors. McMasters, 3 Mrs. R. MacGillivray, of Montreal, is the guest of her sister Mrs. J. D. McMaster, Mr. R. Pike, of Toronto, and a form- |' er resident of Port Perry, was in town on 'Tuesday looking up old acquaint- ances. Mrs. A. W. Allin is spending a few days with her sisters Mrs, ~Camplin and Mrs. E. LaRose, in Markham. The Misses Emmerson, of Toronto, spent the week end at their summer home here. Miss Rhea Walker, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, of Brampton, were the guests of Mrs. E. A. Walker --~during the holiday. "y Mr. Dugald Nasmith, of Montreal, was in Port Perry on Sunday, visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Nasmith, Miss Dorothea Nasmith and Mr. Forbes Nasmith, of Toronto, spent the holiday with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harper, motored from theit home in Edmonton, and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Willard. Mr. Frank Slemmon, of Brockvile, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey, for the holiday The members of the Port Perry Public 'Library Board wish to thank those who so kindly helped and con- tributed to the tea and sale-of home- made cookiiig on Saturday last. $20. "was realized and will he used to'level , period. the grounds and plant shubbery. --_-- too» THE W."M. S. OF THE ; PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH --The-recent meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. C. L. Beare. Mrs John Ploughman and Mrs. A. W. Allin conducted the devotional The Study Chapter was dis- cussed by Mrs. W. H. Harris. Mrs. S. Jeffrey told a few interesting facts about her winter sojourn in Florida and Mrs. D. Carnegie sang. -- too MISSION BAND MEETS On Thursday afternoon of last week the Mission Band of Port Perry United Church held its final meeting for the season, Mrs. Geo. Jackson presiding. The following program was given before a good audience: song by Teddy Griffin, song by Mary Carnegie, reci- tation by Beth Griffin, song by Marie Densham and Greta Mitchell, recita- tion by Megan Beare, recitation, Doris Vanos, song, Margaret Colbear, read- ing, Vera Bruce, song by Jack Griffin and Gwenneth Detorsois, recitation by four Senior Girls, recitation by Maude Griffin; song, Marilyn Griffin, Shirley Boe. Meagan Beare, and Florenre Na- smith, pageant by twelve girls. ------ too o>-------------- MIGHT HAVE BEEN FATAL Last Monday morning Mr. O. Ed- wards '(who lives on the Coulter farm) was attacked by a bull. For- tunately Mr. Edwards was able to escape - fatal injuries; but had some 'ribs broken, a nasty cut in the head, nad several bruises. The animal had never before showed that he was dangerous. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Edwards is recovering nicely from the attack. Boone CAI Siro SN r IL. 0. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of the 1.0. D. E, will be held at' the Public Library a three o'clock in the after- noon of Monday, June 1st. RE DE AN it PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--""The Fault of Over Pru- dence." 7 pm.--"The Dimensions of a Man" Sunday, June 7th, at 7 p.m.--The 1.0. O.F. of Port Perry and district will be our guests, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. 5 CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Whit Sunday-- 8 a.m~Holy Communion. 7 pm--Evening Service. | ithel Bray, MR. FARMER! I'T PAYS TO OIL YOUR HARNESS In the making of harness leather one of the main processes is what _ tanners call stuffing the leather-- that is fillipg it with oil to' make «it pliable, p After a harness has been used for a time this oil becomes. dried up and unless you keep your har- ness well oiled it becomes so . that the ammonia from the man- ure and the dampness in your stable eats into the leather and causes it to crack and break. " We strongly advise you to have your harness oiled at least every . 6 months by our dipping process. It will pay. Your team harness cleaned and oiled for $2.00. WILLIAM WEBSTER, At Beatly's Store, Port Perry MANCHESTER 8. 8. THANK OFFERING vi The Manchester Sunday School will hold their annual Thank Offering ser- vice on Sunday, June 7th, at 7.30 p.m. Rev. Mr. Joblin, of Scugog will con- duct the service and the 'music will be provided' by the Manchester choir. MANCHESTER Quite a number from here spent the Monday holiday in Brooklin and Ux- bridge. Some of our holiday visitors were: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Robertson, of To- ronto, with Mr. Jas. Lakey. Miss D. Chapell, of Lethbridge, Alberta, Miss of Pickering and Mr, Graham, of Claremont, with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johnson. Mr. Ralph Butt and family- with Mr. and Mrs. John}. Moore. Mrs. Frank Crosier is spending a few weeks in Fenelon Falls, Miss Jean Ferguson, who has been seriously ill in Toronto Hospital, is:on |. the road to recovery and doing as well as can be expected. Our sympathy goes out to Mrs. A. Crosier and Mildred, in the loss of a kind and loving husband and father. We also extend sympathy to his be- reaved brother Mr. Wilson CroSier. " The W. M. S. will meet on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. White. Mrs, Farrow of Fergus was a visitor last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. |. Grant Christie. | } I BORN MILLS--To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills, on May 26th, 1936, a son, James Henry. * * DIED MILLS--James Henry Mills, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mills, on May 26th, 1936. GOLDEN WEDDING On Thursday, May 21st, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Vance quietly celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. On May 21st, 1886, Sara Hamilton and Wm. Vance, were united in marriage by Rev. W. H. Leitch at the bride's home at Tara, Bruce County. Mrs. Vance's sister, who was brides- maid and Mr. Vance's cousin, who acted as. best man, are still living at Tara. Mr. and Mrs. Vance settled on the farm at Purple Hill, Cartwright Township which is now occupied by their son Wilbur and lived there for forty-five years, when they moved to their present home on the Oshawa road. about one half mile south of Port Perry. Three sons and one daughter were born to them but only | one son Wilbur and their daughter dna are living. Mr. and Mrs. Vance have always been kindly, helpful neighbours and are highly respected by a host of friends who wish them many more vears of happiness together. Mr. Vance, being in very poor health at present, the day was very quiet- ly." Mr. and Mrs. Tova ance and little daughter Shirley and sovie rela- tives from Toronto spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs, Vance and Edna. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Fred W. Ferguson and family wish to thank their many friends for the sympathy and kindly assistance shown at the time of their recent be- bereavement in the death of Mrs. Fer- guson. DIED FERGUSON -- At Port Perry, on Friday, May 22, 1936, Ann J. Brown, beloved wife of Frederick W. Fergu- son, aged 77 years. * LJ] * WILLIAMS--At Hampton, on Tues- day, May 26th, 1936, Paul Williams, in his 78th year. Funeral service at the home of Mr. Stanley Ploughman, Port Perry, on Thursday, May 28th, at 2 p.m, Fh en a a Rh pe BE Eyes Tested AND Glasses Supplied WHERE NECESSARY I R. BEN TLEY OPTOMETRIST GOLD AN e. : EN RIPE B ANAS, dozen 25¢. GRAPES, 1b 20¢. ' PORT PERRY, ONT. § LARGE PINEAPPLES 2 for 25c. GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25¢ PHONE 33 a ORANGES ............... per. dozen 25c., 30c., and 40¢. ' B. C. APPLES, extra fancy gkEbsL a 8 COOKING APPLES . ceviesweess... per basket 35c,- NEW CABBAGE .....each Se. FRESH STRAWBERRIES @ NEW CARROTS, ....bunch 5c. FRESH ASPARAGUS m NEW BEETS, .......bunch 5c. FRESH LEAF LETTUCE S FRESH CAULIFLOWER. .20c, FRESH HEAD LETTUCE k, vou wish Tor Juidh, AWE Moots, B'° CUCUMBERS ........cach 5c. = COOKING ONIONS we have them, at-the lowest possible o RIPE TOMATOES, 2 Ibs, 25ec. GREEN ONIONS Phaser B CELERY STALKS, ..each 10c. SWEET POTATOES PRIME RIB ROAST ........ i 16c.|B SPANISH ONIONS GREEN BEANS THICK FI BOAST oon "'m 13c.|m NEW POTATOES PEAS RADISHES POT ROAST ...... corre in Id 128 gr Slog FEEL AGEL TENDER BOILS .......... 1b 10c.|§ . SHORTENING .............10 12 : The Modern Fruit and All our Meas wi Government u Vegetable Market % REpas oe a Anthony Caruso, Prop. - Phone 208. We deliver W Deliver S00 00 0 8 1] TIME TO PLANT NOW Tomato, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Pansy, Salvia, P Aster, Strawflower, Seabosia, Alyssium, Marigold, Frencts Marigol; Shasta Daisy, Snapdragon, ete. 4 Fruit and Vegetables - ln. W. BOYNTON Phone 4. Port Perry 3232222320203 83 8223843 MARRIED At Fraserville, on May 21st, 1936, Edna Gertrude Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Jackson, of Port Perry, became the bride of John Mur- ray McLaren, only son of Mr, and Mrs. John McLaren, Rev, E.-M, Cook officiated. "4 The bride wore a grey suit with His | hat, gloves and purse. After the cere- mony Mr. and Mrs. McLaren left for the United States and on their return will live on Scugog Island. SAVE YOUR MONEY By Buying Your Season's Fly Spray Needs from Your Watkins Dealer Watkin's Fly Spray is economical and by placing your order with me at the present time, I can show you a real saving on each gallon you buy, I am taking orders now for summer delivery. Spray until I have seen you. It Goes Further Because You Use Less Where 1 oz. of heavier oil spray is required to do the job for each animal, only '% oz. of Watkins Spray is needed, That also saves money for you. I'll be seeing you, soon to take care of your needs, ORR C. BROWNE Phone 39 Watkins Dealer Port Perry Buy no iy $ A QUALITY PRODUCT "8 oz. bot. 25¢. 20 oz bot. 50c. Also in tablet : form. - - Phone 49 A NEW IDEA . "OPEN DAY" AT PORT 'PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOL Last Friday afternoon all interested persons were invited to go to School by the teaching staff of Port Perry Public School. invitation was most pleasing. A large number of parents went to see what their children were doing. They saw the young folk at work; heard them recite; were shown work books and art displays; and-above .all | were pleased to hear the children sing. Miss Florence McMillan is teaching|- GUARANTEED QUALITY - We keep only the freshest foods on hand at all times. Rowntree's Cooking 217 Cake Orange Juice in tis Tin Califorange tary tins. 15-0z. Tin Glenwood rea CHa" > DICED BEETS 'or SMART'S "DICED TURNIPS No. 2 sq. c Tins CHOCOLATE Nutritious, healthful juice obtained - from sun-ripened oranges especially cultivated. Packed in sterilized sani- DICED CARROTS These special volees are effective for May ii 29¢h and 30th Clark's TOMATO we Choice 'Quality PEACHES Shirriff's or McLaren's Assorted JELLY . POWDERS Brown Labe SALADA TF Fe Standard Quality CORN Our Own Famous Blend RICHMELLO «# King's Plate Genuine Norwegian SARDINES - Kellogg's + BRAN FLAKES 2-1 WHITE 3-14 231° 314° "1 6T | 3:25 29 3 WHITE 1-1b, Pkg SHOE LIQUID CATELLI'S READY-CUT SOUPS MACARONI PORK & BEANS CLARK'S All kinds except chicken 31:25 3:25 495° Weston' s- "B" Pkg. | SODAS 2 Pkgs. FRESH FRUIT and Vegetables Er a. EEE SPECIAL OFFER! Old Dutch Cleanser Ask your mahager about thé amazing Spportun 2 to secure enuine ogers A-1 us Silverware, 545° A Real Breakfast Thrill] The country is going wild over . PLEWS OAT PUFFS The Rey Su cereal Jn the cello- phane pack age, 9 ¥ 103777171) ...STORES LIMITED... the children sight reading and part singing; and there is every evidence that- good musical progress is being made. This "Open School" idea for the] celebration of "Empire Day is along right 'lines, and Principal Cornish and his staff are to be congratulated on "| the good work they are doing. -- ANNOUNCEMENT - Dr. C. W. and Mrs. Moon, announce the engagement of their youngest| 'daughter Ila Claire, to Mr. William late- Mr. Keen, of England. The mar- riage will take place in the United Church, Seagrave, on Saturday, June 20th, at 80 'clock, SEAGRAVE . Wedding bells are ringing merrily in our burg at present. Mrs, Long, of Myrtle, is visiting her daughter Mrs, R. Scott. Mr. Art-Moase, of Toronto, spent the week end holiday with his mother, Mrs. 'Groves. Mrs. Fred Jennings, of Toronto, visited her mother Mrs. A. Tanner. Mr. and Mrs, P. Ripley, of Oshawa, Mr. Ray Ripley, of Port Perry, visited with relatives in the village and at- tended anniversaary services at Zion on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Underhay were week end visitors at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. J. N. Mark, -- Mr. Alfred Hood, of Toronto, Miss '| Edna Elliott, of Hamilton, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. Stone. 'Miss Lorna Dure, Mrs. S. Stewart and daughters Sadie and Irene, and Miss McInnes, Toronto, and Miss Iva McNevin, of Markdale, were guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McFarlane on Mon- day. Mrs, S. J. Wooldridge and Mrs G. _ | Fishley, attended the Women's Asso- .ciation of Greenbank United Church, at the home of Mrs, C, Blakely, near Saintfield, on Wednesday. Quite a number of people of this community attended anniversary ser- vices at Zion and Greenbank on Sun- day. Mrs. C. Banks and lady friend, of Brantford, spent the week end with the former's parents' Mr, and Mts, A. Snyder, We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Snyder in the sudden death of Pa., U.S.A. Mr. and 'Mrs, Shier and daughter, Mrs, Bagshaw and daughter, were re- cent guests of Mrs, S. McFarlane, * Seagrave boys play their first baseball game 'of the season at Sun- derland on Friday. evening, Make a good showing boys. Mr. and Mrs. A, Snyder are spend- ing a couple of weeks in Brantford, Messrs. Jack Mark and Bill McMii- lan, Misses A. Clements and M, Ford, = s Ea === News + (You Can i fave With Safety at Your Rexall Swe a Typical | Lawrence Values ENGLISH HEALTH SALT ° 1 ENO'S FRUIT SALT a and 79. |f WAMPOLE'S GRAPE SALT, 50c, and $1.00 [f ITALIAN BALM ...........:20c. and 5c. P FRENCH BALM ............25c. and 39. ANTI MOSQUITO CREAM ...........35¢. PEPSODENT ANTISEPTIC .....2 for 69c. (Regular 50c. size) SQUIBB'S TOOTH PASTE, ......8 for 50c, (Regular 25c. size) . NOXZEMA (25¢. Size) ....... uu. 000.166 Mr. W. E. Luke, Eyesight Specialist, will be here Saturday, this week. Consult him about your eyesight problems. A. M. LAWRENCE The response to (the. Keen, son of Mrs. Wm. Parker and the: 'her siser Mrs. Thurlow, of Lancaster, | Be. nad 39¢. enjoyed a motor trip to Haliburton recently. Mr. and Mrs, W. L, Moase enter- tained a number. of their friends on Friday evening in honour of Mr, and Mrs. C. Hands. ---------------------- " LOOK HERE! : Top prices paid for rags, wool and feathers, also fowl, horse hair and all kinds of light metals. For information call Alix, Gilboord, Phone 1717, day or night. much-your patronage. ALIX. GILBOORD, Rl POTATOES FOR, SALE Mr. Robt. Taylor, R.R. No. 1, Port Perry, has a quantity of Dooley seed potatoes for sale. Phone 180 r 4 <------ FOR RENT 6 roomed house in good location. In good condition. Apply to. W.Boyn- ton, Port Perry. 1 Wik i EF CONANT & ANNIS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Publie GORDON D. CONANT, K.C, ALLIN F, LLIN E. ANNIS, B.A, LL. 'LL.B. oft fh Bo ci and "at Court House, Whitby, (ME! Cann) ; Phons 7. (Whithy) i Keeping Thin S in Repair PAYS WHEN THINGS | ARE IN GOOD REPAIR "TIME and MONEY . ARE SAVED We will be pleased to. quote you prices-on new or repair work Sam N. Griffen Lumber Co. ¢ Phone 240 PORT PERRY, ONT. DR. W. 8. HARPER Graduate of or alt Medical sal Odliege and BEER 'Office and Burgery--Port Perry, Ont, W. A. Sangster _* DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Ofes Up-itairs, over Emmennon's Insurance Ofiee 'We would appreciate very, ~ PORT PERRY A LS or i hd 4

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