Ontario Reformer, 16 Feb 1922, p. 8

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Of ERT IAT tr LR WARNS bl Ek PAGE FOUR OSHAWA, ONTARIO- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1922 EE ------------------------------------------------------------ A ---- -- - ------------ HOCKEY EBA L Tr TT i oe THE SPORTING WORL goed CURLING . al --- ; ul . GOLF, Ete. ------ J-------------------------- ------ G. i. Evans, xk 10 Resor, . 9 BANKERS DEFEAT LOC AL FANS S WILL SEE Banks' Girls Bonsp viel F inals Being L Cllford, wk 13 Brandon. sk. 11 TOWN HALL TEAM Two Protests PORT HOPE GAME| "ps Gen. Motors Oshaws Port Hope Pla De his Afternoon Johnston, sk 167. Morrow, sk 11 A team of woney changers res erpi-- I The intermediate semi-finul OH, sr ---- : 1 First Ra presenting the Dominion 3ank put] Pwo SUDDEN DEATH GAM A. game ar Port H Priday | 1. ' TEAMS CROSSED STI y ! ! = Round wy WiLL BE PLAYED--RE- Saje at Port Hope on Friday) LANIER STEVI CRORE SO i ---------- ------ ; . It over thixTown Hall hockey toam - . os a iw" Ch meth tere UK Y lakeiiig . _ Golbore Tuesday night at the Division street FORMER OFFERS A night will draw a fair sized erowd| FDA os RINK J. Redpath sk 18 I. Coyle 8k 10] pink to the tune of 1-0. The fine ovr of hockey enthusiasts from Oshava hii ig AJ All Oshawa Rinks Are Eliminated from the Primary Com- Oshawy Oshawa ancial maghates were a strong sg- . Considerable interest is helng shown Yin : A good game of hockey was play- Thompson sk 20 F. Dobney sk . petition--Two Local Rinks Matched in Fourth : od ia SK #1 gregation of stick bundlers and gave At the exeentive meeting of hed hore in the resu't and alihonsh thel 000 Bes dley's rink Tuesday night Round of Consolation Event H. Foote sk 19 'Inderwood sk B the wlelders of civic pens down in Sunday School Hoekey Association] Guinte City representatives come lpoiweon the General Motors Girls the civic pile on Simcoe Stree a + With 3 2» log ; ¥ \ Ouliawn Aberdeon ally ttl The absence . of = Me-{ 18st evening, several protests were to Port Hope with a three goal lead, {gpg an amalgamation of the gis , ' i > Oo S.ove Vair's Reg f ay. hy! ¢ 3 The anual honspiel of the Oshawa | was continued all day Tuesday un-|Southwell sk 9 rw. Gilding sk 10 Brady on the losing team's fine wp denlt with. The South Oshawa-St. hu y yurs Red Bands wey, hii] from the Banks in town Curling Club will come to a close til a late hour ut night and uguin | Colborne Napanee is one of the alibis, now in order, | Gregory's protest, and the King } 1 ven 21 ati Avis + ps 1 / The Bank girls were superior hoth this evening, the primary competition | yesterday and the greater part of [IL Edwards sk 11 ©. Mayhee sk 03 piven or the hall. A return game] Steast-Sonth Oshawa protest wont | Bellewi Id or ven Win CAS Sen |g Cyelght und speed, although the having reached the semi-final stage, | jagt night. With forty-eight rinks | Orillia Queen City is to ¥ paved. J 3 | Pirant-Romh Oshawa pri Bellevi le has a fast aggregation and! eral Motors girls could show si v- while the consolation series for the .,iaprad the largest in the club's his- | W. George sk 8 F. Warren sk 17 Bankers goal. Downey: defoine through, and it was decided to play phe whieh pade the Port Hope Ty oral tricks of the game. Eaton Trophy is also well advanced.i, c.g (he jee only able to ac- | Scarboro Oshawa Br a UNECE Miwo sudden-death games, It was travel at a faaer clip than ever be The f goal was scored by Mis i in the McLaughlin : 4 y Mounce and Kelly; centre, Ormiston; fore this season when they met The first zoal was scored by Miss The sepiinaline I Lag Metane! of | commodate ten rinks at one time, it|8. Baird sk 2G. Evans sk 18 [pight wing, Finley: left wing, Gray. drawn, for, and King St. seeurod the Bt CF i Bo Mi t.. Moyse for the Banks, She has lots V » N > " 3 4 id . . " L Ea * ¢ avid ups OOK. bgt Nap ha Ridpath, of Lakefield; C,| Was found to be necessary to pro. Oshawa Oshawa Town Hall--goal, Harmer; de-|hye. This means that South Oshawa | oo 00 F000 LL ae of welght and before the, game Was Fapanee: of Agincourt and the win: long the tournament to the third|J. Clifford sk 9 © Jobnsten sk 10 | fence, Maddoe and McDonald: centre wills play BL. Gregory's. Inors negky oo, ree ut xy IHS ver Bad assisted in ssoring. two ner of the Malcolm-Maxwell match. | day and both competitions will be | Claremont Agincourt 4. Purdie; right wing, MeBrady;l, LL fom S8--9. The win rir ra, AE MTINE Nore gonls kta N R. $0 sk # The "EC sk toh ' Ve -- 3 - Nous ctor, : Malcolm is skipping a Markbam rink decided this afternoon or early this| R Hoss: Fhompsen sk 11 (left wing, Goebell, ner of this tray will play King Street Miss Lucille Wilson scored the only and Maxwell js heading a Queen iii evening. p Y of Relevuur sk 13 Stowiviie . : . 4 Ln RR w the following Monday from 7--8{ y . two goals for the General Motoys quartette. D. J. Johnston met witp While there were a number of one $ 2 . Mather sk 8 NOTHING TO SNEER AY the winners will be victors tor | TEN TEAMS STILL sits Miss K. Wells was in good f the best success of the local curlers, | sided scores there were also some | Bearboro Claremom Brantford Expogitor: It is prert and ie 1 Shoda Yalta 14 g 4 all but qualifying for the semi-finals, | close contests, many exeiting ends [Crawford sk 9 Bingham sk 12 hard to sneer at prohibition i Junior Group A | SEEK JUNIOR TITLE ii ing "ho » § rou aa but being defeated by C. Maybee, of | heing experienced. It was agreed | West Toronto Agincourt United States when comparative Finals for league championships | LR gi oh ah Fle as jo Phas. Napanee. by all that the outstanding match of | Halliday sk 6 R. Greene sk 13 | statistical tables indicate pretty con-| Will be op Wednesday. February 22, There are ten teams stil in the pnd or in rink fi Bute lib on In the consolation event, H. KE.|ihe entire tournament was that he | Aberdeen Scarhoro vineingly that the number of liguop | aud Friday, February 25. running for the O.H.A junior ttle.) > : EE : i Smith and D. M. Hall, two local rinks. | tween J. A. Thompson, of Oshawa, | Ormerod sk 14 Paterson sk 8 | drinkers has decreased from ahoaat The splendid cups wichh have been | The end of this wenk will sea thel Dorothy MeMartry , locked ghicks are matched and they are playing off | u,4 H. Sanders, of Stouffville. * the | Peterboro Markham 20,000,000 to fewer than 1.500.000. } oe 0q Ji rizes gs te Sunday pumber cut in half ad the semi [ Ribk Mise Wilson, aud. Miss Dolty in a fourth round event. These LIWol orn 00 winning out by one shot after | Morrow sk 14 Makolm sk 15] Also the institutions for the treat | er 2 eis an imi . : " | Jones seated herself on ti ks, together with George Southwell | og "~v: Eo 1 oibbe " School Hockey League are an indis | finals and {finals will be rashed righty The Bank girls plavel rinks, tog an extra end had been played. An-| Keene Unionville ment of alcoholism have hoon (Josed ; ka . i a i are the only three Oshawa rinks still | 0, "0 0 ol equally as good Jd. Moore sk 15 Davidson sk 5 4 . cation of the keen interest displayed |on. Lindsay and Belleville ave fIght={ clon) game. General in the rubning. Enthusiasm is at. its] Oraer contest almost equally as good 1d: J fi SA Bhy the seore in the Sunday School hockey played | ing it ont in the Eastern seetion. | were game ha: loesed the height and the most exciting games of | VAS the one between D. F. Johnston, T. Thavhurn. of Brampton, de-| . - -- tihs winter. The Oshaws Reformer] while in the West. in addition to CLE Hines wos: the tournament are anticipated when |©f Oshawa, and C. Maybee, of Nap-|pauited to J. Maxwell, of Queen City. DARCH ON CRUTCHES heave offered a cup for the winners | Woodstock, there is Kitchener, who his : : ; the semi-finals and finals commence, | 21€€. In the third round, the lutter Baw : Mr. E. A. Darch who had his leg] of the juvenile series- a cup that]are playing off with Owen Sound ees J assie A newest All A large erowd of spectators gath [winning after an exciting race by Second Bound {broken in the Oshawa-Port Hope! any team may be proud of. For the, The other two teams in the north. ah REfison wd Po thy McMy;- ered at the curling rink for the op- [two shots, 13 to L1. This was the | Lakefield Oshawa game several weeks ago, left the junior series. Mr. Alehin of the Savoy | Collingwood and Parry Sound. are trv, delenee; Loraine Moyge, Doty ening of the annual bonspiel of the | only Oshawa riuk left in the primary | J. Redpath sk 15 Thompson sk » [Port Hope hospital Tuesday and is} is giving a splendid cup. and the|also playing this week. Toronto has Jones aud Dorotuy Myers, forwards; Oshawa Curling Club: on Tuesday | competition, all other local rinks | Peterboro Aberdeen inow staying at the Royal Hotel Port! seniors are working hard to win the | still three teams in the race. one of Mildred Glidden morning and as the competitions | having been eliminated earlier in the H. Foote sk 12 F. Gilding sk 8 Hope. "Pete" ix not yet accustomed | fine specimen dopated by the firm | which will be eliminated on Satu it grew gradually larger play. Napanee Queen City to the erutches but we would not bel of Jury & Lovell It. is a splendid | day These ure St, Mary's and St | Boal: Lucille Wilson and Dorothy Competition Keen C. Maybee sk 19 F "Warren sk 3 | surprised if he Stole away to the! gue a cause which is going to] Andrew's while the other team. | Williams, defence; Tris Elliot. Mar- rooms were filled to capacity. Play A unique feature from a local Oshawa Oshawa | pockey match Friday night { mean the beginning of a Sunday | Aura Lee. meet Woodstock for the | #2vet Wright und K. Wells, for- { standpoint was the fact that the five G. Evans sk 3 Jobaston sk 18; ipo i 3chol Hockey Association, the value | deciding game on Friday wards: Vera Grehavd, Lwh Gar- ~ | Oshawa rinks who played in the first Agincourt Poterbore : AS DAD SEES IT of which to the Sunday Schools f8! - -- -- -- _ row and Ir Barton. subs sub General Motors -- Flo Orehard, 'progressed, until the spectators gallery and guest Tho : A k [draw were all defeated by visiting | Thompson sk 11 Waddell sk 7! judge: Witey-- John what is the untold. Li is true many stalwarts!and it is & connecting link with the| D7 Adams rolocced the game, rnions F | rinks. although those who followed | {1aremont Agincourt shortest season of the year? {attend Sunday School for the sport!church Much thanks is due these -- ma Per ission To {in the second draw were more suc-| Hingnam sk 9 k Aree sh 16 | Hubby (grimjy) - Between Christ- j side of it, but they are getting mo | leading business men who have in- Does reciprocity with Canada mi | cessful. Only to or three games | * Markham | mas and the spring millinery open-i harm at least while they are attend- | terested themselves iu om young | mean that we will bave to send back I T&D. were won by default, competition he (Continued on page 5) lings. my dear {ing any of the local Sunday Schools, wen the bottles?- --1ife ay n | ing unusually keen and practically L } RA running. 0. AND DFA. TO HOLD ANNU AL | all rinks staying until put out of the MEETING, FEBRUARY 27TH. No efforts were spared to make, the visit of outside curlers a pleasant When the soccer season opens this | one. They were given a cordial welcome and entertained royally. coming summer the Oshawa aad | District #oo.bail A sociat.on will | Refreshments were served at the probably He forud with the same | rink throughout the tournament. in number of feams as last year. At] | fact all arrangements carried out - -- . 4 i « meeting Leld in the armories ou perfectly. and this anunal eveat will gine Monday aisit all of the old clubs | 2d down as one of the most success- were represented with the exception | ful ever held in Oshawa WwW | E | Offe in s Tha . . T ® of Claremont and Enniskillen. Apart May Win Faton Cup ee - n rl g t rtain y e hings Hum from some discussion as to plans for | Tast vear. owing to warm weath the 1922 program and making Ar-{ or. the bouspiel was not held but rangements for the annual meeting | 1. vear prior to that. two local on February 27th, very little busi- | kc won both competitions, Dr. ! 5 ness of importance was transacted. | gonry winning the MeLaughlin Cup However, many important matters 4 A 6 Lambert the Eaton Tro i 1 are to he dealt with at the annual | piv. However with the defeat of Dr. session, chief among which is the |p 5,0, 5000. in \he third round of § Section o1 officers Ck Bich i the MeLaughlin Cyp. Oshawa curlers . ' " The wornton Club. which will |, oo watching the Baton Trophy com- See Th Ww nd Th sda N gh F. U ised Li ( be known in future as the Oshawa | tition which the} have "mood e i ows ur y 1 t or nadvert ines Football Club, have made application { chance db winning. The scores to (j= . to the local association for permis {date are as follows: = si lay again in the Toront gig in , : ; ! 9 HY : x " a a 2 A SOARS BE i. eA AGM TROP = 2 ONLY SPECIAL OFFERING OF THE SEASON'S Dae Seagus. J iis Pet aimary Roun E or meem sion NEWEST DES 2 IN ZR RS which made such a splendid showing ; Pp 7 4 SI( S IN ZEPHY RS in the Third Division of the Toronto | ros og noe Wes inged = ; BEDROOM OR / 7, 7 4 Association are booked for the See: © i Pra " SARL) = A Th V4 4 J : 36 inches wide, oud Division this year and possibly | Campbell. sk 4 Coyle. sk : = EP A | / ANOTHER VALUE THAT . i the First Division. The general feel. | Fn stounfville | / f SHOULD B Ay price d for week- ing is that they will be granted por- qv ompson. sk 14 H. Sanders. sk 13 ; === in Blue or Rose. 11% / ; RING YOU TO end vard igi to join Ww n ' he Rorapty Oxlanwin Aen Wil Ee - il 1 THE STORE EARLY 33c i clubs again ds it is felt to be in the | pobney. sk 13 WW, Cowie, sk = ag. iced = r r interest of the town to have a team : Anhana Poterbopo E " pr to clear at 1 DOZEN plOrLY Fill LED 2 dozen only of the QUALITY These Zephyrs are upholding Oshawa in an outside |W. A Coad. sk 9H. F. Foote, sk = 3 95 / HOSE we advertised in Tues- b i I Pp t "league. Ohana Soarbore ! $ a da a 23¢ absolutely fas According to information already | A. Lambert. sk 7 in@erwood, sk | 2 ? with feather-proof we 1 ¥ s issue at pair to go [4 received, Thorntons have got a strong | Oshawa - Port Hope } i Ll) ckin g to go color, and there eleven lined up to conpmence the | Lounthwell, sk 16 Brown, sk E are 12 different de- season and some of the players are | Oshawa " Aberdeen = 3 D. M. Hall. sk 6 Gilding, sk signs to choose very enthusiastic over the prospects far their making good in faster com- Oshawa « = from. The ¥y are ------ i x «i See The South Window Thursday 1 Night oe | Oshawa Owillia rr. Punshon. sk 9 George, sk Oshawa Queen Olty = on J 1 r n 4 x TERS Asthma Sufferers uw. Smith, 11 Warren, <& E EXTRAORDINARY HOSIERY A LUCKY PURCHASE ON GLOVES H e Girls! F ey ® ond. McPnail of London, A. Germond. sk 188. Baird, sk "This is without Oshawa Locust Ml E - OFFERING ON Sem Enables us to NTT Vo J Cl IY offer Chamois- | We have collected nearly every Da (od eite Gloves of | Silk, Messaline, Taffeta, Poplin the highest or Satin Dress in the house. and give you a grand selection for Colors are Copenhagen background and Buff background; designs are : 13 in en - Black, Grey, wreaths of roses with fig- = Ys Champagne, 3 SPECIALS eit ce CC Ye oe = drape. Priced at g9¢ yd. Frida Saturday | ce Ad i Se b. | dae we cam atoms you. grade, colors Men MENS WORK BOYS' SUITS i i 1 PANTS me ts com Amine Cucuanit WH Shampon and Aver Cakes ul Sales TA ; . on of the real English Su 20 dr. 30 pair Black In Tweeds, Worsteds | Whipcord variety Dine Thiety five vent Battie of Mk ol Muses Complexion Goeam and one Calf Boots, Be Cott nades all a 4 thirts five cont finn of one Headache and Nenvalgia Teealment. all for Blut ¢ = "or ° ana =~ te priced for the week-end Sizes mn at a substantial reduc- Me 51.00 Bottle uf Gomine Nitamine Neat Tablet and ane $100 Suid make a won- Aun. np. : ; clear at i : . derful every a a $1.98 par G Neowin 1h n day boot, at - " Stone i uy These pants are regu- be sold at BEATTIE'S the White Front Drug $4.49 lar $2.75 and $3.0 pr. $7.95 Aust North of the 4. KR. Stecle Stoves pa Fs - i

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