BASEBALL BOWLING CURLING © OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1922 A A N---- PAGE FIVE THE SPORTING WORLD HOCKEY SOCCER GOLF, Ete G. D. Conant is Elected 1ennis Club President Membership of 100 Is Confidently Expected This Season-- New rounds Are Essential--May Raise Money By Sale of Stock to Members Seldom has a more enthusiastic gathering assembled in Oshawa than that which attended the annual meet- ing of the Oshawa Tennis Club which was held in the offices of the Wil- liams Piano Company last evening. A large number of members were present, indicating the great interest being taken in this popular game, and that the coming season will he the most successful since the club was organized is practically assured. Everyone present expressed a wills ingness to give their assistance in any way they could to advance its welfare. . In commencing the season of 1922, the club has a strong organ- ization composed of capable and effi- ecient officers, besides a strong exe- cutive and other equally strong com- mittees. The club will be headed by G. D. Conant, who sueceeds D.B. Carlyle as president, the latter being appointed secretary. Both Mr. Car- lyle and Mr. Conant have done much towards creating an interest among the young people and putting the organization on a sounder basis than before. Mr. Conant last year donat- ed one trophy, Mrs. Conant presented the club with another, while Mr. Carlyle offered a president's medal for the club championship. Membership Growing Last year the number of members | had mounted to sixty. but a member- ship of one hundred is anticipated for the coming season. The present grounds which are owned by the Williams Piano Company, are entire- ly inadequate to meet the needs of the club, and it has been found nec- essary to look elsewhere for suitable quarters. A proposition has been presented to the Golf Club which is meeting with favor, and if an agree- ment can be arranged which will be satisfactory to both organizations, the Tennis Club will have an ideal spot for their courts and sufficient accommodation for am increased membership. Officers Flected After the minutes of the Jast meeting were read and confirmed the election of officers was held with the following results: Honorary Presidents--Dr. and R. 8. McLaughlin. President--G. D. Conant. ist Vice-President--W. E. Clarke. 2nd Vice-President--Miss Gladys Morris. Vice-President--Theo Fish- leigh. Secretary--D. B. Carlyle. Treasurer--Dr. 8. J. Phillips. Green Committee--J. E. Carru- thers. Match Committee--R. B. Dillon, Miss Myers, Mrs. G. D. Conant. Entertainment Comamittee-- R. B. Dillon, Mrs. T. Fishleigh, Ratz. For2 Mrs. A. Auditors--Percy Mr. Shepherd. Committee on new premises--Ross McKinnon, D. B, Carlyle, G.D. Con- ant, W. E. Clarke and J, E. Carru- thers. Membership Committee--T. Fish- leigh, Miss MeMurtry, Miss K. Con- nolly, B. A. King, R. B. Dillon. ladies' captain--Miss Dorothy Me- Laughlin. Ladies' Hawkes. Men's captain--T. Fishleigh. Men's vice-captain--B. A. King. New Grounds Essential Mr. G. D. Conant, the newly-ap- pointed president, was then asked to take the chair. He reviewed the sit- uation of the club at the present time, emphasizing the need for new and larger quarters and also outlin- ing the proposition which has been nrade to the Golf Clob. Besides being of great value to the Tennis Club, Canning and vice-captain---Miss Rose it is generally felt that golfers will | from the courts. The main idea is to get the younger members interest | ed in golfing and the result will be, it | is predicted, to increase the member- ship of the Golf Club. The commit- tee in charge of the negotiations on { behalf of the Tennis Club had been asked to indicate what portion of the grounds they desired. Conse- these were presented at the meeting. These were drawn up so that the propc.ed courts would not interfere in any way with the golf course. Some of the conditions as outlined by the Golf Club are that membérs of the Tennis Club who are not goilf- ers will not be allowed access to or the use of the club house and if the tenuis players wish to erect a elub house of their own they must build one which will be Ta keepng with the grounds. To build the courts aud other necessary convenlences, an expenditure of possibly $1,000 woulda be involved and as to what would he the most feasible plan for raising funds was the subject for some dis- cussion. May Sell Shares It was suggested that shares im | the club be sold; with the price of each share regulated according to the number of members. If the membership reached ome hundred then it would mean that each share should be sold for $10. Although no definite course of action was decided on, it is possible that this will be the course to be adopted. Mr. Conant pointed out that if success were at- tained it would only be with the heartiest co-operation of the mem- bers. The Treasurer's Kepont | Last year was a most successful {one, both from a financial stand- point and from the number of games also derive equally as great benefit quently plans had been secured and | WEDNESDAY NIGHT'S 8.8, HOCKEY GAMES The following is the schedule for the Wednesday night games, Sunday School Hockey: --- ' 6 to 7.--King St. vs. South Osh awa, (Juvenile A) 7 to 8.--8t. Gregory's vs, (Junior A.) 8 to 9.--King St. vs. St. Georges, (Senior A.) 9 to 10.--Presbyterian firegory's, (Senior B.) 10 to 11.--8imeoe St. vs. Preshy- terian, (Junior B.) There may he some changes in schedule for Wednesday night fol- lowing an executive méeting this evening. Captains of teams should ret in touch with their representa. ives early in the morning re any changes, The standing for S. 8. late: -- Queen of the Winter Carnival King, ys, Bt, Hockey to Benior A, Won King St. : St. Georges .. Simeoe . . Oshawa . Gregory's Presbyterian Christian S. St Junior A, St. Gregory's a South Oshawa King Street *Tied one. Junior B. Presbyterian ahs Christian ry simeoe . MISS HAZEL TOMKINS te for Queen of the Winni- peg Winter Carnival of the Can. adian Pacific Railway employees, and selected for the position by o yery popular om Juvenile A. Gregory's Christian Preoshyterian Cedar Dale... .. ... Juvenile B. South Oshawa King Street 3t. Georges Simcoe *Tied one St. > ------ played with clubs from other towns. The treasurer's report showed gthe finances of the club to be in a flour- | ishing condition, a balance of $145.24! being to their credit after paying | all expenses. The Siatement in de- Oshawa Bonspiel tail follows » In Full Swing Receipts Lady members Male members Dapee . .:.. i. . Balance from 1920 i $104.00 | 184.00 | 113.00 | 68.72 | | GEST NUMBER IN HISTORY --ICE IN SPLENDID SHAPE The big event of the year in local wling circles is under way at urling rink to-day, nearly two hun- red curlers, taking part in anal bonspiel of the Oshawa ing Club. Forty-eight rinks 9 | €xact, are listed two | potitions, namely Cap and 9.72 Expenditures Accounts paid . Account outstanding Balance im bank an Carl- to i |] |] 5.58 5.90 | 2 ( « «a for t coms- the Melaughlin TT the Eaton Trophy. COBOURG REPLACE OSHAWA. 1ie attendance the largest in the Owing to the annual bonspiel of | history of the Oshawa club and with the Oshawa Curling Club being held ileal conditions prevailing, today, Oshawa curlers will not be{tions are that this annual represented in the District Cup matches which also takes place in| «or held here. Toronto today and tomorrow. The At eleven o'clock this morning two Cobourg rinks, runners-up for) the draw was made for the prelim- this district, have been notified and | inary round of the McLaughlin Cup Kae. ili suis Oshawa's place in| q.e first ten rinks on the list open- itd the play while the next tem star- ted off at 1.30 o'dleck. Play will be continued until a lute hour to-night and before the two competitions are this group REFORMER WANT ADS. PAY completed. the bonspiel may have " --- Saldisfiers Gusts bape », to he prolonged to the third day. The curlers are in high spirits over the most favorable weather and some of the best curling seen ia this district this season is anticipat- od. Sixteen Oshawa rinks are in- cluded in the list, all of which are playing in the preliminary round. Local curlers are extending a heanty welcome to their guests and it is their intention to make the visit of outside rinks one to be long remembered by them. The Osh- awa' rinks which played this morn- ing ave those of skips F. E. Ellis, E. C. Hodgins, #. H. Punshon, H. E. Smith and A. M. Germond. A complete list of rinks with the draw follows: MAL AUGHLAN TROPHY Oshaw. Lakefield Ridpath, sk. Colborne D. W. Coyle, sk. a F. L. Henry, sk. J. Oshawa . Campbell, sk. Oshawa Thompson, sk. Stonflvilic MH. Sanders, sk. Oshawa Locust. Mil . W. Dobney, sk. Wm. Cowie, sk. Oshawa Peterbove ". A. Coad, sk. H. F. Foote, sk. Scarbove J. Underwood, sk. Pont. Hope P. L. Brown, sk. Aberdeen F. Gilding, sk. Colborne 1. Edwards, sk. <1. Oshawa . Lambert, sk. Oshawa i. Southwell, sk. Oshawa M. Hall, sk. Oshawa . EE. Bilis, sk. Oshawa .C. Hodgins, sk. Oshawa Punshon, sk. Oshawa . E. Smith, sk. Oshawa . Germond, sk. , 8K. Orillia W. C. George, sk. City F. Wagven, sk. Scarbovo S. Baird, sk. F. £. Roosor, sk. . E. Evans, sk. Oshawa Scarbore A. Patterson, sk. Port L. Clifford, sk. Oshawa Hope Johnston, sk. T. Morrow, sk. The following sinks* have drawn a hye: MR. Besse, Claremont; <C. Thompson, Agincourt; R. M. Wad- dell, Peterboro; W. J. Mother, Stoufi- ville; D. Crawford, Scarboro; W.-4. D. Lost FORTY RINKS EXTERED -- LAR- the | With | South Oshawa Emerge Victors DEFEAT, PRESBYTERIANS 6-1, MUST MEET KING STREET SEXTETTE IN SENIOR FINALS South Oshawa seniors have gone through their group in the Sunday ing once suffered defeat. against the Presbyterians, the latter going home with the small end of a 6 to 1 score. With six victories to their credit, and still undefeated, South Oshawa look to he the new senior champions, although they will have stiff opposition when they clash with the King Street sextette, which is going at top speed right now. On their showing last night, South Oshawa proved themselves to he real contenders for the senior title, displaying lots of speed and teamwork. The teams lined up as follows: South Oshawa--goal, Barriage; defence, Lott and Hutchinson; centre Claus; right wing, Long; left wing, Jackson; subs, Gunn and Mallett. Preshyterians---goal, Browne; de- fence, Trew and Wright; centre, Purdy; right wing, Thompson; lef! wing, Kennedy; subs, Jamieson. t BL George's Won | The second senior fixture saw St. George's take a falr out of Simcoes iby 8 to 1. It was a fast clean con- test and one which was watched {with interest by the spectators | How the teams lined up: 'St. George's--goal, Miners; fence, Art Ladd amd AM Ladd; centre, Bell; left wing, Kilburn: 5 ; subs, Atkinson and Moore. Simcoes--goal, Jackson and Luke; centre, iright wing, Rae; left wing, liams. subs, Alger and Peacock i Apother Shutout i St. Gregory's juveniles continued their championship march by dis- posing of Cedar Dale, 4 to 0. The game was fast and the losers gave their opponents a hard bettle from bell to bell. The teams wepe: defence, Taylor; Wil- Kelly; | | Kennedy and LeFave: centre, Don- laid; right wing, B. Conlin: left wing D. Conlin: subs, Cand. A. Wilkinson and J. Wilkinson. Cedar Dale---goal. Homer; de- fence, C. Jackson amd J. Jackson; contre, McDonald; right wing, R. | Kellar; left wing, F. Kellar: sub, ' Morseley. Christians Win i Christian Church won a close vie- tory over the Presbyterians in a juvenile fixture. This was one of the best games of the evening, the score of 3 w 1 being a fair tion of the play The teams up as follows: Presbyterians |fence, Mitchell {Taylor; right indica- lined goal, Russell: and Grant; wing/ E. de- centre, Henry; left indica- | wing, E. M. Henry: sub. Cox. tourana~1 ment will be the wost successful ev- | Christian--goal, Trott; defence, Racer and Martin; centre, W. Starr; right wing, F. Starr: left wing, Crouse; subs, Manuel, Petre and | Koch terians defeated the Christian sext- ette § goals to 1. Although the score was one sided, the. losers displayed splendid form and should have se- cured more than one counter. ANOTHER OIVIC GAME. boys their honors have trieved, The play was simply ripping Until our Engineer received A penalty for tripping; As though encouraged Ly the sight, Of more than one fair lady The best man on the ice last night Was certainly McBrady. A puck was lost in every round, The game 1 hate 10 knock it But ultimately they weve found in Harmer's inside pocket; Such things as these are far from nice, dn fact a trifle shady A But still the best man on the ice Was certainly McBrady. The team will likely lose Goebei, 1 do mot wish to scold him de skates so fast he plays so well it's difficult to hold him; And when his skill we oft recall, We wonder where he's gone to Maybe it is to Montreal Or maybe to Toronto. The Printing boys kept on the trot, 'The goalie we may note \Wheneyer shots came rather hot He used his overcoat; And Henry was a shining star, To tell the truth the fact is Their hockey players surely are 4A little out of practice. And in each long long after day We will recall with pleasure The Hockey games we used to play dp evening hours of leisure; And every one it would be nice Should bring along his lady And see the best man on the ice The resolute McBrady. ~The Canfdian National Railways recently issued a chart of earnings and expenses in which it was shown that earnings were increasing and expenses going down. Starting with August, which showed net profits of some $47,000, a steady improvement has taken place, October earnings be- ing some half million dollars greater than expenses. The greatest reduc- in operating occurred prior to July. This is a most import- ant point because it shows that the reduction in expenses occurved prior to the recent reduction in wages put into effect on July 16th. This is con- glusive proof that greater tonnage and greater efficiency in management are primarily responsible for this wery encouraging state of affairs. Lioyd George must love Ulster. the way he chastens Telegram. The re- . School Hockey League, without hav-| Last night | the South End stalwarts stacked up| St. Gregory's--goal, Fair; defence, | | in the junior contest The Presby- | C. H, BURROWS DID NOT WRITE LETTER Editor Oshawa Reformer, Oshawa. : Dear 8ir,----In your issue of Tues- day, 7th inst, I noticed in the re- port of East Whithy Township Coun- cil that 1 am credited with writing a letter criticizing the Oshawa Town Couneil in connection with the sewer | being put in on the Base Line. The tirst T knew of that ietter was when I read it to-day while I was in Oshawa. Will you kindly put this in your next issue as 1 wish it to he clearly understood that some one during my temporary absence from Cedar Dale has forged my name to express their own sentiments and not mine. I shall endeaver to find person. Thanking you nig this mis-statement, for correct- I am Youurs truly, C. H. BURROWS, Cedar Dale, Feb. 11, 1922, THE REGENT VALENTINE PARTY The management of the Regen: have arranged another evening of gaiety and amusement for their val- entine party to-night. Besides the usually good program of pictures including "Dangerous Curves Ahead" as a feature, with a good comedy, the best of news and views, {and the celebrated Regent Orchestra, | | there will be many special features | "such as musical numbers, dancing | numbers, gommunity singing, bal- | loons and*eomfetti, valentine novel | and after the other program | ties, | dancing on the stage from 11 1.30 1 to | |EXECUTIVE M | | { TING TONIGHT. There will be a meeting to-night of the Sunday School Hockey | cutive. Protested games will announced after this meeting, dates for finals. and The finals previous- ly announced for Friday and Monday | coming will in all probability Monday and Friday of next be week | NOTICE | IN THE JONES, TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF CLARA deceased 1 AN person having amy claims {against the late Clars {died on or about the 15th day | January, 1922, in the Township of | East Whitby. must send their names {and addresses and particulars of | their claims to the undersigned icitor for Francis Edward Jons {the Administrator her Estate, or before the '1st day of March, 1922, after which date the id Admin- istrator will proceed to distribute. the having regard only claims then received the signed Dated Jones, of i of on assets, to the by under at Oshawa this 13th day of IY February, 1922 1 G. D. Conant | Barrister, &e { Oshawa, Ont the guilty Exe be | who | Pedlars . Pune, fh Officers Trim Simcoe Heights AND VACATE THE CELLAR POSI- TION -- REGIMENT DEFEAT KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Last night was a most successful one for the Regiment in the Indoor Baseball League. The Officers, by defeating Simeoe Heights, stepped out of the cellar position into sixth place, while the Men also advanced from fifth position until they are now tied with the Business Men for third place in the league standing. In the first encounter, the Officers came from behind and won 11 to 9. At the end of the fourth frame they were three runs short of their op- ponents' total, but by wielding the stick perfectly in the fifth session eight runs were secured. The teams lined up as follows: Officers--Boudler, ¢; Murray, 3b; Flintoff, 1b; Pierson, rf; Patton, p; Beckel, ef: Simpson, If; . ; MeCabe, 2h. Simeoe Heights--Cole, 3b; Cook, p; Dafoe, ss; {| Farrell, ¢; Baldwin, 2b; | 88; Hall, rf; Trew, If. | The score: | Simeoe Heights 4 0 0 2 3 0 0-- 9 1OMcers .. .., 000 3 80 x11 In the second affair the Regiment | were always in the lead, starting off | in the first frame by registering two runs, adding one in the third, five in the fifth and six in the sixth innings, while their opponents, the Knights of Pythias, failed to score in the first four stanzas The final count was 15 to 7. Gower did the heaving for the Soldiers, with McCabe op- posing him The teams were: | Regiment--Salter, Mercier, { calf I.yons, McBrien, Inally, Ambrose, Patton, Beavor. Knights--Northey, McCabe, Flin- toff, Hele, R. Northey, Diplock, Horne, McBride, Murray and Dafoe. The 'score Regiment Knights 0000 2 3-- 1 Batteries--Goyer and Salter: Me- Cabe and Hels 1b: Dell; Small, ef; Germond, Met- Me- Gower, 20105 61-15 9 9 8 INDOOR BASEBALL LEAGUE STANDING PW 6 a D Pts 0 12 111 LY o 0 0 | wittiams Bu Regime Sims Officers Men 4 Height General Motors AE Knights of Pythias 0 Stop liching Scalp Rub Parisian Sage on your head won't have to seratch the ff; stops itching scalp, head of beautiful refunded. At all d you drat | give luxariz ! hair or money | drug stores. Ss a nt | | { i | its ne »