Ontario Reformer, 11 Feb 1922, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT -------------- MARTIN'S THEATRE To-night is the last night for the Broadway Vanities, The entire re- petoire consisting of three change of rogram very appropriately comes 0 a close with the "Midnight Mar. riage," which played last night for the first time, Manager Marks has booked a splendid vaudeville per- formances for the first half of next week consisting of throe acts, booked -- hy* the National Vaudeville Associa tion, New York, "Parisian Scandal" is the film hill at Martin's next Monday, Tuesday and. Wednesday, Marie Provost is the scandalous one, and she vamps in the most approved fashion to the bewilderment: of the young college chap from America, She was harde" to understand than all his studies, He tried to find refuge in his books ---------------- rt re emote on RS oon er OSHAWA, EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Rev, J. L. Harton, B.Th. Pastor ONTARIO / Rev. W. J. H. Brown Wed., 8 p.m.--Address Rev. C. H. Schutt Thurs., 8 p.m--Address Fri, 8 pm.--Address e-Op Conference For Deepening of Spiritual Life Feb. 13th to 17th Mon. Eve., 8 p.m.--School Rodm - Rev. J. L. Harton, Pastor. Tues, 8 pm.--Church Auditorium Rew L. S. Haverstock, B.A., B.Th. Century Baptist Church; Toronto Rev. A. Imrie, B.A., B.Th. ening w¥ I] Een 4B Preparatory Address Consecration Annette St. Church, Toronto Baptist Home Mission Supt. Indian Rd. Baptist Ch., Toronto i ' OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1922 bt she continued her vamping with interesting vesults all round, There will alse pe a film "Where Frost King Reigns and a comedy "Family Affairs," A For the first half of the week there will be three first class vaudeville acts, Billy Rube Reno will cause your ribs to ache with his Rube speciality. Hurst and Levars, lady and gontleman, are a scream and will delight the audience with their talk- ing, dancing, and you will be parti- cularly . pleased with "Milinery Nongense"" ana the wonderful scenBry, Fitzgerald and Johnston will show you how to whistle, and dear me if you are fat you sure will lose flesh from laughter at this entire program. POWER RESOURCES AT SHERBROOKE ro "ym Speaking before the members of the Sherbrooke, Que., Rotary Club, E. E. Pawson, manager of the Gas nnd Electric departments, observed that the future developments of the power resources of the district are not by any means 'unlimited, and that insofar as the eity of Sher- brooke was concerned, there remain only two gites to he developed, name- ly the second development of the Two Miles Falls, yiclding approxi- mately 3,500 h.p., and the Westhury basin site, with a rating of approxi- mately another 3,600 h.p. The past records show that the demands for | power have doubled at least in each five years. The present total devel- | opment yields approximately 9,000 { hp. in the city. All allowances be- ing made for extraordinary develop- Ei which took place during the war, the resources of the eity of Sherbrooke will be completely ex- | bausted in not more than from Fol to ten years, it is said. Jt will then be necessary to look to {other sources for additional power. WILL TRY TO PREVENT | SALMON DEPLETION British Columbia's salmon deple- [tion problem has been laid before {| Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of | Fisheries at Ottawa, according to {the announcement of Hon. Wm. Sloan. provincial commissioner of fisheries. Hon. Mr. Sloan told a uthering of cannery men in Van- couver last week that failure of the United States Semate to raitfy treat- ies for the protection of the Fraser salmon run. and failure of the Wash- ington State Fisheries Board to wwarantee regulations. was having the efiect of making the ramous sal- man river. the Fraser. a thing of the i ---- SOCIAL and | | PERSONAL | » -Mr, and Mrs. W, R, Tonkin and Master Gerald, motored to near Sea» grave and spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, Ed, Bryant, --Mr, and Mrs, P. H, McQueoh, of Toronto, speht a few days in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Grose, 20 Colborne Street East, Mr, William "Trewin, of Bowman- ville, was removed to Wellesley Hos- pital, Toronto, on Thursday. His son, Dr. Trewin, of Oshawa, accompanied him, ~=Mr, and Mrs. ¥. T. Guy, Osh- awa, announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Nellie Ger: trude, to Mr. Walter Rogers Lynde, ! ---- eT ---- AT THE REGENT The clemental interest and appeol ot veal life as lived by real human be- ings has been caugnt on the screen by Rupert Hughes in his first original scenario, produced hy Goldwyn, "Dangerons Curve Ahead!" at the Regent Theatre next Monday and Tuesday. All old married couples who have passed through its various phases will chuckle and sigh at its truthfulness and humor; young mar- ried couples living through its phases will find its comedy almost tragedy in places; while the newly maried couples and the single will be ahsorb- ed by its foreshadoing of some of the domestic and matrimonial problems which wil confront them, One ned not he a Seot to enjoy "The Bonnie Brier Bush," the latest Paramount picture produced in Eng- land which will he the feature at the Regent Theatre next Wednesday and Thursday. The story based on Ian MacLaren's famous novel, 'Beside of Oshawa, the marriage to take place quietly this month, «Mr, and Mrs. John McCullough were pleasantly surprised by a large] gathering of friends at their home | 149- Colborne St. E., Thursday even- ing last. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs, KE. Bradiey, Mr. Adison Bradley and Miss Rhea Greenaway, of Whithy. The evening was spent at cards and dancing. BEWS--TOVELL At Sydenham, on Saturday, Febru- ary 4,°a quiet wedding took place, Dr, and Mrs. M. Tovell, was married! to Douglas Waldron Bews, B. Sc., of | Port Hope. The ceremony was con-| ducted by Dr. Isaae Tovell of To- ronto, uncle of the bride, assisted by! Rev. George Stafford, the pastor, under the ivy arch in the living (room. After the ceremony a wedding) dinner was served. and Mr. and Mrs. Bews left on the afternoon train for] Ottawa and Algonquin Park, the] bride travelling in a spring hat of French blue silk, navy tricotine cos- tume, with touches of blue and wearing an opossum trimmed Hud- [sou seal coat, the gift of the room. {Mr. and Mrs. Bews will reside in | Port Hope, where Mr. Bews is resi- dent engineer on the Peterboro-Port | Hope Belleville section of the ii. | { | 1 | vincial highways. SPECIAL SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH | he Bonnie Brier Bush," %& one of uni- versal appeal and representatives of every civilized nation will find it sweet and wholesome." Donald Crisp, the producer, plays the important role of the stern, rigid elder of the "kirk" whose sternness all but pro- vokes a tragedy in his own home, Mary Glynne, popular with motion picture fans, has the part of Flora, his daughter. The cast is one of un- usual excellence and includes among | others Alec Fraser, Jack East, Jer- rold Robertshaw, Mrs. Hayden Coffin. Humberswon Wright, Dorothy Fane, when Alene Marie, only daughter of | ® REGENT MONDAY AND TUESDAY The Tremendous Photoplay of the Double Exposure of Things in Modern Marriage "Dangerous Life's Greatest Agony "Disney's Service" is yours at all hours, in all weathers. Wherever loving ser- vice calls, our men are at your disposal, Every service will be weil performed when funeral ar- rangements are placed in our hands. CALL AT ANX HOUR, DAX OR NIGH» The Disney Funeral Service 14 Bond Street, West Unsurpassed Ambulance Service wv Langhorne Burton and other screen urtists. The principal scenes were photographed in Scotland and are most beautiful. The production is massive and many of the situations are dramatic and sympathetie, One report has it that a conviet in Minnesota has been pardoned be- cause of a poem he wrote, and an- other that he is being let out be- cause they"have learned he didn't write it.--Detroit News. ele leieony oie Welephone 10b3 C. M, A. CONVENTION, St. Andrew's-by-the-Sea, New Brunswick, has been selected by the Executive Committee of the Canadian Manufacturars' Association as the meeting place of the Dominion Con- vention for 1922. The dates will be June 20th, 21st and 22nd. After the meetings the delegates will travel by special train on a trip of inspection of the industries of the Maritime Provinces. LAST SHOWING TO-NIGHT JACK LONDON'S Famous Story TeMutinyurElisnore Nee) " eleeiend Curv ?» Ahead Presented with an All Star Cast DO YOU? you stay out late at might and leave your wifey alone? you read the paper at the breakfast table? a Jouge adenlenten Sede epatiaied » W ndntne Next week services of a very spoe- you ever see your old sweetheart? you tell lies to your wife? Do you lie 10 your husband? Dangerous Canves Ahead Baow what is good 0 know vast, and unless action was taken ial character are to be held in Osh- :mmediately northern British Colum- | awa Baptist Church, taking the form bia streams would sufler a similar of a conference for the deepening of oo, Sead, a AlN Friends and Strangers Cordially Invited at Millers. a yard is heve at Toc Oh! Mable Look at this Dress--how do you like it--1 just bought 314 yds. of 40 inch Gingham and 2 Butterick pattern and made it my- self --The material is Duro Dye fabric and you can boil it for a month and it won't fade--then hang it on the clothes line an- other month and still no fade--I bought it { 1 was louking over their new Veoiles just in from the makers and they are wonderful value--not a lange pattern in the lot--the * neatest--spots--ecubes--ovals and curley- cues just like the fouland silks and the | one lange pattern shown--Prices, well, same quality you see some places at $1.25 yd. fate. "The situation in the northern | waters is entirely up to our own | Government," Mr. Sloan declared. lapel said that he had placed the | whole sitnation before Hon. Ernest | Lapointe. and hoped that a new fish- eories policy would he decided upon {soon that would restore the salmon | fishing industry of the province Obtained Insurance | by False Pretense is thw being talse which Alleged ground on takem in Omt vie Criminal Courts | against Mrs. Hetty Hart and Peevey | Reville. of Toronto. The Coown cou { omds that Mrs. Mart obtained $1 Ee) from a soldier's inswramor pol | wy, taken ont andar the city of To ronte's soldier's insurance scheme, on the lite of William Cecil Mart who wns killod overseas in 1815 {it is alleged that Mrs. Hart pepoe- | sented herself as the dead soldier's lawfml wife, contrary te the fact Roville is charged with making false declaration that he kaew her to be | warriod to Ham BANK LOAN WAS { pretenons awotion WELL PROTECTED | The Ontarie Fort: have dismiss {od actions bronzht br R. Easton | Buons, anthorized trustee of the | Andze. Jone, Milling Company. Lad. of Belleville, which is in liquidation against the Romal Bank and R. J Ara ham The Gothen aginst Ah paid to the bank in preiepence over other ovoditors and the action against Graham was 1p set aside a mortgage. apon which Graham had advanced a similar company, which they then the hank house reoeipts and a guarantee bond Upon stock being taken hy the com- pany, it was found that the stock amounted te the security held hy the bank $40.- HH9 short. This was raised on the mortgage given to Graham and the amount paid to the hank in Decom- bor. 1920. The Milling Company on January | went inte bankruptcy 22nd, AB21. bank war Tor the repayment of 244, | HOO, which 4t was alleged had Hoon (ype con an font and doving memory | amount to the paid to The company was indebted te the | Royal Bank tp the extont of $125.-| 990, for which the hank hold wave- only $85.00, leaving | Spiritual life, and marking the re- opening of the church after cow-| plation of repairs de necessary om | account of the recent fire. Five even- | ing services will be aeld, comwenc-: ing Monday evening at eight o'clock, | when the preparatory address will be delivered by Rev. J. L. Harton, the pastor. Other spessers during the week include Rev. W. J. H. Browa, of Annette St. Church, Toronto: Rew. J. H. Schatt. Baptist Home Mission supt.: Rev. LS WiVverstock. B.A. Bh. of Century Baptist Chunch, Toronto, and Rev. A. Iwrie. BA. Bth., of Indian Road Baptist Chunch Toronto. The last conference will be held Friday evening. ASMBDONN MARA ARE OO. The annual statement of the J. H Ashdown Mardware Co. lad, Win- vipeg, will mot be made public this war. It is a close corporation, the stock being held almost entively by the mombers of one family, and though some statements were issued | for publication when it seemed that abnormal conditions would make it nooessary for the company 10 raise wutside capital, this practioe has been discontinued | In Memoriam WILSON In foving memory of my friend Robert Wilson, whe died Fobhruary 11, as21, Aust a thought of sweot remembrance | oom 2 momory fond and Aone; Aust a token of affoction, Ant 10 show 1 think of yen S1iN missed by Avchie R 11502 of my dear hmshand, Robert E Wilson, whe departed this life Febmary 11, 821 {Our lips cannot speak how we loved rou, : : our heants cannot tell what te say, God only Knows how we miss yon, in a home that is lonesome to-day. Sadly missed hy wife and childoon | 1302 |LAEISHMAN--An loving tomemhrance | of Thomas Leishman, whe died on February Sth, 1920, The Mowers upon Pour grave Tommy, Will dvoop their leaves and die; |But the cherished memory we hold for mon shall mever never die. Father and Methor. 1308 dear MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY That Geeat English Production "The Sin That Was His" and ne one should miss this splendid pictave. v SEE THE BEST a Selected Comedy News Regent Orchestra Valentines Party and Cabaret VALENTINES NIGHT Vandeville--Ballooms--Comletti-- Somyenirs--Prizes--Dancing Reserve Your Seats in Advance Hoot, Mon! W, and Thursday "BESIDE THE BONNIE BRIAR BUSH" sSovtoh Dandciag--Contest Exery Night Cash Prize: $5.00 Each Night ---- A MARTIN'S Theatre | | | { 1 | P ie Prevost | "Parisan Scandals | You Will Langh. You Will Get Excited. You Will See Life. | © Then there is 2 Rollidking Comedy, "FAMILY AFFAIRS" "WHERE FROST KING REIGNS" is a Fairy Land of oe and Snow | The Vaudeville Bill Bodked by National Vandeville Association, New York is Migh Class, Refined, Up-to-the-Minute and Vavied FOR THE FIRST HALF OF THE WEEK EH] » i / { / Tr ii

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