Ontario Reformer, 11 Feb 1922, p. 5

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SPORTING] OSHAWA, ONT PS ' ARTO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1022 Pedlars Nine Beat Williams' Team By 10-6 CLOSE INDOOR BASEBALL CON- v TESTS THURSDAY NIGHT REGIMENT TRIMS THE GENERAL MOTORS There was an abundance of excite- mont in store for the large crowd of spectators at the Armories Thursday night when two of the best games over staged in the Oshawa Indoor Baseball League were witnessed. The main centre of interest was the con- test between Williams and Pedlars, both of whom are fighting hard for the leadership. Bach team brought slong a host of sup rs and ex- eitement was at a high pitch through- out the evening. The game was a dno exhibition and the issue was not decided until the sixth innings when Pedlars suddenly took a liking to Carlyle's offerings, chasing six runs across and eventually winning 10 to 6. Woods, for the winners, ana Carlyle for the losers, were the op- posing pitchers, the former twirling & consistent game, while Carlyle was invincible in the first three and fifth fanings. The latter, however, was hit hard in the fourth and sixty his nents securing their ten un- ters in the two frames. | Williams scored in the opening in- nings and added three more in the fourth. At the end of this innings the score was tied 4-4. The Music Makers jumped into the lead in the ensuing frame and increased it in the sizth but when the Metal Work- ers landed on the hall for a sextette of counters the tune was changed and the Music Men were at a loss to know where to start in again. The keenest rivalry has sprung up be- tween the two teams and the race How the teams lined up: Willlams--Southwell, McConnell, Caiyie, Hobbs, Smowden, Flintoff, Legee, James, Missett, Hurst. Pedlars -- McNeally, Smith, Kil- burn, Crouse, Morphy, O'Brien, Thompson, Robinson. W s, Meln- 10-- 6 Ss .--I0 Snowden: i i il innings. Boys scoreless in four of the ser- dia well, although the Sol iz after time they called upon him tn | win the game for the Standards bat G.W.V.A. FOOTBALL TEAM RE-ORGANIZE The G,W.V.A, Football Club have organized for the coming season, At a well attended meeting on Thurs- day evening last officers were elected and other matters in connection with the club were arranged. The newly appointed officers are as follows: Honorary President--G. W. Me- Laughlin, Honorary vice presidents--Dr. H. M. McDonald, Dr, 8. J, Phillips. President--T, King. Vice president--A, Smith. Treasurer--R, Gibbie. Seerstaty--i2. Humphrey. Executi Co ittee--3. Lovell Ixecutive mm . * they were watched too closely to get L. eAtams, W. Judd, E. Fraser, la straight shot at Barringe. Trainery--a. Gower and G. Towns. ond. After battling for two periods and part of the third without a score by either team, South Oshawa took a group in the senior series of the Sunday School Hoexey League last night by defeating the fast St. Greg- ory sextette 4 to 0, Five minutes had elapsed in the final stanza when Gunn shot from centre ice and the {puck was deflected into the net off 'an stick, Hutchinson came right {back with another about thirty sec- jonds later on a lone attempt, cork- |serewing his way through the Saints {defence, Two more were added be- Delegates to the annual RTPI Lot Fadl were at one stage that of the Oshawa and District Football|they might Association, which will be held on! However Monday in the Y.M.C.A. at 7.30 p./through with their best exhibition m., are R. Gibbie and E. Humphrey. Ink Slingers W hitewashed TOWN HALL SEMI-PROS. AT | LAST WIN GAME--DE- | FEAT REFORMER 3--0 out and keeping on top of the puck constantly. The Saints displayed a {early stages and bad they continued ito do so they might have feit the nets. | Reformer puckchasers were called into action last might following a! challenge issued to them by the) fortably in St. Gregory's net. They given a three ply coat of whitewash they were always in the hunt. Had it not been for Percy Pumshon and Assessor and Collector R. H. James, | who failed to either assess or col-! ect any penalties, the final resuit might have been different. While the Town officials were showed clearly the intemse interest taken in the resait. bers and they did their part well wo encourage the Gold Bands. Players Used Bodies It was a hard game to lose and a i swinging the whitewash brush, the fine one to win and the South Osh- {printers were passing around the ink awa lads are deserving of |with the result that it was one of the credit for their victory. liveliest comtests seem at the Division| Considering t close checking {Street rink this year. and the im bearing the result | Retey fog unger the defeat handed | hud on the league standing, 1 remen | pg pe A = harduan the alow dare ty being meted out by Referee Jack wene somebody's Smith. The players used their bod- fs they were mot contemted mmtil [1° continually and many dangerous [they had run in three counters. Gib-|TWshes were stopped in this way. !som, the referee, made am impartial | Pouckler was the most brilliant |oficial although very few offsides player on the Saints line-up while came to his motice. Purdie of Jun- Cooper and Tom Bouckley were al- much ight of Goebell's crew. Coach C. M.i3nd Hutchinson starred. Sithouen wndy exhorted his clan rl in goal axa tae forwards eins nets and Mog the --t he | showed up well. South Oshawa has _.,2a aggregation equipped with weighe » and speed which will make King St. {teavel at a fast clip when the play- loft for the senior championship is Goal Disallowed in the first period play was wery last might is booked for St. Pata. | cvonly divided amd both met zward- Toronto, at the close of the present junc were forced to keep their eyes o {peeled as well directed shots were Goebell was handicapped having coming their way amd many close oy ame gai of States but singer the joatis wepe pecorded. Just a second circumstances his performance was after the gong Tang. St. Gregory's {most creditable. His bodychecking slipped the puck inte the South End- " McBrady in lors goal, the shot working through on the ice. The was disallowed. The second period are not willing tw | they will mo doubt, winners to a peta Fine Carnival At South End Rink NOUNG PEOPLE MOLD ENION- ABLE EVENT AT THME COUREUR DE BOIS RINK An enjoyable event for the young de-1 People of South Oshawa was the car- - centre Mi¥al held on Wednesday evening at McBrady: | the Conveur De Bois Rink, just north 4 "lof Mayor Stacey's house. Many of the young folk, as well as quite a number of older folk, turned out for an evening's skating, many being in costume. The costumes, hoth fancy jand comic, weve exceptionally fine, land the judges had difficulty ia | indging, especially for the rownger The schedule for Sundar Scaool girls who were in fancy costume. Hockey League games for Monday The following were winners of Boys' race, ander 12 vears--FirsL | 50e, Carl Larson; second 23c, Donald Girls" race, under 12 vears--First | South Oshawa Seniors Beat St. Gregory's 4-0 Take Firm Grasp on Group Championship--Game One of | the Most Strenuous of Season--Ced Juveniles Win First Game firm grasp on championship of their |0--0 {fore the game ended. Although the {Gold and White tried to find the nets For the first two periods the losers had a good share of the play and, tuck away a victory. the South Enders came of the season, checking hard through- {little better team play during the it was the most strenuous ,scen on local ice since the Oshawa- Port Hope O.H.A. affair some weeks ago and when the turning point of the game was reached, South Osh- (awa"s supporters wen: wild with de- light as they saw the disc rest com- were not prepared however to see {three more follow shortly after but Town Hall office staff. Although, demonstration which followed St. Gregory's | fans were also present in large num- play decidedly clean, only one penal- i ost as good. For the winners Lott {ior OHA. fame was the shining MOM 3% K e | Purdie being one of the hetwoen Barriage's skates. The soul | em Port Hope Guide Getting Cheaty TASK OF PUTTING OSHAWA OFF THE HOCKEY MAP-IS IT OVER CONFIDENCE? Port Hope hockey enthusiasts are under the impression that they have #0 many hockey players in their own village they can furnish other towns with some of their material, Prob- ably Port Hope, having won so many championships in the O.H.A. during the past few years, have their eyes on the John Ross Robertson trophy again this year. The Port Hope Guide says: "And when Oshaw builds a real up-to-date arena they will probably look to Port Hope to provide the town with a hockey team. Kip Rowden, the only shining light of this year's Oshawa team, is a Port Hope boy. If Port Hope de- cides to bring Kip back here, Oshawa would be off the map in both hockey and baseball. Will we do it?" Sandy Lochington apparently thinks it is because of money that Kip is now making his home in Osh- awn. He has been wearing an Osh- awa uniform both in hockey and baseball for several seasons past and to our knowledge, Kip has no inten- tion of returning to the eastern vii- lage. Kip was undoubtedly the fast. est man on the Oshawa team this year and he was also faster than any man on the Port Hope squad. Had the referee noteiced in time that the winning goal in the first game ar Dale saw the teams still battling for supremacy apd off the end of the twenty minutes the score remained , Early in the final frame Gunn opening the scoring with =» shot from centre ice. It carried with it a certain amount of luck and fooled MeKinnon, Hutchinson got in some nice work when he wiggled through the Saints team getting right in on goal and netting the dise. Claus got the next one when he bat- ted in the rebound after Hutchinson had shot. Hutchinson also landed the final tally on & shot from centre fco. The South Enders bad all the breaks in the last few minutes and despite the efforts of the Saints the winners held their opponents score less. i The teams were: South Oshawa---goal, defence, Lott and Hutchinson; centre, Claus; right wing, Long: left wing, Jackson; subs, Gunn and Mallett. St. Gregory's--soal, McKinnon; defence, Cotter and Cooper; centre, H. Bouckley; right wing, Tom Bouckley; left wing, Johnson; subs, Callaghan and MeBrady Referee--Jack Smith. First Win For Cedar Dale Cedar Dale \juveniles won their first game of the season when they defeated the Presbyterians by a 2 to 1 score. The Dale hoys' fought hard to break into the winning col-17 umn and after forty minutes of hara| "4M: struggling succeeded in reaching vin TENNIS COURTS AT St. George's juveniles added au-! THE GOLF CLUB? other victory to their list when they foreoed Si g i Simgons to take the small sd Some time ago the Oshawa Golf Club were approached by a com- of 2 6 to 1 count. "Rill" Muckler's Youngsters are going strong and . mittee of the Oshawa Temmis Club with a proposal which it was thought {they should be well up near the top {in the juvenile series when the would be beneficial to both organiza- (tions. schedule is finished. nr pnerian Seniors Won : on hia Church Seniors amd, purine the last few years the Goll Pp ans provided an cxeiting Club has lacked new members from contest, the latter team winning out the younger generation and comse- 5 to 1. Although the Centre Street I § 4 4 4 "I gueatly it has not been strengthened boys have mot won a game this seas. sv. gavin in the matter of players, which will on, they are back fighting every i p time. The time and they deserve credit for be neoded at some fature time. The {their good sportsmanship in staying | Proposal of the Tennis Club is that in the fight, despite the fact that they be allowed to build four first class clay courts, having cinder foundations, at the south end of the golf grounds, between the bunker on they are out of the running for group honors. The winners had the better of the play throughout but their opponents were always aggres- the home hole and the driving off sive and™Rangerous. Only once did tee for the mid-field hole. ground at present iz not being used and the facing of tennis courts on it will not interfere in any way with the Christians bulge the mets bat! the golf course. The Temmis Club Barriage; stead of the Red Bands. Over con- fidence is a very bad thing to develop and our Port Hope friends will neea against Belleville or some other fast they should have had a couple more. Purdy, the fast centre man, did not arrive in time to participate in the: first two periods, his services being! required by the Civic "Professional™ {team at the Division Street rink. i The line-ups were: | Christian--goal, Eitiotr: defence, {L.. Beamett amd Corrin: ocenire! F. Bennett: wings, Tumey and Andea- son: subs, MoGregor Presbyterians--goal, Brown; fomce, Trew and Whoight: oentre {Purdy; wings, Thompson and Ken inedy; subs, Jamieson. | The final game of the evening ve- suited in a win for the Preshyteriar {juniors over the Christians by T to ©. The winners had the advantage an weight and speed and were alwase iin the lead. Tennis Club Plans Big Year ON MONDAY NIGHT--GOON | SEASON ANTRCIPATED | modation of players. I is thought by the proposed awm- asamation the younger and lady members will become interested in playing golf and eventually will be come members when they the almost perfect game displayed by the | Hendersons or some of the long drives of George Jaocohs The pro Jjoct is being looked upon favorably by the directors of the Golf Club Glo SO0 A number of important matters will come up for discussion at the annual meeting of the Oshawa Ten- mis Club, which is called for mext' Monday evening, Fehrmary 13th, ia! the offices of the Williams Piano Company. This will he the third an-! anal meeting, and it is rumored that great things for the club ave schea- uled for this year. If present plans. now in the preliminary stage, mate- given the younger players to plas, ! and give added privileges to the air-4, ar Sex. Although the Oshawa Tennis Clab | "i50c, Marion Clapper: second 25c, players of today. The name of the last week of Sun-, Evelyn Andison. J ! d Hl ! : ! I ! : i a bali {1 £: i i Hi i Ho g g q i ¢ 1] i be i i f I Hi] ; t ? I il 1H i H i ie i H i H § £ g ef 31 fe: i Hit HE ® H ! : : 1 8 | i 1 {club was changed at the last annual £3 SH tif I} bil Rit HL ; i ) H | £ J i : : § g | g i | 1] b 1 iH 11 : | i gf i Hi if | i h | HHT ly it ¥ i I 1 . This | of the Oshawa-Port Hope series was! change scored on an off-side (and the player | Hydro-radial System, who scored it admitted it), Oshawa, Niagara Central, Toronto-St. Cathar- would have played against Picton in-! ines and Toronto Eastern Divisions, would be permitted to secure as far i | | also proposes 10 erect a club house | of modest dimensions for the accom- | radials should I Majority (Continued from page 1) lous districts of Ontario, it is served by practically only the Grand Trunk Railway. The Canadian Pacific Railway has running rights between Toronto and Hamilton, but is pre- vented by agreement from stopping at local points. When examined hy the Sutherland Commission, officials of the Grand Trunk Railway, while admitting the desirability of render- ing a better suburban service for this territory, nevertheless indicated. that this involved seeking a class of local business to which they did not desire 4 | to cater. Offer of Toronto Eastern "Again, with regard to the Toronto Eastern Division: Even though this line would run adjacent to existing steam roads, nevertheless the char- acter of business would be radically different. The Dominion Govern- ment itself proposed to complete this line, but was ready to be relieved ot this work, and the Administration not only offered to turn this line over 0 the Hydro-electric Power Commission as part of its radial sys- tem, but held up its program of con- struction pending the fuller consum- ation of the commission's arrange- ments. Dominio Govt, Co-operation. "Furthermore, the Dominion Gov- | ernment. railways administration was prepared to enter into an inter- agreement whereby the utilizing the as Bowmanville the long haul on wheat, cement and other bulk freight [to watch their step or they will be | originating in the Niagara Central placed in the discard when they up| district "In view of such facts, it is simply absurd for the Sutherland Commis- sion to represent that the proposed radial railways would he paralleling and competing with and would strike a serious blow at the success of the Canadian National System. Looked at in a broad way, the success of the Canadian National Railways is bound up with the general development and growth of the territory they traverse, Upon this development and growth the proposed radial railways would, in the portion of the couniry they serve, unquestionably exercise most heneficial influence." a The anunal meeting of the Osh- awa and District Foothall Associa- tion will be held in the ¥. M. C. on Monday evening mext at T.30. The business of the evening will be election of officers and arranging de- tails for the coming season. A large (Continued from page 1) divorced provided Mayor Maguire with opening and in a vigorous speeci. which carried the meeting with him declared that the whole opposition 10 Hydro-radials came from the Do minion Power and Transmission Co and if Sir Adam Beck would agree to bur them oul a1 their own price. Orvders-in~Conncil would soon begin to fy from Queen's Park Mayor Stacey represented Oshawa the meeting. Ths an at PLAYER'S NAVY CUT PAGE FIVE aA _---------------------------------- PETERBORO WOULD HAVE A LOOK IN Port Hope Guide: Noting the call for the annual meeting of the Cen tral Ontario Baseball Association, the Peterboro Examiner remarks: "In this connection, the question arises: Isn't it about time that a Peterboro man was elected to one of the principal offices? Although the league was started by Jake Solomon, not a resident of Peterboro has heen elected to any office during the three years of its existence. The honors should be passed around." And we gladly second the motion, but the Examiner must not expect that Pet- erboro shall receive recognition for everything the Jake Solomon as started. Jake generally starts some- thing wherever he goes. LINDSAY TAKES JUNIOR ROUND Lindsay Midgets won their group against Cobourg Thursday night when the latter team were defeated in the northern town 5 to 3, giving the Midgets the round by three goals. Cobourg threw a scgre into the local camp by scoring 3 goals to 1 in the first period, the visitors taking ad- vantage of the good ice. Towards the A. end of the period the ice became very heavy and combination was impossible. The Midgets outplayed the visitors in the last frame. For Cobourg, Jackson in goal was the star, and Wilbur, at centre, was also fast. For the Midgets, Mills at centre played the best game; Reeves and Hall, on the defence, also played well. It was fast hockey despite the soft ice. The line-ups: Cobourg--Goal, Jackson; defence, Baker and Jacobs; centre, Wilbur; wings, Nichols and Moore; subs, Bone and Hargrath. Lindsay--Goa), McClory; defence, Hall and Reeves; centre, Mills; wings, Williams and Chambers; subs, Bissette and Martin. INDOOR BASEBALL LEAGUE STANDING L Williams Pedlars Business Men Simcoe Heights Regiment PER General Motors .. Knights of Pythias Officers EE - Ue Le ee UXBRIDGE PEFAULYTED. Uxbridge has defsguited to Peter boro Colegiate in the Interscolastic Hockey League. The Central Park team have been declared winners of the northern group. and have beem ordered to play a semi-final round | with the Collegiate, of Belleville. The first game will be played in the | Liftlock City on Saturday afternoon, commencing at 2 o'clock, and the | return game will he played at Belle- ville on Saturday. February 18, total zoals on the round deciding she win- ner. The winner of this series will probably meet Bowmanville, the title holders of the local district. '1 wamt 10 ell a girl that 1 but 1 don't love know how 10. be- A YOURE Man Writes 10 4 news. "You must get a firm grip on 1 and zo ahead" he is ad- | vised. Why not got a firm grip on the girl"--Roston Transcript her | gia" ! naper vourse i - CIGARETTES

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