Thu i v pp ais am Le | PRT, O. OLEMENCE, DENTIST, LE--STOWUAREE, 'over .Andison's: Tailor Shop,' 4ses and general Store fixtures' at j 'bring our representative to call "on . DR. R. B, ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD. YOu. See us before bhuying elge- ley Block, Simcoe 8. 8. Phase 04, owe Taruale erro lll igs T. 8, TUCKBR--DENTIST, OF | Storage Phone 948, 1-yr.| dry building, 180. storage for cars. DR, 8. 3, PHILLIPR -- DENTIST; | oo moa ood: Hlgkt 863W. Rit & Phone 959, Sy 4-1 yr, (a Auction Sale . JAMES NIST -- opFicE | FRIDAY, FEN TOTH, hig OR. J y DENTIST Auction. Bale of Registered Clydes. Phone No, 97, - dale horses, Registered and Grade DR. TREWIN, DENTIST --- mN-|line of farm implements, the proper- 0 ty of Mr, E. L. Ruddy, at his farm Detenbeck's Store. ; as -- w ig My Sleek sharp, ee large bills, m, Miw, Auctioneer, 126-128 Medical ma : | and Sangin, Union Bank Building, ROOK TO aH v is LF LL, COX. North, C110 y . y : ' Stncoe North, , Phone 57, 110-1yr| onien 40 ert St . -- YSICIAN, SUR- wl DR. McEAY -- PRYSICIAN, ROOM FOR RENT--EVERY GON. delice, King St. East, corner Victoria | Bt, Oshawa. Phone 94. | 1285¢ : 00M\, Bast, Toronto, will be ut Jury & | °d house at once, Loyeil's Drug Store each Satyrday WANTED -- FURNISHED ROOMS ! able for light tion in disease of the eye. 12-1 yr Apply B 9 ight houseiooping. DR. D. B. NBBLY, PHYSICIAN & TO LET -- FURNISHED ROOMS Surgeon, Har, Nose and Throat, for light housekeeping. All conven: phone 1155, Hours 2 to 4 p.m, or| 128-¢ - by appointment, 96-11 | o DE. F. T. BRYANS, OF 160 BLOOR | tarnished rooms to Rent. Hoateo Street West, Toronto, will be at hls | and lighted. All modern convenjon- uray, oi 1 11 4 po. for coneul.| or BX "E" Reformer. #ar; nose and throat only, ed hy couple where board could he : mec | had for first few weeks), Apply rister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- _-- veyancer, Money to loan. Office LOST -- ON FRIDAY NIGHT, AT Dental "Show Cases 19 King St. West, Phone 231, lowest priges. A "postegrd will where, Royal Cabinet Co., 119 Lis- BR. 3 wun figs. over Hogg and Lytle's store, FURNITURE STORKD ---- IN Cli L] ad N 3 Ofilce over Kyle's Grocery (tors. ~ Road North dein PERSON over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, Holstein cattle, Berkshire hogs, full trance to o me d past of fice one door on the hill, Plokering, Ont. Sale Boa Roo DR, C. WILBON, PHYSICIAN | rd and Room 12%-¢ cher, om d resi- Bon, Accoucher ce and re | veutence; very central. 16 King Bt. DR. L. J. SEBBRT, 73 BLOOR ST, WANTED--A FIVE OR SIX R Phone 658, 188-a fom 11 a.m, to 4 p.m, for consulta-, (3) sult 0x "X"" Reformer. 128-a Office over .Dominion Bank, Tele- | fences. Apply 144 Athol St. E. TO RENT--TWO OR THREE TN office over Milier's Arcade each Sat-| 128-8 tation and treatment of diseases of TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WANT. | Box "0," Reformer Office, 128-a JOSEPH P. MANGAN, B.A. BAR. | Lost and Found 14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445, | Bt. Gregory's Hall, a sterling silver {bar pin set with "an amethyst, Fin- ), : i der please phone 61w. 123% D. A. J. BWANBON-- BARRISTER, | CORT HIRING LART WBEIC TK Solieitor, Notary Public, Conveyan- Jinuary, a diamond bar pin. Libera} 231 King 12 cer, ete.. All branches of Civil and reward for returning to Criminal Law. Loans arranged. St. East, Office, King St. Chambers (formerly |= Oshawe House) King St. West, Osh- | awa. Phoues, Office 940; Residence | 5163. soit : Assembly hall, suitable for general GRIERSON & CREIGHTON---BAR-' purposes. Good entrance, well risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub-! lighted, hardwood floors, kitchen, lic, ete. OfMice over Standard Bank.| sink, connections for electric stove entrance Simcoe St.; Phone 13. J. H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North. 119-1m ¥. Grlerion, B.A., T.-K. Creighton, OFFICES FOR RENT--A SUITE A, jof three fully modern equipped of- GD CONANT, BA. LLB --BAR. fces for rent. Above Standard SD CONAN L. 3 Ba 3 rE BAR {Bank. Phone 89 for particulars. Office (entrance) 7% Simcoe St..! BY DAY, WEEK, MONTH or v | 123--1m South, Oshawa. Loans arranged on|TWO FRONT OFFICES AND mortgages, conveyancing and gen-: down stairs shop with good light. eral practice. Phone 68. | snitable for barber shop and baths H. Engel, 16 Simcoe North, P 5. 30RPR ¥. B.A. --BARRISTER. 303. a . Fon meoe St. South, Oshawa. Solicitor, Notary Public, ste. Ofc | HOUSE T0 RENT --APFLY 0. R Phones---Ofice 210, Res. 160. {Ball "Phong 263, id 2 EN =: {FOR SALE OR RENT -- NEW Chiropractic (house on Dearborn Ave., with gar- lage. Apply L. Hancock, phone IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO-|784r23. ~~ ~~ 127-c practic fipinal Adjustfents and get! FOR RENT SIX ROOMED BRICK well. Ecaminations free at office. | house with all conveniences and Dt. 8. M. Jones, 88 Simcoe St. North. | furnished. Apply after five p.m. at ila = | 154 Colborne Street E. 128-¢ {TO RENT -- BRICK BUILDING, MG AND "Bond St. W., known as Martin's Pop mision Land Surveyor and Civic Bn-| Works. Apply J. Welsh, King St. gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc: West. 128-b cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port | . Perry. 23-11 Farms Wanted ====| FARMS WANTED -- WE BUY, { sell and exchange farms, town or jdty Properties. Let us have partic. : i mlars. 'e answer promptly. E. er of Pago. Pupils now being tak- | vrai sales manager, Imperial Real- en on. Conservatory method. For|iy Co, 167 Yonge Street. Toronto, 4 ntment, phone 226. Residence | ope. Tues. & Thurs. to Feb. 16 E. Sambo--Yo' jes' keep on ; : | 8 pesti- Undertakers & Embalmers cin' me an' yo' is gwine to be able to settle a mighty bi uesti fi UKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL dr sciun ET YE, eso tor scinmtific folks. AiRectors, embalmers, private am-| Moso--What question's dat? bulanice; morgue and chapel in c)n-| Sambo--Kin de dead speak? ---- nection; picture framing; 11 3ir:20e | American Medical Journal. St. South. Phone 210. Resideuce 19. Division St. 26-1 yr LE -- D. W. DALTON -- UNDERTAKER | and Embalmer; private ambulance, | morgue and chapel, motor funeral if Sesired. Phone 47. 199 Simcoe St. Oshawa. 198-r bs ! -- D IN Ellington Mutual and Union Fire! Insurance Society, London, England. N. A. Mclean, Oshawa Agent, Tel' 31 | V. A. HENRY, : Sun Life of rte ged acgident and automobile insurance in | 1046. | sib MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH- Wi - o SHARE 08 HAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FE BRUARY Tr 1082 rR te Fn Ra -------- fin 1% Artiel ies E or Sale A FOURNINETY CHEVROLET ear in good running order. Must be sold, Mr. ¥. Sharrard, 90 Alice St, i Tals an 127.¢ | ABROPLANE LINEN = §FRONGT est and best dbtninable for shirts, wafsts, window nangings, dressos, ate, ete. $1.00 per yard while it lasts, 'The Army Store, 21 Prince sree, 120t.1, BUANKBTS. " MENE PLANNEL Work Shifts, Riding Breeches, Put. lees, Legrings, Grey Greatcoats, ui dyed, $9.00 each, One leather coat and one leather vest. Lowest prices, fhe Army Stores, 21 Prince Stier, Samat 120-t1. FOR BALE ~T CANARTES, TWO singers and three hens, Apply 155 Simcoe 8t, 8, - 128-a FOR BALE--SET OF WHITE THI bet furs. Misses' size, Good as new, Apply Box "17," Reformer. ~138-a POR SALE TT LADIES CADIUE able tor dresmaking. Apply 81 King St. Eust, 128-¢ LE--F0 TOU AR, 919 model, Al condition. For par- ""ulers apply A, E. Bell, 78 Bond St. W. Phone 804, 126-c FOR SALE -~ FIREPROOF BAV. arge size. Apply Standard Bank o Tanada, Oshawa. 1224 "OR SALE --- PONY AND CoM: plete outfit, including brass mount. xd harness, buggy and cutter, all in axcellent condition. Box 395, Osh. awa, : 119-14 FOR SALE -- FIRST CLASS TIM- othy and clover hay, also ensilage, by the ton, For further particulars apply J. Ni. Thickson. 119-n SET BIRCH STAIRS, 13 TREADS, 24 inches wide, several glazed sash, suitable for poultry house or garage me 5 ft. electric ceiling fan (new) L table, 4 ft. by 7 ft, suitable for store. Cheap. 21 Prince St. y 125-tf HEATER Must he sold, J. Pollard, Third * house TREASURE Large size. Cheap: leaving town. Apply King 8t., Harmony. past red barn. 128-¢ PEN OF FERRIS WHITE LEG- porns for sale, 8 pullets, 1 cockerel, | 20.00. Cockerel 2lone worth the | money, 123 Celina St. 12%-c | Help Wanted--Female STENOGRAPHER Must be well experienced and com- vetent. Apply Reformer office, WANTED -- A SALESLADY FOR! hosiery counter. One. with knowl-| adge of hosiery preferred. Apply Box "W" Reformer. 126-b | ART GIRL "WANTED -- FOR reading and to assist in bindery, Must have high school education Apply to Mr. Alloway, Reformer Of- fice. 128-b PROOT- | WANTED -- Help Wantea--Male DISTRIBUTOR TO HANDLE A sales force marketing an fire exting- ulsher. This is a paying proposi- tion, Investigate if you are a real hustler. H. G. Wilson, 84 Bay St, Torontq. 128-¢ SALESMEN WANTED (WITH OAR or rig preferred) to call on farmers, Position, permanent. - Good income paid weekly, Give age, past oxperi- ence and references nm first letter Apply BE, R, McClellan, Graphic Arts Bldg., Toronto, Ont, 127-0 WANTED ---- A GENTLEMAN OR Lady representative in Oshawa to handle Watkin's Products. All or spare (ime. Fine opportunity, Write for full .particulars, The J.R. Vatking Company, Dept. H.7, Ham- dton, Ontario. 1244 GooD, HONEST business man, with little capital, to vo into partnership. For particul- are apply lL. K, Boskoff, Ontario House, Port Hope, Ont., Box 98. 120) INANTED MEN AND WOMEN vho stand for honesty and integrity who are willing to put forth their nest efforts to realize their ambi- tion, and who wish to better thelr present position, Apply to Mr Syms, Standard Bank Baildine, Osh: iwa, Ont, 126-if ~ Work Wanted ! WANTED -- POSITION AS STENO- "0" Reformer. 128=a RELIABLE MAN WANTS TEAM- ster work, or care of horses; many years' experience in livery and team- ing business. 'Apply Box "ii." 128-h General Wants WANTED--SETTING HENS. WILI pay cash or trade laying hens for them. Apply 239 King St, E.,, or 16 Ritson Road, 8. 127-4 grapher. Apply Box "Jackie" 3 (Continued frog page 2) ger, Thing only that in three days =not more---I shall be here ounce again, and we shall be speaing of alt! that we will do when you come away! Now I must go, chert. They do not wish me to make you a long visit today. Au revoir." The reason she gave for leaving him was only pretence. She had te go 'quickly or she would have shown the despondency wits pie morbid imaginings had caused her. OY course they were quite unreasonable, 11 pariait a tort et a travers. She was sure he would get well, But she wished he would have more courage, She drove back to her flat, intend- ing to rest for an hour before star- ting for the theatre. Aundagna was insistent on this point, and she al- ways did her 'hest to comply with it. She hed not forgotten Bowman's departing threat to retuim, To-mor- row night or the next," he had said. For no particular reason she did not expect him to-night; and in the day. time he kept away, probably becanse she might hbt be alone, Her dismay wis all the greater, therefore, when she found him in her drawing-room He had heen waiting over half hour, he sulkily informed he: Bit n't seem to want to let me grumbled. "fhe said vou'd be go to 'sleep as soon as you got hack, soon settled her. 1 can tell vou, | suppose you'd given her instruction. that I wasn't to be admitted. Damn silly of yeu." : His temper wag none the better for a number of drinks he had tak- en. Jackie had heen quick to de- tect the foul odour of whiskey that he diffused. It sickened her; lcathed the sight of him; all femininity was aroused. She | more than ever resolved to defeat him, to deceive him. "1 have given nb instructions whatever," she said with an air of injured innocence. *I am glad yon her was THE BANKRUPTCY ACT HARRIS, of the Town of Oshawa, in the Province of Ontario, Merch- ant, Authorized Assignor. NOTICE is hereby given JOSEPH HARRIS of the Town Oshawa. in the Province of Ontar- io, did on the 27th day of January. 1922, make an authorized assign- ment to the undersigned. NOTICE is further given that the first meeting of creditors in the above Estate will be held at the of fice of The Trusts and Guarantee Company Limited, 120 Bay Street, that of February, 1922, o'clock noon. ac the hour of 19 4 WANTED -- NUMBER OF LADIES to colour Easter and birthday cards at home; light, pleasant work. En-| close B¢ stamp for particulars. ; Ladies' Supply Co., Cumstock Bldg. | Toronto. 128-21 Real Estate for Sale HCME FOR SALE -- BUFF BRI bungalow. All modern convenici- ces. Hard wood floors, newly decor- ated, gakage. Apply on premises. iH. | Hamilton, 17 Ritson Rd., North { 1 i § TWO LOTS FOR SALE ON SOUTH | side of Alice St., between Mary aud Division. Will sell ehéap for qu rk sale. Applyy 214 Division 8t. '127-¢ FOR SALE--106 ACRE PAM about four miles from Oshawa in good shape for sprimg's work, with fair house and excellent bank harn. WE HAVE HOUSES FOR SaLE from $750 10 $10.000. It costs you nothing to see them WE ARE IN A POSITION: TO I¥- sure your car in a good reliable cone pany at the very lowest rate procur- able. Get our figures before' ing. We write all kinds of insur- ance. Oshawa Real Estate Saleg Co. A. C. Lycett, Phone 625; J. C Young, Phone 809-J: 61 King St | E., Phone 793. . NOTICE The Ontario Union Cemetery Co. Notice is hereby given that a zen: eral meeting of the shareholders of the Ontario Union Cemetery Com pany will be hela en Monday, the 6th day of February, 1922, at 2 o'clock. p.m., at the office of Nr. Geo. W. McLaughlin, the Presiden! at the odtuner of Mary and Rich mond Sts., for the election of direc- | tors and the transaction of such | other business as may legally come before the meeting. By order of the Board, M. J. ROWE. Secretary Treasurer. Dated at Oshawd, Jan. 25, 1922. | | | reliable companies. Phone 123- | that if you have any claim "the debtor for which you are | titled to rank, proof of such claim 126-c | 8 TO entitle you to vote thereat proof of your claim must be lod with us before the Meeting is L Proxies to be used at the m ing must be lodged with us thereto. AND FURTHER TAKE XNOTICE %e 3ge inst en- must be filled with us within nar- ity days from the date of this notice, Lg t or from and after the expiration of he time fixed by sub-section of oction 37 of the said Act we shall tribute the proceeds of the deh- or's estate among the parties en- titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which we have notice. DATED at Toronto. this 3'1st day of January, 1922. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, Author- ized Trustee, 120 Bay Street, Toronto. Messrs. Grierson & Creighton, Sol- icitors herein, Oshawa, Ontario. : 128-a then WHEN WE TEST EYES IT IS DONE PROPERLY JURY & LOVELL 13d Phope 28 Pasae 11) IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH | Toronto, on Tuesday, the 14th day or! prior | | come now to myself and"---she gave a | shrug -- "enfin, why should 1 you so much? You are a very | | some man. Perhaps you wo { be so bad to marry after a | while." { Bowman's spleen melted | this unexpectedly gracious baie hefore avowal. | He bad an enormous opinion of his | The one thing! flat. | == | physical advantages. ! he was not proof against was | tery concerning them. On the stage, {in the form of applause, it was the | | breath of his nostrils. "That's the sort of taik J like to , hear. Blest It you're not. gelling ! sensible." Ie held ont his | "Come and give a loving welcome to | your devoted William." Jackie went to the bell in uo great | hurry. "But first let me ring for tea. | Bowman made a grimace. i "Net for me, thanks. I sent yeu {old woman out ten mimutes ago to i buy a bottle of Scotch. You ocuzht to keep a drop in the house, kid. i That or a bottle or two of cham- | pagne. To have only temperance drinks on tap isn't in keeping with f my idea of a popular revame actress." His leer and his impertinence giving her servant orders in her sence made her blood boil. was resentfully tapping the when the woman returned with her purchase, and with a scandalized ex- pression on her face set it on the table. "Here, missus, give us a screw," Powman called as she going out. "And a glass. soda - soda. some was Dito Oh, there it is, is it? Youn don't keep your servamts up to the! had | "1 shall have to get like | rmy drinks on tap at the sideboard! might try and' my mark," he observed when she i left the room. { her used t y little ways. 1 You Well, here's day long. 1 ther that. Tove "He lifted his glass and nodded her And now before | forget at. I've | got to have your full mame to give I'll dot it down now. last | the registrar. Never thought of asking yom How do vou spell your first With 'q." ch? What de?. Righto we cut .. Yes, Brie? I've got That's all I want to know, 1 this as my address as well 3. 30 We can gel marricd a wee sron I'l rum you down i Hrighton for the honeymoon if yFou- | 're a good little girl™ TO BE CONTINUED time vame ? hout the t the de. . nat a nN DOW MERRY MINSTREL MIRTH Minstrel nights and matinees are 'always sherry. Amd, what makes these times so jolly are the colored (jokes. Ome of the most popular [forms of home-talent entertainment "Your confounded old woman df! | ho she | resist | 1 have been considering | Htiled tittle | "You bet 1 wanldn't." he declared. | arms. | in| ab! Her foot | floor cork- | - or water if you haven't any | to! PAGE SEVEN - d Wood Yard We have In Stock LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, POSTS, WOOD, PINE,' HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, CEDAR, SHIPLAP, FLOORING, V MATCHED SHEETING, MOULDINGS AND TRIM" +: "No order too large or ho 'order too small WHITBY LUMBER A 00D Phone 12 ; Eve Whitby Lumber an A A h ay ws 2m Fe §# ral' YARD nings 127... E SNRN, 1] THA avi 8 THE CLEANER AND DYER OF TORONTO has opened an up-lo-date store at 10 ATHOL ST., JUST WEST OF SIMCOE Mr. Cairns has had 15 years' ex- perience as cleaner and dyer in the largest cleaning and dyeing plant in the Dominion. Ladies' work a specialty. Goods called for and de- livered. A trial order will be ap- preciated. District Agent for Crown Tailoring Co. Toronto Manufacturers of high grade clothing PHONE 658 | | | | | | | ---- rename ------a--_---- Dispersion Auction Sale FARM STOCK INCLUDING ; Registered Clydesdales and other Draft Horses, Registered Holstein and other good Milch Cows, Young Cattle, Implements, ete., at the residence of MR. E. L. RUDDY (Old Pickering College Grounds) PICKERING VILLAGE ON Friday, Feb. 10th, 1922 Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp As Mr. Ruddy is giving up general farming, every- thing advertised will positively be sold. Sale held under cover if weather is unfavorable. See bills for complete list of articles. WM. MAW, Auctioneer, Whitby, Ont. | : i i A Darktown the editors of "Topics of the Day" jokes the minstrel show te Sains of humor is the back-boune of the per-| s glean the formance. On the professional stage, od in this joy-reel. Just imagitie the minstrel show ne longer holds that the interlocmtor has 4 | sway with oldtime fervor. But nesr-' "Gentlemen (and ladies) be seated.™ {lv all of us recall the joliy troupe: and provide your own milusirel show | headed by such popular ententaincis by reading our octette of darktowa as Lew Dockstader. Primrose aud !funnies. { West, Homey Boy Evans, Eddie {Leonard and others of like calibue. A PEPPY PARAGRAPHER Now most of our colored humor i: Boston Transcript: Pittsburg pa- presented by blackface comedian: | per--Peter Perkins, Penton, in vaudeville. Of course, darkic paper progator, profited $120 piek- jokes always have a place in the cur-| ing pecks of plentiful peppers, Jro- rent press. It is from this field thac | ving Peter is no piker pepper pickihg. 2 a i e---- -------- a 9-6-3mo. | ------ i Tire - Ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for sale. Jamieson Bros, Proprietors. Phone 8s. 11af SRE ae E-ROBERTS & A CAT MACS DINE AT | Gar- | AANES TD LAKE TO DOURKROw ONE OF THES DAME 2" NY THERE OES THE FRONT DOOR E10 PMACLIE 45 DUT SO LL BET ATS A wl JUST A554 TROUGH WELL MO Oar as GONNA COLLECT . FROM pay We, AM SANE At AF Ag OMAR iV aM ae HUTir tle "awa ax LOR OF Ade AOE ANNA A Lr Kv Plan tala at fed { » Sapo fF 3 N 2 sf iN « A -r © 122 or tari Feanuhe ShncE." Ine.