ee) Sun thag oF vl de cr WS 4 A Wg RW er nih aorta ot tL Att rh £1 aa a POY A OSHAWA, 'ONTARIO, "TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1922 Shop - By Te es To Oshawa A very early Spring with lots of sunshine and fine weather, Therefore: Resolved that this season you will wish to have more than ever before A Suit or A Coat Tailored to your individual requirements by a Master Tailor And of course if you desire to have your gar- ment ready to donne on the very first sign of Spring then we advise you to resolve'to give us an immediate call to choose your style and selection of cloth. H. Atkins Ladies Tailor 39 Simcoe St. N. Phone 674 Oshawa Queen's Hotel Block Letters Cost Money And Often Mean Delay Usually More Satisfactory to Talk Direct with a Prospective Buyer, and This is Made Possible with the Telephone Every letter written in a busi- ness house costs somewhat he- tween twenty and fifty cents, This may seem a bit startling, for ideas on correspondence costs are pretty generally bound up with the two cent stamp, But if the items of stationery, postage, sten- ographer"s time, filing copies, principal's time and so forth are faithfully set down, it will be found that business correspond- encod costs a good deal more than most people imagine, The cost of sending several hundred of ospects is about five cents per piece, Add to this the "manufacturing cost," the delay of correspond ence and the valuable time a busy man takes from more profitable work, and it becomes well worth while to weigh each letter against the telephone service and decide whether a long distance message would not he cheaper than writ- ing. If the enquirer is anywhere within five hundred miles, it is usually possible to talk with him by telephone. In investigations of the mail that comes into the average office will show that he probably is within speaking dis- tance, for ahout three-fourths of 2 business mall comes within a Tel fenton No. Lio You don't what to throw money new spring garments and get your friends to pass judgment on them. and do Trg tn the. el pec on he kets. BL kn ot much smaller rading, If he wants to kwow something about prices or goods, there will usually be two or three letters in all, and the matters will be strung out a week or two. Very likely he is in correspondence with other houses on the same subject, so that there will be competition to see who can give him the best explanation and do it quickest. On the whole, the business is going to hang in the balance for a considerable period; and the man who writes him letters is dealing at a dis- tance, and at a disadvantage, Talk to Him Direct By long distance telephone it is possible to talk with him direct. ly, at once, while the matter is fresh in his mind, Long Distance will get to him hefore a letter. It will get there before competitors' Letters, If some competitor has the forethought to send a 'sales- man to see the inquirer, it will get there before him. The cost will ba lower than correspond- ence, in the end. II there is a chance to land the business it will give the best chance, and if the business capnot be landed the matter is definitely settled, sav- ing time, delay and lost energy. Every excutive knows the sort of sale that is all made hut the "closing," and yet hangs fire, How often, when trying to show subordinates how to land the or- der, he has wished that he conig get direct action himself on the customer for five minutes. The Telephone at Home Bebold the young housewife in her kitchen. She has been care- ful to insist that whatever else she does without, she must have 2 telephone. She is wrestling with the mysteries of her first cake. How much baking powder, how many, eggs, did mother say to use? Blest if she can remem- ber. She turns to the ever-ready friend, her telephone. Her moth. er checks up the ingredients with her, and the cake is a success. And so, through all the intrica- cies of , housekeeping, the tele. phone is her right arm, it keeps her free fr her social duties, keeps her in touch with all he: friends. Without the telephone life would be robbed of half its happiness. And even on the low ground of dollars and cents it is real economy. She watches the newspaper advertisements and without having to don her street clothes and walk the weary round of the stores, she takes advantage of any bargains that are offering, no matter how widely separated the stores may be. "I paid for my telephone in the first three months," declared a youllg housekeeper the other day. "I've watched the papers--it's an extra pound of sugar for a dollar here, an extra bar of soap there, an extra can of corm at another store and so on until a short time, and without having to go out at all, my telephone is more than paid for." HERE'S A CHAMPION New York Tribune: It is an excellent thing for the women of this gemeration and for the chil- dren of the coming generation that style happens to conform with common sense and the laws of hygiene. It may be that styles will e and return to the old sweeping petticoats and iron-clad corsets. However, now that women have discovered that they can be L without feeling immodest they are likely 10 mesist the peturn of the old styles. If £0 learn also that high heels affect the spine and increase the tendency to bowlegs or kmock-knees their dress wbuld soon approximate perfection. ay Say Ie With Flowers| F.H. COX| FLORIST 36; Simooe St. North | Oshawa We are at hur service with the very latest selections. Victor Records - Sheet Music - Q.R.S. Player Rolls Our stock is always replete with the most up-to-date in each line, and we are pleased to let you hear them any time D.A. TAIT'S Musi Queen's Hotel Block Simcoe North c Store Phone 1138j WATCHES. are easily selected from our large and tractive assortment of Silverwear and Cut Glass Durability. Quality guaranteed. FELT BROS. The Leading Jewelers Oshawa No. 12 Simcoe St. 8. JEWELLERY. Wedding Presents Purchased from the leading manufacturers, who value Originality, Artistic Designs and at- ) AHVMH3ATTIS See our winoow pispLAY, ( il PORT PERRY 15¢ Direct Roads to All HAMPTON 10¢ BOWMANVILLE 10¢ Markets By Long Distance Telephone Carefully-planned, systematic use of the telephone both for buying and selling. is accomplishing great things for present-day business! Do you understand our Classified Long Distance Service? For example: -- You do not need always to speak to A Particular Person at the distant telephone-- often Amyone there, or at least someone within call of the telephone, wiil serve your purpose! Then why mot tell the operator so, and get the henefit of the Station-to- Station rate? Station-4o-Station service, besides being cheaper, is quicker than Person-to-Person service, because it is not necessary to locate and summon the Telephone. a particular person to When you must speak to a Panticular Person, the higher person- t0-person rate applies. Special Evening and Night Rates: There are special Evening and Night rates on Station-to-Station Long Distance messages. Between 8.30 p.m. and 12 midnight, the rate on a Station-to-Station message is about oneshalf the day rate. Between 12 midnight and 4.20 a.m. the rate on a Stati to-Station ge is about one-fourth the day rate. There is no cents or less! "The Report Charge: Evening or Night rate, however, where the day rate is 25 On such short hap! messages the day rate applies. _ When you place a Long Distance call for a Particular Person and for any reason the control of the Telephone Company they cannot be reached the same day at the address given or will mot talk; or if. having placed your call you are ready to talk within an hour from the time your party is ready, a Report Charge is made. Reinet Engin, hich is Satanic. to Gover Jats of dhe expanme- of handling Station-te-Station rate uncompleted call, is equal to about one-fourth the Aan Appointment : vou make an appointment 10 a Particular Person at a sneak by Lang Bistauce teicphone at + giv point the Appointment rate applies. When a person who has no telephone is called over Long Distance and a mes- senger must be sent to summon him to the telephone, the Messenger rate applies. Appointment and Messenger calls are special kinds of Persondo-Person calls, and because the service performed is greater, a proportionately Study the Classifications of Long - Distance Sexvice in your Dietary - THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA higher rate applies. callin a ---