Shop In Oshawa - - se Your Telephone New Galateas All ready for Spring Sew- light and dark with striped, spot or check 38¢ yd. patterns ..., ing in grounds With a brand new price, that is, to say the least, a hit startling, when you consider the prices a year ago. Just think, a real British all wool serge, 40-in, wide, in New Prints One yard wide, in pat- terns that are stunning, magstly stripes. But what is more popular than a Long Distance Phones | Big Help To Salesmen Make It Possible for Travellers to Easily Keep in Touch Weekly with Their Scattered Customers Ll Navy, hagen. Brown Only and Copen- 85¢™ dainty stripe, A Special Valde 35¢7¢ New Ginghams Canadian, En g- lish and Scotch Ginghams includ- ing the very new- est check and plaid. The color harmony used is wonderful. It is 'actually the best and biggest var- iety we will have at any time this season. Prices range - 25¢, '30¢, 35¢ and 50c¢ yd. A Chat With Out of Town So often we hear the out-of-town cus- tomer say "It is no use reading the ad- vertisements as the goods will be sold out before we can get to town." But the time for that argument is past. It is very few homes these days that have not got Bell Telephone installed and what is more simple than to call up Central and ask for number 982 We will do our utmost to meet your requirements, you may wish will be got and in pick- ing it out we will study your own in- dividual case. anything in our line try will convince you that we have the proper system. Customers Anything special that Next time you want trial New Draperies The spring 'season has brought out many beauti- ful ideas in draperies. New patterns. with a little different color scheme that are pleasing to the Madras New Shirtings Shirtings, the And Silkolines, specially New Curtain Nets From the ordinary every day patterns to the daintiest of de- signs, marks our range of Spring Cur- tain Nets. The de- signers have searched the world over for new ideas. These nets which are now ready for your in- spection show the re- sults of their world- wide experiences. A tru ly wonderful vanety, 48¢, 68¢, 98¢c, $1.25 $1.50 & $1.65 yd. New Chintzs kind the men like, in a beautiful fine cloth with adapted for comforter covers, although there are a hundred and one uses for this goods which is in It is but stating _ the simple truth to say that the full possi- bilities af the telephone as an aid to husiness are only half appreci- ated by, perhaps, the majority of business men, Especially is ths true as regards the Long Distance Service, Take the problems associated with selling goods. The keynote of modern sales practice is the personal relation between the salesman end his client, To wm confidence and retain it by carefu) attention to the interests of the patron is of first importance. In the very nature of the case, the saleeman can call only at rare in- tervals on many of his more dis- tant customers, and yet he wants to he able constantly to advise them what and when to buy, to assure them of immediate atten- tion to shipments, and in all respects to give them the feeling that their interests are being tudied and the needs of their tticular business kept constant ly in mind. It is not a question with the good salesman, merely of booking present orders for the largest possible hill of goods. In fact, it is often the highest wis- dom for him to advise against heavy purchases under certain prevailing conditions. He is con- cerned chiefly in winning the complete confidenee of his cus- tomers by frequent and timely ad- vice that will lead to buying in just the righi quantity at the right time and so ensure the most profitable and enduring relation in the handling of the goods he sells. Obviously he cannot always be right on the spot How can all this be accomplish- ed? Telephone Helps The Long Distance Telephone is the answer. If he cannot call on all his customers each week, Distance Service--that is various types of Long Distance Messages to suit varying needs, For ex- ample: You do not need always to speak to a particular person at the distant telephone -- often anyone there, or at least someone anyone there, or at least someone within call of the telephone, will serve your purpose! Then why not tell the operator so, and get the henefit of the Station-to-Sta- tion rate? Station-to-Station service bhe- sides helmng cheaper, is quicker than Person-to-lrerson service, hecause it is not necessary to lo- cate and summon a parteiular person to the telephone. When you must speak to a par- ticular person, the highes per- son-to-person rate applies. Night Rates special Evening and Night Rates: There are special Evening and Night rates on 'Station-to-Station ILong Distance messages. Between 8.30 p.m. and 12 mid- night, the rate on a Station-to- station message is about one-half the day rate. Between 12 midnight and 4.30 A. m. tae vate on a Station-to-Sta- tion message is ahout one-fourth the day rate. There is no special Evening or Night rate, however, where the day rate is 25 cents or less! On such short haul messages the day rate applies. It is a real economy, besides making systematic and persistent use of the Long Distance Tele phone, to study the Classifications of the Services explained in the early pages of the Telephone Di- rectory. For You rms. Drug Wants Phone 378 No Order Too Small! KARN'S DRUG STORE FISH!! FISH!!! All kinds of Fresh, Frozen and Smoked Fish daily. Shell 'Fish, Shrimps, Oysters Fish and Chips a Specialty You can go east, You ean go west, Dunkley Fish and Chips are the hest Come with the crowd and take home a Fish and Chips Supper. Phone 1016; W. DUNKLEY § Cor. Bond & Ontario Sts, Near Post Office 'Telephone 1160 and have one of our Salesmen call and tell you all about Paisley and. Flora) pal: FATHER'S CONTRIBITION terns and 36-in. 33¢ yd. wide. he can----and nowadays, he does « call them by Long Distance. The close, intimate touch is preserv- ed, timely advice and counsel with full knowledge of marker conditions are freely given, and whether or motYimmediate sales are registered, the foundation fo: eye. This shipment is all 36-in. wide 58¢ vd. striped patterns, L8¢ yd. 32-in. wide. Pittsburg Chronicle: . It was a missionary sermon and a little girl who had accompanied her father seemed restless. When she reached home she asked. her mother whether the natives of enduring business relations is Africa wore any clothes. "No." well and truly laid and =afeguard replied her mother. "Then," re- ed. torted the observant young lady, As if to aid the movement for "what was the use of that but- close touch ton father put in the collection mers, basket?" Ford Cars, Trucks and Tractors A full line of supplies and repair parts carried. Chadburn Motor Co. 26 King West, cor. Prince Ford Service with distant custo- has come Classified long SCHEDULE RATES ON PHONE CALL UP TO 32 MILES bay Hate L390 aa RUD pan Night Rate Midmight- 4.30 aa Initial Overtime ina Overtime Inatial Overtime Distand e Period period Period period Period Period ih Miles p= a oi " Hie ERR SE eg Rate Min. Rate Min. figle Min. Rate Min. © Rate Min. Rate Min 0-12 110 75 05 Je 3 03 3 do 5 0H 3 Fronng Kate Air RIO pam. -Miduight Line 12-18 { 15 d BF a5 32 35 as 18-24 o0 y ' 20 3 03 2 20 05 This extension set i i : 3-32 23 1 05 253 a5 1 25 3 05 at your elbow up- stairs makes stair climbing unmeces- Sary. --We Can Handle Them Save her many fatiguing miles a Year Your wife and family would appreciate an extension tele- phone! If an emergency arises and you are in need of a Suif made to your order on short notice, leave it to us. With the assistance 6f the Bell Telephone we will deliver you a suit in three days and complete satisfaction guaranteed. The time and strength used in running up and down stairs to answer or make telephone calls can be better employed. Folks! For Battery Service CALL 925 ERE a Service Car is awaiting to Serve at 2 moments notice we will leave a Battery while we recharge yours. - v Station Sole Agents for "Lailey Trimble" "20th Century Brand" Extension telephones cost $1.24 a month. They are a wonderful convenience. Jack-and-Plug equipment is also a great con- ; venience that is inexpensive. It makes it possible to use your desk telephone from diffrent locations. You can have your instrument downstairs during the day, and upstairs at the bedside at night ! New Spring Cloths and Styles are in. , " Add to the usefulness of your telephone service--let us advise you on how to improve it"! THE BELL TELEPHONE C0. - OF CANADA =