CIRCOL ATION GUARANTEED 10 BXCEED The Ontario Reformer 6% LR ds ft A AB All the News While It Is News VOLUME 50 --No. 128 Published at Oshawa, Ont, Canada Tuesduy, Thursday and Saturday OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1922 ¥ EIGHT PAGES Yearly Subscription $3.00 single Copies 5 Cents "Clean Up"---Injunction of Council to Pool Rooms New Licenses LE Grant No Four Licenses Now With 34 Tables and Application for a Fifth is Refused--De- cision is Reached After Lengthy Discussion on Contentious Question MAYOR WOULD CUT OFF ALL LICENSES Says Pool Rooms Are a Men- ace to Town--One License is Transferred -- Many Men Asking Relief Loaf Around Pool Rooms In- stead of Working No more pool room licenses arc to be geanted in Oshawa, and those at presnt in operation will be re- quired to live up to the letter of the law and put their places in a clean and sanitary condition. This was COUNCIL APPOINTS INDUSTRIAL AGENT The Town Council last night ap- pointed Mr. M. C. Rose Industrial Commissioner for the Town of Osh- awa, He will receive no salary, buy any expense entailed by him in trav. elling in the town's interests will be paid by the Council. The appoint- ment was made on the recommenda- tion of the Manufacturers' Commit- tee, of which Coun. O, RR. Burns is chairman. Mr. Rose for some years bas been recognized as the town's in- dustrial commissioner. 4,800 CANS 0 BEANS ARE SEIZ Inspector Visits Canning Com- pany--M. F. Smith Explains Situation the decision of the Town Council after a lengthy debate on a question | that has been a contentious one foi | more than a year. There are at pre- | sent in Oshawa four pool and bil-| liard parlors, operating 34 tables, | and the decision of the Council is that four men will have a monopoly of the business that seems to be fairly flourishing in town at the present time. 5 Questions Debated Before the Council for acceptance or rejection was a motion to adopt a report of the License Committee, brought in by Coun. Johnston, re- commending that the application of Mr. Martin, of Kingston, for a license to operate a pool room on "King sireet west, be granted, provided he operate an up-to-date, sanitary place. To this there was an amendment. mowed by Coun. Alger, that no fur- ther licenses be granted, and that those now operating be reguirec to live up to the letter of the law. The vote on the motion and the amendment after over am hour's debate was recorded as follows -by the clerk, Coun. Buras, opposed to granting further licenses, calling for the yeas and nays: For the motion-->Morris, Johnston, Moffatt. Stainton. For the amendment Trick, Buraus, Rowe. Hubbell, Alger, Hawkes, Hall. Preston, Browa. Deputy-Recve Hill did not vote. The contentious question of grant- ing further licemses came up when Coun. Johaston introduced a motion to allow George Garrow to tramsfer the license of the Veteran pool room 10 George Lakas. a former owner on Simcoe street. Coun. Burns produced a report from the sanitary: inspector, stating that the place in guestion was dirty | and musanitary, and required clean- ing wp. . Coun. Johmuston, on the other hand, produced two reports from the Chief of Police, one written in Jan- mary, and the other in February, | that the place was clean and onderly. Coun. Preston. supported by De- puty-Reeve Hill, contended that this application should be referred | to the license committee and Gealt with in the usual way. By restricting | the number of licenses to four, each business was made worth a thousand or two more. Lakas had built up a - good business on Simooe street south, thea sold out. He could do the same thing again There was money in buying and selling licenses. Says Poul Rooms Eapugh Coun. Alger. seconded by Coun Hawkes, in moving an amendment that me move licemses be gramted. | (Continued on page 2) | Mason, OSHAWA DEBATERS WIN AT WHITBY, Convince Judges That Movies Axe a Detviment to Cana- dian People fn a mest interesting IaterCal- logiate debate botween Oshawa and Whitby and Bowmanville High Schools, held in the county town on Friday evening last. two Oshawa students, Kathleen McLaughlin and W. Taylor, weve able in mo anocer- 1 legation ot the inspector that | Two_augdred cases of pork and Leans, with 24 cans to a case, seized at the factory of the Oshawa Can- ping Company two weeks ago by Senior Dominion Food Inspector I J. Dager, of the Department of Health, Toronto, accompanied hv Sanitary Inspector F. C. Palmer, were to-day removed from the fac- tory by the inspectors and destroyed. The reason given by the inspector was that the pork and beans were unfit for food. The cans, it was SAYS OWNERS OF PROPERTY DID NOT SIGN PETITIONS Validity of Cedar 'Dale Docu- ments Questioned -- Special Committee Named S. A. BAND WANTS GRANT Ry. Committee to Report on Pro- posed Joint Meeting on Hydro Radials To take up with East Whitby Coun- | cil the question of annexation of Cedar Dale, a special committee of the three reeves and the mayor was appointed by Mayor Stacey last night. A similar committee was held Jast vear and beyond holding one | meeting to discuss preliminary pro lg, nothing was done. The clerk of East Whithy Town- ship, PP. G. Purvis, wrote asking for information regarding the proposal that Oshawa send representatives to Cedar Dale to discuss the annexation question. Bast Whithy Council wanted to know if Oshawa had any thing definite to lay before the rate- payers of Cedar Dale if such a meet ing was called. Coun. Trick expressed the view that the move for annexation should come from the people of Cedar Dale ") HEALTH LEAGUE GIVES EXHIBITION One of the most interesting meet. ings ever held by the Mary Street Home end School Club took place lust evening in Mary Street School when a large number of the moth- ers were present to see a demonstra- tion put on hy the School Health League. The demon- stration had been arranged by Miss Seiling, Public School nurse, with a view to showing the mothers what kind of work she was taking up in the schools, The demonstration cons sisted of bedmaking and how to bath and dress a baby. It was carried out by uw number of the young girls and the manner in which the work was executed reflected great credit not teacher, Miss Seiling. The at- tendance at the mecting was the lar- gest for some time and the mothers were highly pleased with the pro- gress which was being made. CIVIC ACCOUNTS T0 BE CERTIFIED BEFORE PAYMENT Council Makes Important Ruling ~--Mayor Puts It Up to Committ if they wanted to. join Oshawa. Mayor Stacey said that a largs | number of ratepayers in the village | had signed petitions signifying their willingness to join Oshawa if suitable torms could be arranged. He thought that the Council should make ar rangements weet them, and if | headway conld not be made then call | a halt to all proceedings. | to stated, had been punctured in the side, presumably to let out air, and | had been soldered. From this pro-| cess the contents became contamin- | ated and were rendered unfit for] food, it was said. Two weeks ago a man made a canvass of a section of the town, selling the caus from door to door. | One house visited was that of Inspec- tor Palmer on Ritson Road, wher: some were purchased. Making an examination the inspector found that the cans had been tampered | with. He communicated with the man and found where the goods were purchased. The result was that the ins Sent for the Dom-! inion Food Inspector who seized the | cases of the pork and beans in ques- | tion, pending am analysis of their contents at Ottawa. Yesterday word came that the contents of the cans | seized was unfit for food, and an | order issued to have the beans des- | troyed. Inspector Dager said to-day | that he was not certain yet whether or not a prosecution would follow ! Mr. Smith's Statement ! fatervicwed this afteranoon by | The Reforsier, Mr. M. F. Swith, of | the Oshawa Canning Company, sta tod that for the past two years at] least the poople of Oshawa had boon | buying at their owm discretion pork | and beams the same as contained | in/the cans now seized. and the com- | pany had never received any com- | plaints. la the first place the goods | were mot of the highest grade, be-| ing put up for a class of trade which | demanded a cheaper line of goods. | The pork and beans, however, were | pure and wholesome and were pack- | od under the supervision of Dowin- { ion Government food inspectors. Last year, said Mr. Smith, he hand- | od over 25 cases of the beans 10 the | town pelief committee. These were | distributed and we complaints were recived. | Questionnd regarding the sale of | the poods from deer to door by al velurned man, Mr. Smith explained | that the man in question bought two | cases of the goods at the factory in the usual way, without the company ! | Dale Coun. Trick said that an equalized | assessment was the only proposal | for aumexation worth entertaining. | The mayor suggested that a pub-| Jic meeting should be held in Cedar | and the Council unfold its| plans. It was not necessary to strike | a barzain the first night. | A suggestion that a statement of the entire indebtedness and amount | of assessment should be obtained | from Cedar Dale before any nego- tiations were entered into was mad= | by Coun Moffatt. They might ba | loaded down with debt, he said. The | mayor replied that Cedar Dale might | ask Oshawa for the same informa- | tion. > ' Coun. Maogris dropped a bomb | when he stated that 75 per cemt. of those who signed the petitions were not property owners, and that there- fore the petitions did not amount to | a hill of beans. The Couneil should see if Cedar Dale was willing to! come in on Oshawa's terms. | Mayor Stacey said that it was to the interest of both places that they | (Coutinued on page 2) WHITBY MEN NOT GUILTY OF ARSON | Hugh McMahon, aged 19 years, | and Herbert Lebar, his employer, were found mot guilty in Whitby on Monday afternoon .of a charge of | arson. It was alleged that they had, conspired together to burn the hard- | ware store belonging to Lebar and svoure the insurance. { Immediately following the dismis sal of the charge, a second warrant was jissued for the arrest of Mc- Mahon on the charge of committing a form of perjury when he made a written statement, under oath, to the deputy fire marshal which was an- true. He was remanded until Fri- day and allowed out on $1,500 bail Match knowing what he was going to do! with them. With the cams had been punctured in the side and soldered. Mr. Smith explained that in the early days cans were (Continued on page 3) "COMING EVENTS | THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH CHOIR will hold a fine concert, Thursday, February 22. fall ansouncoment later. 126-128 ME TO THE WHIST DRIVE AT SOE. Hall on Thursday, Feb, 9, 8 o'clock sharp. Goed priges; re- freshments. Tickets 25 cents. Al welcome. 128-2 THE INDEPENDENT ORDER OF Foresters ave holding 2 Sock So- cial in the K. P. Hall. at 8 pam. on February 8. Good Re- freshments served: 128-a A RUMMAGE SALE, CONSISTING «of clothing, fuoniture and various articles, will he held in the base- ment of Simcoe St. Methodis school-voom on Saturday, Feb. ith, at 2 pm. 281a A NMASQUERADE BALL IN ST. George's Hall, Thursday, Feb. Sth. Prizes will be given. Reynolds Orchestra. R sion, single tickets, H6c. UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE Local Council of Women, Jose: phine Martino and assisting ar- tists, will give a concert at the i2i-b Simcpe Street Methodist Church, on Thursday, February 8, at 8 Pam. 126 regard to the al-| * Admis-1 Having received definite 4nforma-! tion that the Imtemmational Plowing | Match, Tractor and Farm demon- stration was to be held in Eastern Outarie this year, The Samson Trac- {tor Division of General Motors of Canada. Oshawa, together with prom nent business men of this town and surcounding districts, are making a strong effort te secure that attrac- tion for Oshawa. Yo got the opinions of all inter- usted im the propesition a meeting was held in the Board Room of the General Motors offices yesterday afternoon, having been called by Me. ©. E. McTavish, Sales Manager of the Samson Wractor Company. Mr. McTavish was unaale to be pres- ont but Mr. W. C. siarshall laid all the facts before the gathering me- lating his experience and what took dlace at Woodstock last year when the demonstration attracted approxi- malelyx-55.000 poople. Mr. Marshall was of the opinion that Oshawa had a fine opportunity tw secure the attraction and stated that County and Oy efficials of Woodstock were more than pleased with the results. The eoficials of that cily had stated when the de- menstration was to be held again in Western Ontario they would certain- Iv make a strong bid for it. Mr. Macshall- deai: wath some of the situations with which they would cope. Seme of them were the securing of a grant of $1.600 for priz- os, a banguet for two hundred people an the last day of the competition itors and 2 twe hundred acre farm would be necessary. | days before the day | finance committee on the passing ol | year by the Council t {dou that the advutlets be in Lis hands I nternational Plowing In future no accounts will be paid by the Town Council that have not been certified to by the chairmen of the respective committees that they come under. All 'accounts must be in the bands of the treasurer two of the Council meeting. The treasurer will make a copy of the monthly report of the accounts and present one member of the Council to each Coun. Preston at last night's meet- ing, moved the motion that cach member of the Council be furnished with a eopy of the accounts for pay- went, so that he may intelligently soe where the town's woney is being pent. Coun. Alger moved that the Coun- cil adhere to the decision made last at no accounts be paid unless they are certified. In discussing both motions, it was felt that while the making of additional copivk of the account list would make extra work for the clerk, the provis two days before the Council meet- ing would give him time to have the copies made. The Council was un- aunimous that all accounts shoule King Street | only on those taking part but their Oshawa Housing Commission is Authorized by Council to Build Ten More Reside ences This Year IN FOUR WHAT TOWN COUNCIL SEINE, 4 This Programme Will Use Money Still Available From An Original Appro- DID HOUR SESSION ment. Decided to issue no more pool room ready existing must measure up ete, anpexaticn and report back, Referred te railway committee regu that joint meeting between Os held to discuss joint action on h the Torontg and Eastein, Decided that in future no accounts mittee chairmen, All accounts fore Council meeting. Endorsed proposed amendment tc all police court fines, instead of ment. Appointed special committee to Joo ex-scldiers of this municipality ¢ ment at the hands of the military Heard two deputation numerous communication , passed four Lo var Decided at next meeting to discus Whereas $11,000 Was Spent East Whitby * Township Couneil the amount to be expended on roads and bridges the 1922 at a much figure than during 1921 In making the esti- mates at the rezular meeting of the | has set for year lower afternoon at Col-| | Council yesterday winbus, it wes decided fost aside the sum of $6.60 for this work, which does not include the construe tion of mew bridges and cement bear some committee's OK. Withoug waiscussion or questions | being asked, a report, presented by | Chairman Morris of the Finance, Committee, calling for the expendi-| ture of thousands of dollars. was passed for payment. Town Clerk Mare said that about half of the accounts were certified | to as being coprect and half were! not 'Mayor Stacey ruled that it was the duty of every committee to look | over the accomuts coming under their | supervision before they were pre- | sented to the Council for payment. FATHER AND SON BANQUET The annual re-umion of Father | and Sons around the banguet table | at the Presbyterian Church, is to be held on Thursday evening. It is expoctod that about 150 will be present The banguet has for ils object the bringing of the men of the community and their sons to- gether Wanted Here The feeling of the mecting was that it would be a grand thing for Oshawa from an advertising stand- point, to draw S90 asany people to this town. Each one present pledg- ed his hearty suppost to the uader- taking, which resulted in a commit- tee being formed to mterview county officials, with a view to securing their oo-operation. A committee was also completed comprising Osh- awa and Township representatives to represent Oshawa ai the annual meoting of the Ontario Plowmen's Association, which will meet in Tor- onto on Februagy 14th. The com- mittee which will represent Oshawa at this meeting will include a strong copresontation of preminent farmers, which will make the proposition a oural as well as Avan one. Those present all felt tha' the advantages which Oshawa could of- fer would be a great inducement for she Assoviation to visit this district, Oshawa being better equipped to handle it than other town or cities in Bastern Ontario. The exception. ally fine train service and being close te Toronto was ideved to he one af the leading factors. There was no veal goof season. in the opinion of many, whe Oshawa, should net secuive the bust consideration at the convention in Toarounty. These present al the meeting were, L. ©. Clifford. MP. W. E. N. Sin- clair, MP#®.. Mayor Stacey, G. 0D. Conamt, 0. "M. Alger, W. A. Coad, Andrew AV. A. Dryden, Dr. 1. W. Hil, 4 Moryis, G. W. Mc- 1 and W. €. Marshall. ! presents | dropriated | Public Highways | township may {ing the earnings of the walks. additional expen- diture is necessary it can be ar ranged by special' motion, of the | Council: The total amount is 10 be | spread over the towaship according | 10 the estimate furnished by each | coumcillor for the division he re- The total dmouunt ap- for the maintenance of} roads last year was $11,000, and the Council hope that they will be able 10 keep the cost of work for the next twelve months down to the new estimate. At the meeting yesterday reports were filled in showing a detailed statement of work done Providing { | | during the past year which is to be to the Department of in order that the | the twenty farwarded receive per cent. grant. Mould Close CAR. Station That the Canadian National Rail- ways intend, if possible, to close the CNR. station at North Oshawa was shown by a communication from tho legal department the company enclosing a copy of the application | which had been filed with the Board of Railway Commissioners: There was also enclosed a statement show- road here March 1st to October J1st, 1921. The application seat to the Railway Board stated that this was a part of a general policy of econ- omy to be adopted hy co ordination | of the CNR. and Grand Trank Rail- way, and the closing of the Oshawa station would have to be considerad along with other stations along the line. For the eight months set oat in the statement, it was stated that the total amount deffived from incom- ing and outgoing freight was $1018, and from passengers, of which there were 269, $188. The Council, after a little discussion, felt that to have the station closed would cause much inconvenience to shippers, pantic- ularly milk dealers, and a motion was passed to the effect that it was Jie desive of East Whithy Township to have the station kept open. The clerk was instructed to forward a copy of the vesolution to th€ com- pany. | of from Town to Pay BDamages Town Engincer Mobonald, and W. 4. Tfick, chairman of the Board of Works, comprised a deputation from the Town of Oshawa for the purpese of coming 10 seme agree- ment with the township as to the work going ahead on the Westmount sewer on the Base Line. Eagineer MobDonald informed the Council that while the work was progressing he would endeavor to maintain the traf- fic. There would be abont six han- dred feet of trench open, he pointed. out. Me asked for a deiter to the effect that the township was willing that the work continue, and stated that the town would assume all re- sponsibility for damages done in any form. The question was intro- duced concerning the wells of Authorized the Oshawa Housing Commissicn to proceed with the erec- tien of ten new houses, to use up money still available from govern- Appointed special committee to investigate (he questicn of Cedar Dale criminal! code asking Domigion gov ernment to give to municipalities where police courts are provided proposal to held semi monthly ings cn the first and third Mondays EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL CUT ESTIMATES FOR HIGHWAY WORK Only $6,600 This Year--Oppose Closing of the C.N.R. North Oshawa Station . solicitor, G priation of $600,000--Corn- mission Already Hus . Spent $464,075 ALL BUT SEVEN OF 106 HOMES SOLD 33 Homes Built for Private Parties-- Workingmen Benefited As Result of Operations--Top Flat of Market to Be Fitted Up as Rest Room Oshawa Housing Commission was given a mandate by the Town Coun- eil to proceed with iis building program for 1922, to the extent of erecting ten houses on ints owned by the Commission, and in view of the fact that money is still available from the government 'or that purpose out of the origina appropriation of $600,000. Tic amount available is $96,600. Th Council of 1:s! year served * the Commission to bud houses until further instruct d » he 1921 building program had been completed, the principal reasom fox that order being that houses were vot in demand owing to the industri» lepression. The work accomplished by "'ommission since its inception : ears ago was reviewed in a sii tical report presented by the Con. mission to the Council, and explained n detail by the secretary, Samuc! Gliddon. The report showed that 106 houses had been built on Jani purchased by the Commission, and 23 for private parties. Houses unsold to date numbered only 7, and those unsold were rented until spring, sc that they were bringing revenue. The total assessment of all the houses was $188,090. Other statistics are: Total appropriation from Government . $600,000.00 Total expended om land and building of houses Under contract and being held by Government Original amount approp- riated from the Gov- ernment cancelled 39,325.00 The present position of the Com- mission with the Government is as follows: Total funds used ...$464.075.00 Amount returned amd paid over to the treas- urer of the Town of Oshawa to redeem de- bentures .. .. ... Balance owing in deben- ture a . licenses; and to require that these al to a certain standard of sanitation, est from Whithy Council suggesting hawa, Whithy and Bowmanville be vdro radial question 2s it deals with will he paid unless certitied by com- 10 be in elerk's hands two days he handing same to provincial govern- k into the cases of two tubercular | Jaimed not to he reeeciving fair treat- authorities at Ottawa last night local improvement ious committees, by-laws, referred meet - Last Year Propose to Spend the sewer was being built It was stated that residents were becomins anxious about their wells, which would be drained as a result of the trench. However, Engineer McDon- ald explained that the town was sup plying water at the present time to some who were in this predicament and that it as their intention to give water to those who unceded it, until the work was completed. A motion was then passod which expressed the wish to place no obstacles in the way of the town, providing they agreed be responsible for all damages Criticizes Towm Council connection with this sewer a was received from CH. Bur Dale, protesting in which the | 4 4075.00 96,600.00 LE] In letter rows of Codar against h manner work was being done It said Wa part: "The whole East Whitby Council should be notified in regard to the andacity of the Oshawa Coun- cil of on to the town; ship f the ¢ Line with their | sanits CWer Now, you want more gall than that, { do not know where to find it. There is one thin: which ought to be done right awa and that is to have some agreemen between the Town of Oshawa and th township for if they start to wor on our side and dig without a» agreement with Cedar Dale, 1 shal enter am injunction and the town ship solicitor can get to work righ away.' of coming over - 47.970.52 tary PRR 416,104.48 Assets on 13% ...$416.104.48 6.000.000 12,817.41 882.73 417% 1077.9: Ralance due houses : 20 lots assessed Cash in bank Jue on special contracts Due on insurance . . . arrears in installments & $437,299.54 Beath wrote through hi D. Conant, claiming (Continued on page 2) Robert Liabilities Debentures unpaid ...5416.104.48 Balance to profit and loss 21,195.06 SCOTT BROTHERS AWARDED $1,550 Town Must Pay Costs in Asbitra- tion Proceedings, Board Dctermines The Board of Arbitrators which a few weeks age heard the case be- tween Scott Brothers, owners of a farm on the Mary Street extension, and the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa, have made their award. 2 copy of which has been filed with the Towa Clerk. The Scott brothers are awarded $1,550 the Town of Oshawa to pay all costs, which will be a heavy item, probably as much or more than the total award. The or- iginal amount offered by the Coun- cil when the Mary Street extension was first proposed was $1,000 in set- tlement of all claims. The award will probably come before the Coun- cil at its next meoting" The arbitration proceedings lasted seven days. The Board comprised D. Hi. Chisholm, KC. of Port Hope, chairman; Louis ¥. Richardson, of Whithy, for the Scott hrethers, and L. Drew, for the Town of Oshawa. The town's legal representatives ware T. K. Creighton and W. E. N. Sinclair, K.O.. while the Soolts were represented by G. W. Mason, KC. of Toronto. The original claim against the town by the Scott brothers was for $15000, made up of lacge items, including damage to land, loss of business, assessment for local im- provements, etc, through the open- dng up of Mary Street and the exten- $437,299.54 Houses in Demand Explaining details in connection with the report, Secretary Gliddon pointed out that when the Commis- sion received notice last year to quit it had intended to do S0 Anyway. Neo contracts were since July of 1920. The had lost ne money to the town, but (Continued en page 8) dents bordering on the street - 'ston of the sanitary sewer thereon. |