Ontario Reformer, 3 Jan 1922, p. 5

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por - | Sy " 2 | | OSHAWA JNTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1922 a es ep ER AN Sh AE Sr | -- fren ------ . De or si el | | Panitary ALLE TERRY EDS hdd" | Beauty Hint for Women 1 st xtures at . j dison's Tailor Shop, | cases and genera , Continued from Page | Tontinue Are. = of % > bt. gy Phofe. 231. lowest prices. A wed wii, CR ge Ong (Continued from page 3) When food is only impesfeetly Migested, bring our representa 'to call on ch diameter pipe, co - { pearance, he began to Yidget. Fin- : se to femmentati BR Fo ADAMS, DENTIST, BRAD- . ying else-| ME near King Street west, For it gives 1i gnentation, clogs the before 1 3 we lo Me 'S 1 you, See. us ally, he went to Measurer's 10agings bowels, and renders the blood impure. .| southward on Nassau street, Jey Block, Simcoe St. B. Phone 504.1 0 "Royal Cabin . 119 Lis-| 0 sau str at the end of the street t k 89-11 107-k [following the line of the freek no Sirael lo maky clear » ile SH 8 TUCKBR--D or T, OF- er Bt. Toronto. [Base Line. thence eagfward o | Alger Ouly Few Months Took | enauniries. Measurer was in, just| . fo This results in dull eyes, muddy skin, 9: . DK. T. 8. Tl ------ . |the Base Line to the/ main fal | going to bed. No, he hadn't been |' skin blotches, pimples and 'other disfiguring fice over Hogg and Lyle's sige. Storag gewer to Haig Aver Tid #ti- Chief Feminine Role in out at all 'Millie had said she had . d ; marks Beecham 's Pills act imhediately Phone 948. § i -- ED J Ol. mated cost at that tine wad $0.-| " : J 4 an . + DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS -- DENTIST; FURNITURE STORED IY OLEAN too, while the immediate eo gic Four Horsemen" n Ieatashe cand couldn't go for a bri ht on the 'stomach, liver and bowels; regu- . ry bu 3.| tio led. walk that evening, so he had ne Oe as. Kyle's grep fiir Day phone 6552J, nig Tea Lint] te SoWer Pun ym has | Like the adventures of a certain straight from the theatre Be Ee ty 8 late them and Koeh sem 2 yigarons Phong BERL gon Road North. Ween the subject of severafdilelv "Alice in . Wonderland beautiful | diggings. eyes condition. ey are milk armless and Si JAMES, DENTIS TT OF ===! (lebates in the Council andfs 'ew goldenchaired Alice Terry, stepped| "I expect she got in bef dependable. They are compounded of over Jury and Lovell's Drug Store, | Laund ' Weeks ago whei it was de A to iso the "movies" and with only a|did and went eS bod. Fd oy remedies of vegetable origin having Phone No. ee ee Tara | DIOGO only a portion I on féw months as an extr. irl, was cast > "g ' : Ai SR TREWIN, DENTIT -| ory SUNDRY, pIMCOE Nasu Street io provide w STOP 10 Ine ciel eng: Bil, Wao cast SE I yaa'. be out. by bgt. Take greht medicinal value, § eo unemployed, a start cod not, Wour Horsem: | "a . trance to office one or anal of taundry. Goods alle r and de: be made owing to it being disfppov- a. Rex Tapomen of ie Apocalypse. | No. -. . .she wouldn't be out by + 7 cles For for the complete sewer, On petem- ness. On his return he found Bow- DR. C. B. WILSON, Ag CTT FRIST. her 40th the Town Council by a Un- schol xin) Whoge beauty and grace {man in the sitting-room refreshing anid Surgeon, Union Han y »| COW FOR SALE-- : 1 animous vote, decided to submit the | of uit in this colossal picturization | himgelf with whiskey and soda. Simeoe St. North. Phdne 57. 110-137 on 1st of January. Pho 162 r23.|yyjaw to the electors, the world-famous novel of Vicente PHYSICIAN, SUR- F. B. Glarpell, Taunton. 112-h ( 'Blaseo Thanez, as adapted by June 25c--40 pills "Have yau seen Milly?" he ask- Detenbeck's Store. livered. Everything fol © family. | oy of by the/ Board of Health. JI was | Pictures Corpo herself," Winter agreed gloomily. 2 . Eas . ' ration, now being |. : w= sy | . Phone 882. J 8 8 mus | ator this that the Council futhor- shown at die, Boront Theatre, ® | ""Good-night, dear boy." e Pi edi wm-- iz t oy E f He ne - 4 M cal LC] e ed the engineer to prepard pans "far this eighteen-year-old high ® Mined away, full of unsasi DR. McKAY -- Serve 2,000 People Mathis, act | ed anxiously. "She's not come yet." 50c--90 ills D] On ihar Office and resi-| FOR FOR SALBE--CGOONSK IN COAT 1 in Wf cople : i actually sauntered intp the Fawr . A) ! P geon, / 10.0 From figures gl yard | Movies and found a place all waiting man emptied his glass, set It dence, King St. East, corner Victoria | good condition. Pricef $ A 9%: ee or Hon fh 8% Jrven is hel Hs | for her. down and smacked his lips : oh ets this bargagn. rock | © 4) oni v A . ME ---------- ; ee St, Ostwya:Phond 94 oy 113-a | December 14th, there are fully 400 was mot with deep design nor Oh, yes, she has. She's up- The bravado, the cyniéal indiffer- devil's promises, as sure as thersy / Dit, I. J. SEBERT,| 73 BLOOR ST TE - | houses, 200 on Nadsau, Burkd and | because she was an ardent picture fan stairs, Gone to bed. It's 'lovety | ence, enraged Winter, His face con- i Cod in heaven I'll I'll kill you'" East, Toronto, will be at Jury & HATD {RD WOOD -- TWO CARLOADS | King Streets, 100 on College liill,. that modern Alice became a heroine | OW. We've been listening to the |torted with passion. He waited a His hands opened and shnf cone Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday of hard wood for sa\e #t $11.00 9|,n4 106 in the whole south epd of In the movie wonderland, for until [nightingales in Poole Park." minute before he could speak, Then 'valsively RY from 11 a.m. to 4 p,m. for consulta- cord. A 128 cubic feMt cord gaur-|iue own, werp not szewered and fhe day when she went on a visit to Winter's eyes dilated. he said in a shaky voice: "Kill away, you blessed oll ase of the eye. 12-1 yr | anteed. Wim, Harris, gone 8 Vv { could not be until the main fewer, the Hollywood studios, the girl who "You've Leen out with her?" hel. "phe doctor toid me today that shadow!" Bowman pushed back n di , . i Bi Be (RELY, PHYSICIAN & Young, 1036, 14 Mill § 113< 'now sanctioned, was built. In other today is' known from coast to coast |exclaimed. "What for?" I can't last more than a few months {his chair and langied. "Why. youn Strgeon. Ear, Npse and Throat T t nailing jos. over 2.000 penpie wo la be ps Bes Mg innoculated with the "Well! If that isn't a question! © Well, I'm going to see Milly | Jackié, if she started in, wonid m Office over Dominipn Bank. Tele- 0 Ren {be efi On hi eA would alse take rm. il What do men go out with girls for | settled before 1 die .Yon know | @ better Job of it than you're ever | phone 1155. Hours 2 to b p.m., OF |'yapgp po REN1.--APPLY 0. R | care 0 eda ale section and that In her little native town of Vincen-} when there's nightingales and. a | (here's someone who wants her. If | likely 'to! ] . 6-tf | | section west of Park Road should nes, Indiana, her early girlhood wos i moon? Call it love if you like: One | you come between them and lie to r--t-- : by appointment. 9 | H 11. 'Phon 252. 97H! p you : One you come bh n then n y i : a e '8 they he annexed to the town, repent in acquiring those arts which | vord's as good as another." | her and lead her on a=zain with your | TO BE CONTINUED DR. F. T. BRYANS , OF 160 BLOOR |i RENT -- TTTTOFFICE OVER RE-| Fire Bylaw Defeated | one can easily picture as being the Ne 3 i et Pj puta Street West, Toronto, will be at his | { gent Barber Shop. Apply Regen | J premiere qualifications of a gently y oi 4 office go Miller's Arcade each Sat- | Theatre. 1081.1. The bylaw to authorize the ex- purtured young lady. Then flve years urday, from 1 till 4 p¥m. for consul-1 "7 : Ah be nditure of $22,000 for nev fire ago she came to Los Angeles with her | P v tation and treatment of diseases of fighting equipment ws: as deesive 13 parents and continued' her schooling : . ear, nose and throat only. Board : and Room | defeated in all wards, the majority with no thonght of the fact that ine | ® ) J ® : . : Tatas = "| WANTED TO 0 RENT -- TWO FUR te gainst it helnz 204) or 444 for the was resident of the capital of the | ' ; 'Legal . nished rooms for young fouple with | P¥1aWw and 657 adverse votes. he lm world. [J ® ar 0} S \ SAGAN BABAR two children. North of King St haw a Which oy i by 0- But one day Alice heeded the plead- \ JOSEPH P. X referred. Apply 110 Agnes St., E [20% Amy amcinced. A°LaYingy of f her friends t with 1 Lister. Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- | ® 4. Apply RS Prineo (ruek, with , puower aid ks. of pie. of lef friends to £0 with | Come i in any day and hear any of the Records you like. Red Seal Records are \ vevaneer Money to loan. Office | srs 7 YOUNG TERS: Jenieal Sqninm . At on cost of friend wus playing the part of an 3 141 King St. East, Oshawa, Phone WANTED BY YOUNG BUSINESS | 815 000, 12 new non-intericring fire "extra." She talked with the director | Our Spec ialty. ree I is rl : people, three furnished #ooms or [alarm boxes 10 instal sections of the T4450. Se I ishe '¢ , i and a few minutes later was sharing a 5 : i. A.J. SWANSON-- BARRISTER, Yan 15th. Apaly Box 1" Roformey town now, in need of same. § SOLOr, dressing room with u number of other WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS . : do tenerator, switchboard, ete. The y initiated into the Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyan-{ je of {extras and being initiated into the a Bo vor, All branches of Civil and jSelicral misunderstanding as to the {art of making up. : : Criminal Law. Loans arranged. Auction Sale or Rng ed Jeet OF nicks idk Alfce had come to movie wonder | Queen's Hotel Block Simcoe St. North ' Office, King St. Chambers formers The undersigned has received ip. | certainty as to the exact condition of land. Oshawa House) King Bt. West, Osh-| 0005 070 hy pililie auction] the water pressure in sections of the, Then like the traditional Alice in ; awa. Phones, Office 940; Residence; "pips "ihe §th day of January,| town, are factors attribnted to the Wonderland, things began to happen . 5163. as 1922, at 7.30 p. m., at No 158 Wi (defeat of the bylaw. That the pub- | With dizzy _speediness for the little * GHIBRSON & CRBIGHTON--BAR-| liam Street, Bast, Oshawa, omellic fully realized the urgent pend for | School irl amhsoon she was playing risters, Convevancers, Notaries Pub-ltrunk and contents} includirg|the fire alarm boxes there em, he no | prominent part in "Shore Acres, lie, ete. Office over Standard Bank. clothes, in satisfaction pf. a debt for! doubt, but as these were induded in | which Rex Ingram directed for Metro; He Simcoe St; Phone 13. J.[$50.00, Zor board anafldging, ow: the bylaw they did not reesive the and when Mr. Ingram started gather ¥. Grierson, B.A, T. K. Creighton, | ing by Jokeph 'Smith, "sanction of the people. Had a truck | D8 bis cast of principals for The BA. Terms: Cash. | such as it was proposed to purchase * "UF Horsemen, Miss Terry was GD. CONANT, B.A. L.LL.LB--BAR- JAMES BISHOP, been brought to Oshawa for demon- + *5% gta the Jetting Tomine ole of 4 : 112-¢ Muctioneer. | Stration purposes, there is a feeling! Tnis great picture is being showal ster, Solici Notary Public, ete. i r Heh: Somer | 7% Simcoe St. ap ---- | among many who advoeated it, and at the Regent again (tonight and | South, Oshawa, Loans arranged' on : Work w many oni opposed + that its Weilnestay, ranei F - ,_{ purchase\ would have hedn author- EE mortgages, copTSYSRLiNE and gen-iGiRy, DESIRES . TON As] ized. This however, was impossible, | : : gral practice. * Phone 6: housemaid in a place of trust. Mii as the factory a few weeks ago did | His Worship "MORPHY, BA. BARRISTER, | Dodd, Cedatdale P P.- 0. 1124. not have a truck ready td send ont] peel Ay Notary Public, ete. Office | -- a-aeP.- hen + | for demonstration purposes, while (Continued from page 1) 111, Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. + Homses § For Sale { the City of Toronto, whiell has eight ag the returns were slowly cominz Jn : r SINC HOUSE FOR SALE -- -- APPL Y A. o leave the eit Al 1 itt W. E. N..SINCLAIR. B.A, LL.B. . "if 8 428 pir: ocal committee | (or the mayor, hut when the returns Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Grass. Columbus. wn Jp es the, Yount av on Tock | from Miller & Libby's, the large ete... Bank of Commerce Building. Help Ww : Soper atin Lo ty ne were high | centre poll. came in, victory was Phones: Office 99; Res. 229. > 4 . antea--Male : 1" pieased wil > Ping ree os assured, and His Worship rallied. E 7 -- - ENbH- - + WANTED ----- MEN AND WOM. | givisions was as folMows: : i Says Contest Unfair Chiropractic Apply to T. J. Irvine, Rdom No.|. | For Against | Speaking in his committee rooms | ape oahu 5 GHIRG Standard Bank Building, OshaW¥. | {in the old Oshawa Cafe, after his IF YOU ARE SICK, TAKE CHIRO- | Ontario LB } ca } ria Wa . . - 11141 | election had been assured, Mayor practie Spinal Adjustments and get Rs § | Stacey said that his esent vie p re S inations free at office. ----- ~1 Bias sane nas 67 - ¥ 53) Ba 28 presen yietory ~ well. Examinations NOTICE { ygave him more satisfaction than any | Phones--Office 210, Ress 160. j of them fn use, would not allow one {by telephone, it looked like rr i H { { Dr. 8S. M. Jones, 86 Simcoe St. North. Notice of Dissolution of Partnotsd ol : SER SANE 4 of the other 16 fights he had been | S Notice is hereby given that §é| orks Ra 20 in. He had never been placed in af urveyors partnérship heretofore -subsisthe| ~ os more unfair contest. He had been! MM GIBSON--ONTARIO AND DO- | between us, the undersigned, as L..| § a slandered,'; belied and had insinua-! minion Land Surveyor and Civic En-| E. Killoran & Sons, in the tows of | kei ails as tions thrown at him. The supporters | gineer, Whitby. Phone 231. Suc-|Oshawa, has this day been dissoly:d ca ERE RO? Bey of his opponent thought that they p cessor to late W. E. Yarnold, of Port | by mutual consent il debts Ov-| 442 57 wergogoing: to bulldose the electors Perry. 734f | ing to the partnership to be pgid | poly ; and particularly the working men by | FOR JAN : to Mr. W. A. Killoran al Oshawa ard | Majority against the Jylaw, 214. cries of "Wolf," "Debt," and such | . Educational all claims against the mid partner-| Will Still Capry (like. They forgot, however, to tell{ : 23 2 ship are to be presenti to Mr. W.| Fi Chief A. ( int the 25 o00 000 15 aay he on MISS BEATRICE STACEY, TEACH-| A. Killoran, by whom fi ore Chief A. Li JCameen, later mas $3.5 eles off Lyon y OW On Sale er of Piano. Pupils now being tak-} be settled. ? HE Same wi Biking ow Réton at er the he assumed Gffue; *and" that "Osawa 4 en on. _Conseryatory method. For Notice is also giv ame | defeat o e bylaw lecame certain, to-day stood in an enviable an tc 2 cpio: . i appointment, phone 226. Residence | business will por k The ume fated ta be and 5 newbs of | unique finaneial position amon the There bs 1 choi 52 rgetulioh fast SucCese ia thie splendid list 2 161 Athol St. E. 12741 under the name of W. |i. Killoran. oy bide by ih 3a erdic wind pea. x towns of i Ontario. Mayor Blaccy - FWalich will be welcotned | 10 every b me Where there is 29th A 8 ? fire e-{ who had supported him. is sym- ¢ ee Undertakers & Embajmers 23th Sur of December, 1921. | vention 1 an] -- ana to keep! pathy was with them because he was | & DAKE WECURDS , . YOCAL RECORDS LUKE BURIAL CO. -- FUNERAL | the insurance rate as low as poesible, | and always had been one of them, 1¢825 'Ww. No Mase, Ny Mame, Forfeat 18828 Say It With Music . directors, embalmers, private am- : L. E. KILLOBAN the Fire Chief said, "but there are znd he was never at home in "high 18826 Ex rtp. Parl Whitcmas Ba te Ooh Auvbody's Rose 2 = bulance; morgue and chapel in con- > W. A. KILLORAN some things which the new Crancil class hob nob places. "By voting Ka-Lu-A~ Bis Dan Danube Blues ning To Lirtie Finger and Tn Lite eT: nection; picture framing: 11 Simcoe JOS. L. KILL 1 will have to give immediate cousid- for me you have shown the people < 18827 Blossom Time -- Waltz J. Smith and His Or. sha? Lo Ms 5 St. South. Phone 219. Residence Witn & J eration, such as cxieading the fire, thatf¥ou have good common sense! Saturday --Piano Duet . Arden & P. a2 1 ant My Mammy t 19 Division St. iG-1 wr eaged by A. Stepfenson. 111-c alarm system." The Chief said tnat, and you have pushed the old Conant pute Dappcs Dan Fox Trot ca Koro ih 216344 bry I fol Mary : 1 i D. W. DALTON -- UNDERTAKER] ------ RE ji. soouned the ¥olz th at themeopis | steam roller in the diteh fer anot her 18834 Bifds of u Feather All Star Trio and Their ( i ae 1 Wonder if ¥ ou Stjfl Car- for Me? ros Hart Dr Ti rate. Promice Drury. mang to er srk fue lvartzhssl vor ut Veit Fhe Werer's sages i nt Sule I 0 1 y MIN PE b % i . y » 8 . Ne P 3 8 S. - r sim 3 ion Jazz Bo >», fart-James morgue and chapel, motor funeral if | made up his mind that fe just about | have voted in its favor by a sub- Was greeled. Ww 3 Fancies --Fox Trot coe sal ono All on 10-inch Double-sided Records 5c. . desired. Phone 47. 199 Simcoe St. | knows how to handle ro electric: | stantial majority With regard 10 Mr. D. A. J. Swanson stated that 45256 Mary of Argyle South, Oshawa, 108-r lity without sustaini 'S v inEiae 4 or "he Odahaces top this had been a hard fight, but sweet INSTRUMENTAL RECORD Auld Scotch Sangs 2 A staining 4 showk. bringing a truck to Oshawa for" u ; : 45258 Ma and the Auto E ET Brbekville Recorder an. Times. demonstration purposes, Chief Cam- | victory. He did not countenanee | 18817 Anchors Aweigh United Masi y BE yey 2 Wait YI rg Guest Insurance Agents te eron said that tijis was impossible. DOF would he stand for the campaign | 3 Convenninl #2 United * < Marine Bd. Pa Comes Home rinses PN pe 5 TR ENT a "| of slander that had been carried or on W-inch Double-sided Records 85¢. 10-inch Blue Seal Double~ FIRE INSURANCE -- PLACED IN) Legene states tha JRL A step mooted BY several of last) gay are) BLacoy rks iesiced Records $1.25 3 Wellington Mutual and Union Fire | Christmas Tree to Ma "4 one Svs years' a poet nc Mayor Ste i agains Yayo Stacey The how kine Z REDUSEAL RECORDS Insurance Society, London, England. The German reformer Set up a tree|ey, that may have fonsideration his | gown had had no Y mayor. Jt pi Boar to Meare 4 Hola Yon, Dear N. A. McLean, Oshawg Agent, Tel. 31] for his children, decomteq -witi|¥ear, is the establishy >0! of a per- was not that he was opposed Simple Confession (Simple Aveu! V. A. HENRY, AGENT FOR THE countless candles and toy them if Manent paid" fire brigade. | Whattam and his cligue. hut to show | ool Marianna ort Sun Life of Canada; also places fire, ] Was an image of the starry sky Pee | that the people were behind Stacey oi Just for To-day Me accidegt and automobile insurance in | Which spread over Bethlehem gn the SUCH TASFE and loved him that this victory 4 All on 10-inch Double-sided Records $1.50 J reliable companies. Phone 1046w. | night that the C hist was bors. | 0 Jt takes an plist te rejoice in| should be fittingly celebrated. 74717 Romance (from Second Concerto ih ID Minor > i 9-6-3mo. 't that a 2 wgman has tired Ali 7 rl 74720 yma to the Sun (rom Le Cog OF 5 a ~. pt === ---- of his kisses he €32 eut as wany on-' TB. Machel) Writ) Sensrots 47M Comoerto in F Minor "Fina : a ---- L » 2 lated Mayor Stacey on his |election, Jan Sy y No. 3 -C Minor Movemént (Poco Allegrett Tire Jone 1 e likes. wigth (Minn.) | 44 sounded again the note Pf warn- ER ~Pronta jo sen (My fart Ill Play) Lucrezia Sori R04. KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRS AT rg oh ing teat be should quit sending 20 : pig rode RRR nh ideal Tire Repair Shop, Jackson Gar- - - i LD. Hissolneri of Stirling is | much money. ' i 2.25 age, Simcoe St. South. Tires for]}] | 2 Agy Alt it Coun. W. L. Law, candidate for ) « Ask hear them play on the sale. Jamieson Bres., Proprietors. Fo B G ws mi, Shut of Kent guar-1 deputy-reeve, thanked his supporters. iq ! ad 2 Phoue 766. 114f . EE | X15 stating at now that he was ol of L 4 \ Glass ating now t e Sm Cott ; Wiring Hat Cosginisgion ceases | she Coffiicil he would be money in 1 C t Tr O J . st after 0K. | 2 ! pocket. BARBER. WYNNE-ROBERTS &|| Wall i eee ty, Jock for! in the mayoralty contest in 1919, : a 2B Seymour. Engineering, Architecture honors Canadians. between Mayor Stacey and G. D. and Surveying, 61 King St. East, : lene plant i | Conant, Stacey rode inte power by a 66 9" Osliawa, phone 793. 40 Jarvis St.. Acgtylene plant in North Morning-, yajority of 616, while Reeve Vie- at an is aster' S 01 eal fs Toronto. Phone Main, 2897. 39 jon wl Chirch Blows up yoy, in a contest with T. B. Mit- c - . : and caretaker Pastor injured. | opell, won by a majority of 86. Piano Tuner fing ou Aesth in rivling in Belfast. | 45," 1920, in a contest with T. B Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited, Montral § IT. COX. 17 EICIN ST EAST. Prince of Wales welcomed at Ran | aiechell, Mayor Stacey wom By 2 . Phone 2743, will ls oh a oli : Hg dority of 204, while ig i sf that it really will play. Satisfaction -] Union. : WH oe a a ; ; Suaraiced. Pianos tuned singly or British elections * may be held In 1921 Mayor Stacey was elected i \ annual contraets. 106-1m 'within six weeks, mayor by acclamation. | , Q Musical Instruction denfes . charges made bi nk brm---------- Complete line of Christmas Records now in siock HERBERT C. TREENER, AT CM. : = oni : i organist and choirmaster of the King hingtim "Cyntee may end. by Splendid assortment of Children's Récords. Si. Methodist Church, is prepared to ary ' : accept a limited number of pupils in EN a bert cays Germany win L ERCY MO} MORDEN Buy some for the kiddies. They will enjoy them. Pianoforte. Voice Culture and Pipe Orzan. For terms, etc., apply on nes Conference to discuss two Wishes to in thgt he is Saturdays at King Sf. Methodist ation solutions. back at his regular business : 'Church, or Phone 807J. 73-ine 30 ce again after a short illness and MONICA MeNBIL ACA NICE REP ONES feady to look after his custom- An optimist is ome who lets his ers as usual. er of piano and theory. Pupils pre. pared for all examinations, 282 Jar- buy his ties and tells Wer they | # Richmond St. E. Phone 189 : . Jeweler, Oplometrist King St. West Just what he wanted. -- Vaude- ¥is Street. 81 : = : AL v News. fa. a 1 yy : A E13 7 : - w ~ " vi Ny t { Bx A L] i 3 . ' FB : - or q :

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