JULY 11, 1968 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 5 Elsie Ostling is CARD OF THANKS - I would like to sincerely shown in the photo, thank all the teachers of Holy Angels School and at a farewell party any others who contributed in any way to make the arranged by the concert successful in my honor, an occasion that wil Order of the Eastern} will always be cherished and remembered. Special Star, in Mrs. |. thanks to chairman Mr. A. Speziale, Rev. Sisters, Marsh's home, prior} Very Rev. J.M. Cano, Mrs. Kirkup, Mr. D. Mc- to her and Rune's Guire of the School Board and the children of the departure fram town} -- school - Harold Shack. | a Reco e et CARD OF THANKS - To all ; those who voted New Democrat Secs) OA) Accs in the June 25th Election, | ex- tend my sincere thanks for your ' support. To the many workers in all communities in Thunder Bay Riding, | express my grati- tude. Doug Sly My wife has been driving for two years and she isn't kidding when she comes home and says "Guess who | ran into today? " Miss Sylvia Harness, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. F.V. Har- ness of Schreiber, Ontario, You should apply now for your graduated from McKellar Gen- eral Hospital, Fort William on OLD AGE SECURITY PENSION | June 6th, 1968 . By applying now, you will receive your first payment in January, 1969, when persons who have reached the age of 66 become eligible for Old Age Security. If you were born in 1903 - - make application for your Old Age Security pension six months before your 66th birthday. An application form for your Old Age Security pension is available at your local Post Office, or you can write to the Regional Director of Old Age Security in the capital city of your Province. Along with your application form you will receive a pamphlet giving you full information about the Old Age Security pension program. GUARANTEED INCOME SUPPLEMENT As soon as your Old Age Security pension is approved, you will be sent information about the Guaranteed Income Supplement and an application form. You may be entitled to a supplement which, together with your Old Age Security pension, will guarantee you a monthly income of at least $107.10. ISSUED BY THE HON. ALLAN J. MacEACHEN, MINISTER THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE