JUNE 6, 1968 . 10P PHOTO - Rod Mercure, Student Council President, presents Cheerleader Trophy to Linda Kennedy. Photo at right, next column - Rod Mercure reads Toni Award before presenting it to George Dashkewytch of the Senior Boys Besketball team. - photos by Don Field | KOLESAR 'S BUY YOUR FATHER'S DAY Specials GIFTS WHILE SELECTION FATHER'S DAY $pecials' MEN'S TIES REGULAR $1.50 NOW 099 MEN'S PYJAMAS REGULAR $6.00 / NOW $4.99 GOLF BALLS S.P be VAL 3 /1.00 GOLF CARTS REGULAR $21/95 NOW $15.99 SPINNERS" REGULAR 2$¢ each NOW 8 /1.00 FISHING RODS REGULAR/$12.95 NOW $9.99 GIFT BOXED GOLF BALLS REGULAR $1.35 eaeh -one dézen -SPECIAL NOW GOLF CLUBS REGULAR $52.50 $13.88 seven piece - 2 woods - irons SPECIAL NOW 5299 MEN'S SPORT [EY'S TURTLE NECKs | MEN'S GOLF SHIRTS CARDIGANS Sure SORTED STYLES HIGH STYLE SHADES SHORT SLEEVE IN THE LATEST BY OW. SHADES JANTZEN $5 and $6 $10 to $13.95 Now - $21.00 TERRACE BAY NEWS PAGE 13 O.E.C.T.A. HOLDS SCIENCE WORKSHOP The Schreiber, Terrace Bay division of the Ont- ario English Catholic Teacher's Association held a Science Workshop in St. Martin's School on Friday evening and Saturday morning: The workshop was well attended by about thirty-five teachers from the public and separate schools of Terrace Bay, Nip igon, Red Rock and Schreiber. The Separate School Board of Schreiber was represented by Mr. J.T. Power . The purpose of the workshop was to introduce teachers to the new approach and techniques curren tly being developed in the field of elementary led by Mr. Joe Barrata, who is presently the Vice- principal of St. Ignatius School in Port Arthur, and responsible for Science education within the school . The new approach to science is concerned with the 'experiment, observation, inference' technique advocated in the Nuffield Science Program in Eng- land, which has been brought to Ontario and redev eloped to meet the needs of our children. Once the opening address was given by Mr. H. Shack, the teachers spent most of Friday evening working to solve the same problems by experiment and improvisation, that the Grade 7 and 8 children of St. Ignatius School are presented with. The Catholic Women's League were on hand to provide coffee and goodies late on Friday night, and first thing Saturday morning, but their coup de grace came later with a splendid turkey and ham salad luncheon. During the Saturday morning session,' a film of the 'Take 30' T.V. programme was shown which dealt with the operation of this new science pro- gram ina Toronto school. The film did much to e- valuate the new programs and to compare it with the traditional approach to science education. Following a showing of Mr. Baratta's slides,