IMPORTANT NOTICE TO LONGLAC EMPLOYEES RE GROUP OPENING DATES ON YOUR BENEFIT PLANS PHYSICIANS SERVICES INCORPORATED (P.S.Te) Group open May 3rd ~ May llth ONLY WITH NO EXTENSIONS, FOR CONTRACTS EFFECTIVE AUGUST 15, 1956. ' Present Subseribers May Add: (1) Dependents not registered within proper eligiblty period - e.g. (a) wife may be added if you did not report to P.S.I. within the 30 days allowed following marriage; (b) dependent child may be added if you did not report to P.S.I. within the 15 days following the birth of the child, Non-Subscribers May Join: Permanent employees who have not joined either at the inception of the plan or at later group opening dates may now enrol with their families. Monthly Rates - $2.20 month Single subscriber $5.10 month Subscriber and 1 Dependent (e.g. wife) $7.50 month Subscriber and 2 or more dependents (e.g. full family Additional Information and Enrolment or Change Cards Available at the Employment Office, BLUE CROSS --- HOSPITAL PLAN Group Open May 3rd - May llth WITH NO EXTENSIONS, FOR CHANGES IN CONTRACT EFFECTIVE JULY 15th, 1956. Present Subscribers May Add: Dependents not previously registered; CeBe (a) wife may be added if you did not report your marriage within the eligibility period (b) adopted children may be added ~ natural born children are automatically covered on your contract. important Note to Family Subscribers: Your child who reaches age 18 during this year ceases to be covered under your Blue Cross Contract on December 31st of this year, To provide coverage beyond that date a Dependent - Subscriber application must be completed and a single subscrintion rate paid on the 18-year old's behalf starting on January 15, 19OSp. Monthly Rates - $1.90 month Single----$4.70 month Family (The $1.90 portion paid for every employee by the Company) Additional information and enrolment or change cards available at the Employment Office, DON'T LET YOURSELF OR FAMILY SUFFER THROUGH NON-PARTICIPATION IN THESE TWO EXCELLENT PROTECTION PLANS