ICE CHIPS (Cont. ) Whalen and brother Maurice, That ended the scoring and the final score - Terrace Bay 7 - Nipigon l. Lineups - Nipigon - Goal - Ruth, Defense" Seagris, Dunnville, Forward, H. Mannila, Dupuis, D. Oja, Alternates: Ward, Borsk, Baxter, Skabar, Kotzma, Penziwol, N. Seagris, Krawezuk, J. Ahl. Terrace - Weaver, Defense, Desrosiers, Lang, Forwards: Cavanaugh, Bond, Stachiw, Altern- ates: Marvin Osmar, Whalen, Maurice Osmar, Chomey, Moro, Milani, Brassard, W.-Diduch, Scoring Summary Terrace - Marv. Osmar (Whalen) " - Marvin Osmar (Solo) " - Whalen (Marv. Osmar) Nipigon - Kotzma (Ah1) Penalties - Baxter, Lang 2nd Period Terrace - Milani (Chorney) Penalties - H. Mannila, Marvin Osmar, Maurice Osmar, Marvin Osmar, W. Diduch. 3rd Period Terrace - Cavanaugh (Bond) " - Bond (Solo) " - Marvin Osmar (Whalen-Maurice Osmar) Penalties - Marvin Osmar, Cavanaugh, G. Seagris, N. Seagris, B. Ward, N, Seagris, N. Seagris, Penziwol (Minor) (Misconduct) Kotzma » o-0-0 NORTH SHORE JUVENILE LEAGUE STARTS SATURDAY J er ete The North Shore Juvenile league starts Saturday, January 14th in the local Arena, Terrace Bay vs. Scohreiber 8:30 pem. Terrace Bay vs. Schreiber Sunday at 2:00 pom. in Schreiber, Come Out and. Support the Juveniles] 0-0-0 RAY KENNEY ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE NORTH SHORE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION At a meeting of the above Association on Sunday in Schreiber, Ray Kenney was elected President of the Association and Joe Wig was appointed Governor for Terrace Bay. 0-0-0 HIGH SCHOOL JAMBOREE IN NIPIGON FEBRUARY 3RD Our high school students will require 14 cars to transport them to this Jamboree, Gall Jim Fraser at 542 if you can help. O-0-0 - be at the Curling Rink Monday. Page .7 MEN'S CURLING CLUB Round No. 2 of group curling to be complete by Friday, January 13th. Round No. 3 will begin Monday, January 16th, The draw sheet for Round No, 3 will Rinks that curl Monday night will be notified by telephone. 0-0-0 LADY CURLERS Se On Thursday and Friday, February 9th and 10th, THE NORTHWESTERN ZONE PLAYDOWNS 'will be held here in Terrace Bay. On Friday evening a Banquet will be given to the winners of the respective zones. Any mem- ber wishing to attend this Banquet may do so by purchasing a ticket by February lst. Following the Banquet will be the N.W.O.C-A! Annual meeting to which all members should attend. LADIES BONSPIEL On Saturday and Sunday, February 10th and 12th, Ladies Annual Bonspiel will tak« place. Entries must be in by February lst. The entry fee is $8.00 per rink, 0-0-0 NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO LADIES CURLING ASS™ , The purpose of the Northwestern Curlir_ Association is to unite all Ladies Curling Clubs into one organization, This organ- ization is called the Northwestern Ontario Ladies Curling Association and is managed by an Executive Council composed of Past President, President, lst, 2nd, and a 3rd Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and one representative from each affiliated club. Our representative from our club at present is Ida Romaniuk, The Annual meeting is held at the time of the Northwestern finals which will be in Terrace Bay on February 9th and 10th; meeting to take place on the 10th, All reports are received and necessary busi- ness discussed, Zone Playdowns Each club notifiea the Association sec- retary when a club winner has been declar- The rink personnel (names, positions, of the rink) is then sent to the Association secretary along with the $10.00 fee which must be sent with the entry, The town or city where the Club playdowns are to be held is decided by the club (Cont, on page 8)