INCREASED LICENCE RATES SET FOR ONTARIO (Cont, ) $3.00 and $188.50, For other vehicles, the range is as follows: trailers 50 cents to $120.50; buses $5,00 to 128,00; dual purpose $3.00 to $14.00; motorcycles $1,00, Following is a tables of the licence fees as apply to the various classes of passenger carszand commercial vehicles: Prev, Fee Pres. 4 cyl. 1933 or before $2.00 $3.00 4 cyl, after 1933 . 5200 7.00 6 cyl. up to and including 28hp 7,00 10,00 6 cyh over 28 hep. 10300 14.00 8 cyl. up| to and including 35hp.10,00 14.00 8 cyl. over 35 hep. 15.00 21.00 o-0-0 CONCERT SERIES Terrace Bay will be afforded its third opportunity this winter to listen to an evening of musical entertainment by artists well-versed in classical and semi-classical compositions, This. performance will be held Thursday evening, January 8:15 in the High School Auditorium, The singers to appear for this concert will be Miss Zenona Gawiak, and Mrs, Sal- vatore Pantalone. Miss Gawiak, a brilliant young Lyric Sopranohas been winning gold medals and awards since the early age of nine. Born in Canada of Polish descent, Miss Gawiak received her training in Mont- real at the Institute Pedagogigue and later, at the Northwestern University School of Music, Evanston, Illinois. Folliwing.a two- year retirement to concentrate on academic work, Miss Gawiak is now studying-at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto under Weldon Kilburn. She has made many successful radio and concert appearances in Montreal, Chicago and more recently in Toronto, Salvatore Pantalone, baritone, was born in Ottawa of Italian parents. He studied music at the Royal Conservatory in Toronto where he received his degree, He has appeared on. many radio and television shows in Canada and done concerts throughout Ontario, Mr, Pantalone has appeared on "Singing Stars of Tomorrow", also "Nos Futures Etoiles" and won the "Opportunity Knocks" contest in March 1955. Recently he won the top award on the - television show "Pick the Stars", Plan now to attend---Tickets may be pur- chased at the Door -- Adults - One Dollar, 0-0-0 Page 5 STOP LOOK AND LISTEN Stop Look and Listen are all familiar words to all of:us, We often see them on railway crossing signs. Let's all apply them to ourselves. Stop fires, look out for fire hazards in our home and everywhere, and listen to the radio messages about the . great loss of life through fire. 1956 is only a few days old and 22 children have lost their lives so far this year, Is 1956-going to be a fire year? It will if we don't do a lot about fire hazards-and smoking in bed and careless smoking. Let's all do our part in Terrace Bay to stop fires, look cut for fire hazards everywhere, To stop a fire igs godd "= To prevent a fire is better. Terrace Bay Fire Dept, 0-0-0 HOUSE LEAGUE HOCKEY Tuesday, January 17th at 7:00 pem, Shift #2 vs. Shift #3. Wednesday, January 18th at 8:00 Salary vs. Juveniles. Admission + Adults and High School Students = 35¢ School Children = 15¢ o-O0--0 TERRACE BAY MEN'S. CHORUS A reminder - to all men in the chorus, rehearsal on Sunday, January 15th for all.sections, in the High School Auditorium at 1:30: p.m. o-0-0 LAFF -A LITTLE A-much married man was trying to chisel some free advice from a lawyer friend. "Isn't there some way in which a man can avoid paying alimony?" "Yes." replied the lawyer. "Two. He can stay single or stay married", 0-0-0