hs a ia Standings in Men's Softball League ' (including game played June vy Played Won Lost Points Whammies 4 0 8 Hydro 4 5 ib 6 Comets 3 a a 4 Klubbers 3 L e e Steam Fitters 4 1 3 a Alkies 4 0 4 0 Recent Scores , June 10th - Whammies 10 - Hydro 9 aenee epeere June 14th-Steam Fitters 13 - Alkies 9 GAMES COMING UP - At Terrace Bay unless otherwise indicated. Games start at 6:45 p.m. Thursday = June 17 - Steam Fitters vs. Hydro - at Hydro Monday - June 21 - Whammies vs. Comets Wednesday -- June 23 - Alkies vs. Klubbers Thursday - June 24 - Klubbers vs. Steam Fitters o00 RED ROCK DEFEATS TERRACE BAY TWICE Last Sunday afternoon, two Terrace Bay softball teams met defeat at the hands of Red Rock on the local sandlot by scores of 11-9 and 13-8, Return games will be played on Sunday June 20th at Red Rock with Fraser Brace Whammies representing Terrace Bay, 000 LONGLAC COMETS PLAY SUNDAY IN MARATHON Arrangements have been completed for an exhibition game at Marathon, on Sunday June 20th, between Marathon and Terrace Bay's LongLac Comets., 4 5 TERRACE BAY HARDBALL TEAM DEFEATED BY SCHREIBER Terrace Bay's newly organized hardball team met defeat last Sunday in Schreiber at the hands of the more experienced Schreiber team, by an 8 to 3 score, despite the 3-1 lead which had been built up in the early innings by Terrace Bay. The battery for the Locals included Bert Dick, Mike Rabock and Hugh Chesley in the pitchers box at various stages of the game, with John Schritt behind the plate eT HARDBALL GAME AT TERRACE BAY Sunday June 20th at 2:00 p.m. SCHREIBER vs. TERRACE BAY Seating room for 500 in the new bleachers TS GENERAL NOTICE The following policies have been established at the Millsite; I. No private motor vehicles are to be allowed in the mill buildings at any time for any reason, 2, No persons, excepting those on duty, or those having written authorization from their supervisor, are to be permitted in the mill after working hours or on Sunday. 000 DOMINION DAY HOLIDAY TO BE OBSERVED JULY SRD AT TERRACE BAY In order to provide a long week-end for local residents and those wishing to spend time away from Terrace Bay, and since it is desirable to have a minimum of interruption in the work schedule at the present stage of construction, it has been decided by management that work will continue through the Dominion Day holiday on Thursday, July lst and the job will shut down for a holiday on Saturday July Srd. 000 A BAKE SALE OF HOMEMADE PIES, CAKES AND COOKIES, SPONSORED BY THE LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE COMMUNITY CHURCH, WILL BE HELD AT THE HUDSON'S BAY STORE ON SATURDAY EVENING JUNE 19TH BETWEEN 7:00 AND 8:00 P.M. 666 FORTY-EIGHT COMMUNITY GARDEN PLOTS ARE NOW READY....eALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN PLOTS SHOULD CONTACT PERSONNEL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY. .eeeFIRST COME FIRST SERVED. sees