w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 3, 20 20 | 2 Certified Lyric provider • www.auburnmountainhearing.com • 550 Fennell Ave. E. Unit 16 B, Hamilton 289-768-6167 • 723 Rymal Rd.W. Unit 500 , Hamilton 289-768-8971 • 570 University Ave. E. Unit 905,Waterloo 888-907-1436 • 350 Conestoga Blvd. Unit B3, Cambridge 888-737-9976 • 168 Barton St.Unit 3, Stoney Creek 289-203-3256 • 1144Wilson St.W. Unit D203,Ancaster 289-203-3195AWARD WINNING CLINIC • Doctor of Audiology How'syour Hearing at6 feet? While physically distancing from 6 feet or more, hearing is now more important than ever! Masks and gloves: Must be sealed in a bag. • Put masks, gloves and wipes in a garbage bag and tie shut. • Do not leave masks and gloves loose in cans or bins. Garbage: Bag all garbage. • All garbage must be inside a garbage bag and tied shut. • If you use a garbage can, ensure all garbage inside the can is in bags and tied tightly shut. Green bin: Must use a liner bag. • Each green bin must be lined with either a paper bag or certified compostable bag. • Close all liner bags for collection. • Tissues, napkins and paper towels should go in the garbage. Blue box: Reduce risk of exposure. • If you are sick, put all items that have come in contact with your mouth, nose or eyes in the garbage. • Do not overfill blue boxes. Cardboard: Tie into bundles. • Flatten and tie cardboard into bundles, maximum 75 x 30 centimetres (30 inches long x 8 inches high). Tie with cotton twine. • Place bundle beside the blue box. Waste collection during the COVID-19 pandemic New ways to organize your waste for safe and healthy collection Don't know where it goes? Ask the Waste Whiz, online at www.regionofwaterloo.ca/wastewhiz or download the free app! Space provided through a partnership between industry and Ontario municipalities to support waste diversion programs. For additional information contact 519-743-4970 or kwgymnastics.ca BACK TO SCHOOL & "Come Flip and Fly Safely with us this Fall"ely with us this F For additional information &