Who has heen In Chicago for a furning home this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Henry and fam- have returned home after a very pleasant motor trip of some three teks in Niagara, Buffalo, and the 'whenny Mountains. I'.iday, November 20th, from 4 to { p.m,, afternoon tea and sale of home made cooking and candy, under the auspices of the Mission Band. Rev. T. R. White and Mrs. White, of Aurora, are visiting at the home of Mrs. White's uncle Mr. J. Irvin. At time of going to press we learn that Mr. Geo, Franklin is quite ill. The Christmas Tree in connection with the Sunday School of St. John's Presbyterian Church will be held on Friday evening, December 20th. A number of members of Fidelity on Wednesday night, attending a banquet tendered to the Grand | Magt and other Grand Lodge officers, A most enjoyable time was spent. The banquet was held in the Community Hall, SONS OF ENGLAND The annual election of officers of Old England Lodge, will be held on Tuesday evening, December 3rd. All members are urged to be present. Thos. A. Blight, President. Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Savage have moved to Port Perry and will live in the house on Bigelow street re- cently vacated by Mr. P. G. Morrison. Messrs. Stouffer, Andrus, Blight and Snelgrove attend the Kreisler recital at Massey Hall, Toronto, on Tuesday night. Christmas Fair The date for the Port Perry Christ- mas aie has been set {for Thursday, December 19. Particulars later. YOUR EYES and Our Service By W. A. HARE, 8 Bond Street E,, Oshawa, Ontario. Are you an eye guesser? You guess that your eyes are all right. You seem-to-see about as well as ever you did. But are you sure that you ever saw as you should? That is a ques- tion that no guessing will answer, and until it is answered you must remain a guesser. Better be a patient of ours and learn the truth about your eyes, Continued next week. AY en MRS. MARGARET EDDY DIES IN CALIFORNIA rs. Margaret Eddy who was to have spent the winter in Florida with her old Port Perry School mate, Mrs, Patterson, has crossed the "Great Divide." Mrs, Eddy was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. . Arthur Cleghorn, of Prince Albert, and was the wife of the late Eugene dy of the same place. She and her husband were successful school teachers during their active life, and she has left in sorrow, her daughter, Helen D. Eddy, wife of Mr. Harry Barnes, Principal of Denver Business ~ College" and family, and Grant C. . Eddy, her son, on the staff of the State Agricultural College, Fort Col- ~ lins, Colo., and Mrs. C. E. Patterson, ow in 1Orlaide Florida. ee DO Orme PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.--Rev, A, L. Richards, BD, Lodge, AF. & A.M, were at Newcastle | Whitby. Sale at sharp. Li WM. MAW, Auctioneer. ----------O (iri THE PENSION LIST There are some twenty-five persons on the Old Age Pension list in Port Perry. The first cheques are expected about the end of this month. rari) mre AFTERNOON TEA AND SALE OF COOKING AND CANDY The Mission Band are holding an afternoon tea and sale of home-made cooking and candy, in the basement of the United Church, from 4 to 7 p.m. on Friday, November 29th. ------00 Ome LL. 0. D, E. Scugog Chapter, 1.O.D.E. will meet dt the rooms of the order on Dec. 2, at 3 o'clock, There will be a shower for the Christmas baskets, Anyone wishing to contribute articles or money kindly bring to the rooms that afternoon or leave with Mrs. Morri- son, A cup of tea will be served: | We urge all members to be present. 0 Oe ANNUAL RINK MEETING The annual meeting of the Port Perry Rink Company was held last week, The following officers were elected: President--Frank Shepherd. Vice President--A. B. Cawker. Sec'y-Treas.--~Art Brock Directors--E. H. Purdy, Robert Somerville, James McKee, Dr.. Me- Master, Aylmer Cawker, Jas. Boe, Frank Shepherd, Art Brock, and Percy Ingram. A new feature is to be introduced into the activities of the rink this season--Horseshoe Pitching. This is to be played on the sides. There will be room iur four rinks; two on each side--end to end, The membership for this sport wili be $3.00 for the season." The Directors in charge will be Messrs, Jas, McKee, Robt. Somer- ville, James Boe, The work of putting in ice will be begun at the earliest possible time, and it is hoped that there will be skating within a couple of weeks A hockey team ig in formation, of which you will hear more later. The rink affairs are in very good shape, although the building will need some repairs this year, . Two hundred dolars was paid off the debt last year, leaving a balance of only two hundred dollars yet to be paid, The directors are anxious to clear this amount off this season, and are laying plans to this end. ---- (esi HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Now that the first set of examina- tions are over and forgotten, except for a few painful memories of reports that were not what they should have been; the next thing on the program of our school year is the commence- ment exercises, The annual concerts have always formed an important part of the school lil for they afford valuable training. They represent days of concentrated work on the part of the pupils, So far, of our school concerts, the pupils have been well repaid for their efforts by the interest shown by the people of the community. This year the pupils are trying to uphold their reputation and they hope that the citizens of the town will continue to show an interest in the concert, ete 00 Ome NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of John James McCracken and Joseph William McCracken, Deceased. Pursuant to Sec, 56 of Chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of John James Me- Cracken and Joseph William Me- Cracken, late of the Township of Cart- wright, in the County of Durham, Farmers, who died on or about the 23rd dayg of November, 1928, and May 21st, ... ,__respectively,.are, on or before Laz 26th day of December A.D. 1929, to send by post, Messrs: Harris & Harris, Port Perry, Ontario, - solicitors for Robert James Bruce, Jr., Executor of the Estates of the said deceased 'their christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their ac- counts and the the nature of the securities if any) held by them, and that after last aid the said Robert es Ge Jr; wil ribute pind iy I think in the history | prepaid, to} i Droueed vo dis What.do you 'read? Arg you fond of advinbing, of Stories, of Politics, of Current Events, of Literature, and the Books of the Day? Do you love sport? We can supply magazines that will give the latest and best information on all these subjects, and we can save a little money and some bother for you if you send your subscription through us. For instance; Saturday Evening Post, regularly costs in Canada $3.00, postage and Money Order 9c. a total of $3.09. In every case we save you the cost of postage, money order, and the bother of writing the letter. Ladies' Home Journal, 95¢., with a new subscription to the Port Perry Star 8bc. American Magazine, $2. 35, with a new subscription to the Port 6 Perry Star, $2.25. Adventure--regular $4.75, our price $4.60, with a new subscription to the Port Perry Star, $4.40, : American Boy--regylar $2.25, our price" $2.10, with a new subscription to the Port Perry Star, $1.95. Canadian Magazine--regular $1.00, to the Port Perry Star, 8bec. Current Events (Canadian)--reg. our price 95c., with new subscription}: 2.30. ne 7 yanr-Eveulng Monday--Y, P 7.80 p.m, | Utica-- Sunday service: at 20 i SR RE SPECIA PRICES. MEN'S ry : and Overcoats Our prices are greatly reduced-- vith, the: 0d ho of new goods there is a spiendid choice. fet opr order in early, All kinds of Cleaning and Pressing done. ry Cio fine en thorough ly cleaned by our New ey Process 'at very. moderate $4.50, our price is $4.35, with a new subscription to the Port Perry Star, $4.20. Delineator-~regular $1.00, our price $c, with new subeription to the Port *| Peerry Star, 8be. Nature -Magazine--regular $3.00, our price $2.90, with new subsetiption to the Port Perry $2.60. Collier's Weekly--regular $2.00, aur price is $1.90, with new subscription to the Port Perry Star $1.75. Canadian Home Journal--$1.00, we save you postage and money order. McCall's Magazine--regular $1.00, 'our 'price 05¢.; with a new subscription to the Port 'Perry Star 8fic.: 40 i! McLean's Magazine--regular $2.00, our price is $1.90, with new subscrip- tion'to the Port Perry 'Star, $1.80. Reader's Digest--$8.00, our price is $2.90, with a new subscription to the Port Perry Star, $2.75. These are but a few of the offers that we can make to you. Any mag- azine and most of the newspapers can be supplied at a slight reduction, If you take any or many of these publi- cations you can effect a saving by subscribing through the Port Perry Star. -- OOO AUCTION SALES December dth-Auction sale of farm stock and implements, the property of David Cherrie, Scugog Island, (mile east of Foot School) See bill for list and terms. December 5th--Auction sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Nelson Williams, lot 5, con. 6, Reach. See bills for list and terms, Geo. Jackson & Son, Auctioneers. --O00 HOW GOOD DAIRY COWS ARE SELLING Successful Auction Sale at Regbor, Son, conducted a very successful auc- tion sale for Mrs. McNevin, Reaboro. The sale totalled something over $3000 for farm stock and implements. - The chief feature was the selling of 10 dairy cows, which averaged $117 each. This is a remarkably good average in view of the fact that they were not tested for milk production nor butter fat. Hay brought $15.00 a ton, and oats 76c a bushel. 000 BARN FOR SALE Size 45 x 60. Hip roof. Apply to Norman Midgley, RR.2, Seagrave, I FOR SALE a number of young pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply to Joe McMillan, lot 22, con 10, Reach. 1 ran (ms TENDERS Tenders for caretaker of the Port Perry Skating Rink' will be received Aap to 6-p.m: Saturday; November-30: | Tenders to be addréssed to Mr. Art. Brock, Secretary-Treasurer, QO PEE BOSCH LITTLE SIX RADIO FOR ALE in" first class condition. Cheap "for cash. - Apply to Wm. Doubt, 11 Bond Oshawa. Last week Messrs. Geo. Jackson & | isan W.T. Rodman Merchant Tailor Over-Tel. Office Port Perry. 1'Spiile when 1 Think of IT. 'Just' because I got a lot of grease on my one good suit--it | "worried me, for I couldn't afford | a new one , ¢ ; BUT my wife just bundled it up with her weekly washing and left it at H. H. Stone's to be Dry Cleaned and Pressed by the iy Oshawalaundry Dry ClezningCo. Ltd and it came back as good as new TUESDAY AND FRIDAY of every week they call for laundry and dry cleaning at H. H. STONE'S ' "THE STORE FOR MEN" A i COAL! COAL! COAL! I have added the D, L. & W. Scran- ton Coal to my list of supplies, which brand of coal will be sold and de- livered by me exclusively to the trade. C. L. VICKERY. ee OO rs : Having Remembered Our Debt to the Glorious Dead Why Not Remember Our Debt to the Broken Living? (Toronto Globe) The Twelfth year of the peace be- gan two weeks ago today. Two weeks ago to-day an old war was remember- ed in. Canada, and in Toronto. For a little, not for long. In Toronto, a week ago to-day, five hundred and forty-nine men, disabled by the war--the war that ended eleven years and two weeks ago-- were asking to be given work. And there was one job (temporary) to| divide among them. - The figures for Monday, Nov. 18th, in the Handicapped Section of the Bi : AE I a Full 1 Length Silk Bose, 3 , Regular $1: 59 Full Fashion, Regular $1.50. .....0...., For $1.29 eo Fog 59 A Ea Jon Meee & Son all repairing fo Ea 'Phone 6, "You're crippled,' they tell you, people don't want cripples to work for | them." And it's true: Nobody cares | where you got crippled, or how. Not' here. "It's different w the States: When you say you're a returned soldier you can get & job there, I know. I was down there, and had a good job until 1 went sick with this foot. And then they sent me my pay regular for six weeks and had the factory doctor look after me until 1 'came bask 'here for treatment." the doctors. here wanted to o again. sini Sr "SUPERIOR STORE The undersigned is repared | Geseline, Oils," Accessories, Tires, | and Batteries. - GORDON SWEETMAN horior 'Graham Garage, Next to Star Office Residence Phone---222 J. Canadian Terminal System Ltd. Gold Bonds--Series "A" Denominations--1000 500 "PRICE--par and accrued interest to ield 6%. Willison Neely Corporation L4d., Toronto NT shouldn't never have come. anf vs "Port Pery 8 to do makes of cars. PORT PERRY 100. be any 'better, and they said they couldn't tell me. Didn't know. "So then I said I wouldn't have an- other, an' they cut my pension tof fifteen a month for 'refusin' treat- ment.' x, 4 "Oh, yes, I appealed. I didn't want to. I knew it wouldn't do no good. But my Captain made me, That was three months ago, and I haven't heard from the Pensions Board yet. They wife and your kids are goin' to meantime, «= what's the use of kickin'? tell you it takes from three months to + "They dou't tell you what you and all day Iong--men who bear their bodies: reason for remembering a war i that ended eleven years. ago, {ORTHOGON LENSES Conserve your vision and afford the greatest comfort, because, .unlike ordinary lenses, they are as perfectly corrected at the 'margin as at the center. "Unmask with Orthogon? F. E. LUKE Optometrists vr 163-167 Yonge Bt. TORONTO 3 "PORT PERRY HOSPITAL Surgical Maternity 3 'Medical "MISS M. FISHER, Reg. Nurse in charge NILENE For Women Risin 82 Eidon Ave, + Toronto, ont The Women's' Department A 4 ilene d, 126 8 Wallington | St west Dear a. i Whe viating me m my sister a few months by done for a a . Niene ave always suffered great month. "No one could hardly the relief Nilene has given me. what ean, hat the pain used : Yours truly, (Signed) Mrs. Switzer BOLD AT YOUR DRUQGIST Sold Exclusively by P. G. MORRISON, -Druggist Port Perry, Ontario The Creamery IS PAYING 42c., 4lc., and 88e. for | Butter Fat. "You can save labor and make more money by send- ing your cream to the PORT PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & SON, Proprietors W. A. Sangster ote: for SURGEON Ofie over Hckew's Sen Bs Drs. Jeffrey & Rennie Medicine - Surgery » X-Ray - PORT PERRY, ONT. Phone 13W HETHERINGTON tor and Drugless ;