Port Perry Star, 14 Nov 1929, p. 4

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" citizens of Port Perry and sister Mrs. G. R. Miss Margaret Burgess, of Toronto, © was the guest of Miss Evelyn Alex- ander, Miss Frances Christy and Miss Olive Wallace, of MacDonald Hall, Guelph, were visiting their parets, during the week end. Miss Annie Farmer, of Toronto, was home for the holiday. Miss Grace: McMillan, and Mr. Grant McMillan, were home over the week end. Mr. John Davey was home for the _ holiday. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. McMillan, of Toronto, were in town for the holiday. Mr. R. MacEachern, of the Can- adian Bank of Commerce, spent the holiday in Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Fred Campbell, of Toronto, was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mis. Morley Campbell, on Monday, Mr. T. W. Martin, of Brampton, spent Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. Albert Hall, Mrs, Wm. Davis, who has been in the Port Perry Hospital for several weeks after an automobile accident, has recovered and has returned to her home in Toronto. Mr. Homer Ferguson, of Galt, was home for the week end, attending the wedding of his sister, now Mrs. Arm- strong McFarlane. Boils, pimples or skin eruptions quickly disappear if you take Gal- lagher's Blood Purifier, sold by P. G. Morrison, Port Perry. Thanksgiving guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vickery, were; Major C, A, Vickery, wife and family, Mr. L. E. Dobson, wife and family; Dr. E. S. Baker, wife and family. Major C, A. Vickery took part in the church parade. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vickery spent the evening of Thanksgiving at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Ewers, and enjoyed a very fine radio concert. OO ; PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, November 17-- 11 a.m,--Special Laymen's Service. 2,30 p.m.--Sabbath School. 7 p.m.--The Cost of a fit of Temper Prince Albert-- 2 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3 p.m.--Worship Service. ern (prreenim YOUR [EYES and Our Service By W. A. Hare, 8 Bond Stt. East, Oshawa, Ont. Have you met this person? He is around 45 years of age, more or less; He is reading the paper, and holding | it too far from him. Cannot read it closer. Thinks his eyes are strong, when he can read it so far away. Mistaken, of course. He needs glasses so that he can read at 13 inches, Print clear. Eyes comfortable. Half an hour here will solve the problem of eye strain, re) CARD OF THANKS I desire to thank the good people of Port Perry for all the kindnes and the lovely things they have done to make my mother's life brighter. Not only is she filled with gratitude for the sweet way her friends have shown -- their affection, but I as her son also feel 1 cannot allow such splendid kindness to go unrecognized. I trust that such friends may have all the blessi and I deserve, B. N. de Foe Wagner, .. Warrenton, N. C. POPPY DAY FUND, 1929 The Port Perry Branch of i they richly]. udian Legion wish to express to the god 4 ong rt Perry. . Men's Fur work. CORONER'S INQUEST RE DEATH OF WM. H. DAVIES. At the second sitting of the jury on Tuesday, November 12, Coroner J. A. Mathers, presided. The following verdict was brought in: We find from the evidence given that Wm. H. Davis died at the hos- pital at Port Perry, on September 24, 1929, about 8.46 p.m. as the result of injuries received in'a collision between the auto driven by himself and one driven by Andrew Marshall, at the! intersection of the sixth concession | Road of Reach, and Highway No, 12, on September 22, 1929, and that the | said collision was caused by an error of judgment on the part of Andrew Marshall in estimating the speed of the approaching car. The preliminary investigation for reviewing the case in civil court action will be held at the town hall, on Fri- day next, at 3 p.m. before Magistrate Purdy. neh (sma HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The meeting on November 8th opened the Literary Society for this year. A feature of the programme was a spelling match, and --disgrace- ful to tell--it did not take many minutes to eleminate the majority of the pupils. At the last, there was one boy left to defend his laurels against four other pupils. Since the opening of school in ptember, the boys baseball team has played two games against the team from Uxbridge High School. Al- though they were defeated in both games, the boys are not disheartened, and they still hope to be able to defeat Uxbridge some day. On the other hand, the girls softball team has play- ed remarkably well--they were vic- torious in both ganies that they played with Uxbridge team and they deserve commendation. now the pupils are eagerly looking forward to the first set of term ex- aminations. SL pO ---- TRAIN PROPOSAL BEING CONSIDERED (Oshawa Daily Times) In reply to a letter forwarded to the district' superintendent of the Canadian National Railways at Belle- ville on instructions from the Town Council of Whitby, asking for recon- sideration of a proposal to cancel the morning train 'from the north, ar- riving in Whitby, Town Clerk and Treasurer John R. Frost has been ad- vised that the letter has been for- warded to the executive: offices of the company in Toronto. The district superintendent makes no mention of the proposed cancella- tion of the train, and no official advice of the change has been received in local railway circled eee OOO COUNTY COUNCIL--COUNTY OF ONTARIO 'A meeting of the County Council of the Corporation of the County of Ontario will be held pursuant to'ad- journment in the Council Chamber in the Court House, in the Town of 'Whitby, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, 192, at the hour of two o'clock. | All accounts to be laid before the Council should be forwarded to the Clerk, properly certified, at least Council. Dated at Whitby this Sth day of | November, 1929. ot ARTHUR E, CHRISTIAN, County Clerk. ing a Simon pure Tailoring biting 8 a All custom work re He also sells TOP-NOTCH SPEC ORDER SUITS, from $25.00 up. Will look after A card will bring him to your door. . | But the baseball season is over, and |! three days before the meeting of the) he TAL i JOT DOWN Your List THEN JOG DOWN STONES THREE DAY SERVICE ODORLESS DRY CLEANING Every Garment Insured for full value OshawaLamndry Dry Cleaning Co. Lic Represented in Port Perry by H. H. STONE "THE STORE FOR MEN" FOR SALE AT JUBILEE PUMP WORKS Solid Oak Bedroom Suite, complete; other wodo and iron beds, 2 Kitchen Ranges, Box Stove, 2 in 1 heater with oven, 2 small heater, 2 sewing ma- chines, electric iron, other furniture. A number of new wheelbarrows at $6 each, Crock churn. See our new wood pumps. A. D. PETERS, Phone 274 Port Perry. MRS. JACK M. CARNEGIE WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT SHE IS OPENING A'LENDING LIBRARY AT HER HOME ON ' BIGELOW ST, PORT PERRY, ON SATURDAY.NOV. 16 THE LATEST BOOKS WILL BE AVAILABI Hovey, Btn, ton Monday, Wednesday--7 to 9 p.m. Saturday--7 to 11 p.m, Membership 50c. Books 3e. per Day CHRISTMAS CARDS mre QP McFARLANE-FERGUSON Two popular young pegple of Port Perry were married on Saturday, November 9th, 1929, at 8 pm, The contracting parties were Mary Aleta Ferguson, daughter of Mr, anf Mrs. D. Ferguson, and Mr. Armstrong Paton McFarlane, son of Mrs. Jas. McFarlane, and the Jaf James Me z Farlane. | richness and freeness of the gift had "The following program 'Order of Service Serefiade Bading Organ Voluntare.-- Miss H. Mellow, Two Minutes Silence. . gr 'International Prayer. 8 Hymn--"Lord 'of the Lands" Memorial Prayer. : Hymn--"0 God, Our Help: In Ae Scripture Reading. Offertory--"The Bells of Aberdovey" --Miss . Mellow & Address--Hev. Angus Maclver, B.D. Duett--*"Friends": "Mr, B. McTaggart and Mr, A, Hard. Hymn--"Onwgrd- Christian Soldiers" The Lord's Prayer (Unison) Honor Roll--Mrs. Bentley - In Flander's Field--Mr. Mitchell. The Last Pést--Mr. P. Densham. Reveille--Miss H. Mellow God Save the King. Benediction. Postlude--Miss H, Mellow. The members of the Canadian Legion and the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire attended in a body and occupied the centre front seats. 'The Canadian Legion' ded to the Church, headed by the Port Perry Band. Rev, Arigus Maclver based 'his ad-| dress upon the incident of the ala- baster box of ointment, very precious, which the woman used to dnoint the feet of her Master, an act which raised the query--*"Why this Waste?" Armistice Day brought to our re- brance the ing waste, the glorious outpouring of sacrifice on the part of those who gave their lives for the safety and well being of the British Empire. Careful souls could not understand the spirit that prompt- ed the splendid gift, and were inclined to echo the query--"Why this Waste?" But from the day of the sent time, the world has been saved by great and unselfish sacrifice. The been worth while 'as noble minded people recognize. ORTHOGON LENSES Consérve your vision and afford the greatest comfort, because, unlike ordinary lenses, they are as perfectly corrected at the margin as at the center. "Unmask with Orthogon" F. E. LUKE Optometrists. : 163-167 Yongd St. TORONTO 2 SPECIAL PRICES oa rR a dy i on Bay great Sacrifice on Calvary to the pre-| d ley, of Toronto, at the home of Smith Bros.; Miss Eva Parr, of To- ronto, with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Parr , y Mr, Forte, of Wyclitte Galloge, To- ronto, who was in charge of the ser- vices in St. John's Church on Sunday, 'spent' the week end at the home pod k Smith Bros, The a of the Women's or month "of ng John's |: Church wil be held at the home of Mrs. S. McLaughlin, on Thursday evening, November 21st. . Mr, and Mrs. L. C, Pascoe; Misses Helen, Dorothy and Bessie Pascoe and | Mr. Wallace Pascoe, of Enfield, were entertained to a fowl supper and a very pleasant social evening, at the home of Smith Bros, on Saturday last. The ladies of the Blacksock Orange | Lodge are holding an Oyster Supper and Dance on Thursday evening, Nov, 21st, in the township hall. X The November meeting of the Vie: torian Women's Institute was held at the home-of Mrs, Jas. Strong, on Wed- nesday afternon of last week, with a plendid attend of + and Sh 3 'Carnegie | | : in. Port Te by Master Bobbie Smith, Mr, John_ Rham spent. Sunday with relatives in "Oshawa, "Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Hamilton visited 'recently with 'Rev. and Mrs, Powell, '2% miles north of 'mediate possession, 'and Mr. and Mrs. Walden, of Ux- CW ANTED fe or : Mr. Lav Mountjoy of T by resp quiet. christian man, Woy 'is visiting his parents Mr, and Mrs. 'Luther Mountjoy. A number from here pro the an- siversary services at Cadmus on Sun- day and the fowl supper and bazaar Fon Monday night. Cadnius people are 'to be congratulated on their splendid success, The proceeds amounted to $453. ' a Seite (mins NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOHN FAR-| QUAHAR McKERCHER, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Fi Estate of John Farquahar McKercher, late 'of the Township of Reach, in'the/ County oft Ontario, who died on or} about the 81st day of August, 1929, are required to forward these clainis, duly proven, to the undersigned Ex- ecutors, on-or before the 31st day of October, 1929. And notice is further given that after the said date the undersigned isi It was decided to give $8 as our share towards the new bed for | the Institute ward in the Bowmanville Hospital. Mrs. A, L. Bailey and Mrs, Percy VanCamp were appointed' as legates to the Convention to be held in Toronto the latter part of Nov. At the close of 'the business session those present were favored with the following program: reading by Miss Esther Strong, Mrs. N. Mountjoy a District President. Lunch was served. The meeting was in charge of group 6 with Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy 'as con= vener, The bazaar held in the armouries on Friday evening last under the auspices of the W, A, of St. John's Church was a most splendid success. The af ance was as large, if not larger than during past years, and the Proceeds amounted to $185. Mr. Se oro next the a walks won as follows: a duck hy Miss Byers and Mr. Jos. Bradburn, a ge by Mrs, Gordon Mrs, T. Smith, and a very interesting ahd helpful talk by Mrs. Oooper; the |: Executors will p d to distribute the estate, having regard only to such claims of which they then have notice, - FRANCIS MacDONALD 'NEIL SINCLAIR MacDONALD _Executors, Estate of late John "Farquahar McKercher, R.R. 1, "Port Perry, Ontario. Dated at Uxbridge this 14th day of October, 1929. oct.81 Seppe ; 'NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG _ Notice is hereby given that a cdart] | will be held pursuant to the Ontario Voters" List Act, by His Honour, the] Judge of the County Court, of the}. County of Ontario, at the Township Hall, Scugog, on Monday, the 18th day} of Nouember, 1929, at two o'clock, to hear and determine complaints: of errors or omissions in' the first ai second parts of the: Voters' List of Sah Municipality of Scugog for 1929] armer, : NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the] middle age, warm room, good plain 'home cooking, with respectable widow or elderly couple. Apply to Box 68, Port Perry Star. nov 21 WANTED : ' Clean farm, equipped preferred, for choice Toronto house property. Apply to W. Frankum, 79 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, nov 21 men' Nilene es, Lim 126 8 Wallington 8 St. West, Se Er Sold Exclusively 'by P. G. MORRISON, Druggist Port Perry, Ontario > The Creamery IS PAYING 42c., 4l¢, and $8¢. for Butter Fat. - You can save labor rand make more money by send- ing your cream to the PORT (PERRY CREAMERY A. GOODE & BON, Proprietors: mat A carload of B: 3x Land 2x. MT eo Specially high grade dudar sod fr fur Dhouse finish; ost building, ste. 3 : LF 5 VICEERY,. ma a 1929, - THOMAS GRAHAM, Clerk, Township of Seugog "PORT PERRY Dated at Scugog this 6th day of HOSPITAL : Maternity 'Medioal

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